Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Known Issues for Patch v2.1.4 (Imperial City)

  • Srithla
    Keshya wrote: »
    After the update today, I discovered that all of my skills had vanished from the skill bars, and that all of my skillpoints had been reset, so I had to redistribute them again. Unfortunately, for one of my characters, I somehow accidentally clicked on the vampire skill morph "Accelerating Drain" when I had actually wanted to get "Invigorating Drain" back. Unfortunately I cannot change that back now without resetting all of my skill points, which I definitely don't want to do. So here's a request for the future: Would it be possible to add a "confirm choice" option to the skill points distribution, similar to what we have when distributing veteran attribute points? Something that will enable you to correct accidental mistakes before saving the points spent on a certain skill for good? That'd help enormously, thank you so much!

    @Keshya You should be able to respec just your morphs at one of the shrines in your capital city. Still annoying, but less so.
  • PinoZino
    Thank you for this great game guys. Still wasting hours in the fantasy you created for us.

    However, IMHO there's more than 1 UI issue.

    I created a list (and will enhance it regularly) with specific Usability Issues:

    ESO Usability issues

    Maybe most of them are known issues and some are located low on the priority list.

    Keep up the good work!
    Founder of Tradelodge, a trade guild operating on the European Megaserver for Playstation®4.

    Visit our website:
  • BllyDnsr
    There are so many bugs with the DLC and the patch for the Xbox, people are complaining furiously and yet we're not hearing from ANYONE at ZeniMax... WHY? At least acknowledge that you're aware of these issues, post a list of things your people are working on to fix. I know you've got to have some PR person that's not working on coding that could take a few moments and let us know that these issues are being looked at, addressed as quickly as possible. Maybe you have done that and it's buried somewhere in these forums, but I've looked and couldn't find it. So, update on status of fixes PLEASE??

    ROFL. Look at the first post of this very topic. That's what you're looking for.

    Except the date is from August.
    Guildmaster of Obsidian Covenant.
  • Tavore1138
    Not sure if anyone is monitoring this thread still but here is one i have /bug'd in game and reported elsewhere on threads:

    The VR16 weapon enchant for increased weapon damage does not appear to be working. With the current cost of the VR16 potency runes I can't do a lot of testing but I created 2 sets of dual wield weaponry in VR15 Night's Silence set. Two hammers (dwemer) with Weapon Damage enchants and two daggers with disease enchants.

    The disease enchants fire fine if placed in the main hand and the weapon charge will drain over course of a few hours play as I would expect.

    The damage enchant does not fire and the weapon charge never goes down.

    I have switched to haver both hands with the weapon damage enchant just to ensure that it is not that the offhand is firing instead and neither hand fires the enchant at all.

    I have no real way of testing in multiple situations, I don't know if it is impacting just VR16, just hammers, just dwemer or some other obscure thing that makes this rare.

    P.S. The bug where your costumes fall off when you use caltrops is back.
    Edited by Tavore1138 on September 21, 2015 6:44AM
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • hargsbooksub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    When is the lag issue in ic getting addresses? I have lost nearly 30k tel var stones because im fighting mobs and oops server lag and im frozen in place, but apparently not the aldmeri or ebonheart. I log back in hes tea bagging my body and i lost all my stones. Im 10 seconds from busting my ps4 with a hammer. Also they can just sit under a ladder in ic and when i use the passage i am dead before im even loaded in because nb stealth under them and kill me mid load screen. I surely expect a reimbursement for stones lost due to server lag, or is that crazy. Pay for something and dont get what you paid for. Cybercrime?
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    There are so many bugs with the DLC and the patch for the Xbox, people are complaining furiously and yet we're not hearing from ANYONE at ZeniMax... WHY? At least acknowledge that you're aware of these issues, post a list of things your people are working on to fix. I know you've got to have some PR person that's not working on coding that could take a few moments and let us know that these issues are being looked at, addressed as quickly as possible. Maybe you have done that and it's buried somewhere in these forums, but I've looked and couldn't find it. So, update on status of fixes PLEASE??

    ROFL. Look at the first post of this very topic. That's what you're looking for.

    Except the date is from August.

    So what ? That's three weeks ago, when the DLC/Patch was launched, and it's been updated since, as you can see if you read it.

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    I'm not sure how much of an issue this is to you folks, but any plans on doing something about zergs? They are out of control.
  • lonewolf26
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Double-posting because yet ANOTHER pledge-related bug:

    Veteran Crypt of Hearts: Random group member will be unable to resurrect if they die during the Nerien'eth fight. The prompt that says "Press F to Resurrect" gets stuck at "Resurrection Pending."

    Please fix these dungeon bugs otherwise people will get frustrated and stop doing them.

    I can confirm this bug is alive and well based on my last run of Vet CoH on Saturday. I was the one unable to rez.
  • Septimus_Magna
    lonewolf26 wrote: »
    Scyantific wrote: »
    Double-posting because yet ANOTHER pledge-related bug:

    Veteran Crypt of Hearts: Random group member will be unable to resurrect if they die during the Nerien'eth fight. The prompt that says "Press F to Resurrect" gets stuck at "Resurrection Pending."

