Demonstrate that DKs are OP by playing one.

  • Maulkin
    Actually all I read between the lines in these posts are NBs justifiably moaning that they have problems with DKs.
    Why not ask to fix and buff your NB instead of crying for a nerf of DKs?

    NBs as a class have no particular problem against DKs. I see NBs use Fear and Shades to demolish DKs all the time. The complains come mostly from NBs who set themselves up for ranged ganking and evasion, yet unsurprisingly get owned by melee warriors when their cover is blown.

    It's their expectation of being good at everything with the same build that's out of kilt.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Mondo
    Yes Fear and Shades and still hell of a fight
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Maulkin
    Mondo wrote: »
    Yes Fear and Shades and still hell of a fight

    I don't see what you mean. You feel that using fear and shades should automatically grant you victory?
    EU | PC | AD
  • Mondo
    Ha ha every fight against DK is a hell of a fight. Especially if you are not a DK. There is no Rock for DK Scissor ^^
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Bashev
    Mondo wrote: »
    Ha ha every fight against DK is a hell of a fight. Especially if you are not a DK. There is no Rock for DK Scissor ^^
    Fear, shades and spark. If you use spark then DK change to staff, fear or stamina drain very fast and you have dead DK.
    At least a lot of NB killed me like this.

    Because I can!
  • Maulkin
    Mondo wrote: »
    Ha ha every fight against DK is a hell of a fight. Especially if you are not a DK. There is no Rock for DK Scissor ^^

    No, every open fight against a melee S&B DK is a hell of a fight. I see plenty of bow DKs and they go down as easily as their NB counterparts of the same playstyle. However, they can rack up huge kill streaks by just sniping and poison injecting from the shadows.

    Tanky NBs are also a hell of a fight whichever class you have. Go and watch some duels and then come back and tell me if there's a rock for the S&B NB scissor. Because there isn't, just like DKs they're always very very hard to beat 1v1.

    A tanky build gets done by gankers or by ranged builds that it can't get hold off (due to landscape restrictions). That's how the game works at the moment.
    Edited by Maulkin on October 9, 2014 11:51AM
    EU | PC | AD
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Funny, all I see in Cyro lately are NBs lurking around with their overbuffed bows oneshotting what they can get.
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • Mondo
    Personal i dont have much Problem with NB. NB survivability is not that good and the selfheal is ... naaaah. DK is strong and in my eyes DK is a bit too strong. Im not speaking from a total overkill nerf i just mentioned it would be good to lose some DPS when you are that tanky
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Soloeus
    Right now you are useless in PVP if you aren't either a Sparkling Edward Flappy Flap Tank or a 5k+ One-Shot Nightblade Stealth Runner.

    Within; Without.
  • Mondo
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Right now you are useless in PVP if you aren't either a Sparkling Edward Flappy Flap Tank or a 5k+ One-Shot Nightblade Stealth Runner.

    NB stealther is high dmg yes but hit them hard and see them die. Tankyness is no Problem when the DMG is low or the Tank dont got the bet useful tools :)

    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Maulkin
    Mondo wrote: »
    Personal i dont have much Problem with NB. NB survivability is not that good and the selfheal is ... naaaah. DK is strong and in my eyes DK is a bit too strong. Im not speaking from a total overkill nerf i just mentioned it would be good to lose some DPS when you are that tanky

    The self heal is naahh? Sap Essence is of one the best attack plus heals in the game. Like I said before, Tanky NBs can zerg dive as much as DKs with very similar level of DPS and tankiness. Also as a NB you have Catalyst, so you can use potions to cover any deficit left. If Sap Essence is so "naahhh", how is it possible to solo Darkshade Caverns (Hard Mode!) using it as the main heal?

    The issue is not with DKs in PvP, as I said NBs and Templars can do the same. The issue you have is with block casting. If people can attack yet mitigate that much damage at the same time, it becomes an alpha-build. That's why 90% of DKs and non-healing Temps are using S&B. That's also why most NBs are slowly changing to use S&B.

