Vampires & the Justice System

So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented. This, of course, means they will be accosted by guards. Now, there are various levels of criminality within the Justice System. If you're a petty thief who has only pilfered some radishes before getting caught you can pay a small fine and be sent on your merry way. However, it is my understanding that once you become a certain level of criminal and have added things like murder to your crimes, not only will your bounty become astronomical, there will come a point where the only thing that will happen is that the guards will try to kill you, period.

So, enter the Stage 4 vampire. What "level" of criminal are they? Why should they even be considered a criminal at all since, hey, their advanced condition PROVES they aren't feeding on anybody and are probably "harmless?" Heck, what if they haven't committed ANY crimes and are upstanding citizens who always pay for their radishes and onions? Can they just pay a small fine to a guard after being unfairly hassled for their unfortunate skin condition and be on their way?

Here's where we come to the problem of what Stage 4 is SUPPOSED to represent. This is a STARVING VAMPIRE, one step away from being a mindless bloodfiend about to go on a killing frenzy. This is not SUPPOSED to be a mild mannered creature that loves people so much it would rather starve itself than feed on them...and can actually do so with no ill effects outside of looking like your worst nightmare. IF that were supposed to be the lore-supported case vampires would not have the bad rap they do and no one would be unduly afraid of them.

What Stage 4 is SUPPOSED to represent is the monster unmasked, the killer among mortals, the pinnacle of the food chain who can, and might, snatch up anyone and end their lives to feed their endless and evil hunger. This is a creature that can NEVER be trusted. So the only logical thing to do when confronted by the presence of one is to do your utmost to kill it. So I don't think paying a small fine and going on about your business at the bank and the various crafting tables is going to be an option. Nothing short of total KOS makes any logical sense. I would, however, like confirmation from the Devs on this if at all possible. So... @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_AlanG , @ZOS_JasonLeavey , et all?

But regardless of the "level" of criminality ZOS decides to assign Stage 4 the fact is that players of vampires are going to have to deal with it. As we should. Despite vampires having been repeatedly nerfed into the ground we're SUPPOSEDLY "stronger" than "mere mortals." Traditionally, there's supposed to be a tradeoff with that, to balance things out. But until the Justice System arrives, there's no such tradeoff for vampires as they are currently implemented.

Predictably, this news (even though we don't know the specifics of how it will be implemented and how "severe" the penalties for being a Stage 4 vampire will be) has already resulted in those who PvP with vampires complaining that they do not wish to be "forced" to leave Stage 4 (and its obvious benefits that are not offset by any meaningful deficits) in order to "conduct business" in town. They do not want to have to wait the hour and a half Stage 3 lasts before returning to Cyrodil. They do not WANT there to be any incentive to feed and visit the other Stages, regardless of what was intended by ZOS when they (badly and supposedly grudgingly) added vampires to the game. They are already saying that the whole idea of guards reacting to them at all negatively for "just" being a Stage 4 vampire is unfair. Demands for a "vampires only" city where Stage 4 vampires can conduct all their business without being bothered are already being seen here in the forums. Others have suggested that there be some sort of disguise that vampires can wear that will hide their Stage 4 vampirism so that they can enter cities and conduct their business unmolested.

I would really like to know ZOS's reaction to that. Devs?

Here is where I will enter my own humble potential solution. Many of us (those who play vampires) have never been happy with the length of the various stages. MOST RPers (tiny, insignificant clan that we supposedly are) and many PvEers have advocated that EACH Stage should last a full 6 hour game day. Quite simply because that would be more realistic than the current situation that would force you to feed 12 times a day (every half hour) just to maintain Stage 1 and look at least passably "normal" to other mortals. However, I don't see most PvPers being in support of that notion since they'd "lose" an entire game day from being "optimal" in Cyrodil every time they want to go to the bank or visit a crafting station or the marketplace.