    Please fix these dungeon bugs otherwise people will get frustrated and stop doing them.

    I can confirm this bug is alive and well based on my last run of Vet CoH on Saturday. I was the one unable to rez.

    This also happened to my group in normal and veteran WGT and ICP dungeons.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Kyuumu
    Just got confirmation from Customer representative that not being able to consume Creature trophies is a bug. He said they were sending the problem over to the people who handle bugs......

    Here's to hoping they fix it soon!
  • Sidney
    Kyuumu wrote: »
    Just got confirmation from Customer representative that not being able to consume Creature trophies is a bug. He said they were sending the problem over to the people who handle bugs......

    Here's to hoping they fix it soon!

    Thank you! Highlighted your info in red so others may find it quicker.
    If you want me to read a post aimed at me, please put @Sidney.
    Please give us tail armor and dyeable tail ribbons.
    Click Here -->Support Dyeable Tail Ribbons<---
    All your mats r belong to Khajiit.
    Click Here -->Support Tail Armor<---
  • dudenamedchris
    Talons never works.
  • Uberkull
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    MissBizz wrote: »
    MissBizz wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno My health and magicka bars will not go away. A fellow guildmate experiences health and stamina bars never going away.

    I have disabled all add-ons.

    I have moved add-ons to somewhere different (so they are not in the game at all)

    I have turned Healthbars "OFF" in the actual game settings. Tried off just for my character. Then the blanket "OFF" switch and they STILL won't go away.

    I also tried porting to somewhere different.. still there...

    If there's anything else I can test. Let me know.

    Sounds like this is by design. Per the patch notes:
    • Your Magicka, Health, and Stamina bars will now remain visible while under an active effect, such as food buffs.

    Does that sound like that's what's happening, @MissBizz?

    Ugh... yes @ZOS_GinaBruno my food just went away and so did the bars.... it's really not pretty though... I even turn off the quest tracker on this character... big bright bars aren't helping :( I'll go /feedback and let my guildmate know. Thanks.

    [EDIT[ I would have though with the UI changes incoming and being "optional" that turning my healthbar completely off would at least turn them off.

    I agree. I thought this was a bug too, and spent time looking for 'toggle off options'. I hope this is reverted, or at least given the option. Having my magicka bar constantly bleed through my chat window is less than desirable.

    Well....least you don't have what console has. The bars are on all the time after eating food/drink....but what's worse? The bars are 2 inches up from the bottom of the screen. Covers half of your character depending on zoom level. Talk about immersion breaking. @zos, please make this a option to turn off.

    Console UI

    PC UI
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • Kyuumu
    I agree @uberkull they should put a setting so that people can decide for themselves. I personally like my bars there all the time so the disappearing act they have been pulling lately makes me very unhappy. I have however heard a lot of people in my guilds say they don't like them showing at all so I think it should be a personal preference each person is allowed to make for themselves.
  • Kyuumu
    OH almost forgot thank you @sidney I am new to the whole forum thing. That is extremely helpful :)
  • Cloud9TN
    Soul Shriven
    I have plenty of gripes about the new patch but I will limit myself to those which are crippling (or at least unacceptable). Perhaps they have been mentioned, I refuse to scroll through countless comments to determine that... the fact that this 'patch' has cause some many problems should be an embarrassment.

    The obvious thing to do is to rollback the patch - fix the umpteen gazillion problems it causes on a test server and then reintroduce it. That said:

    Loading times for ****EVERYTHING**** are simply ludacris - I spent over 5 minutes (really) trying to port into Rivenspire. The first two times, after 3-4 minutes, I gave up and reset. Finally, I let it sit while resetting my password to come and flame on this forum.

    The banks are completely jacked. My personal works - albeit glitchy and laggy. The guild banks - you can hang it up. Worthless - I've spent at least an hour or more over the last week trying to tweak my way into my banks....

    The mechanics of the game I assume have been modified so much that dungeons feel ridiculous now. I've spent 40k on respecs since the patch trying to figure out what the hell has happened.

    Grouping is still jacked - Half the time no one receives a crown (leader). Issues also exist with trading still. Trades not working, or cancelling automatically.

    Often times chat channels don't work - and when they do, it's filled with *** playing crap music or 8th grade banter. So why hasn't an easy way to mute been worked out yet? Why isn't there multiple public chat channels -- you know TRADE, DUNGEONS, QUESTING, CASUAL, and the all time favorite 12 YEAR OLD NAKED DANCE PARTY.

    Adding chat channels solves many issues in one fail swoop. And then maybe you would have to spend an hour trying to talk over people selling motifs while trying to find a group for the daily dungeons. Oh yea- and group finder - has it ever found ANYONE a group? Ever? PS - The ROLE icons and whether they are toggled or not are kind of ambiguous. But then again, group finder doesn't work. EVER.

    Did I mention the dungeons are stupid after the patch? I think I did, but its worth mentioning again. I suppose if you found a great group....but see my 2 previous gripes on the issue with that.

