Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Do you agree that optional nameplates, in a similar vein to chat bubbles, would be good for the game

  • Wolfenbelle
    No - Neither chat bubbles or nameplates should be options allowed at all.
    I hate the idea of chat bubbles, name plates, etc. Although immersion isn't a huge consideration for me, chat bubbles and name plates would definitely be intrusive and break immersion to the point of distraction.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Other - Post an explanation?
    Audigy wrote: »
    Elvent wrote: »
    I don't even know why anybody would vote's an MMO, not another single player game, the way I see it is either optional or yes for an MMO. I'm leaning more towards optional because I didn't know there would be people that hated MMO features.

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    Then don't turn it on? There is a word in the English vocabulary and the word is "Optional". Just because YOU don't like apples, doesn't mean that you should deny me apples because I like them.
    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on September 16, 2014 4:08AM
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Audigy wrote: »

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    Do your own research. EQ 1/2, rift, guild wars 1 and 2, daoc, aion, star wars old republic and a host of other mmos clearly never had them, it's only a wow thing. uhuh.

    The whole immersion argument has no merit. You guys need to stop parroting it as if it's gospel. There are health bars, skill bars, cross hairs when not even wielding a weapon and there are already name plates when you're looking in someone's direction. There's also this key fact that you're ignoring. It would be OPTIONAL, just like it is in every other game that has them.

    The whole immersion argument falls apart before it even gets started, try again.
    Edited by Arsenic_Touch on September 16, 2014 4:12AM
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    I can't see why not.

    People who don't like it can leave it turned off.

    I can't see what possible functional advantage people who have it enabled could have over those that don't and why any group could mandate its use.

    I also can't see how someone's name and guild could possibly clue in other players to whether or not you are a vampire or a werewolf unless you display a guild name like "I'm a Werewolf".
    I can has typing!
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Audigy wrote: »
    Elvent wrote: »
    I don't even know why anybody would vote's an MMO, not another single player game, the way I see it is either optional or yes for an MMO. I'm leaning more towards optional because I didn't know there would be people that hated MMO features.

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    Sorry , so now only features that the first MMOs had are actually MMO features? Everything else is just things that made part of plenty of MMOs to this date , but since the first ones didnt have it , then you know , not features.

    Just face it. These are MMO features , plenty of MMOs have these and if you just stop to actually see the pool result , the majority likes to have them optional.

    Which makes perfect sense since having more options is better almost always.

    Also , dont say stuff like "any serious MMO RPG fan" :P. Wth does this even mean? Cause to me it must be people that dont ever smile while playing. They just keep a serious face.

    Outside this definition , im sure we can get tons of different opinions on what are actually "serious" MMO RPG players.

    Personally i use tons of addons , immersion can go to hell when it comes to MMOs in my opinion. If i wanted immersion , i would play a single player TES game. Having numbers and data is much more valuable than immersion to me.

    Quite sure i can find plenty of people who will say that is what a "serious" MMO RPG player should be doing also.

    PS: Chat bubbles are already comming , zen is just freaking slow adding them , it has been months since they said it would be ingame. The real issue is how they are still not adding the name plates.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on September 16, 2014 4:20AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • akemp333_ESO
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Please give us nameplates!
  • Elloa
    Other - Post an explanation?
    Elloa wrote: »
    I don't think that Nameplates would be "Good for the game" I think it doesn't matter at all.
    But I'm not against it IF and ONLY IF, I can disable it.

    Personally, I hate to have my screen cluttered with useless stuff and knowing the name of the people around me is not useful, as I can mouseover them if I like.

    In the case of the bubble chat, its a different matter. For roleplayers the chat bubbles are a great improvement as they will be able to see what they are saying to each other, and while it will clutter the image with texts, it will be in a "Comic" way, and not be as disturbing as nameplates would be from a immersion point of view.
    Then again, it's very needed that we can disable them.
    Personally, I'll only put the chat bubble on when and if I'm roleplaying.

