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I implore you, let me change my race!

  • Thechemicals
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Kalann_Pander
    Cogo wrote: »
    I am gonna throw around a few questions to different types of players in ESO. You may or may not agree/dont give a damn.
    If YOU try what I suggest, please feedback here to what your reaction was.

    PvE players, Solo
    Have you tried grouping with 1 person? Have explored zones like Cyrodiil?
    Even though you may not like other people, just grouping with 1 person, WILL make you able to overcome events you could not alone. You may find a friend also.

    Dungeon player
    Have you explored a zone without a map? Have you found a wierd skull, inscribed "Wish I didn't attack that bear" on it? Have you found Side Quests you never heard of?

    What is your take on this new "hard" level settings on all dungeons? Harder encounter, but better exp and loot.

    Have you tried a dungeon group, without waiting for a group tool, to put you in one? Have you been in a dungeon sucked, and you never go into one again? Do you bring friends on your explore?

    I'm mainly a thorough Solo Explorer type. I try to complete and explore everything that isn't strictly group content :)
    I've occasionally grouped for boss fights, both in dungeons and exploration, on a ad hoc basis, usually after getting my butt handed to me a few too many times. It's always good to test yourself, but there comes a moment when it's either "right, methinks I'll be back in 10 levels" or "Hey ! You there ! Do you want to kill this boss too ?"

    I might try seriously grouping later on to get through the group content. Probably when I have nothing else left to do, which isn't going to be soon.

    Tried Cyrodill, didn't like it.
    Zerging + flashy AoEs = the whole screen just becomes a meaningless mess.
    I might try stealth/ambush when I get to VR levels, but there's no way I'm going back to a massive zergfest.
    Erock25 wrote: »

    - ZOS should allow us to buy race changes or racial passive changes (whole set, not pick and choose)
    - Why I thought melee crit khajit sorc would work
    - Why it didn't work
    - It is a win-win for everyone. More money for ZOS. More happy players.
    - Racial passives are not irrelevant

    [...]Not to mention crit builds in PVP are obsolete with the overpowered Impenetrable trait on armor.

    The Critical vs Impenetrable trait is indeed a problem for your build. Hopefully the revamped Champion/Veteran system will allow you to continue increasing Crit%, so a real specialist can overcome someone larded with Impenetrable traits.
    Alternatively, or additionally, armor-piercing/spell-piercing effects could also reduce weapon/spell crit resistance.

    Otherwise, your problem is just another manifestation of the whole stamina/weapon vs magicka/spellpower imbalance.
    If/when ZoS corrects that imbalance, your racials will effectively support your build. It's getting better, but I agree more needs to be done.

    In the mean time, either keep up with staff+light to optimize efficiency, try doing PvE with your melee build so you learn how to get the most out of it while it's hard to play, or just level up another character.

    In your case, changing racials does nothing to adress the root cause of your problem - stamina/magicka imbalance.

    I don't agree about changing races. Again, I see this as encouraging people not to take responsibility for their choices. Also, in PvP, allowing this would mean deep-pocketed players could always pay to have the race most supporting of the current best build (i.e. Altmer, Breton, Dunmer right now). As true balance is very hard to implement, there will always be an imbalance one way or another to exploit. That's a form of Pay to Win, so it should not happen.

    ... But if it must happen, then it should be coherent with the story.
    Tonturri wrote: »
    Also, someone in the thread mentioned a lore reasons....In Greenshade, there's an Alchemist who (accidentally) turns himself - a dark elf or some such thing - into an Argonian. He was trying to become a khajiit, but got the potion wrong and ended up an Argonian instead. So, it's possible lore-wise I suppose.

    That Dunmer/Argonian/Khajit freak could indeed be the guy who could change your race.
    If so, make it expensive, and make it random >:)
    (Optionally, within the choice the account type allows, i.e. no Imperials except for Imperial edition accounts, only the 3 races of your faction without the explorer pack)

    Another possibility could be with Caldwell.
    It's an "alternative" story,right ? Why couldn't that alternative story include the same mind in an alternative body ?

