Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Known Issues for Patch v2.1.4 (Imperial City)

  • shootyoureyeout
    I am having an issue with the Imperial City main questline, and submitted a bug report on 9/1with no response at all. My achievement log says I've completed the quest Knowledge is Power, which I did do and don't think I could have done without completing City of the Brink first. But alas, that City on the Brink quest is still available to me & when I pick it up, it takes me to a non-existent Drake of Blades. I also noticed that for me, the Drake of Blades is actually standing in a completely different room, and there are no dialogue options & she is talking about "still researching the book" (I assume from that previous Knowledge is Power quest I did). All IC quests are completely non-progressible (not sure that's a word!). I have attempted abandoning the City on the Brink quest & getting it again to no avail. I believe I recall getting the Knowledge is Power quest shared with me by a group member BEFORE I initially picked up the City on the Brink quest to begin with, if that helps.

    I have also noticed that my destroy/resto heavy attacks are not regenerating ANY Magicka. Only tested in IC & it's 4-man dungeons.
    Edited by shootyoureyeout on September 4, 2015 7:25PM
    DMBCML wrote: »
    AzraelAcid wrote: »
    Has anyone had the horrific hitching in FPS and Latency?

    Both my husband and I were having that issue. He turned off his minimap addon and it worked for him. I turned off mine a while later, and it fixed my issue too. It is the one by Fyrakin. I just checked it's status and it had an update, so maybe it will be better after I update it.

    Now, about this issue. It returned today. I have posted in another thread about our results. There is nothing left for us to do repair or work around this issues.

  • jonoville
    jonoville wrote: »
    jonoville wrote: »
    6 hours after starting...Wow 1% downloaded. Wish I could get refunded for time lost on these ridiculous patches.

    2 1/2 days after starting the patch download and 21% done. And I don't even play PVP which is what 90% of this patch is for. Soooo frustrating.

    4 days since patch release and it's at 50% downloaded. Weekend and no ESO. Kinda pissing me off now. :(
  • mystercee
    @ZOS_GinaBruno It is somewhat disturbing despite the numerous (and vocal) complaints relating to latency & loading issues that this is not listed as a "Known Issue".

    Is anyone looking into this? For many players this has made the game unplayable and it would be nice to know it is at least being looked at. An ETA on a fix would be even better.
  • lifefrombelowb14_ESO

    Treasure chest in the IC, doesn't appear to be lag as fps is constant but it appears input is lagging while trying to work the pick and pins.
  • Blaqueflame
    1. Not a fan of the 10 minute loading screens, and no I am not exaggerating.
    2. Constant glitches after killing a mob, can't sheathe weapon, or select anything ie. to loot it. /reloadui does nothing. There appears to be no way of cancelling the glitch except to kill more mobs.
    3. Glitches when passing through doorways - often cannot use skills and need to /reloadui before doing so
    4. Yes to every book suddenly becoming a lore book
    5. Yes to increased lagginess in quiet zones
    6. Missing waypoints/wayshires

    “Coffee first. Schemes later.”
    ― Leanna Renee
  • Geralt_of_Aalst
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno another problem I'm seeing is that when you craft a certain item for a writ, it takes several seconds for the notification to pop up that you actually crafted the item. For example "Voidsteel Gauntlets (1/2), Voidsteel Gauntlets (2/2)", etc. Happens on all crafting writs that I'm aware of.

    I want to confirm this, because although it's not a biggy, it is annoying. Sometimes I crafted 6 items before the first message "Item name (1/2)" appears.


    Also want to add the following minor issue: the ladder to exit the Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge has become shorter after this patch. This causes your character and the camera to make some weird moves when exiting the refuge (right before you get the loading screen).
    I may contradict myself but at least I don't contradict myself
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    4P Group Dungeon issues (some of them existed previously too):

    1. Unable to port in to a group member already in a dungeon (from group menu) - port fails, and you get an "instance is full" message or something like that. Everyone has to port in from a wayshrine. Note: this is for NON-IC dungeons.
    2. Blackheart Haven: treasure chest inside one ship in first area is non-shareable, only one person gets loot (old bug, never fixed). (This is only really noteworthy because the heavy sacks have been fixed in Vet Elden Hollow and Vet Spindle, so I would have assumed the chest issue should also have been fixed).
    3. Vet Spindleclutch: the trash mob in corridor prior to Praxin boss fight, still has one mob always end up in the ceiling, who cannot be attacked. This means you stay in combat and cannot change armor/weapons etc. for the Praxin boss fight (the nasty circle of death / beams of death etc after four waves of adds).
    4. Vet Spindleclutch: after the Praxin boss fight, you stay "in combat" status for a LONG time after killing the boss. Why?

