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Would you like if ZoS simplified the crafting system to reduce log out, login, bank/withdraw etc...?

  • Psychobunni
    Yes - Please explain you logic in the thread
    I voted yes because for me personally all my crafting is spread out, and then there are the mules. Would you believe a year+ and I still haven't finished medium/heavy/blacksmithing/nirnhoned... I would if it were account wide, but logging them all in and out, every single just no fun and more work than I'm after. (It helps my husband was all over it, so I have someone to ask)

    Stopped reading after you typed "me personally". Of course it's you. You're speaking in first person. That's like nails on a chalk board. Love you. But c'mon!!!!

    J/K (kinda)

    I hear ya. There are days that I don't log into everyone to collect things. But I don't want anything else watered down in the game. I respect your opinion though :)

    lol, okay I was redundant :tongue:

    I guess it all comes down to how we play the game. Those of us who treat each toon/character as a separate entity unto themselves and those of us who treat them all as one (ourselves), just whomever we happen to be playing atm.

    Neither way is wrong, only different methods of playing the game. Too bad this isn't something that could be fought for like optional UI changes... as there is no way to have it optional for some only. Ah, well :adds a new set of armor to honey do list:
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Khenarthi
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    No, for the reasons already given by others. Each character is his own person with different paths and specialization, and mine work as a team: one crafts armour and weapons, one cooks, one is an enchanter and alchemist... a few others just go out to have adventures and collect items for the rest that stay "home" that week.

    Ah, and I play all of them - none is just a mule, they're all simply in different stages of development due to "restartitis".
  • Thymos
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    This would defeat part of the skill point system. So I say no. You're supposed to have a give and take when you choose your skills. If you want to have crafting skills, you have to sacrifice using skill points on combat related skills.

    If this was streamlined as you say, then everyone would have 1 single crafter, waste all the points into crafting, and then would not have to worry about spending points on craft skills on the rest of their characters.
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  • BigM
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    I so hate Blizzard for starting this, one of the worse things they could have done going account wide just to quiet the people that hated making new characters.

    I could go into more detail but why it will only come off as a rant and you didn't want that so I will just end it with my one opinion!

    OK I lied, lets just make it where you come into game after making one character and the 2nd one you get right to top level with all skill points available. I know this is exactly what most want. :(
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Gidorick
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    BigM wrote: »
    I so hate Blizzard for starting this, one of the worse things they could have done going account wide just to quiet the people that hated making new characters.

    I could go into more detail but why it will only come off as a rant and you didn't want that so I will just end it with my one opinion!

    OK I lied, lets just make it where you come into game after making one character and the 2nd one you get right to top level with all skill points available. I know this is exactly what most want. :(

    When ZOS inevitably introduces race/class/faction/gender change we will pretty much have this anyway.

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  • Merlin13KAGL
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    Account wide crafter would arguably require account wide skill points (shared), and I'm pretty sure you don't want your provisioner taking power away from your main butt kicker...

    It's a pain as you level, but it's still manageable, and it's not like you're making new armor every other day.

    I would like to see some more storage options though.
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
    Soul Shriven
    Yes - Please explain you logic in the thread
    I voted yes, just because I wish research was account bound as there is way too much time involved researching for each of my characters. If research was instant I would go with no.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    TTSCENTURY wrote: »
    I voted yes, just because I wish research was account bound as there is way too much time involved researching for each of my characters. If research was instant I would go with no.
    Honestly, why must you research everything on each character? Once one can make it, let them make it.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • BigM
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    Gidorick wrote: »
    BigM wrote: »
    I so hate Blizzard for starting this, one of the worse things they could have done going account wide just to quiet the people that hated making new characters.

    I could go into more detail but why it will only come off as a rant and you didn't want that so I will just end it with my one opinion!

    OK I lied, lets just make it where you come into game after making one character and the 2nd one you get right to top level with all skill points available. I know this is exactly what most want. :(

    When ZOS inevitably introduces race/class/faction/gender change we will pretty much have this anyway.

    That won't be cheap but it will cheapen the game.
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • Faugaun
    Yes - Please explain you logic in the thread
    NovaMarx wrote: »
    Yet another thing people want to be account wide :tongue:

    I like crafting the way it is. My characters are "unique", and I personally feel no need to make anything else account wide.

    So far we have dyes, vanity items (mounts, pets, etc) and CP account wide. But still people are not satisfied. Just look at all the posts where people complain about CP. Making something like crafting account wide might have the same negative effect/response.
    I can understand how some may find crafting a "grind" if they want to make every character a master crafter, but that's a choice. Example: I have one character who is a master crafter, the rest only focus on what they need. It's called: prioritizing.

    Go run a poll on making cp character specific instead of account wide....I bet that would be very unpopular.
    NovaMarx wrote: »
    Azculain wrote: »
    NO: I believe there are "games" out there that offer instant gratification already.
    If anything, things need to become more complex around here.

    ^ Exactly this!

    The game has been watered down too much.There's just not enough depth. The quests are way too easy and everything else in the game is drawn out for you as well. It even makes RP and immersion difficult when you no longer have to "fight for" or earn anything. Your character just becomes an empty shell. And that is the last thing I expect from an Elder Scrolls game.

    I'm all for making the content harder and making things where I play and have fun and am challenged, logging in and out and needlessly running to 18 different locations is just a time sink for the sake of a time sink....
    jkemmery wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    jkemmery wrote: »
    I voted yes because it's a huge time sink leveling up crafting. [...]

    That's part of why I voted no. Crafting is part of character investment--a reason for people to actually play more than one character.

    For me this is the main reason that I have all but quit playing. My time is valuable to me.