    If you think there's rock for this scissor, do let me know I'll be waiting to hear from you:
    EU | PC | AD
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    Actually all I read between the lines in these posts are NBs justifiably moaning that they have problems with DKs.
    Why not ask to fix and buff your NB instead of crying for a nerf of DKs?

    That would make the NB too strong againt sorcs and templars.
  • Mondo
    "The issue is not with DKs in PvP, as I said NBs and Templars can do the same. The issue you have is with block casting. If people can attack yet mitigate that much damage at the same time, it becomes an alpha-build. That's why 90% of DKs and non-healing Temps are using S&B. That's also why most NBs are slowly changing to use S&B."

    That yes and SAP is only good in groups and yes there is it awesome
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Maulkin
    Mondo wrote: »
    "The issue is not with DKs in PvP, as I said NBs and Templars can do the same. The issue you have is with block casting. If people can attack yet mitigate that much damage at the same time, it becomes an alpha-build. That's why 90% of DKs and non-healing Temps are using S&B. That's also why most NBs are slowly changing to use S&B."

    That yes and SAP is only good in groups and yes there is it awesome

    Well if Sap Essence is good for groups and a combination of Swallow Soul and Rapid Regeneration is great for solo fights then what's there problem here?

    There's no denying NBs can reach a very high level of tankiness and DPS which was your complain about DKs. I've just given you videos that prove that both for PvE and PvP, so you can't dispute it or discredit it as wrong.

    Don't take the frustrations you have with your build out at the DKs. Their class is fine and NBs as a class are actually also fine. Go more tanky if you want to kill S&B DKs 1v1 or have a glass cannon ganky build and suffer the consequences when you're discovered.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Soloeus
    Mondo wrote: »
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Right now you are useless in PVP if you aren't either a Sparkling Edward Flappy Flap Tank or a 5k+ One-Shot Nightblade Stealth Runner.

    NB stealther is high dmg yes but hit them hard and see them die. Tankyness is no Problem when the DMG is low or the Tank dont got the bet useful tools :)

    1. A Noob Blade, yes will always die in 3-4 hits with a heavies. No skills required.

    Decked Nightblades though, they usually use enough permastuns, and heal from everything fast enough to survive. They are lethal, but that is how they should be. The only issue is that nothing really counters them. The only thing that keeps them in check is the abilities being broken.

    2. DK Edward Sparkles Flappy Flap however... There is just no other easy mode win button. I am rushing my DK up, currently at 35 and its already better than some of my Vet Characters for PVP.

    I just shamelessly run in, wait for the initial ultimate rush, when I feel confident that most of the Negates have been dropped, I pop standard, spam Talons and Leash, and win win win. I can also kill an incredible number of people just by Flappy Flappy and watching everyone commit suicide on my reflective scales. Oh, AoE? Most of those aren't really hurting me anyway except for the 1-2 that would kill me regardless anyway.

    3. I think being Vamp has a lot to do with my survival. I also think avoiding stamina abilities (no caltrops yet) increased my power.

    4. Talons is a little wonky and 80% of people just seem to run through talon spam without taking damage or being held in place. Standard is depressing when it just gets Negated (which is the only thing any class can do to me that hurts). Nightblades can bring me really low but once I heal they aren't killing me. I don't actually have the DPS to kill them either, so I usually just escape and find a better target. If they chase me, I entertain them by healing through all their damage for a few bursts and they usually get the clue and leave me alone.

    Within; Without.
  • Orchish
    I've had my ass handed to me by a s/b sorcerer, even a templar. It's all down to selecting the best skill loadouts, gear sets and knowing your enemy's class weaknesses.


    OP is clearly another case of getting owned in pvp by a player who happens to be a DK and has come to the forums to cry.