So, if we are indeed truly stuck with all the Stages cycling through each 6 hour game day, it would simply make much more sense to swap out the Stage 1 and Stage 3 timers. Have Stage 1 last an hour and a half and Stage 3 last only 30 minutes. Logically, it just makes more sense for Stage 1 to be the longest of the 3 initial stages. A freshly fed vampire SHOULD maintain their more normalized appearance and vitality longer than they should maintain the stage that immediately proceeds total starvation. This solution should please both camps as it would offer RPers/PvEers a longer time in which to be passably "normal" (rather than looking like a walking corpse) and PvPers could get their "business" out of the way in a half hour and get back to Cyrodil as Stage 4 with nary a pause. And if they need to be in town longer they always have the option of feeding up to Stage 2, which would still last the hour that it does now, giving them an hour and a half to take care of things before returning to the frontlines as a bad@$$ Stage 4 vampire.

What do you think O my fellow forum dwellers and vampire fans?

Further down you'll see the following Dev comment:
MornaBaine wrote: »
So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented.

Confirmed where? And when? We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.

After a preliminary search I was unable to find the second mention of Stage 4 vampires being affected by the Justice System that I thought I had come across in the most recent Livestream. So I may be wrong and we may still only have Paul Sage saying that guards "would not like" vampires in Stage 4 (which I have linked again in the comments below).

What I am happy about though is that Jessica did at least confirm that they are working out the details of HOW vampires and werewolves will be affected by the Justice System, so at least we know they WILL be affected by it. That coupled with Paul Sage's earlier comments at least cements that vamps and weres WILL be affected by the Justice System and that this will PROBABLY involve a negative reaction to Stage 4 vampires.
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Ajantear
    I like the solution you suggest. In Skyrim each stage would take many days.

    I am pleased that this is coming in however. I talked about this in my own thread. The reason I am kneaded is less vampires everywhere. I have no issue with vampire players at all. It just the way they are walking down every single street like there is nothing out if the ordinary that I don't like. I suggested they get an automatic charm ability so that every non vampire who sees them sees them as normal.

    With regards to pvp needs and over needs conflicting I am a little less sympathetic. You want your cake and you want to eat it? I would say its a choice and you take the rough with the smooth. But as I said your solution seems a good one to me. I seldom pvp so don't know the issues.

    To be honest I would like to see the whole Vampire, Werewolf mechanics addressed again. I have two characters with lycanthropy and still feel the system is half baked. I think guards should auto attack a WW if you stray too near a town in the 3.5 seconds you are in wolf form as well.
  • Ajantear
    Grrr lots of auto correct going in that last post. Hopefully you get the jist.
  • MornaBaine
    Ajantear wrote: »
    I like the solution you suggest. In Skyrim each stage would take many days.

    I am pleased that this is coming in however. I talked about this in my own thread. The reason I am kneaded is less vampires everywhere. I have no issue with vampire players at all. It just the way they are walking down every single street like there is nothing out if the ordinary that I don't like. I suggested they get an automatic charm ability so that every non vampire who sees them sees them as normal.

    With regards to pvp needs and over needs conflicting I am a little less sympathetic. You want your cake and you want to eat it? I would say its a choice and you take the rough with the smooth. But as I said your solution seems a good one to me. I seldom pvp so don't know the issues.

    To be honest I would like to see the whole Vampire, Werewolf mechanics addressed again. I have two characters with lycanthropy and still feel the system is half baked. I think guards should auto attack a WW if you stray too near a town in the 3.5 seconds you are in wolf form as well.

    I agree with you completely. I also don't have a lot of sympathy for the PvP crowd who is already complaining about this upcoming thing that I personally feel is long overdue. But I've also felt since day 1 that players need to have more control over what Stage their vampire is in than we currently do. My suggestion here is a compromise and is informed by my observation that ZOS does indeed cater to the PvPers and I don't want to see this whole aspect of the Justice System go by the wayside because a certain segment of the player base will throw a collective fit if they don't get their way.

    Oh and being a transformed werewolf will ALSO be treated as a crime. Again, we don't know what "level" of crime it will be considered as or what the long term ramifications may be.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Knootewoot
    Also people who are not in werewolve, should rise suspision. If it rains they smell of wet dog.

