Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Known Issues for Patch v2.1.4 (Imperial City)

  • Zaldan
    Weapon swap while sprinting added but is it supposed to stop you sprinting? if so what was the point?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Auricle
    Sidney wrote: »
    Since today's patch, Entropy is putting my potions on CD.

    This. It's kind of messing up my dungeon runs. Please let us know you are aware of the problem.
  • Scyantific
    Today's pledge is pretty much ruined because people will get frustrated over Gamyne Bandu being immortal to all attacks (you can't even target her).
    [*] [Working on a fix] There have been reports of long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update.
    Really...There have been reports? if it's questionable?...more like we ARE experiencing long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update. When can we expect to see this fix? ...and to clarify, EVERY load screen is irritating since the IC update,.. the load screens were agreeable before the update.
    I saw no mention in the known issues regarding the longer delay to interact with objects after combat which was also brought about by the IC update...again another extremely irritating feature that was not present before the IC update.
    ...and why do i need to wait 10 seconds to log out a character whilst i'm inside the Belkarth bank and some other safe areas? Stop wasting our time ZOS.
    It would seem that we are deliberately being nickled & dimed for valuable seconds & minutes...all these time wasting features should be priority one to fix.
    Edited by GAULSTON7 on September 10, 2015 7:32AM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Today's pledge is pretty much ruined because people will get frustrated over Gamyne Bandu being immortal to all attacks (you can't even target her).
    Grotto is definitely borked again.
    • GB's purple channel hits like a truck, about 24k per tick. If you've recently been chained or you're less than half a room length from the other person (impossible for some combination of two people not to be, at any given time), you're probably dead. There is no healing through it, either, as there's no time.
    • Later in the fight (after about the 5th attempt), the channels would seem to get deflected/blocked? only then was it survivable.
    • Spawn of Mephala is ignoring taunt about 1/2 the time (only tank throwing them out there, so it's not an issue of stolen taunt, and overtaunt from single person isn't supposed to exist anymore.)
    • She's doing knockback even when you're nowhere near the AoE.
    • Tank was randomly ported from the left side of the room (as viewed from bridge) to the cave entrance, dropped off mid-laser, and one-shot accordingly, all while someone was already in the portal.
    • A lot of fringe AoE still happening. (Damage when you're well out of the red.)
    • A lot of stutter in various parts of the dungeon.
    • Reggr draining resources of all party members regardless of positioning at an absurd rate, almost not recoverable w/potion cooldowns as they are.
    • Fire lines of mobs in general seem to be a bit much.

    All of these things were scaled to VR16 and decent # of CP's. Shouldn't have to have spell resist through the roof or 600+ to be reasonably successful at this. (We're far from new to this dungeon.)
    • Normal Spindle (VR16) was choking bad. Hesistation and stutter during the entire dungeon. No loss of fps or high ping, just felt like the system was struggling to keep up.
    • New audio is great, and all. A responsive dungeon is better.
    • Normal WGT (VR16). Fire line starbursts from normal mobs (not from the DK/Templar/NB trio) don't appear to do any damage at all.
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on September 10, 2015 11:41AM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Scyantific
    Keeping aggro on Spawn of Mephala was always stupidly broken even before 2.1. I'd have aggro on it while tanking and suddenly it's off chasing the healer, and Inner Fire wouldn't do a single thing. Of course if I keep trying to use it to get aggro back the taunt immunity would kick in and there'd be chaos. I can deal with that, but last night was just an exercise in frustration at Gamyne, with having to wipe and wayshrine to get out to reset the instance while hoping it wouldn't bug out again and also hoping that no one in the group ended up quitting out of frustration.

    The good thing is that the Mephala set is pretty sub-par and nothing good drops from vet FG that doesn't drop from any other veteran dungeon so it can be avoided until it's fixed. However, this isn't a real solution, this is just people avoiding something in the hopes that it will get looked at and fixed. Not a good thing for the developers, IMO.
  • Scyantific
    Double-posting because yet ANOTHER pledge-related bug:

    Veteran Crypt of Hearts: Random group member will be unable to resurrect if they die during the Nerien'eth fight. The prompt that says "Press F to Resurrect" gets stuck at "Resurrection Pending."

    Please fix these dungeon bugs otherwise people will get frustrated and stop doing them.
  • HaphazardAllure
    Anyone else not getting their ESO+ 10% coin gain bonus?
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
    Loading screens + FPS drops...
  • iqoologiceb17_ESO
    Joining to loading screens and FPS drops train and adding Structured entropy bug/Potion cooldown bug.

    Look at entropy casting and potion going all cooldown on me :smile:
    Edited by iqoologiceb17_ESO on September 12, 2015 12:22AM
    PC EU
  • Kerioko
    The Mara's Blessing necklace, the quest reward from White Gold Tower that is a piece of the willpower set, cannot be enchanted. Two threads have brought this issue up with screenshots available:

    If this is not a bug, please consider changing the enchant (which is currently health regen) to something useful spell cost reduction or magicka regen. Given that ZOS had previously considered replacing the health regen mundus because they "realized that health regen was a useless stat", it makes no sense to have it on a piece of highly sought set gear that cannot be enchanted, traded, or sold!
    Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets - Argonian mNB Tank/Heals (PVP)
    Strawberry Semifreddo - Dunmer mSorc DPS // Sunny D-Light - Breton mTemp Heals
    Peanut Butter Sandwich - Orc sDK DPS // Kellogg's Frosted Flakes - Argonian mWard Tank/Heals (PVE)
    friendship - integrity - perseverance
  • Mantic0r3
    Joining to loading screens and FPS drops train and adding Structured entropy bug/Potion cooldown bug.

