kevlarto_ESO wrote: »ZOS has said from day one, that they were tacking or post vr14 progression, they also said the points we will be getting would not cover all of our progression, I am surprised we are getting 30 that seems like a lot to me in a system that is suppose to be very very slow to progress in. I am fine with the 30, I was thinking we would only get 10 or 15, they gota start somewhere, I am curious as to how long it will take with game play to get more points.
I like the fact I will get 30 on all my toons to start out with. My only thing is I wish ZOS would have told us they changed their minds on the post tracking progression, or did they do the tracking and found this to be a good average.
This is another prime example of ZOS letting players theorize, guess and rage over an unclear issue, instead of just stepping up and clarifying what they meant in the live stream.
It should take @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober or @ZOS_GaryA around one or two sentences to confirm or clarify this "30 points and no more, for everyone" statement.
Instead, here we are, guessing and raging. And probably will be until we see the PTS notes.
TequilaFire wrote: »I agree, however if the Champion system had been in place since day one would not there be a disparity between player levels who had played less than those that had played longer?
So that is why many of us don't get the argument that everyone should be set to the same starting point.
TequilaFire wrote: »I agree, however if the Champion system had been in place since day one would not there be a disparity between player levels who had played less than those that had played longer?
So that is why many of us don't get the argument that everyone should be set to the same starting point.
Was about to post this almost word for word. The disparity would already exist. It already does exist in the form of Vet Ranks. So why the sudden need to nerf higher level players?
Unlikely_Ghostbuster wrote: »ZOS needs to clarify this very quickly. Was playing for the last few months a massive waste of time, or was XP being tracked for a reason?
lordrichter wrote: »Unlikely_Ghostbuster wrote: »ZOS needs to clarify this very quickly. Was playing for the last few months a massive waste of time, or was XP being tracked for a reason?
They consider the next several WEEKS to be the time to clarify these things.
They said on ESO Live that they would clarify a few things next week. They said in the forum that they have articles that they are going to publish in January about the various systems that will answer a lot of questions. They stated that Update 6 will be on the PTS in January. All of these things presented as the place to find answers to all questions about what was discussed on ESO Live.
People are in a panic because they simply believe what is being written in the forum without bothering to check the ultimate source, ESO Live. If you want clarification, go listen to what they say in ESO Live. When you are done, tick off what you did not hear them say. You did not hear them say that existing XP was being tossed out *. Right now, that is a fabrication. You did not hear that 30 cookies was the cookie cap*, but you did hear that every Veteran gets a 30 cookie reward immediately when they log in after Update 6 goes live.
You also heard that they don't want a huge gap generated between what you can do today and what you will be able to do when the system goes live. We do not yet know what that means, but we will find out in the next few weeks. I am sure that this is the source of the Great Cookie Panic of 2014.
(Man, thanks to the guy who invented Champion Point=Cookie, makes these threads much more fun to write in)
Personally, I am looking forward to the additional information that will be coming out in the next 2-3 weeks, or so. I would prefer that it all be in one place, and not scattered all over the forum, so I am really looking forward to the articles. It is clear that this will be the best source of information.
(* If anyone can give me a timestamp where any of these things were actually said in a quotable form, let me know. I have listened to the show three times now. It is starting to lose excitement for me, but if you can provide a direct timestamp where they actually say the XP is being tossed, or that there will absolutely not be more than 30 cookies for existing players, I will listen again and post the quotes myself.)
lordrichter wrote: »Unlikely_Ghostbuster wrote: »ZOS needs to clarify this very quickly. Was playing for the last few months a massive waste of time, or was XP being tracked for a reason?
They consider the next several WEEKS to be the time to clarify these things.
They said on ESO Live that they would clarify a few things next week. They said in the forum that they have articles that they are going to publish in January about the various systems that will answer a lot of questions. They stated that Update 6 will be on the PTS in January. All of these things presented as the place to find answers to all questions about what was discussed on ESO Live.
People are in a panic because they simply believe what is being written in the forum without bothering to check the ultimate source, ESO Live. If you want clarification, go listen to what they say in ESO Live. When you are done, tick off what you did not hear them say. You did not hear them say that existing XP was being tossed out *. Right now, that is a fabrication. You did not hear that 30 cookies was the cookie cap*, but you did hear that every Veteran gets a 30 cookie reward immediately when they log in after Update 6 goes live.