    The nameplates are useful for raiders, pvp'ers, and general socialization and a great improvement for them, too, for the reasons outlined in the OP. No one wants to force you to play with them, hence why it is said as optional. :) You may consider them to be screen clutter, but it is not feasible to mouseover everyone inside of a bank for example just to see if there's anyone you recognize, for example, nor is it practical during heavy pvp combat to try to hover all around to figure out where a specific person is who's called out for heals based off their name, for example.

    Different people have different priorities for their time playing the game, so having them as optional components would let everyone win. If you think they hurt your UI and clutter your screen, leave them disabled if they're implemented. Those who like them can enable them. :smiley:

    I've not say that I'm against it, I've voted "Other", because I honestly do not think that it will make the game better. I'd be against it at the only condition it's not toggable, but no game ever implement something like this so I'm not worried. ;)

    If people enjoy to use nameplates, good for them. Even in more traditional MMO like WOW, I disable nameplates cause I find it messy, ugly and useless, for raiding, PVPing and socialize. But that's just me...

    I read that a lot of people are afraid that once implemented it will become "mendatory" and that some players will enforce on other. Really? Do not be affraid, if you have a guild leader or event leader that enforce yourself to download whatever addon on or put nameplates just tell them to take care of their own buisness. No addons and no nameplates are needed to play correctly. There is no valid reasons to ever enforce this on anyone.

  • Arato
    No - They shouldn't be present at all.
    Elloa wrote: »
    Elloa wrote: »
    I don't think that Nameplates would be "Good for the game" I think it doesn't matter at all.
    But I'm not against it IF and ONLY IF, I can disable it.

    Personally, I hate to have my screen cluttered with useless stuff and knowing the name of the people around me is not useful, as I can mouseover them if I like.

    In the case of the bubble chat, its a different matter. For roleplayers the chat bubbles are a great improvement as they will be able to see what they are saying to each other, and while it will clutter the image with texts, it will be in a "Comic" way, and not be as disturbing as nameplates would be from a immersion point of view.
    Then again, it's very needed that we can disable them.
    Personally, I'll only put the chat bubble on when and if I'm roleplaying.

    The nameplates are useful for raiders, pvp'ers, and general socialization and a great improvement for them, too, for the reasons outlined in the OP. No one wants to force you to play with them, hence why it is said as optional. :) You may consider them to be screen clutter, but it is not feasible to mouseover everyone inside of a bank for example just to see if there's anyone you recognize, for example, nor is it practical during heavy pvp combat to try to hover all around to figure out where a specific person is who's called out for heals based off their name, for example.

    Different people have different priorities for their time playing the game, so having them as optional components would let everyone win. If you think they hurt your UI and clutter your screen, leave them disabled if they're implemented. Those who like them can enable them. :smiley:

    I've not say that I'm against it, I've voted "Other", because I honestly do not think that it will make the game better. I'd be against it at the only condition it's not toggable, but no game ever implement something like this so I'm not worried. ;)

    If people enjoy to use nameplates, good for them. Even in more traditional MMO like WOW, I disable nameplates cause I find it messy, ugly and useless, for raiding, PVPing and socialize. But that's just me...

    I read that a lot of people are afraid that once implemented it will become "mendatory" and that some players will enforce on other. Really? Do not be affraid, if you have a guild leader or event leader that enforce yourself to download whatever addon on or put nameplates just tell them to take care of their own buisness. No addons and no nameplates are needed to play correctly. There is no valid reasons to ever enforce this on anyone.

    It'll become mandatory in PVP and a handicap if you don't have it enabled even if you'd prefer not have it. There's no "take care of their own business" when someone instantly snipes you when you emerge from around a corner because your nameplate showed up to them before you could see them.