    Look at entropy casting and potion going all cooldown on me :smile:

    have this too and it sucks so hard -.-

    edit: you can even refresh the cd..lets say its down to 30sec and you cast entropy it resets cd timer :D so if you cast entropy every 40sec (or fast) you will never have a pot ready :D
    Edited by Mantic0r3 on September 12, 2015 9:23AM
  • AzraelAcid
    Kerioko wrote: »
    The Mara's Blessing necklace, the quest reward from White Gold Tower that is a piece of the willpower set, cannot be enchanted. Two threads have brought this issue up with screenshots available:

    If this is not a bug, please consider changing the enchant (which is currently health regen) to something useful spell cost reduction or magicka regen. Given that ZOS had previously considered replacing the health regen mundus because they "realized that health regen was a useless stat", it makes no sense to have it on a piece of highly sought set gear that cannot be enchanted, traded, or sold!

    While you're at it, please quit giving useless traits on VR16 drops, like exploration, and god forbid, this happened to me, Training on a Shield of Endurance. At this level in the game we no longer need training, exploration, or sturdy drops guys.
    You can not earn Respect by tolerating Disrespect.
    Death is the graduation of the soul
    .- Sylvia Browne

    Aleawyn - CP810 - Sorcorer - AD - North American Megasever
  • iqoologiceb17_ESO
    Interacting with bookshelves will trigger (not always) Lorebook Discovered event. This behaviour is for lore books only. BTW no XP is given towards Mages Guild progress.
    Edited by iqoologiceb17_ESO on September 12, 2015 2:30PM
    PC EU
  • ElfFromSpace
    GAULSTON7 wrote: »
    [*] [Working on a fix] There have been reports of long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update.
    Really...There have been reports? if it's questionable?...more like we ARE experiencing long loading screens and/or poor FPS since the Imperial City update. When can we expect to see this fix? ...and to clarify, EVERY load screen is irritating since the IC update,.. the load screens were agreeable before the update.
    I saw no mention in the known issues regarding the longer delay to interact with objects after combat which was also brought about by the IC update...again another extremely irritating feature that was not present before the IC update.
    ...and why do i need to wait 10 seconds to log out a character whilst I'm inside the Belkarth bank and some other safe areas? Stop wasting our time ZOS.
    It would seem that we are deliberately being nickled & dimed for valuable seconds & minutes...all these time wasting features should be priority one to fix.

    Agreed agreed agreed. Although I have done innumerable small craft project during load screens, I'd really rather be able to play the game without interruption and then do my crafts later. Please address the load times!
    I'd heard that the logging out delay in banks was to be fixed, but Belkarth bank still is definitely not.
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange
  • Kyuumu
    So yea, in the TESO Live show on twitch yesterday Gina said they DO know about all this stuff that we are reporting and they are working on a patch to fix it. I believe she said this monday coming or the next one (go check out the show if you want to make sure when). According to her the patch notes are plentiful (she only mentioned some of it like the lag and load screens) and they are still investigating a lot of the stuff that needs to be fixed so hopefully they will fix more of the problems this time around. :)
  • AzraelAcid
    Is there a thread to address the magicka loss issue/bug?

    All magicka builds are experiencing sudden losses of magicka, and regen rates are atrocious, even with recovery buffs maxed.
    Reports of stamina users hitting the same bug.
    It's as if the cost increase that applies to streak and roll dodge are affecting EVERY ability/cast.

    Also set pieces not proccing with champion points. I had to take everything out of regen, and put it into reduce cost in my Champion tree, and should not EVER be running out of mana. But I am, as well as many others. Can we get this looked into please? It's killing us. Literally.

    Is this intended?
    You can not earn Respect by tolerating Disrespect.
    Death is the graduation of the soul
    .- Sylvia Browne

    Aleawyn - CP810 - Sorcorer - AD - North American Megasever
  • Kyuumu
    Freaky memory leak in Belkarth Bank. I turn one way I am outside by the Stables I turn back I am back inside the bank. I don't know about you but I feel that CANNOT be a good thing.
  • Zaldan
    Cannot use intimidate option in conversions while in werewolf form
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Leandor
    Please do a recheck of stealthed mechanics. It is still possible to get wrecking blowed from stealth without the perpetrator popping out of it. That is a very stupid game mechanic and needs to be fixed.

