Wyietsayon wrote: »Cool idea, but like some others, I'm not sure how it'd work with combat. What if your a bow or staff user? What happens if your sneaking? As for it replacing the shield, players would be upset that for those dark dungeons, they'd have to sacrifice their set bonuses and enchantment bonus, just to use a torch.
Instead, maybe it could be something like a trophy item, where if you use it, you can walk around with the torch. However, upon entering combat, the torch disappears and you return to your normal animations. Similarly, drawing your weapon would force the torch away. This wouldn't be effective for a dark dungeon design, but you could at least walk around with a torch.
I could see them implement a dark dungeon though, but instead of a torch, it's magic or fireflies floating around you. In fact, didn't they already do this in one of the coldharbour dungeons? Could have sworn one of them was super dark and difficult to navigate.
Yes and no. If you look at my screen shots you'll see that my settings keep eso pretty dark. Those aren't re-touched Screen shots. Many players would use them because we want to.... upping the gamma would alleviate the darkness too. In my Environment & Weather Systems Overhaul Concept thread I suggest contextually darker nights to support the addition of torches.
ZOS would likely want to relight some dungeons to 'encourage' torch use of they were ever added.
... darker nights and darker delves would be a good idea.
We certainly appreciate the detailed and constructive feedback in threads like this. We want players to be able to hold torches, too, and we're looking into ways we could accomplish that.
We certainly appreciate the detailed and constructive feedback in threads like this. We want players to be able to hold torches, too, and we're looking into ways we could accomplish that.
Not everything about an mmo need to provide tactical advantage @nastuug... but multiple options are a must. Torches, Magelights, potions of night eye, and Khajiit's ability to see in the darkshould all be options for players.
Not everything about an mmo need to provide tactical advantage @nastuug... but multiple options are a must. Torches, Magelights, potions of night eye, and Khajiit's ability to see in the darkshould all be options for players.
It's not so much that it would provide a tactical advantage. I'm meaning simply to move in PVE in the type of environment you've shown in your screenshots would require the use of a torch. Thus, the entire functionality of the game would change from its current state unless you allow players to opt out of this extremely low light.
No thanks, torches and dark places are a PITA that I can live without.
And please, don't plead realism, there are a million 'real' things missing in games that aren't and the games are far better without them.
I think the idea of allowing players to opt out of environmental effects is strange. That would be like opting out of rain or night.
I would personally be fine with them adding torches and not changing darkness levels at all. Let those of us who want to use them, use them.
And that would be fine to add functional torches right now, but keep the lighting the way it is. Although, it begs the question: Why does one even need a torch then?
wilsonirayb16_ESO wrote: »I'm all for the functional torch, but all our dreams of deep dungeon spelunking gets ruined... by other people.
Open dungeons/caves have all their immersing qualities stripped, by that horde of naked players running by and roll/jump spamming along the way, rushing to get to the end because they care nothing about the exploration.
This is a fundamental flaw of the game since it's conception, and nothing will make adventuring worth while until they address this.
Make all instances flaggable for solo/private(invite only)/ public. Let us decide how we want to play.
To see better. Why does one need a horse if they can just run everywhere?
That's not a proper comparison.
If the current system has no need for a functional torch, then why would you ask for one outside of the immersion request? A mount is an essential part of the modern-day MMORPG. One would typically expect a mount to exist, but not an unnecessary torch feature.
and I am looking at the modern day Elder Scrolls game and expecting torches to exist.
Yet most who look at this "just another MMORPG" couldn't care less. They want player housing, more playable classes, more content to explore and conquer, and especially the Auction Horse.