    It's about as "optional" as zip tying your feet together when trying to have a footrace. Yeah sure you can do it if you want to but you're going to lose the race and probably end up flat on your face in the dirt.
  • Swampster
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Arato wrote: »

    It'll become mandatory in PVP and a handicap if you don't have it enabled even if you'd prefer not have it. There's no "take care of their own business" when someone instantly snipes you when you emerge from around a corner because your nameplate showed up to them before you could see them.

    It's about as "optional" as zip tying your feet together when trying to have a footrace. Yeah sure you can do it if you want to but you're going to lose the race and probably end up flat on your face in the dirt.

    I take it you suffer from selective reading syndrome?

    Either that or you've deliberately and completely ignored the suggested solutions to your "scaremongering" FUD..
    Edited by Swampster on September 16, 2014 8:57AM
    Swampriel - Nightblade (Archer Build) - Ebonheart Pact - Veteran
    Swampess - DragonKnight - Eboheart Pact - Lowbie Faceroller
  • Swampster
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Audigy wrote: »
    Elvent wrote: »
    I don't even know why anybody would vote's an MMO, not another single player game, the way I see it is either optional or yes for an MMO. I'm leaning more towards optional because I didn't know there would be people that hated MMO features.

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    LOL I've seen you post some corkers in this forum before, but this just wins outright the prize for the most ridiculous...

    So despite knowing full well what the outcome would be.. I did some research as you suggested, and did it back up your assertion that nameplates weren't features of other MMO's apart from WoW... Guesses Anybody?

    I could post a multi-page Thesis based on my research on how wrong your assertion was.. but suffice to say..

    Edited by Swampster on September 16, 2014 9:10AM
    Swampriel - Nightblade (Archer Build) - Ebonheart Pact - Veteran
    Swampess - DragonKnight - Eboheart Pact - Lowbie Faceroller
  • Elloa
    Other - Post an explanation?
    Arato wrote: »

    It'll become mandatory in PVP and a handicap if you don't have it enabled even if you'd prefer not have it. There's no "take care of their own business" when someone instantly snipes you when you emerge from around a corner because your nameplate showed up to them before you could see them.

    It's about as "optional" as zip tying your feet together when trying to have a footrace. Yeah sure you can do it if you want to but you're going to lose the race and probably end up flat on your face in the dirt.

    If it become mendatory then I'm AGAINST its implementation.

    Anyway, Zenimax will never introduce a feature that will allow nameplates to be shown when you are stealth. That would ruin everything PVP wise. So the case you are so sarcasticly sharing will never occurs. It make no sense. In case of ennemy the name plate would just replace the actual Alliance icon.

    Edited by Elloa on September 16, 2014 9:13AM
  • XDem
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Yes to optional nameplates. Make them as basic as possible, don't waste your time on it, let the modding community make them look the way people want.
  • TehMagnus
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    It's laughable how people come & say: It's because of WOW that people want this so NO this is NOT A WOW clone! (cuz ofc if the UI has the same elements WOW has then it must be like WOW).

    Sad people reject anything that is present in WOW, I mean it's not like it's the most played MMORPG of all times and the most played MMORPG even nowadays. Yah, I'm sure EVERYTHING they did was wrong and shouldn't be ported anywhere else. Can't have other games becoming successful as well by implementing interesting features!

    And before people call me a WOW fanboy or anything, I hate wow :) only played it for 1 day before quitting. Doesn't mean they prolly have stuff that's very interesting regarding UI & game mechanics: Just because I hate Michael Jackson for what he did to children, doesn't mean I hate his songs.
    Edited by TehMagnus on September 16, 2014 9:52AM
  • Bleakraven
    Other - Post an explanation?
    Chat bubbles are required, I think. It's nice to have the option, at least. As for nameplates, I really don't like the idea, even the mockup, it just feels wrong with this type of game.
    At the very least, we could have guild names appear when you aim at someone, along with a small indicator if they are friends with you already.
  • Martinus72
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    It is MMO not another ES game for those forgetting this simple fact so yes it should be in as an option, even if personally I wouldn't be using it apart some certain circumstances.
  • Koopest
    No - They shouldn't be present at all.
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no
    Edited by Koopest on September 16, 2014 10:39AM
  • Swampster
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Koopest wrote: »
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no

    Please explain this HUGE advantage if for example it's implemented in such a way, that name plates are only visible for members of your own faction during PVP?