    I would also argue that Sorcs are as popular as DKs. Both classes seem to outnumber the other two by quite some numbers from what i've seen on EU since release.
  • eliisra
    That would make the NB too strong againt sorcs and templars.

    Yes, please dont. I die from NB's way more frequently than DK's, when I'm on my Templar. Only counter play is being permanently shield stacked. You don't need a 100% uptime on a skill outside of combat, to counter DK's...

    While I agree that DK's survivability can be a bit ridiculous, even pissing me of, they cant burst you down in 0.5-1sec, regardless of build. All classes have a niche. DK is tank. NB is burst. You cant have both.

    Only NB's can kill you before the horse lands on the ground. King of ST burst. Some of it is due to auto crits ignoring impenetrable of course. While other casters literally cant land crits on their opponents. I cant even remember last time I got hit over 500 by a sorcerer. Maybe 1 month ago :relieved:
  • GhostwalkerLD
    Mondo wrote: »
    Personal i dont have much Problem with NB. NB survivability is not that good and the selfheal is ... naaaah. DK is strong and in my eyes DK is a bit too strong. Im not speaking from a total overkill nerf i just mentioned it would be good to lose some DPS when you are that tanky

    The self heal is naahh? Sap Essence is of one the best attack plus heals in the game. Like I said before, Tanky NBs can zerg dive as much as DKs with very similar level of DPS and tankiness. Also as a NB you have Catalyst, so you can use potions to cover any deficit left. If Sap Essence is so "naahhh", how is it possible to solo Darkshade Caverns (Hard Mode!) using it as the main heal?

    The issue is not with DKs in PvP, as I said NBs and Templars can do the same. The issue you have is with block casting. If people can attack yet mitigate that much damage at the same time, it becomes an alpha-build. That's why 90% of DKs and non-healing Temps are using S&B. That's also why most NBs are slowly changing to use S&B.

    If you think there's rock for this scissor, do let me know I'll be waiting to hear from you:

    That was a vampire Nightblade, so you have to take that into account. During most (if not all) of the boss fights, he was using devouring swarm as his primary heal, with regen and swallow soul as backup.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Soloeus
    Orchish wrote: »
    I've had my ass handed to me by a s/b sorcerer, even a templar. It's all down to selecting the best skill loadouts, gear sets and knowing your enemy's class weaknesses.


    OP is clearly another case of getting owned in pvp by a player who happens to be a DK and has come to the forums to cry.

    I would also argue that Sorcs are as popular as DKs. Both classes seem to outnumber the other two by quite some numbers from what i've seen on EU since release.

    1. Sorcs were really popular in the beginning. A lot of people who played Sorcs at launch discovered them to be user friendly moreso than templar or NB for questing and solo content. Because of this, great Sorc builds were posted really early. This was a popularity contest. Every player I know who started as a Sorc did try the other classes and found them less fun. That doesn't make Sorcerers OP, it just means something was done right which made the class fun to play.

    After a long series of being nerfed over and over and over, they are less common and the ones I observe almost always run the same 2 builds. Unfortunately those builds are kind of boring.

    2. Many AoE Sorc Builds only use 1 Class ability: Critical Surge. The other abilities are Volcanic Rune, Impulse, Inner Light, and usually either Crushing Shock or Annulment. Most of the sorc abilities are useless in Trials and PVP.

    Healing for sorcs is well limited to Resto Staff. The only real mitigation is Barrier, Hardened Ward, and Healing Ward. This is why many sorcs go Vamp for Elusive Mist because they want the damage reduction after popping the wards.

    3. DK's on the other hand, are superior in every aspect because they have strong AOE and Single Target and Healing and CC. Within their own class abilities.