    I do hope Vampires will be KOS on every stage. Only Stage 4 is lame, because vampire=vampire. Vendors should sell buckets you can put over your head so you are not recognized as Vampire in towns.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Faugaun
    Lol this is funny, I like being a vampire and currently the trade off seems fair loss of regen and increased fire damage. I liked how crime worked in skyrim never messed with vampire mechanics though.

    From the perspective of vampire player (my whole guild is vampire/ww rp) there are a few problems with KOS for all/any stage. It does make sense (perhaps) from an immersion aspect. However, access to quests, access to vendors that sell things like soul gems (then again maybe vampires do not have souls and could require bloodvials or something else from the wild), access to the bank (random ATM's kinda like the crafting tables in the wild could fix this).

    The only thing which there is not an easy fix to is access to quests (if all stages are KOS) but perhaps being a vampire allows quests only accessible to vampires in all zones (10 quests per zone or something which would be criminal specific).

    I like a vampire city idea.

    I also like the idea of longer vampire stages, currently it is too quick and I don't bother to feed because its to much of a hastle (should make non vampires have to eat food that they cannot carry around...just saying). A vampire can feed and go to less advanced stages practically instantly and going with the idea that vampires are pseudo immortal (well until they are destroyed) it would make sense that in the vast amount of time they figured out how to transport blood (in a canteen, think trueblood idk) and how to rapidly revert to stage 4 (I guess this is undesirable if you're a vampire?the hunger pains are to great? Idk). Perhap though a toggle could be created where the player just selects the stage they wish for their vampire to maintain (since apparently humanoids automatically eat and maintain a healthy state). Hmmm not qq here just thinking outloud, probably a lot of dumb ideas I threw out but hopefully a decent one? Troll on guys!
  • MornaBaine
    Faugaun wrote: »
    Lol this is funny, I like being a vampire and currently the trade off seems fair loss of regen and increased fire damage. I liked how crime worked in skyrim never messed with vampire mechanics though.

    From the perspective of vampire player (my whole guild is vampire/ww rp) there are a few problems with KOS for all/any stage. It does make sense (perhaps) from an immersion aspect. However, access to quests, access to vendors that sell things like soul gems (then again maybe vampires do not have souls and could require bloodvials or something else from the wild), access to the bank (random ATM's kinda like the crafting tables in the wild could fix this).

    The only thing which there is not an easy fix to is access to quests (if all stages are KOS) but perhaps being a vampire allows quests only accessible to vampires in all zones (10 quests per zone or something which would be criminal specific).

    I like a vampire city idea.

    I also like the idea of longer vampire stages, currently it is too quick and I don't bother to feed because its to much of a hastle (should make non vampires have to eat food that they cannot carry around...just saying). A vampire can feed and go to less advanced stages practically instantly and going with the idea that vampires are pseudo immortal (well until they are destroyed) it would make sense that in the vast amount of time they figured out how to transport blood (in a canteen, think trueblood idk) and how to rapidly revert to stage 4 (I guess this is undesirable if you're a vampire?the hunger pains are to great? Idk). Perhap though a toggle could be created where the player just selects the stage they wish for their vampire to maintain (since apparently humanoids automatically eat and maintain a healthy state). Hmmm not qq here just thinking outloud, probably a lot of dumb ideas I threw out but hopefully a decent one? Troll on guys!

    Currently there has only been mention of Stage 4 causing any sort of adverse reaction. I'd LIKE it if, at Stage 3, you'd start getting the rude and/or fearful comments from NPCs that you get in Skyrim. Essentially, people notice that SOMETHING is wrong with you...but they don't know quite what. Would also serve as a good warning mechanism for players.

    NPC eyeballs you and says, "I don't like that look in your eyes. I ain't on the menu buddy!"

    Player thinks, "Whoa! Better check my timer and go feed before Stage 4 if Imma stick around this town for awhile longer!"