    Or, they were no wider than the in current in game health bars?

    Edited by Swampster on September 16, 2014 11:21AM
    Swampriel - Nightblade (Archer Build) - Ebonheart Pact - Veteran
    Swampess - DragonKnight - Eboheart Pact - Lowbie Faceroller
  • Pseudolo
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    I like the game as it is, but I wouldn't mind oprional nameplates
  • Elvent
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Audigy wrote: »
    Elvent wrote: »
    I don't even know why anybody would vote's an MMO, not another single player game, the way I see it is either optional or yes for an MMO. I'm leaning more towards optional because I didn't know there would be people that hated MMO features.

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    I think you need to do your own research because you don't have a single clue what you're talking about.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Audigy wrote: »
    Elvent wrote: »
    I don't even know why anybody would vote's an MMO, not another single player game, the way I see it is either optional or yes for an MMO. I'm leaning more towards optional because I didn't know there would be people that hated MMO features.

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    Uh, actually, MMO's back as far as Meridian 59, EQ1, and DAOC all had nameplates. I played the latter two ;). Contrary to popular belief, WOW was not the first MMO. Honest, it wasn't.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on September 16, 2014 1:19PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    I hate the idea of chat bubbles, name plates, etc. Although immersion isn't a huge consideration for me, chat bubbles and name plates would definitely be intrusive and break immersion to the point of distraction.

    Hence why the suggestion was for optional ones ala chat bubbles. :)

    Audigy wrote: »

    Since when is this an MMO Feature?

    No offence but please do some research ;)

    Traditional MMOs let you hover over a player to find out its name, that spam with the plates is entirely WOW related based on tidy plates.

    I honestly doubt that any serious MMO RPG fan would like that spam on his screen. It totally breaks immersion or do people on the street wear shields with their name, address and state of family?

    Do your own research. EQ 1/2, rift, guild wars 1 and 2, daoc, aion, star wars old republic and a host of other mmos clearly never had them, it's only a wow thing. uhuh.

    The whole immersion argument has no merit. You guys need to stop parroting it as if it's gospel. There are health bars, skill bars, cross hairs when not even wielding a weapon and there are already name plates when you're looking in someone's direction. There's also this key fact that you're ignoring. It would be OPTIONAL, just like it is in every other game that has them.

    The whole immersion argument falls apart before it even gets started, try again.

    Nailed it.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on September 16, 2014 1:17PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Smiteye
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    I hate the idea of chat bubbles, name plates, etc. Although immersion isn't a huge consideration for me, chat bubbles and name plates would definitely be intrusive and break immersion to the point of distraction.

    Then leave them disabled in the settings, done deal buddy.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Smiteye wrote: »
    I hate the idea of chat bubbles, name plates, etc. Although immersion isn't a huge consideration for me, chat bubbles and name plates would definitely be intrusive and break immersion to the point of distraction.

    Then leave them disabled in the settings, done deal buddy.

    That's indeed what an optional setting allows for...
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Arato
    No - They shouldn't be present at all.
    Swampster wrote: »
    Koopest wrote: »
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no

    Please explain this HUGE advantage if for example it's implemented in such a way, that name plates are only visible for members of your own faction during PVP?

    Or, they were no wider than the in current in game health bars?

    When you have an Argonian, which a lore appropriate name might be Digs-Holes-To-Seek-Other-Side-Of-Nirn, you're not going to have it be the same width as current health bars.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Arato wrote: »
    Swampster wrote: »
    Koopest wrote: »
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no

    Please explain this HUGE advantage if for example it's implemented in such a way, that name plates are only visible for members of your own faction during PVP?