You also heard that they don't want a huge gap generated between what you can do today and what you will be able to do when the system goes live. We do not yet know what that means, but we will find out in the next few weeks. I am sure that this is the source of the Great Cookie Panic of 2014.
(Man, thanks to the guy who invented Champion Point=Cookie, makes these threads much more fun to write in)
Personally, I am looking forward to the additional information that will be coming out in the next 2-3 weeks, or so. I would prefer that it all be in one place, and not scattered all over the forum, so I am really looking forward to the articles. It is clear that this will be the best source of information.
(* If anyone can give me a timestamp where any of these things were actually said in a quotable form, let me know. I have listened to the show three times now. It is starting to lose excitement for me, but if you can provide a direct timestamp where they actually say the XP is being tossed, or that there will absolutely not be more than 30 cookies for existing players, I will listen again and post the quotes myself.)
belgarion1270ub17_ESO wrote: »The below comments were copy/pasted from Tamriel Foundry forums, I thought the two differing viewpoints were worth sharing here...
madangrypally said on December 19, 2014 :
Atropos responded with the comment below
This feels like an overreaction to me, but we’ll see how many others feel the same way. As someone who has played as much ESO as just about anyone, I don’t really care that I only start with 30 points. Just means I have stuff to do to continue growing my character. For me the fun is in the progression though, I would almost be bummed if I had already unlocked most of the new Champion System stuff without really doing anything for it (intentionally).
My Take
Gotta hand it to that Atropos guy, he has a rather keen head on his shoulders.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »remember way back when we were in the bethesda forums and 1st heard that zenimax was going to close off all areas of the game and not allow free roaming to other alliances and we were shocked that it was even possible that they could even THINK to remove the freedom we all knew and loved in the elderscrolls series. was shocking indeed and we all lied to ourselves thinking it would be a good thing.
remember when we were in bethesda forums and heard rumer that eso would completely be removing all the abilities and basics we had in es series and give us forced classes, with not only classes they also had horrible passives and that we would also be forced to have members in our alliance that we knew for a fact we hated, for example the nords mingling with the dark elves ...
remember after months and months and months of promises that we would Never see a cash shop they introduced the pay walls and pay gates with the colectors edition and the horse. remember how angry we were about it and all the videos made from people expresing thier anger.
remember when they removed things repeatedly from game play and skills that had no effect in pvp nor pve that hurt anyone but yet they ignore the things that DO cause imbalance in both pvp and pve, like for example the speed nightblades had from the armor set.
time again and again and again thier doing this over and over, yet no one takes true note to the trend.
take a look and see if you remember the thread started by a zenimax employee high on the pay scale asking for everyone to just accept that zenimax's only intention was to "make a great game" and we were asked to simply accept the decisons made with out complaint and have an open mind, yet the result was loss in a big scale of most of the elderscrolls main fans and along with them leaving also went thier subscriptions ...
there are alot more to add to the list that i for Sure have not mentioned but i can promise you it will continue and will not change untill the leadership and decison making in eso changes.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »So let me see if I'm following this... most of you V14s ( I am V14 too) are butt hurt that V1s are getting 30 points just like we are.... This game is rated M for Mature players still right? Cause what I read is a bunch of player crying that low levels are being treated the same. Here's a list on why you shouldn't care that low levels are getting same ammount of point as us.
1. ZoS needed a starting point. Starting us all at 0 wouldn't be fair to low levels since higher level could clearly earn more.
2. we are getting 30 point but we can only spend 10 of them in each consolation 10 for warrior 10 for thief and 10 for mage.
3. In case you all forgot the Imperial city is dropping with update 6 too and I'm sure low levelplayers wanna see it and with Cyrodiil already full of v14s the lower levels really don't need V5 enemys and powered up V14s ganking them while they try to explore the city.
4. ZoS said there basicly redoing the combat system which mean bosses are gonna be harded than when we were lower levels so there gonna need the buffs.
5. Not all the passive skills are goddess buffs as the loved to say in the stream the towers powers are useful with out being related to combat such as mount master ( Your mount doesn't use stamina when outside of combat ). I'm sure some low levels would love to have mount master or treasure hunter (allows you to find rarer loot in treasure chest).