    The above would also make MUCH more sense if the timers on Stages 1 and 3 were reversed and it was now Stage 3 that only lasted half an hour.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Faugaun
    As far as the PvP people being upset....I imagine they will just mail stuff to an alt to move items around...actually this is a fairly simple fix for most of the problems and actually probably more time efficient to WS, port , wait to load, run to vendor, make purchase, run to WS, port, wait for load,run back to where you were.


    Log out, log on to alt already at the store, buy what's needed quick mail log out log back

    Or if just to sell items..mail, mail, mail, mail mail....mail is full OK gotta go check...log out, log on empty mail, log out, log on back to fighting...
  • WraithAzraiel
    Just let me feed on townies already!
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • naatokb14_ESO
    And pure PvPers complain that RPers want the best of both worlds because we want the capability of completely disguising our characters' vampirism when recently fed.

    Talk about wanting the best of both worlds. Heh. So, it is 'fair' to be a constantly starving, blatantly hideous, blood-sucking monster, but suffer no penalties for it outside of fire vulnerability, simply expecting to be completely ignored in cities and towns?

    Yeah-Naah. That is a very, very bad idea.
    Edited by naatokb14_ESO on December 15, 2014 6:20PM
    "For what deem'st thou so dear thy blood, when through my veins it will flood?"
  • AntonTakk
    I'd say when there are conflicting opinions, Stick to ES lore for the general way things work. 1 in game day/vampirism stage. I like the idea of NPCs responding differently based on the player's current stage of vampirism. perhaps something like:

    1 - normal responses.
    2 - "Are you alright? you don't look so good" or similar concern
    3 - "I don't like that look in your eye!" (general disapproval)

    Similarly, to balance it with Lycanthropy, perhaps a system where the player can randomly become a werewolf against their will (like in Skyrim) but maybe give them some kind of minor visual/audible indicator about 10 seconds before so they have a chance to run for it, and of corse, being seen transform in to a werewolf puts a bounty on your head. Perhaps increase the chances of turning against your will at night

    anyways, back to the original point - any solution (IMHO) must first and foremost be compatible with ES lore

  • phreatophile
    I think many of us don't really grasp how utterly and aggressively indifferent a lot of PvPers are to story and lore. The logical "At stage 4, you're on the verge of being a mindless beast" will not make a dent in their belief that anything bringing them out of stage 4 is bad and unfair.

    Meanwhile, when this gets implemented, a lot of players are going to get their backsides handed to them by unkillable guards a few times before they remember to eat on their way to town. LOL, story and lore will be harsh teachers.

    Sorry to say, ZOS will never deal with this issue before it becomes a huge problem. I predict massive complaining followed months later by an extension of some kind to stage timers.
  • Muizer
    Stage this, stage that..............There are other ways to reveal you're a vampire and if the justice system gets applied there too, the implications are a lot more interesting: Vampire abilities. The moment you throw out a batswarm, everyone who witnesses it will know you for what you are. If that makes you a criminal, then what place is there for you in group PvE or in PvP? The people that are supposedly your friends and allies will instantly become your mortal enemies ;)
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • AntonTakk
    I was under the impression that to be flagged a criminal, an otherwise friendly NPC had to see you commit the crime/etc. I don't think you should be flagged a criminal for using bat swarm (or any other skill) in a dungeon.

    To many ways for things to go wrong

    as for how easy it will be to steal/etc without being seen: Oblivion-style Horse Theft? Anyone? >:)
  • MornaBaine
    I'd say when there are conflicting opinions, Stick to ES lore for the general way things work. 1 in game day/vampirism stage. I like the idea of NPCs responding differently based on the player's current stage of vampirism. perhaps something like:

    1 - normal responses.
    2 - "Are you alright? you don't look so good" or similar concern
    3 - "I don't like that look in your eye!" (general disapproval)