    I'm not that far but it is undesirable for me.
    Faugaun wrote: »
    There is and should be a cost to choices we make. Skill points are required for crafting and work to level it up on a character. Making this shared defeats the intent and very good purpose of the choice to work to level up a craft on a character and to spend skill points on it.

    A point that brings this to light is the extended benefits that points in provisioning and alchemy provide and with your ideas it would mean once these lines are leveled on any character every other character would benefit and that is just plain wrong and seems a little lazy.

    Is it wrong for you to think these things, No.

    Is it wrong for these ideas to be implemented in the game. Absolutely wrong.

    What extended benefits? Yesterday it took 15 min to level a character from provisioning 3 to provisioning 50? Cost about 11k gold?

    Right. Now trying doing that with enchanting or blacksmithing.

    I would say no. Let's think this through. Say I have four characters. Each character runs around getting drops. Each character repeats dungeons, etc., that other characters have done. Character then deconstructs all that loot to benefit a single, general crafting skill. Soon I have maxed out everything.

    Now I roll character five ... and their an expert ... at everything?


    Look at the post I quoted specifically referenced provisioning and added
    Thymos wrote: »
    This would defeat part of the skill point system. So I say no. You're supposed to have a give and take when you choose your skills. If you want to have crafting skills, you have to sacrifice using skill points on combat related skills.

    If this was streamlined as you say, then everyone would have 1 single crafter, waste all the points into crafting, and then would not have to worry about spending points on craft skills on the rest of their characters.

    Isn't that what everyone already does? You could still have individual passives for characters for hirelings, l9nger potions, and more food created and better refining rates. ...this could all be done per character just the very basic actual crafting portion that needs to be account wide
  • guangui
    Yes - Please explain you logic in the thread

    Who seriously has the time to research traits on alts lol? Too time consuming, this is game. I can't believe some people seem to feel that their characters are real. Lmao that's creepy to me.

    To think a animated figure has a life of their own is just...well borderline nutty to me.

    "No, all of my characters are seperate entities."

    That sentence is hella creepy. By definition "Entity" is something real. Games or just that games, i'm glad some folk have a great deal of fun but pretending that your characters are actual living things is just creepy.

    Seriously. With the researching should be account wide. I don't have time to wait 64 days that's just insane.

    Either make it account wide or change the time drastically to a maximum or 64 hours not days. That would be enough for me.

    It's a game fellas
    Some of you should take that dedication you have and apply it to your real life where it actually matters instead of creating these illusions of "entities" in a game. Creeeeeeeeeeepy!
  • OnThaLoose
    Other - Please explain you logic in the thread
    I'm not opposed to it, but I don't see ZoS sharing any skills between toons. If they did crafting, someone would complain about having to level up light armor again on a new toon cuz they have light armor at lvl 50 on another toon. Or, "I'm a vampire on my main, why can I share it to my other toons"
  • BigM
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    Well one thing has happened on these boards the last week. I decided I will never buy a console. :smiley:
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • newtinmpls
    Faugaun wrote: »

    Go run a poll on making cp character specific instead of account wide....I bet that would be very unpopular.

    Unpopular, sure. Most min/maxers are in too much of a hurry. I would vote for individualized CP.

    For the people who say "such and so isn't fun" I say - then don't do it. I'm an old style gamer - I find fun in the process of the game itself. This isn't a card game or a board game or a video game where there is a 'win' and an 'end'. This is an ongoing interactive participatory game.

    Like when I was little (back when dirt was new) and my brother and I spent days pretending that the box our fridge came in was a spaceship to mars ... or a pirate ship.

    ESO (and any participatory interactive multi player game) is just let's pretend with some structure and cool graphics. If it's not fun, then don't do it.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Psychobunni
    Yes - Please explain you logic in the thread
    BigM wrote: »
    Well one thing has happened on these boards the last week. I decided I will never buy a console. :smiley:

    LOL! I agree for myself. However, we are currently debating the merits of both systems to decide which one to trade in our currents for...because Fallout 4! Gotta let the kiddies play too :D (our own that is)
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Alphashado
    No - - Please explain you logic in the thread
    I like the fact that all my characters are different. They each have their own unique skills and qualities. I like the fact that they are individuals.

    Your proposal would make them all seem like some kind of robotic "collective" or mindless members of a hive community. I actually find the idea kinda creepy :)
  • Merkabeh
    Other - Please explain you logic in the thread
    lsneakl wrote: »
    Merkabeh wrote: »
    it is annoying. I have 4 mules right now and I spend half hour to an hour after "playing" every night just crafting (refining and deconstructing) and organizing my inventory among my mules; because there are so many crafting materials.

    I don't know what the best solution to it is, but I'm not a fan of your solution, because I like the idea that each character is specialized. Switching characters to actually create an item isn't too bad I don't believe; but crafting material inventory is annoying to work with, so maybe something to resolve that.

    The issue is not the system the issue is that you are using other accounts as mules... Each character is supposed to be a separate person within Tamriel. The fact that you are using mules and have to shift things around is exactly why this should not be allowed.... There just needs to be no limits on character bank/back pack spots and needs to level out as far as cost.

    I agree 100%. If you read my second paragraph I state essentially the same thing. I like each character is a separate "person" in Tamriel; I don't like that I don't have enough space to store all the crafting mats I've collected and use, let alone the gear and general items I want in the bank that is shared between characters. I use mules as a solution to this problem; if I don't use mules, my bank would be full all the time; and I seriously only put crafting mats, set pieces and general items (soul gems, etc) in my bank.
    Crusader of The Knights of the Alessian Order

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