ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »Not really. They need a starting point somewhere and its better than putting it in and everyone just starting at 0.
The amount of BS that ZOS said and then did something totally different since launch is absurd.
They said they where tracking xp to reward people who have already put time into the game. To go back and say we all start at the same point is absurd.
I'm having some connection issues and can't see the live broadcast now. I hope that they clarify the situation during the show. Maybe @ZOS_KaiSchober can share our concerns to the Champion System lead or one of the Community Reps.
They said they where tracking xp to reward people who have already put time into the game. To go back and say we all start at the same point is absurd.
So, the statements ZoS made about tracking XP past v14 was a lie if this is the case. If you aren't going to be rewarded for the xp you've already earned, then why are the tracking it?
This is like an amplified version of the undaunted passives again - players that have already played the content are left to suffer, those that have not and still have plenty of quests to complete will have more opportunity to gain points and gain them faster.
Don't get me wrong, I expected to be at the champ point cap having several vr14 guys, but I didn't expect that cap to mean I would be tied with some random person that just hit VR1 the day the system launches.
What are you talking about?
ZOS is tracking xp, you will get championship points based on xp gained after v1, there will be a cap on the number of championship points you have on day 1.
I don't understand where you got the idea that they somehow lied, this has been the position from the beginning and to the best of my knowledge remains the case.
What are you talking about?
ZOS is tracking xp, you will get championship points based on xp gained after v1, there will be a cap on the number of championship points you have on day 1.
I don't understand where you got the idea that they somehow lied, this has been the position from the beginning and to the best of my knowledge remains the case.
They said back in October on the Guild Summit audio that there would be a starting point cap, it's not ZoS's fault that players burnt themselves out trying to grind out as much XP as humanly possible to have an edge when it launched.isnt it kinda unfair for people who were playing more just getting ready for champion system to get points by grinding characters to vr14 or just in general playing more to just get 30 points for having at least 1 vr character ?
all that work and time spent playing wasted. gee thnx...
They said back in October on the Guild Summit audio that there would be a starting point cap, it's not ZoS's fault that players burnt themselves out trying to grind out as much XP as humanly possible to have an edge when it launched.
It kind of killed me a little on the inside that they mentioned that meme thread, but did not clarify this important issue.@manny254: I also hope that this is just a misunderstanding and that XP is still getting tracked properly.
I really like they're trying to balance the XP gains for the different play modes, especially since it now directly affects champion points.
Indeed but they had to come up with some number, and regardless of what number that was it is going to tick off some players who feel cheated.What's said above is very different than simply a starting point cap. I said in my post I assumed I would be at the cap. But getting 30 points for having 1 vr1 guy and 30 points for having 5 vr14 guys isn't quite the same thing. (Also doesn't answer why they said they are tracking xp past vr14).
Indeed but they had to come up with some number, and regardless of what number that was it is going to tick off some players who feel cheated.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »I assume there will be like a 50% of the vr 14 population rage quitting and leave the game if this goes live
The ESO Live webcast isn't even over yet, and the whining already begins......
This implies that someone with more XP would get more CP, which is only fair. Someone who is VR14 and has been a Veteran for, say, 100 hours, should have a higher CP starting point than someone who has been VR1 for 10 hours. (Logically 10 times more.)ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »We have been tracking Experience gains past maximum Veteran Rank on accounts in preparation for the Champion System.
This is exactly how I heard and took that statement. If you have at least a VR1 toon, you get 30 cp. They never said that was the 'out of the gate' cap and I'm 99% sure that some with a VR14 will have more than 30cp. However, the people that think because they have more than one VR14 they will have more are mistaken.Rune_Relic wrote: »Pretty sure that means min 30 cp "+" not that everyone gets max 30cp regardless of experience above VR1
If that's how it's going to be, that's fine. (Incidentally, if they've changed it and that's no longer how it's going to be, that's also fine if ZOS admit they have changed their plans.) Any clarification available, @ZOS_MariaAliprando ?BalerionBlackDread wrote: »This is exactly how I heard and took that statement. If you have at least a VR1 toon, you get 30 cp. They never said that was the 'out of the gate' cap and I'm 99% sure that some with a VR14 will have more than 30cp. However, the people that think because they have more than one VR14 they will have more are mistaken.
Teargrants wrote: »Sounds like BS to me. Months ago, we were explicitly promised that XP gained after V14 was being tracked, and would go towards giving us additional champion points. There was to be an upper limit per account on how many points could be gained through this upon the conversion, but it was supposed to be an amount so high that "most players wouldn't even reach it".
With this explicit statement in mind, people have been playing/grinding for months under the impression that they would be rewarded w/ champion points. Instead, they've been given a big middle finger.