    Similarly, to balance it with Lycanthropy, perhaps a system where the player can randomly become a werewolf against their will (like in Skyrim) but maybe give them some kind of minor visual/audible indicator about 10 seconds before so they have a chance to run for it, and of corse, being seen transform in to a werewolf puts a bounty on your head. Perhaps increase the chances of turning against your will at night

    anyways, back to the original point - any solution (IMHO) must first and foremost be compatible with ES lore

    I would LOVE your ideas on vampires to be implemented. It would actually make the fact that there are stages at all make sense. Not as keen on your werewolf idea. I DO think it would be really cool if werewolves turned involuntarily on one night of the full moons. Then at least players could prepare for it. But utterly random? Nah. And no, I don't currently play a werewolf. LOL
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    I was under the impression that to be flagged a criminal, an otherwise friendly NPC had to see you commit the crime/etc. I don't think you should be flagged a criminal for using bat swarm (or any other skill) in a dungeon.

    To many ways for things to go wrong

    as for how easy it will be to steal/etc without being seen: Oblivion-style Horse Theft? Anyone? >:)

    Nope. Being at Stage 4 will be treated as if you were committing a crime by any NPCs who see you. So yeah unless you can sneak through towns and not interact with ANY NPCs...there's going to be trouble. We just don't know how MUCH trouble yet.

    Dude, horse thievery would be fantastic! Alas, I don't see it happening. :(
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • MornaBaine
    Muizer wrote: »
    Stage this, stage that..............There are other ways to reveal you're a vampire and if the justice system gets applied there too, the implications are a lot more interesting: Vampire abilities. The moment you throw out a batswarm, everyone who witnesses it will know you for what you are. If that makes you a criminal, then what place is there for you in group PvE or in PvP? The people that are supposedly your friends and allies will instantly become your mortal enemies ;)

    Batswarm? Not necessarily. Who's to say where all those hungry bats suddenly came from? ;) LOL FEEDING, on the other hand....or turning into mist... yeah that SHOULD get you in trouble. Life drain MIGHT be able to be passed off as just another dark magic spell though.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented.

    Confirmed where? And when? We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented.

    Confirmed where? And when? We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.

    Thank you. I was pretty sure that was the case but I am reluctant to post where my posts will be, how can I put this, regarded with extra scrutiny.
  • MornaBaine
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented.

    Confirmed where? And when? We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.

    Last Livestream. Stage 4 vampires were mentioned as being affected. And in an earlier video Paul Sage stated that guards "would not like" Stage 4 vampires. I suppose this means I have to go back and rewatch and repost the relevant videos with timestamps, doesn't it? /sigh
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Eve_Knight
    Guards don't seem to like anyone. They're a rather misanthropic lot as it is.
  • MornaBaine
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented.

    Confirmed where? And when? We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.

    Okay here's the first one. Now I have to go watch the most recent Livestream again.

    OK here is the livestream link:

    Now Paul Sage's segment begins around 1:01:50. At aprox 1:00:16 Sage begins to talk about NPCs noticing transformed werewolves and Stage 4 vampires. What he says is, "Guards will not like that behavior."
    Edited by MornaBaine on December 15, 2014 9:32PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Nacario
    As a stage 4 vampire I demand equal rights with the lesser mortals! It wasnt even my fault I got bitten and became what I am..
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    It will be interesting in a place like Rawl'kha, where there are at any one time 10 - 15 stage 4 VR14 Vampires running around, to see how the guards make out. If they are smart kitties they will not make a fuss.
  • AntonTakk
    MornaBaine wrote: »

    as for how easy it will be to steal/etc without being seen: Oblivion-style Horse Theft? Anyone? >:)

    Dude, horse thievery would be fantastic! Alas, I don't see it happening. :(

    Was actually referring to how difficult it was to successfully steal a horse in Oblivion (without being seen), Since the Horses them selves were able to report your crime.....But yeah, being able to steal a horse would be amazing. but it would also have to be appropriately difficult
  • phreatophile
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    So it's been confirmed that vampires in Stage 4 will be considered "criminals" once the Justice System is implemented.

    Confirmed where? And when? We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.