    I learned from playing a DK, Templar and Sorc that the strongest is DK and Templar is actually stronger than Sorcerer. Most people don't seem to know that, and Templar is more difficult to play than Sorcerer. You just have to play a little smarter as a Templar. As a Sorcerer you have a lot of wiggle room to make mistakes. As a DK, you don't really have a lot to worry or think about and even an "average" build (fun build instead of optimized build) can be really effective.
    Edited by Soloeus on October 9, 2014 12:58PM

    Within; Without.
  • Sensesfail13
    I constantly see people complaining about Dragonknights... "Too much dps" "Too much survivability" "I cant kill them this is horrible" I constantly have people kill me out in pvp that know how to play their classes. If you dont like the builds it takes to kill us and it isnt fun, WELL I cant play my dragonknight the way I wished to when the game released either and I can complain all I want but I wont have the ability to effectively DW tank with a Dragonknight.
    Ive run into this problem in multiple games people complaining for a nerf on certain classes but when it comes down to it they will start nerfing and wont buff others not resolving your issues but making it so another class isnt structured to be useful. It happened to my Warrior on Everquest, the complaining was ridiculous and in the end Warriors are now S/B only good for tanking raid bosses and depend entirely on groups to kill anything in game. That isnt fun for anybody in game and eventually you will lose subscriptions or nearly all of that class because it will be useless.
    Moral of the story, Quit complaining and whining for a DK nerf and put more in for a specific buff on other classes that will make a legitimate effect (by the way I never hear complaining when Im taking the hits in trials or survive in situations to revive fallen comrades and continue the fight).
    ^Along these lines maybe complain about the poor adjustments they plan to make to stamina builds as stated in their developers corner forum.
    Wisherr, Dragonknight, Haderus, NA Server.
    Wisher of Naught, Nightblade, Haderus, NA Server.
    Guild officer: Abandoned Legion
  • CapuchinSeven
    Bashev wrote: »
    Mondo wrote: »
    Ha ha every fight against DK is a hell of a fight. Especially if you are not a DK. There is no Rock for DK Scissor ^^
    Fear, shades and spark. If you use spark then DK change to staff, fear or stamina drain very fast and you have dead DK.
    At least a lot of NB killed me like this.

    Cripple (or rather Crippling Grasp) is also on that list, spam it with shades and they'll lose stamina fast enough. If they close on you, fear and if they don't break it/block during it burst kill it.

    I'm having little trouble killing them lately but they are STILL the PVP class, nothing else can stack that much damage AND survivability at the same time and the ones that are dying are clearly bad DKs that have re-rolled DK, they are everywhere in PVP.
    Edited by CapuchinSeven on October 9, 2014 1:37PM
  • Mondo
    DK is for Teso what Deathknight was in WoW WotLK

    nuff said ;)
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • ZOS_UlyssesW
    Hello, everyone. We are actively reading all your feedback, and do encourage you to continue to share it with us. Your constructive feedback is valuable, and allows us to make improvements to our game and ensure a fun and rewarding experience for everyone.

    In order to ensure continued constructive and meaningful discussion on our forums, we ask that you please refrain from creating petition and protest organization threads on our forums. Neither allows for open, constructive discussion or exchange of ideas since most posts consist of “/signed.” Instead, we ask that you offer recommendations, suggestions, or requests about topics you feel need change. In order to continue making improvements to our game, it's important that we get details from you regarding why you like or dislike something.

    We are leaving this thread open for discussion, but we've removed the word “protesting” from the title. If you have any questions or concerns about this edit, or our community rules of conduct, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Mondo
    Ah ZOS_Ulysses please give us a Statement how do ZOS feel about DK? Is it just fine or will there be little changes? Tell us that would be nice and i swear by the gods i will stop complaining
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • Koensol
    I wonder where @monkeymystic‌ is these days. He was always the biggest DK sympathizer.
  • Gilvoth
    Hello, everyone. We are actively reading all your feedback, and do encourage you to continue to share it with us. Your constructive feedback is valuable, and allows us to make improvements to our game and ensure a fun and rewarding experience for everyone.

