Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Xbox One - unable to connect to game server

  • bigshotfancypants
    Soul Shriven
    This is annoying I've been trying to log in for the past couple hours
  • Stewiestoney
  • TheRealLP
    Thanks for hanging in there, guys. We're still investigating the root cause of this issue. Just to confirm, this is only affecting the Xbox One North American megaserver.

    Posted over here.
  • Narcolepticz
    patiently waiting
  • bigshotfancypants
    Soul Shriven
    Please fix this soon!!
  • DeputyDong003
    Soul Shriven
    Of course, always on my day off....Please change the loading theme to the jeopardy song...
  • TheRealLP
    We know everyone is frustrated and are anxious to get back in-game, but please do not resort to personal insults. Doing so isn't going to make anything better.

    With that said, we will be performing some maintenance on the Xbox One NA megaserver momentarily (those of you currently logged in will not be kicked out). You will see a different error message once this happens and you attempt to log in - this is intended. We'll provide an ETA as soon as we can.
  • T_B1zzle
    down for me aswell houston tx
  • crisco820
    Soul Shriven
    Servers down for maintenance. Does this mean they found the problem?
  • Novachichis
    Soul Shriven
    It is still not working, I've been getting disconnected at least 5 times the past 20 minutes it is so annoying, I would love to play without disconnects,. Please fix this, you guys said you Guys said you were Going to fix it but I still see a lot of people with the problem
  • evilhotice
    Soul Shriven
    The game lagged and I got kicked twice. The devs should fix the servers.
  • M3ssi117
    Soul Shriven
    I've just run into this issue now on the European servers.
    Is this going to be fixed in the update tomorrow?
  • mbaker540
    My power has been out for 5 hours. I prayed that others cannot play while I sit in my powerless home setting up defenses pretending the apocalypse has started.

    I am sorry for the service disruption. When my power is restored you can play again as well.
    Xbox One ~ Aldmeri Dominion
  • M3ssi117
    Soul Shriven
    Ah 11th time's the charm. Just logged in, now to hope I can stay logged in.
  • M3ssi117
    Soul Shriven
    Just got booted, ah well had a good half hour hopefully tomorrow's maintenance will fix the issue I'll wait and see.
  • Novachichis
    Soul Shriven
    No it didnt
  • jamespyro7
    Soul Shriven
    Is it just for pc because I'm on Xbox one an it hasn't let me on for almost a whole week. The only game I wanna play an it loads forever when requesting a character load then kicks me back to home screen. It then tells me that it's unable to connect to the NA game server and to check my Internet connection. My connection is fine both Internet an multiplayer say it's all good but eso hasn't worked at all for me the past few days
  • jamespyro7
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry scratch the pc part but I've been keeping an eye on this thread and wasn't the Matenence an reboot suppose to help logging in all my friends on xbox live are 10-20 levels ahead of me because of this issue. Really any help would be appreciated
  • Chris_Maliwaukiub17_ESO
    ESO support has completely turned me away from any Zenimax products in the future, but since I already purchased this I demand you get it to work. I have high speed fiber internet and get speeds of 120 mbps download and 90 mbps upload. I have my console on a wired connection and have open NAT and 15 ms latency and 0% packet loss. THIS IS NOT MY INTERNET CONNECTION CAUSING THE PROBLEM. I paid good money for this game and I'm going on about 2 weeks with maybe, MAYBE 15 mins of play time total. get off your lazy asses and get your game running right. I jumped through all the loops with xbox customer support and my ISP. I don't have any problems with any other games at all and no other devices on my network. do you realize where that leaves the problem? If not, I will tell you. the problem is with you guys. great job on forcing me to have my full name as my forum screen name. you guys are jackasses.
  • Yaden101
    I haven't been able to play since launch because of the same problem. How long does it take to upgrade servers? This isn't a kind of in-game glitch where the game is ACTUALLY playable, this is an error that does not let us play. A month and a half seems way too long.
  • xpupustainsx
    This problem is not only with the xbox NA server. I bought this for the pc just before the console launch, so i got it for xb1 thinking that this wouldn't happen again. I was having the same issues, after 2 weeks of back and forth with the Zenimax team trying to fix my pc, they said that it must be the addons I had. At that point I didn't even know what an add on was. Bethesda and Zenimax don't care, they got our money and that's that. They refuse to take responsibility and end up blaming you, when everything else that even remotely involves the internet works perfectly.
  • Dakari24
    Hey folks, we're taking a look at things. Are you all still running into this issue?

    I see that Zenimax look into this but not the issue of the constant game crashes that ESOTU support only produce a temporary fix before ignoring people completely and in the forums every discussion with the crashing problem gets ignored by all moderators.

    I am becoming sick of the very poor support for this issue and feel like the game is just a huge failure!
  • Chris_Maliwaukiub17_ESO
    I say we start a class action lawsuit for them selling a game we can't play. Bet we'll get their attention that way.
  • Yaden101
    And how do we do that?
  • Chris_Maliwaukiub17_ESO
    Haha jk man that might be a little too much at this point. Now if I can't play for over a month we'll have a problem
  • Dakari24
    I've only been able to properly play 3 times in 5 weeks. I already have a problem, and its name is Zenimax's useless support and lack of caring to the point where the game is an unplayable mess...

    They are either blaming their fans or Microsoft for their insolence. Pathetic
  • Chris_Maliwaukiub17_ESO
    Well I'll update as soon as their "next level" of support gets back to me and if it comes down to it I'll start that up and give everyone info to get in on it. I am very irritated by them trying to blame everyone else when in reality it is their horrible servers.
    Edited by Chris_Maliwaukiub17_ESO on July 19, 2015 3:49PM
  • Kal2412
    Soul Shriven
    I'm lucky if I get 5 mins play before getting kicked off with a message that says to u need an Internet connection to play, even tho my connection is lag free. I've tried support and a guy wrote back to me saying check the forums to see if the problem and solution is on there. That's his professional tech support answer, go Google it.

    I had this problem for the first two days that I played it and then it's been awesome for about 3 weeks but now it kicks me all hours of the day, so it's nothing to do with peak times, maybe it's the work their doing on servers ready for the new content ?
  • Chris_Maliwaukiub17_ESO
    It's not work on the servers, it's the servers themselves. I've never played a game with this many connection issues and I had dial up internet until about 5 years ago. it's pathetic.
  • Dakari24
    It is defiantly not the servers, none of my friends have ever had this problem and their game runs fine. It has to be something making the game crash. Possibly with the disc drive receiving incompatible data fragments and or corruption when the game saves or it is corrupt upon installed.

    Which is why the first 3 things suggested to us are deletion on the local game files, clearing the persistent blu-ray data and uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Either they know there is an issue there that they won't fix, or can't fix without the help of Microsoft updating the blu-ray drive; or they are just hoping to keep quiet and hope this goes away by future updates or we stop asking for this to be fixed.

    I even reset my console and learned how to make port rules on my router to fix this. I bought a game i can't even play.
This discussion has been closed.