    I guess we were running with Paul Sage's cryptic comment that Morna linked above, because it made sense. Pre-Dawngaurd, just being a Vampire was a crime, at stage 4 it became obvious to anyone with eyes and got the guards on your case. In ESO, its always obvious to anyone with eyes that we're vampires even if we've just fed, but that's just bad implementation. With Dawngaurd, I believe you had to actually transform into a Vampire Lord to get the guards trying to kill you.

    Please, don't let bloodstarved vampires just hang out in town without any consequence. Werewolves should have to transform in front of an NPC in town in order to be on the wrong side of the law.

    In both cases being a Vampire or a Werewolf ought to be a capital crime, but like any crime, the consequences come with getting caught. If you are carefull, you should be able to steal often without consequence, until you get caught, then the bounty is reflective of what you were seen doing and what you were not seen doing provided there's evidence in the form of stolen goods. The evidence of vampirism is appearance or the actual act of feeding.

    It would be ridiculous to not face any problems with the law as a vampire, we are creatures spawned by the arch-enemy in the game, regardless of our personal opposition to Molag Bal. Don't give in to the whining on this one.
    Edited by phreatophile on December 15, 2014 10:20PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    I have no idea why feeding doesn't bring you back to stage 1 like it does in other TES games. That would make feeding much less of a chore.
  • MornaBaine
    Hmmm...well for the moment I have to confess defeat. I was CERTAIN that it had been mentioned in passing in the Livestream from Episode 7, most probably in the segment dealing with the Justice System with Scott Nixon. I have not been able to rewatch the entire episode yet but it sticks in my head as a really casual passing reference where "Stage 4 vampire" was lumped in with mention of other crimes. Now since I can't find it at this point I am certainly willing to concede I may have been wrong. I mentioned it myself originally here

    on Dec. 13th right after watching the first time. Typically I post the video with a time stamp for the segment under discussion but for reasons that are beyond me I did not that particular time. Yeah, I will NEVER make that mistake again.

    So I'll keep looking when I have the time to do so and get back here with the info when/if I am able to find it again. Until then the only thing we have definitely on this issue is Paul Sage's comments on the subject, which I have already posted. Even with just that, it certainly seems to me that the intention IS that Stage 4 vampires WILL be affected by the Justice System.

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom it is good to know that, as you say, "We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players." as that certainly indicates that they WILL be affected by the Justice System, which a lot of people seem to not have known and which I have been asking for confirmation on for some time now. So thank you for at least giving us that much information. Don't you think it might be helpful to ask the players what they feel the penalty ought to be though as you try to figure it out? Just wondering.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • phreatophile
    Paul was pretty specific (at 1:03 ) mentioning "transformed werewolves and 'phase 4' vampires" not being liked by guards. What was cryptic is the consequences.
  • dharbert
    Paul was pretty specific (at 1:03 ) mentioning "transformed werewolves and 'phase 4' vampires" not being liked by guards. What was cryptic is the consequences.

    Have you people learned nothing yet? Unless it is actually in the game, stated by ZOS on this forum, or in writing in the patch notes, you are doing nothing but speculating.
    We're still working out the details of how the Justice System will impact werewolf and vampire players.

    ^ This is all you needed to know.

  • ShadowHvo
    If Stage 4 Vampires are immediately attacked I shall do my best to ravage through every town and murdering all NPC's as immortally possible.

    Hey, I defended your damned leaders and rescued the damn planet from getting sucked into Coldharbour, attack me and I shall unleash the might of an immortal upon your arse.

    As far as the whole confirming, thank you @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌, it was getting a bit much to hear people claim this and that, since by now we've had multiple theories of what it was going to be. After all, not liking a behavior could simply be to keep an eye on them more, instead of kill on sight, which I surely hope it won't be. If so, there will be thousands of angry vampires doing everything they can to survive.

    We kindred shall not be oppressed! Monster or not! We assist these alliances and risks out lives every day! Attack us and we shall strike back with all our vampiric might!

    Edited by ShadowHvo on December 16, 2014 1:22AM
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

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