    awesome! :) below is my feedback,
    i do not want to use light armor and a staff and magicka in my nightblade because they are Not what i want to play and have Not played in All the elderscrolls single player games.
    i allways use medium armor, daggers, (or axes) duel wield and invisibility skills.
    right now that stamina type set up in elderscrolls online for a nightblade is useless.
    this rouge / assassin type gameplay is perfect for the thieves guild and dark brotherhood style of play, allways has been this way in all the singleplayer
    elderscrolls titles.
    right now we do not see any of the skills for that type of physical damage, none, there are 2 or 3 skills that can be used but they are weak in damage and by the time we have used those type of skills the enemies are close to dead and they just heal themselves and kill us nightblades in the process rather quickly. and by rather quickly i mean within 2 or 3 seconds in pvp.
    we nightblades do not have a self heal skill like the other classes, they have a skill that can heal them instantly. but our self heals are over a long period of time and do Alot Less healing then thiers do. and by the time our self heal actually worked is far far too late, and we died long before we could benifit from that healing - i am refering to pvp ofcourse -
    this also includes our survivability which now has expanded into 2 very serious life threatening problems,
    1) our invisibility is supose to protect us and help us survive and do more damage from stealth, but it does not work properly, it has very serios buggs. and you have allowed the use of potions and the use of mage light so our invisibility is basicly useless, and allows people to see us so we cannot use our invisibility and we die rather quickly due to this problem.
    2) our stealth radius -
    you increased the radius at which we can be seen in stealth, that means we are now even more easily seen then previously and we will die with no problem at all because we are concentrating on trying to go into stealth during a fight so we can regain some protection and able to do proper and fair damage yet you removed our stealth abilities.

    the list of problems is much much larger then what i am stating here, and infact is a very long read that would include probably several pages of reading.
    you mention that the developers are reading this thread and other threads for feedback, so i am very curious, what is going to become of these problems we face as duel wield nightblades and the problems with the broken skills and broken stealth and broken invisibility? i wonder and wait, but to be honest it is getting very hard to continue having faith after 6 months in the beta and 6 months now live server we still see the same exact complaints and same exact problems. :(
  • MiyaTheUnbroken
    My boyfriend made a DK, and I made a templar to level with him. We were doing level 40+ quests and killing level 40+ mobs when he was only level 20. I honestly did nothing in these fights, because there was nothing for me to do. He never needed healing, and most of the things we fought were dead before my sun fire reached them. I'd say that's pretty OP. Not to mention boring. He scrapped the character and moved on to something a bit more fun, a nightblade. ;)
  • Maulkin
    My boyfriend made a DK, and I made a templar to level with him. We were doing level 40+ quests and killing level 40+ mobs when he was only level 20. I honestly did nothing in these fights, because there was nothing for me to do. He never needed healing, and most of the things we fought were dead before my sun fire reached them. I'd say that's pretty OP. Not to mention boring. He scrapped the character and moved on to something a bit more fun, a nightblade. ;)

    Uh-uh! Did you see the video further up the page of a NB doing a group v10 dungeon, in hard-mode, solo?

    I'd say that's pretty OP. Maybe he should scrap his OP NB and roll something a bit more fun, a dragonknight. ;)

    See what I did there?
    EU | PC | AD
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    The thing I find the most frustrating is most dks play exactly the same way. They then turn around and say it's all about learning to play your build.

    If all the DKs play the same, yet you haven't found a way to kill them that says more about you than the DKs don't you think?

    So if someone takes a gun and shoots a bunch of people in the street does that tell you guns are very efficient killing tools agains unarmed targets or that those people sucked at dodging bullets?
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Maulkin
    The thing I find the most frustrating is most dks play exactly the same way. They then turn around and say it's all about learning to play your build.

    If all the DKs play the same, yet you haven't found a way to kill them that says more about you than the DKs don't you think?

    So if someone takes a gun and shoots a bunch of people in the street does that tell you guns are very efficient killing tools agains unarmed targets or that those people sucked at dodging bullets?

    I frankly have no idea what you're talking about....
    EU | PC | AD
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