    For a final gripe - why do you have a support button in game? You do not support anything in game - you send automated emails saying <we assume you don't really have problem - thanks for playing>. If you respond saying you DO INDEED HAVE A PROBLEM (you know, since you click on SUPPORT) you are told, well go to the forums... Dude.... just put the web link to the forums and stop the charade.

    Well I'll stop moaning for now - but I am one more rage quit away from cancelling my ESO subscription and if drastic things don't change soon - ESO is getting put on the shelf.

  • Tommy1979AtWar
    Not sure if anyone has brought this up yet so I apologise in advance if they have...

    The guild store, players on console are noticing a significant drop in sales due to customers having to select each item in order to see its cost, I myself have seen sales drop from between 5 & 10 a day to just one single sale in 11 days... ONE

    Please see sense and revert it as the select to view option is really user unfriendly.
  • AzubuFrosts
    I'll just leave this here, i dont think any1 should be able to solo sewer bosses
  • Kyuumu
    Question @AzubuFrosts, why is he not chasing you? I play on PC and when I went into the sewers he did not stand still for me like that, he was all over me lol.
  • AzubuFrosts
    Kyuumu wrote: »
    Question @AzubuFrosts, why is he not chasing you? I play on PC and when I went into the sewers he did not stand still for me like that, he was all over me lol.

    Becuz I stayed within his Atk range I also have him position so that his lil ice whirlwind skill is hitting the wall
  • BigpapaDragon187
    Console(ps4) has numerous bugs.
    1) all signs of a tether are gone. ( fishing line, soul tether, healing)
    2) Nightblade being nerfed. We were squishy to begin with now you just plain made us useless
    3) cannot way shrine to Rivenspire load screen freezes
    4) buffed all dungeons hour and half dungeons now take 3 hrs!!! Wtf I have a life outside of Tamriel
    Just to name a few

    I love this game but it is starting to fail.
    I do not want to stop playing this game come Nov 11 like many will but give us a reason to stay.
    Big Papa Dragon
  • Kyuumu
    OH ok. It was cool to watch. :)
  • BigpapaDragon187
    Can not get to Rivenspire at all.
    Tried way shrine tried walking.
    Load screen freezes
    Big Papa Dragon
  • CP5
    Console(ps4) has numerous bugs.
    1) all signs of a tether are gone. ( fishing line, soul tether, healing)
    2) Nightblade being nerfed. We were squishy to begin with now you just plain made us useless
    3) cannot way shrine to Rivenspire load screen freezes
    4) buffed all dungeons hour and half dungeons now take 3 hrs!!! Wtf I have a life outside of Tamriel
    Just to name a few

    I love this game but it is starting to fail.
    I do not want to stop playing this game come Nov 11 like many will but give us a reason to stay.

    Unless you want to call the changes to siphoning strikes or refreshing shadows nerfs... How bout I let you hold onto the hammer ZOS has used on bolt escape for a bit.

    As for the dungeon lengths, I know of like that they are more of a challenge, but still think ZOS should look at the intended duration and adjust them a bit more.
  • Cherryblossom
    Mist Form is not working as intended, CC's are affecting Players whilst the skill is active

    The 40% speed increase on Mist Form is not being applied.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Are the known Bugs going to be updated, there have been many more Bugs reported by the community and we currently have no indication of them being worked on or even being looked at.
    Edited by Cherryblossom on September 29, 2015 1:00PM
  • DRXHarbinger
    Hopefully when this comes back on for XB EU, they fix a few things at least, we have NO animations at all, from Lightening staffs to being tethered in Fungal Grotto, the beam with Mephalas spawn is now invisible etc etc, joke. seriously ZOS get on with it now, given how much you rake in surely you can afford to hire some more testers or actually create a way of validating their work at least.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • platinumdubs
    Soul Shriven
    Did they even fix anything during todays maint.? it was all of about 2 hours long max and still no patch notes? did you just take the servers down for sh*ts and giggles?
  • platinumdubs
    Soul Shriven
    Console(ps4) has numerous bugs.
    1) all signs of a tether are gone. ( fishing line, soul tether, healing)
    2) Nightblade being nerfed. We were squishy to begin with now you just plain made us useless
    3) cannot way shrine to Rivenspire load screen freezes
    4) buffed all dungeons hour and half dungeons now take 3 hrs!!! Wtf I have a life outside of Tamriel
    Just to name a few

    I love this game but it is starting to fail.
    I do not want to stop playing this game come Nov 11 like many will but give us a reason to stay.

    Dont feel bad Xbone also has these same exact problems 2 and 3 i havent experienced myself but the rest i have.
  • Uberkull
    Did they even fix anything during todays maint.? it was all of about 2 hours long max and still no patch notes? did you just take the servers down for sh*ts and giggles?

    Patch isn't until late October. Reference link
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • Zaldan
    Mist Form is not working as intended, CC's are affecting Players whilst the skill is active

    The 40% speed increase on Mist Form is not being applied.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Are the known Bugs going to be updated, there have been many more Bugs reported by the community and we currently have no indication of them being worked on or even being looked at.

    it looks like they're relying on players to provide and maintain bug lists if eso live is any indication lol
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

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