Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Demonstrate that DKs are OP by playing one.

  • Tapio75
    That horse told me that there is too much going on outside his crypt...

    PS, NB is fine too.
    Edited by Tapio75 on October 10, 2014 9:25PM
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • jelliedsoup
    Edited by jelliedsoup on October 10, 2014 10:42PM
  • jelliedsoup
    Problem is dps/tank beats pure DPS. Which makes DPS redundant.

    Magicka beats stamina.

    The level of healing in this game is silly.

    Cast blocking.

    I have no problem with dks ruling melee, but reflect is stupid. At best they should just absorb the damage.

    Dks can actually use bow too. Some use it with reflect even.
    Edited by jelliedsoup on October 10, 2014 10:43PM
  • Maulkin
    Redlag wrote: »
    Redlag I stopped reading at "target blocking through fear". Block doesn't stop fear. It works through block. And Battle Roar is not on demand, as no ultie is on demand, being an ultie and all. It's not a skill.

    You seem to not know your class very well, or at all.

    You should probably stop reading and start trying to comprehend. If you fear someone that is blocking. It will fear them, but they will still be blocking = no damage anyways.

    Sorry I misunderstood what you said then. Yes you still keep blocking while feared. I still believe it's pretty awesome. You basically hard cc smb despite them holding block. That means they won't be doing any DMG for 4/5 secs unless they cc break.
    EU | PC | AD
  • Aeratus
    DK's are very good AoE tanks and DPS'ers when spec'd to do so. They also make good soloists and duelists but maximum effectiveness in AoE tanky-DPS and maximum effectiveness dueling and soloing are on a scale opposite each other; the more you go in one direction the more you lose in another.

    Nightblades are even better AoE tanks than DK's when spec'd to do so. They will lack in AoE DPS compared to a DK, but can build ultimate very quickly with a certain build and play style so that they can spam Devouring Swarm or Veil of Blades quite quickly. Their resource sustain is outstanding ... perhaps the best in the game.
    You only discuss two extremes (1v1 dueling, and AOE trains). In between these two extremes is where NBs cannot operate at their own terms, whereas all three other classes can. These are the mid-scale combat such as 1 vs. 3 where NB skills do not have a great deal of utility, whereas all the other classes do. Meanwhile, DK is good at any scale of combat.
    Dks can actually use bow too. Some use it with reflect even.
    Has anyone noticed that compared to 4-5 months ago, the percentage of DKs/temp/sorcs who use stamina weapons has increased drastically? On the other hand, the percentage of NBs using stamina has declined.
    Edited by Aeratus on October 10, 2014 11:13PM
  • jelliedsoup
    Aeratus wrote: »
    Dks can actually use bow too. Some use it with reflect even.
    Has anyone noticed that compared to 4-5 months ago, the percentage of DKs/temp/sorcs who use stamina weapons has increased drastically? On the other hand, the percentage of NBs using stamina has declined.

    I'm a bow-2h stam build which uses a few nb skills.

    I have 1600 magicka. The focus other people have is that NBS have issues defeating dks is primarily due to many NBS don't want the magicka type skills, which based on the games odd design, is a contradiction.

    Sure there are fanboys who defend the game by saying how to beat dks using certain classes and magicka but they're missing the point.
    Edited by jelliedsoup on October 10, 2014 11:56PM
  • Grim13
    the game's classes are so poorly balanced, with DK leading by a country mile, that I quit pvp whenever I've suffered a couple deaths from the total *** obnoxious *** that zos have created with DKs.
    Edited by Grim13 on October 11, 2014 4:27AM
  • Xsorus
    Redlag wrote: »
    Redlag I stopped reading at "target blocking through fear". Block doesn't stop fear. It works through block. And Battle Roar is not on demand, as no ultie is on demand, being an ultie and all. It's not a skill.

    You seem to not know your class very well, or at all.

    You should probably stop reading and start trying to comprehend. If you fear someone that is blocking. It will fear them, but they will still be blocking = no damage anyways.

    And if they have Dark Shades on you while you're doing this..You pretty much lose the same if not more stamina by blocking while feared.

    You really need to spend more time on your class....
  • jelliedsoup

    C'mon mike dont say you've given up trying to convince the stubborn why the dk is not op.

    It has been proven that certain builds can actually kill a dk in 1v1. All it takes is people redoing their skill bars to counter the dk.

    Edited by jelliedsoup on October 11, 2014 7:51AM
  • PBpsy

    C'mon mike dont say you've given up trying to convince the stubborn why the dk is not op.

    It has been proven that certain builds can actually kill a dk in 1v1. All it takes is people redoing their skill bars to counter the dk.

    Ok, so the definition of OP is that which can't ever under any circumstances be killed by another class 1V1. Cool, happy to know then. Dks are definitely not op.

    Edited by PBpsy on October 11, 2014 7:29AM
    ESO forums achievements
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  • jelliedsoup
    PBpsy wrote: »

    Ok, so the definition of OP is that which can't ever under any circumstances be killed by another class 1V1. Cool, happy to know then. Dks are definitely not op.
    Yes. I never knew that either.
  • Redlag
    Redlag wrote: »
    Redlag I stopped reading at "target blocking through fear". Block doesn't stop fear. It works through block. And Battle Roar is not on demand, as no ultie is on demand, being an ultie and all. It's not a skill.

    You seem to not know your class very well, or at all.

    You should probably stop reading and start trying to comprehend. If you fear someone that is blocking. It will fear them, but they will still be blocking = no damage anyways.

    And if they have Dark Shades on you while you're doing this..You pretty much lose the same if not more stamina by blocking while feared.

    You really need to spend more time on your class....

    You need to spend more time in PvP rather than theory. Fear is for when your target is out of stamina and below 75% health. Other wise. Unlike NBs they can counter with heals. So you're talking about burning them out of stamina with a fear and shades. Even a sorc will streak, streak channel heals after the fear wears off. I don't know why you're talking about trying to use it to burn stamina. My point was that they block even while they're feared which means Im not doing damage. I hardly call it the best CC in the game.

    Edited by Redlag on October 11, 2014 8:11AM
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