    So you could change your race twice, once before starting your first VR faction, and again just before starting the second one.
    (Optionally, this too could be limited by account type, and/or by your starting faction and/or by your new faction)
    Opinions are like buttholes : Everybody has one, and they usually stink.

    3 things to reduce stamina/magicka imbalance :
    - Use magicka to block abilities costing magicka, instead of stamina.
    - Add % damage reduction to heavy armor.
    - Add block penetration to 2H.
  • Aeratus
    Some of the posters here seem to have this grandiose idea about "choices are choices," but that's not the issue for me. Instead, the issue is about game balance, and complaints about lack of race changes is symptom of the lack of game balance between magicka and stamina. Obviously, people disagree on the issue of game balance, but to me, the Altmer, Dunmer, and Breton bonuses compared to the Khajiit ones are huge.

    In the long run, I'd like to see the equalization of racial bonuses. One post mentioned above said that we shouldn't select races based on bonuses. Clearly, based on this reasoning, he/she wouldn't object to a system where the bonuses can be equalized in the end. Maybe the champion system can allow all races to select multiple racial bonuses.
  • Innocente
    Heh. Racial bonuses in ESO are crucial. After researching the Class / Weapon / Racial interactions, I am very happy with my choice of Breton for my Templar. I don't think any other racial bonuses would have benefited Templar gameplay nearly as well. And, having pre-ordered, I was able to play my Breton in the racial starting area of my choosing; well, of my duo partner's choosing. :)
  • killedbyping
    Shut up and take my money !
    Would love to buy race change aswell. Dat Khajiit just doesnt fit for NB Warlock build... Who knows that medium armor build wouldnt work on stages above level 25...
  • Aeratus
    Shut up and take my money !
    Would love to buy race change aswell. Dat Khajiit just doesnt fit for NB Warlock build... Who knows that medium armor build wouldnt work on stages above level 25...
    lol, lots of unhappy cats here. I suspect people would be a lot happier with Khajiit if only the Khajiit textures were better, like they were in Skyrim.
  • Sighlynce
    no... next problem
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax
  • Erock25
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Garetth
    I vote no!
  • eliisra
    Erock25 wrote: »
    So funny how upset people get about something that wouldn't affect them at all. Close a topic because you don't like it? Egomaniac or something right there.

    Yeah, it's unbelievable. Why do they care so much about someone else's characters? It's a bit disturbing, if you ask me.

    Reading this thread and I cant find a single arguments against changing race, only fluffy opinions based on personal beliefs. It's copy-paste replies like "No, stick with your choices". But no explanation why.

    I don't want to change races myself, I'm happy with my choices (ofc since I'm playing Breton healers and casters). But why the hell would I care if someone else use to be a cat lol? It doesn't concern me. It's not going to hurt or affect my gameplay or gaming experience.
  • Zorrashi
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.
  • Mr.Turtlesworth
    you implore me? :(
    I r robot
    hear me roar
  • Sighlynce
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax
  • Arsenic_Touch
    They'll probably add race changes at a later date, keep in mind that wow didn't launch with race changes. Their race change didn't come out until 2009, the game launched in 2004. So keep that in mind when asking for changes.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Aeratus wrote: »
    Shut up and take my money !
    Would love to buy race change aswell. Dat Khajiit just doesnt fit for NB Warlock build... Who knows that medium armor build wouldnt work on stages above level 25...
    lol, lots of unhappy cats here. I suspect people would be a lot happier with Khajiit if only the Khajiit textures were better, like they were in Skyrim.

    You get a very detailed view of your character at character creation. It's not as though they created the character without looking at it. If they were unhappy with it at creation then they should have moved on. I'm sorry but nobody should be able to just change the race of their character on a whim because they are willing to spend $20 to do so. You don't play to V9 on a character and then decide you're unhappy about it. You really should have been able to figure that out sooner. Sometimes you just have to live with the choices you make. There are plenty of people that play non Bretons and they do just fine. Seriously. It's not like you see an army of Bretons in PvP because no other race can compete with magicka. Anyone who thinks that playing as a Breton makes such a difference that it's game changing is just delusional.
  • Erock25
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    I have 8 Khajiit. Most of them are caster, my main is pure Templar caster.
    I will not change him even if it was cheap and free to change his race or class.