    Or, they were no wider than the in current in game health bars?

    When you have an Argonian, which a lore appropriate name might be Digs-Holes-To-Seek-Other-Side-Of-Nirn, you're not going to have it be the same width as current health bars.

    I think there is already a max number of characters on names , not completely sure since it has been a long time since i made my chars (and im not deleting them :P , since 1: they are name savers 2: the 7 mules all have horses i lvl on carry space already ).
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Arato wrote: »
    Swampster wrote: »
    Koopest wrote: »
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no

    Please explain this HUGE advantage if for example it's implemented in such a way, that name plates are only visible for members of your own faction during PVP?

    Or, they were no wider than the in current in game health bars?

    When you have an Argonian, which a lore appropriate name might be Digs-Holes-To-Seek-Other-Side-Of-Nirn, you're not going to have it be the same width as current health bars.

    Size them so the maximum number of letters able to be used in a name stays about the same width in font size or a little wider. Problem solved. You can have 20 alphabetical characters in addition to spaces and dashes in a name in ESO. Honestly that's a pretty flimsy "argument" for being against nameplates :p.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on September 16, 2014 5:54PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • wolfydog
    I would use nameplates if they have them. I like to see peoples names and guilds and such.

    I def will be using chat bubbles when they get in.

    Of course make everything optional
  • Smiteye
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Would love to see one :).

    They're still on the table as a possibility, and something we're looking at. They always have been. But we don't have any new info to share

    Possibility as in being worked on or not known if theyre coming... there are a lot of solid arguments for them in this thread and basically no real ones for not having optional ones, the handful of which were mentioned were shot down by people repeatedly....
  • Arato
    No - They shouldn't be present at all.
    Arato wrote: »
    Swampster wrote: »
    Koopest wrote: »
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no

    Please explain this HUGE advantage if for example it's implemented in such a way, that name plates are only visible for members of your own faction during PVP?

    Or, they were no wider than the in current in game health bars?

    When you have an Argonian, which a lore appropriate name might be Digs-Holes-To-Seek-Other-Side-Of-Nirn, you're not going to have it be the same width as current health bars.

    I think there is already a max number of characters on names , not completely sure since it has been a long time since i made my chars (and im not deleting them :P , since 1: they are name savers 2: the 7 mules all have horses i lvl on carry space already ).

    Well to give you an idea, my DK's name is "Soars-Like-Cliff-Racer" that's 22 characters. So the name character limit is probably pretty long, it could even be 64 characters.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Yes - Even if I don't like them, I can just turn them off anyway.
    Arato wrote: »
    Arato wrote: »
    Swampster wrote: »
    Koopest wrote: »
    nameplate is horrible. even if they introduce namplates which is able to be turned off, most ppl who doesn't like namplate is forced to turn them on when pve, pvp because it gives you huge advantage. chat bubble? it's okay because it's not that much impact on pve , pvp whether or not turning on. but nameplates? no

    Please explain this HUGE advantage if for example it's implemented in such a way, that name plates are only visible for members of your own faction during PVP?

    Or, they were no wider than the in current in game health bars?

    When you have an Argonian, which a lore appropriate name might be Digs-Holes-To-Seek-Other-Side-Of-Nirn, you're not going to have it be the same width as current health bars.

    I think there is already a max number of characters on names , not completely sure since it has been a long time since i made my chars (and im not deleting them :P , since 1: they are name savers 2: the 7 mules all have horses i lvl on carry space already ).

    Well to give you an idea, my DK's name is "Soars-Like-Cliff-Racer" that's 22 characters. So the name character limit is probably pretty long, it could even be 64 characters.

    It's not. The name limit is about 20, I'd have to double check the specific number but that's not terribly important from there.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
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