    My proposal would be to get rid of the in-combat not-able-to-stealth thing and instead of that introduce a timer, or cooldown, that prevents any and all stealth mechanics (including pots) for 2 seconds after any harmful action.
    Edited by Leandor on September 14, 2015 8:11AM
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    This is not a bug per se, but more an observation:

    The visual effects of the 'Supporting Soldier' buff (5th set piece bonus of Meritorious Service Imperial City Set) is a bit too much, especially for an effect that last 2 minutes.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    And more jacked up Group Dungeons to the list:
    • Wayrest end boss: Summons shadow bats, bats dispatched (too quickly?), boss does not return for several seconds and 'bat-vision' effect remains active.
    • Nectrotic Orb and morphs not castable in tunnel type areas ("invalid location"). You can cast one into a tunnel, but not out of a tunnel. (Noted in Sewers, Vet Darkshade, and Craglorn.)
    • Shada's Tear end boss disappearing for extended period of time.
    • Vet CoA:
      • Fire Maw providing AoE damage when out of the red.
      • Skoria's fireballs invisible.
      • Skoria's firelines, invisible half the time.
      • Skoria's petrify, invisible half the time.
      • Skoria's petrify, petrified tank + melee DPS at once, one time.
      • Skoria preparing to break outer platform (sword plant animation started), last minute jumps to center and breaks instead.
      • On one jump, summoned double adds (4 atro's in center, 4 atro's on outer where V landed.)
      • Overload not activating in Skoria fight. When it does, projectiles often not visible.
      • Lightning staff Elemental Ring invisible during Skoria fight (making it impossible to see the exact AoE or even know if it's damaging adds.)
    • Banished Cells: Lose the red screen/"world shake" visual after dispatching one of the keepers. It's unnecessary, adds nothing to the game, and resembles a 'near death' visual entirely too much.
    • Resistances on some enemies have been way overcranked, while others remain untouched. (VR11 nerieds in Crag are 2x as hard as they were pre-patch, while most adds in Crag Delves melt.)
    • EDIT: It seems you've gone the other extreme regarding the normal version of the new dungeons, so now most mobs just melt. Subtle changes, please - a bite at a time. :disappointed:

    Last is not a bug, but a general recommendation:
    • Crag should never drop base-level white anything. The vendor trash should be at least green quality.
    • Aspect nodes in Crag should never drop a Ta, ever. They're even less worth the time to harvest than bait was before Roe.
    • Enchanting Surveys/Chests should never drop a Ta, ever.
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on September 15, 2015 11:46AM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Zaldan
    cannot block spells while in werewolf form, especially npc CC spells

    werewolf form dropping while taking damage despite blood rage passive 2/2

    spell affect from camouflage hunter not displaying correctly after weapon swap from bow to two handed sword, still shows bow and in different place to sword

    still getting arrow at characters feet despite this being "fixed" when using bow
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • CP5
    Zaldan wrote: »
    cannot block spells while in werewolf form, especially npc CC spells

    werewolf form dropping while taking damage despite blood rage passive 2/2

    spell affect from camouflage hunter not displaying correctly after weapon swap from bow to two handed sword, still shows bow and in different place to sword

    still getting arrow at characters feet despite this being "fixed" when using bow

    I thought it was just me running out of stamina but while trying to take a resource in cryodiil the npc's always seemed able to cc me in wolf form despite blocking, will need to double check this as well but it seems cc breaking did not help either.
  • MsHoudini
    Soul Shriven
    Some issues we have run into on console.

    Group markers aren't appearing above player's heads in imperial city.
    Imperial city quests aren't shareable so it often makes it hard to quest as a group. Why?
    Some guild banks are empty and eat everything put into them
    Players were kicked out of campaigns and aren't able to join new ones preventing them from playing DLC.
    Restoration staff's heavy attack and soul strike are invisible.

    Otherwise great job! If I could play it again I would (one of those blocked out of entering cyrodill). I try to send tickets in too.
  • AAN2
    Guild bank is now more broken than it was before the update. At least on the Xbox NA server.

    Guild bank won't populate most of the time until you log out and log back in. Then, it will populate once. If you exit it and go back into it it will return to not populating.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • HKmongoose
    This guild bank issue is horrible, all mats stored to sell after dlc is now lost,
  • victorlepriESO1
    Soul Shriven
    In mac the biggest issue is the low FPS and long loading screens, I'm glad that you guys are working on that!
  • Tallowby

    Please add the Bank (not loading items) to known issues Please.

    Having to relog to use the bank for a few items then rinse and repeat for the next couple of items IS NOT A FIX!

    Thank You
    Tallowby's Crafter Aid ...... CONSOLE - How to run a DPS Test

    XBOX ONE NA - Guild The OTG (accepting applications)
    Arden Sul | Bosmer | Nightblade | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter |
    Tallowby | Imperial | Templar | CP160/531 | 9 Trait Master Crafter | EVERY STYLE KNOWN!
    Freya Bolt | Altmer | Sorcerer | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
    Wacko Smacko | Imperial | Dragon Knight | CP160/531 | Master Crafter |
  • AAN2
    HKmongoose wrote: »
    This guild bank issue is horrible, all mats stored to sell after dlc is now lost,
    It's still there, the list just won't populate. Try accessing it and if it fails try relogging. Sometimes that makes it to where the withdraw list will populate.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

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