    I love my toon, and nothing can change my mind. And when ever Stamina builds become viable, then all the better :)

    I have all weapons and armours trained to 50. So all tools there to just play as I want at any time.
    Edited by p_tsakirisb16_ESO on July 22, 2014 6:45PM
  • lathbury
    I say stick with it for now the stamina love is coming. I'm a bosmer nb ww at the moment I'm running the fom caster but have hung on to my daggers and med armour for the time when stamina is sorted.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.

    Create a new character till they fix the stamina build. That's what I'm doing with my nightblade.
  • Erock25
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.

    Class change and race change are completely different animals. Racial skills are passives and are completely behind the scenes type things. Why would you care if someone wanted to change race every couple of months? You say people can exploit things but in no way explain how it could be exploited. Do you really care if player X decides to switch between high elf and imperial every couple of months because he wants to play magica focused or stamina focused? It does not effect you at all besides providing more cash flow for the gaming company that you want to succeed.

    Lol at self esteem problems. I have three useless passives, and would like them changed.

    I'm sorry I just don't agree with you and you don't have a very good argument aside from giving ZOS more money. We'll agree to disagree.

    ... and you have no argument at all.

    I have given mine. I am done talking about this with you. Good luck.

    Your argument of 'You should have found out before VR9' is invalid. First off, I've been trying to get race changes since vr4-5. I'm quite confused how you think I could validate a build based on incomplete gear and buffs. It takes time to learn traits on armor to be able to put together sets you want and bring gear and enchants up to Epic levels to get a true understanding of whether or not a build works.

    I also don't agree with the thinking that a choice I made on the first day of early access is just something I have to live with because, 'You have to live with the choices you make.' This is a freaking GAME man. This isn't real life. Why should I be denied being more content with this game and ZOS be denied my cash money because you have this strange view on punishing players.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.

    Create a new character till they fix the stamina build. That's what I'm doing with my nightblade.

    I have 350 hours in to my Sorc (all crafts at 50, all skill lines at 50, all motifs, every quest completed in every zone) and I do not want to reroll another Sorc. I want to keep leveling my DK and then do a NB and Temp as well. I don't even care if they ever 'fix' stamina builds. I want to change from Khajit because crit chance is useless in PVP because of what will eventually be all serious PVP'rs rolling with impenetrable gear.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Tremulous
    So... you kill Molag Bal and get your soul back... Opps! we put it in the wrong body , oh well!
  • ThisOnePosts
    I think people should be able to make any changes to their characters that they want, for a FAIR price whether it be in gold or cash shop. Heck, there are anchors falling out of the sky.... so don't give me that "isn't possible in the TES universe" bs.
    Edited by ThisOnePosts on July 22, 2014 7:09PM
  • Sighlynce
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.

    Then you have to consider, would it be unfair to others if skill points where returned? Whose to say they would be used for racial passives and not toward class,armor,guild or weapon skills etc.. Are others going to demand the ability to purchase skill point redistribution without having to go broke at the Shrine of Stendarr or Stuhn ? And the play any faction with any race bonus was a pre order bonus not an Emperial bonus.. It was part of the “Explorer Pack” bonus . So thats just a kick in the teeth to everyone who shelled out the big bucks for exclusive content, that now some seem to think should be available to anyone with a 20 in their wallet...
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax
  • ThisOnePosts
    FYI my two cents about the whole stamina/magicka/crit bit:

    Stamina is still viable. I solo killed an emperor on my Nightblade Bosmer recently, both of us VR12, have you with your magicka builds? Now..mine isn't a stamina build.. it's balanced at a specific ratio I came up with myself but I always have enough magicka, health, and stamina to run any content --- including PVP. I use fire resist and warlock being a vamp and NB both come in handy. I maxed out my staves, however.... I find them boring. When I PVP I DW/Bow most of the time, the same as when I solo'd my way through every single quest in the game including delves, etc..