    Itemization/store issue:
    5. Glass motif fragments and Psijiic Ambrosia recipe pages (purple) have no search category for finding them in guild stores. The only way that I have found to find listings of them is via price and quality filters.

    6. Minor crafting bug: The amount of materials being used to craft different items in a crafting station has been "fixed" (i.e. stays based on the vet rank of the previous item, not the number of mats needed for previous item), for all items EXCEPT light armour. If you try craft a Vr9 voidcloth Robe for a crafting writ, then say Breeches, then sash, you will find that in each case, you are making the item at a higher level than needed, because the crafting station is keeping the items at the same amount of mats rather than at vr9 level. You currently have to change the amount of voidcloth being used (down) to avoid wasting mats.

    Aside: the longer load times are a pain, but I really do appreciate being able to travel around in the vicinity afterwards with all the NPCs having already spawned/loaded, etc. I do find it odd that my longest load time yet was for the Outlaw Refuge in Belkarth, which should be a fairly simple/small load.
  • Cherryblossom
    Still LAG and long loading screens, is this what we can expect from now on?

    Still no response from ZOS, I have up to date drivers and I'm currently running no addon's.
  • Reverb
    The "hobbled jumping" state sometimes persists long after leaving stealth. A short sprint duration will resolve it and allow normal jumping heights again.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Zaldan
    No regen showing when using Cyrodilic Field Tea buff drink, reported ingame but received completely pointless response so posting here instead.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Zaldan
    Skills/abilities with knockback still broken in PVP, just died to 38K falling damage after being knocked THROUGH the floor of a keep. How much longer are we going to have to put up with this?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • AzraelAcid
    Several of the new recipes have not been added to the loot table. Many are missing. Confirmed over 3 days of guild groups farming.
    Edited by AzraelAcid on September 5, 2015 10:21PM
    You can not earn Respect by tolerating Disrespect.
    Death is the graduation of the soul
    .- Sylvia Browne

    Aleawyn - CP810 - Sorcorer - AD - North American Megasever
  • fatalkiwi
    [Tentatively fixed in patch v2.1.5] If you change your UI scale to something other than default size, it will revert back to default size when loading into a new zone.

    Uhh it's not fixed at all.
  • Marques
    fatalkiwi wrote: »
    [Tentatively fixed in patch v2.1.5] If you change your UI scale to something other than default size, it will revert back to default size when loading into a new zone.

    Uhh it's not fixed at all.

    Patch v2.1.5 isn't live yet. Wait until Tuesday.
  • gard
    I don't see abysmal frame rate or video stuttering in the list of known issues.
    C'mon ZOS. You can do better.

    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Destruction Staff Heavy Attacks at the moment are exceedingly slow. With 'Ancient Knowledge' they should be the fastest heavy attacks in the game I believe. At the moment they appear to be noticeably slower than comparable heavy attacks with swords etc.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Markaeus
    very uncommon lag. and also the events and bosses in the IC Sewers cause such lag that my game crashes to a report screen..
  • BigM
    Anyone getting that fuzzy screen after opening a lore book? Or is it just happening to me?
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
    Atanaz Ruins & Temple of Sul in Shadowfen loading screens are tired of waiting and had to close app. Also noticed I have to push keyboard keys twice now to get Rapid Maneuver to actuate, where as I would only have to press the key once before the update. With all the new bugs, time wasting inconveniences & nerfs, is there a way I can roll back to before the latest update?...Are they trying to chase me back to SWTOR where I've experienced ZERO bugs? Do you actually have a QA dept.? Do you actually test your patches before making them a go?
    Edited by GAULSTON7 on September 6, 2015 7:03AM
  • Cuyler
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @chris.dillian @ZOS_RichLambert

    Molag Kena fight guaranteed crashing on the lightning line aoe attack EVERY TIME. Can't complete after like 15 runs now, delaying progress, and I'm not the only one as this thread shows:

    PLEASE make this a known issue.
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • Petros

    I sent in a ticket when I noticed this the first time.

    The Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance values somes time don't show what is currently there. I've seen this multiple times, where I have a value of PR or SR 32,820, I go into the Champion Point System to put in points to increase the value, I confirm the new change even by one point, I then proceed to Character screen and the value will either NOT change OR it will drop down to 28,902.