So that is a short list of why 30 is good for us all V1 or V14 doesn't matter if we put more time into or not. As A very wise man is gonna say in about a 1000 year.. " They all were welps once".
The fallacy that a player who has 1-5 VR14's thinking that they MUST have more /played time than someone who has a single VR1 + 4-5 in the 40's + a couple in the 20's and somehow DESERVES more starting Champion Points cracks me up. You have NO IDEA how much /played time another player's account has. Especially considering many players (not all) that have multiple VR14's did so by abusing the system early on when you could spam a VR in <30 min. I'm not against grinding but all of those who used the exploit in Vet WS 1st boss to supersize their VR leveling don't "deserve" any more than any player who didn't do it. Lets look at it from a game time perspective.
Player A: (4-5) VR14's + (3-4) LvL 3-40's has 54 Days /played time account wide (purely for example)
Player B: (1) VR2 + (4-5) LvL 40's + (2-3) LvL 20's has 56 Days /played time account wide (purely for example)
Player A is crying on the forums after the Live show because it's unfair he/she is getting the same starting Champion Points as Player B, who has MORE played time on their account, but only 1 Veteran character. Player A somehow deems multiple VR14's worthy of more points than Player B's more game time. This is a false sense of entitlement and NOBODY can say their game time is worth more than another's game time just because they have more characters of a higher level. No matter what the starting points cap was going to be, someone will be pi$$ed off and complaining on these forums.
I understand full well how the Champion Points will be earned, but it doesn't change the fact that in my example Player B had more total game time than Player A, therefore Player A crying that it's unfair that they get the same starting cap is moot. I also understand that my example isn't the norm, but to the same point you saying that players who have multiple VR14's that did it normally by finishing all the quests is misleading. There are some who love questing, there are some who hate questing. There are MANY who used the Vet WS first boss exploit early on to get 1-3 VR10's in an absurdly short time. Why does that person think he/she is entitled to more starting points than a player who didn't use an exploit? I'm also not saying everyone used that exploit, or the broken Craglorn mechanic where you could pull the boss scorpion over and over again until ZoS fixed it, but MANY did.XP received before level 50 is not counted towards the Champion System. The 30 points cap has absolutely nothing to do with this. I'm not saying that this is a good idea but @ZOS designed the champion system this way.
For players with VR14 characters who did all the quests, getting Champion Points will actually be easier if they delete said characters and start new ones. Does this seem normal to you?
So, the statements ZoS made about tracking XP past v14 was a lie if this is the case. If you aren't going to be rewarded for the xp you've already earned, then why are the tracking it?
This is like an amplified version of the undaunted passives again - players that have already played the content are left to suffer, those that have not and still have plenty of quests to complete will have more opportunity to gain points and gain them faster.
Don't get me wrong, I expected to be at the champ point cap having several vr14 guys, but I didn't expect that cap to mean I would be tied with some random person that just hit VR1 the day the system launches.
What are you talking about?
ZOS is tracking xp, you will get championship points based on xp gained after v1, there will be a cap on the number of championship points you have on day 1.
I don't understand where you got the idea that they somehow lied, this has been the position from the beginning and to the best of my knowledge remains the case.
belgarion1270ub17_ESO wrote: »Here is hoping when they do clarify they state the intention was to avoid the current playbase gaming the coming champion system from the jump. No way an account with multiple VR14s getting a large stack of champion points would be good for future players.
Guess we all will await clarification. It pretty well known people have been planning to game this thing since it was announced. They needed to prevent that 100%. Sorry to the hardcore grinders/levelers but makes no sense to separate the player base on how fast you get your 8 slots to VR14.
Skullemainia wrote: »what if I haven't a VR char. when the system is launched?? do I still get 30 CP if I become vet. ?
For the people thinking ZOS deliberately lied to you about tracking XP. Think about this.
If ZOS had come out months back and said we are not tracking, most of you would have unsubbed, there and then, so that would have lost them money. Even if you unsub now (the vast majority wont, its mostly just caterwauling, even most of those that do will probably come back) they still made money out of you for those months that they would not have, had they said it wasn't tracked.
Essentially it was a sound business decision. Possibly a bit disingenuous and underhand, but the most profitable decision either way.