    The only time it seems that using a destruction staff is really important right now, are for running trials. It's not necessary, but it makes trials easier and so groups like most people to be spamming them. I refuse to go destro/restro even on my Sorc. Yes they need to balance weapons and give much better dmg buffs to those wielding melee... HOWEVER.. they are still extremely powerful when used right.

    Also, not many people run all impen gear, and even if they did a high crit rating overall IS A GOOD THING no matter how you slice it. So maybe they will take reduced crit damage with impen gear, however it's more than they would take without that extra crit bonus.
  • Seroczynski
    Zenimax has a free ability to change your race build-in: reroll
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • Erock25
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.

    Then you have to consider, would it be unfair to others if skill points where returned? Whose to say they would be used for racial passives and not toward class,armor,guild or weapon skills etc.. Are others going to demand the ability to purchase skill point redistribution without having to go broke at the Shrine of Stendarr or Stuhn ? And the play any faction with any race bonus was a pre order bonus not an Emperial bonus.. It was part of the “Explorer Pack” bonus . So thats just a kick in the teeth to everyone who shelled out the big bucks for exclusive content, that now some seem to think should be available to anyone with a 20 in their wallet...

    All valid concerns but I just don't personally see people being up in arms over 9 skill points returned (hey they can just transfer them to the other races passives if this was an issue anyways) for 20$.

    As for the Imperial bonus ... I still think it has value because you can always create any race in any faction. Race change is a one time 20$ thing. If the only thing holding up them giving us race changes was that it would devalue the Imperial Edition, I'm all for only allowing us to change within our faction.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Kraven
    Seems to me a lot of people rolled Khajit because they saw that racial crit bonus and over estimated how useful it would be. So you made a mistake and you want a system that negates that mistake. With the current state of mage builds you all want to what? Change your race to a caster friendly race? Then what, two months from now change it again because the pendulum swings in another direction? Almost as bad as those wanting class changes so they can always be the FotM.

    to be continued... Nevermind, no longer "to be continued"
  • c0rp
    $20 in the shop and call it a day.
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.

    Then you have to consider, would it be unfair to others if skill points where returned? Whose to say they would be used for racial passives and not toward class,armor,guild or weapon skills etc.. Are others going to demand the ability to purchase skill point redistribution without having to go broke at the Shrine of Stendarr or Stuhn ? And the play any faction with any race bonus was a pre order bonus not an Emperial bonus.. It was part of the “Explorer Pack” bonus . So thats just a kick in the teeth to everyone who shelled out the big bucks for exclusive content, that now some seem to think should be available to anyone with a 20 in their wallet...

    All valid concerns but I just don't personally see people being up in arms over 9 skill points returned (hey they can just transfer them to the other races passives if this was an issue anyways) for 20$.

    As for the Imperial bonus ... I still think it has value because you can always create any race in any faction. Race change is a one time 20$ thing. If the only thing holding up them giving us race changes was that it would devalue the Imperial Edition, I'm all for only allowing us to change within our faction.

    People are overwhelming not in favor of this. I think everyone has made their point and it's just time to move on from this topic. It's just not going to happen, and it's good that it won't. You do have 8 character slots. I'm sure you could make a Breton sorcerer or whatever combination you want.
  • Erock25
    Kraven wrote: »
    Seems to me a lot of people rolled Khajit because they saw that racial crit bonus and over estimated how useful it would be. So you made a mistake and you want a system that negates that mistake. With the current state of mage builds you all want to what? Change your race to a caster friendly race? Then what, two months from now change it again because the pendulum swings in another direction? Almost as bad as those wanting class changes so they can always be the FotM.