    The only way I found to fix this is by closing the game and re-log. reloading does NOT fix this, nor logging out and back in.

    This has happen multiple times, I'm sure it's just a UI error, but I ended up wasting 16,000 gold for so many re-do's cause of this UI error. This has happen multiple times now, I've witnessed this in IC
    Edited by Petros on September 6, 2015 4:06AM
    "Our light will bring the dawning of a new hope!" ~ Petros Fordring -The Order of Mundus
    - VR16 Imperial Dragonknight (DC -NA) & The One Handed Tank
  • Scyantific
    Vet DC is broken at Engine fight. Hitting the levers does nothing during the poison phase. Poison just keeps trucking through.

    Also something about not being able to skip the dwemer automaton fight. Probably not a bug, just very poor game design. Kinda like locking out Vet BC until you kill each mini boss.
  • Puddycat
    mystercee wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno It is somewhat disturbing despite the numerous (and vocal) complaints relating to latency & loading issues that this is not listed as a "Known Issue".

    Is anyone looking into this? For many players this has made the game unplayable and it would be nice to know it is at least being looked at. An ETA on a fix would be even better.

    Could not agree more!

    The game is completely unplayable right now for me with constant FPS drops, i've had no choice but to cancel my subscription cause it doesn't even seem they're looking into it.

    This is not one of those 'rage quit' posts....i'd love to carry on playing but it's just impossible so why pay for my subscription.

    I'll check the forums for a while more to see if they fix it but if not, at some point, people are just gonna move on if they can't play :/ I just want to know that they are at least aware that it needs fixing but as you say...they've not even mentioned it on here so maybe they're just happy to loose those players than fix it.

  • fatalkiwi
    The game is completely unplayable right now for me with constant FPS drops, i've had no choice but to cancel my subscription cause it doesn't even seem they're looking into it.

    This is not one of those 'rage quit' posts....i'd love to carry on playing but it's just impossible so why pay for my subscription.

    I agree here. Like I've said elsewhere I've been playing six-ish weeks and so far I've bought 6,ooo crowns and paying for a subscription. $65 for the game plus $65 in transactions in such a short time only to be rewarded with lag, disconnects, and devs acting like "Oh yeah maybe we'll get to this after the Labor day weekend" is a crock of BS. Any other game I've played they've brought servers down for emergency maintenance for lesser things than this. I'm really tempted to cancel my sub, too.
  • Cherryblossom
    fatalkiwi wrote: »
    The game is completely unplayable right now for me with constant FPS drops, i've had no choice but to cancel my subscription cause it doesn't even seem they're looking into it.

    This is not one of those 'rage quit' posts....i'd love to carry on playing but it's just impossible so why pay for my subscription.

    I agree here. Like I've said elsewhere I've been playing six-ish weeks and so far I've bought 6,ooo crowns and paying for a subscription. $65 for the game plus $65 in transactions in such a short time only to be rewarded with lag, disconnects, and devs acting like "Oh yeah maybe we'll get to this after the Labor day weekend" is a crock of BS. Any other game I've played they've brought servers down for emergency maintenance for lesser things than this. I'm really tempted to cancel my sub, too.

    You may as well cancel, if ZOS not responding gets to you, this has been the same since launch!
  • SilentFox22

    Not sure if this has been brought up, but I noticed today when I put the HARDENING enchant on my staff, it gave a 790 point damage shield. Then I put Champion Points into the LORD's BASTION which is supposed to boost damage absorption effects by x%, but the damage shield on my staff DROPPED to 390! o.0

    The bone shield looks like it decreased too, but I am not sure of the exact numbers there.
  • Zaldan
    Eyes the path elite pvp vendor in Haderus has no prices at all, ZO$ giving pvp gear away for free now?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Docmandu
    How unbef'in reta**ed is it that a multi million dollar company can't fix a serious UI issue that impacts so many players with a small hot fix and has to wait an entire week to resolve it, 'cuz "we only fix crap during scheduled maintenance"..

    when the player base itself can whoop up a 5 line lua script and resolve the issue in 2 minutes.

    This company is really the worst regarding bugs and patch management that I've ever encountered.

    ZOS, are you going to reimburse us for all of the time wasting load screens and inconveniences? Considering how many costly XP ambrosia pots I've wasted staring at your load screens, I suggest we all be compensated for this nonsense you call an update. There should have been an update the very next day after the patch. Maybe you can recruit some help from one of your competitors over at BIOWARE (SWTOR) for advice on how to properly test a patch before releasing it, hope this suggestion helps.
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