    Comparing 3 passive skills (most just % change to stats at that) to 18 active and 12 passive skills is going a bit overboard, no? But yes, I made a mistake and want a system to negate that mistake. I want to supply ZOS with more money while making the game more fun for myself. Why do you have an issue with this? <-- Serious question

    I'd personally like to change to Altmer or Dunmer.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Zorrashi wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.

    Part of the reason many people say no is that the suggested race changes include switching/transferring the passives of that race as well. Even if it is in a cash shop, many people feel that it will give an in-game advantage (however slight) simply because the passives give certain bonuses. This ties into people's common cash-shop principle where many believe the cash shop should be for cosmetic purposes only. If it was available with in-game gold then it wouldn't be much better.

    The reason after that is mostly based on principle. That choice should matter blah blah blah...

    It may be indirect, but it does affect other players in some way imo.

    I understand what you are getting at but I don't see how it can be considered pay-to-win when they are options available to us at character creation. The only way I see this being a problem is if all a sudden ZOS changed one race's passives to be much better than the others. Personally, I feel like all racial passives should be a bit more balanced. Especially with the climbing soft caps (on PTS right now) those races with 10% boosts to stam/magicka/hp are looking more and more powerful. I feel like like the best way to balance would be giving each race a 5% primary attribute boost, a 10% regen boost, and a special skill such as argonian potion boost, nord dmg reduction, khajit crit, dark elf fire resist, etc.
    Erock25 wrote: »
    no... next problem

    But why? How would it affect you if someone else chose to give ZOS money to change their race? All I see is benefit for everyone.
    Well, clarify something for me . Lets say I have a Breton templar. I put 200hrs of play time building this character but then decide I want to be an argonian .. I have sunk a dozen skill points into my races skill line (light armor affinity, gift of magnus,
    spell resistance and magicka mastery ) but now those choices no longer exist. Do I now demand all the skill points too ? I mean I have put 200hrs of playing time into this character :\ .. And racial motifs.. Does my templar now lose the ability to create in the Breton style unless I have that particular motif available ? Lets say I'm not one of the fortunate players whose characters can belong to any of the major factions... Does my templar now belong in the Ebonheart Pact, because up until now my templar was fighting for the Daggerfall Covenant .. What if I was grouped up with my friends who all are daggerfall people, Now I can no longer group up with them and terrorize daggerfall bosses? Or does my changing races automatically give me perks I didnt have before? Just curious .. :\

    If you swap race all skill points spent in your racial passives are returned to you. You no longer innately know your first race's motif. You can swap race to any race whether you have Imperial edition or not. Imperial additional was increased payment for racial freedom and that is exactly what a race change would do as well. Seems fair to me but I'm just theorizing here.

    Then you have to consider, would it be unfair to others if skill points where returned? Whose to say they would be used for racial passives and not toward class,armor,guild or weapon skills etc.. Are others going to demand the ability to purchase skill point redistribution without having to go broke at the Shrine of Stendarr or Stuhn ? And the play any faction with any race bonus was a pre order bonus not an Emperial bonus.. It was part of the “Explorer Pack” bonus . So thats just a kick in the teeth to everyone who shelled out the big bucks for exclusive content, that now some seem to think should be available to anyone with a 20 in their wallet...

    All valid concerns but I just don't personally see people being up in arms over 9 skill points returned (hey they can just transfer them to the other races passives if this was an issue anyways) for 20$.

    As for the Imperial bonus ... I still think it has value because you can always create any race in any faction. Race change is a one time 20$ thing. If the only thing holding up them giving us race changes was that it would devalue the Imperial Edition, I'm all for only allowing us to change within our faction.

    People are overwhelming not in favor of this. I think everyone has made their point and it's just time to move on from this topic. It's just not going to happen, and it's good that it won't. You do have 8 character slots. I'm sure you could make a Breton sorcerer or whatever combination you want.

    You are really against this for some strange reason to go as far as to out right lie. I just did a quick count and it seems it is 29 in favor versus 24 opposed to allowing race changes. That is even including quite a few opposed who weren't exactly out right saying NO.

    You still haven't given a valid reason for why you are so against a race change option.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
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