Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

I implore you, let me change my race!

  • Zershar_Vemod

    You made a choice. Choices should be important. And most importantly, if you didn't pre-order the game to get the any-race-any-alliance bonus, changing your race changes your loyalties and creates a whole mess.

    Pretty much this. ^

    People need to learn to live with their choices. I guess we should just introduce a class change too when some people start to cry that they die X times as a certain class..
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
  • Wizzo91

    You made a choice. Choices should be important. And most importantly, if you didn't pre-order the game to get the any-race-any-alliance bonus, changing your race changes your loyalties and creates a whole mess.

    Pretty much this. ^

    People need to learn to live with their choices. I guess we should just introduce a class change too when some people start to cry that they die X times as a certain class..

    This is your only argument? Laughable.

    Choices can be changed in many, many cases.

    Wizzo - Stamina DK - 50 - DC
    Wizzox - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Vilest Wizz - Magicka Sorc - 50 - DC
    Wiser Wizz - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Wizzo X - Magicka NB - 50 - AD
    In Rainbows - Stam Sorc - 50 - AD
    Fake Plastic Tree - Stamplar - 50 - EP

    6XX CP

  • dietlime
    There is only one permanent choice left in the game, this will never happen. Any race combined with any class can be made viable through available tailoring options.
  • Iluvrien
    People need to learn to live with their choices. I guess we should just introduce a class change too when some people start to cry that they die X times as a certain class..

    There was a thread started asking for class change today.

    For some reason people, and I am intentionally not referring specifically to any one player/players, seem to believe that all that should actually remain static in your character is their level. We have SP respec, this thread is asking for race change and another is asking for Class change. What is left?

    There is no sense of enjoying the journey as your character which for any role-playing game, even an MMORPG, is something I find difficult to understand. It seems that things like Race, Class and Skill evolution are regarded purely in terms of their numerical bonuses rather than actually meaning anything.

    I am biased in this and am happy to admit it. I am a PvE player tending towards RP. Every dialogue decision I have made, each skill point spend and even the direction on the road that my character has set out along have all been considered in terms of who that character is. And my vision of him has been changed by the results of those decisions (especially the quest dilemmas).

    As such, to merrily want to alter a fundamental aspect of the nature of my characters is not only something that I wouldn't do, but something that I would be unhappy about were it to be forced upon me.

    That said, hopefully it won't be. I sure as heck can't understand why the OP would choose to do this, but if proper safeguards were put in place to prevent FOTM play (such as the suggested Cool Down between race changes [6 months sounds right to me]) then I couldn't really maintain the resolve to stand in the way of another player, if their original choice really was making them that upset, for very long.
    Edited by Iluvrien on July 24, 2014 3:29PM
  • dietlime
    Wizzo91 wrote: »

    You made a choice. Choices should be important. And most importantly, if you didn't pre-order the game to get the any-race-any-alliance bonus, changing your race changes your loyalties and creates a whole mess.

    Pretty much this. ^

    People need to learn to live with their choices. I guess we should just introduce a class change too when some people start to cry that they die X times as a certain class..

    This is your only argument? Laughable.

    Choices can be changed in many, many cases.

    In classic RPG's all choices were meaningful and permanent. This is nothing. I'm guessing you're a member of the less mature generations. You had two permanent choices, if you can't live with them start over. That's what I did.

    Now if asked me to change your hairstyle that would be different.
    Edited by dietlime on July 24, 2014 3:29PM
  • Aeratus
    People need to learn to live with their choices.
    Then by your logic, we should just have perma-death, since dying is a ultimately a consequence of your in-game choices and thus you should live (or die, actually) with your choices.
    There is no sense of enjoying the journey as your character which for any role-playing game, even an MMORPG, is something I find difficult to understand. It seems that things like Race, Class and Skill evolution are regarded purely in terms of their numerical bonuses rather than actually meaning anything.
    The "journey" has different meaning to different people. To some, the journey is simply increasing your numerical stats, where everything like race, etc. is just a part of the numerical stats. I wouldn't consider myself in this category, but there are people who view the game in this manner.
    Edited by Aeratus on July 24, 2014 5:41PM
  • WyndStryke
    Wizzo91 wrote: »
    This is the worst argument in this discussion. How will my race change be immersion breaking to you?

    Not at all.

    There is not one valid argument against a race change in a cash shop. Give me one if you think otherwise.

    EDIT: And yes I've read the whole discussion and have not seen one

    OK. Lets try a reductio absurdum argument.

    Proposal: Magic WOW button in the cash shop to push you to VR12 / set all skills. $5.
    Wizzo91 wrote: »
    ... How will my [magical play-to-win button] be immersion breaking to you? ...

    Absurd, yes? But exactly the same.
    Edited by WyndStryke on July 25, 2014 2:17PM
  • guybrushtb16_ESO
    Personally, while I don't think there is a pressing need for it, apparently there are quite a lot of people who really want it, and then there is a number of others saying "*you* can't have it because *I* don't want it".

    So I'd say let them have it, just out of decency if nothing else.
  • Mondo
    Whats your Problem a Race change for Money is ok? Does it destroy your RP or something if the Khajit from your guild is an Elf now? Not your Problem
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    So if someone chooses to experiment with the game by combining different races and classes and then decides that it doesn't work it's up to ZOS to make a race change available? It just doesn't make sense. The OP new when they created their character that Khajiit were not magicka oriented. Nobody changed that at any point, nor were any of the racial abilities changed. By this logic I should get a free class change since the nightblade is terrible with medium armor stamina build and they still have bugged and underpowered abilities.
  • Giraffon
    I am against anything that allows using real cash to make your character more powerful.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Erock25
    So if someone chooses to experiment with the game by combining different races and classes and then decides that it doesn't work it's up to ZOS to make a race change available? It just doesn't make sense. The OP new when they created their character that Khajiit were not magicka oriented. Nobody changed that at any point, nor were any of the racial abilities changed. By this logic I should get a free class change since the nightblade is terrible with medium armor stamina build and they still have bugged and underpowered abilities.

    Who said anything about free? Also, I was trying to make a stamina based Sorc work (guess you didn't both to read the first post) and I wanted to see for myself what it was capable of, instead of just following cookie cutter builds.

    And no, 'by this logic' you would get the opportunity to use a paid race change from a stamina/melee focused race to a more magicka focused race.
    Edited by Erock25 on July 28, 2014 8:58PM
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • badmojo0777b14_ESO
    as an mmo, ZOS will balance classes, magicka and stamina based. its the nature of MMOs, and as a new character building and combat system, there were bound to be problems. I understand its been a while as a gamer, but it takes time to fix these issues as some of them can only be solved with complete overhauls to certain systems. a race change is just a quick fix for a prob that will be solved eventually, and you will want your khajiit back, paying another yeah, double that, youll be paying 40 bucks in race changes. lol anything that keeps this game running :D
  • Aevric
    You made a race/class choice you now don't like. Suck it up and start a new character. No need to make ESO an I-screwed-up-and-want-more-crap-to-buy-for-cash game.
  • Rhavein
    Well, personally i dont want every week people changing to a new race. Your choice has been made and if you wanna something new simply: reroll. But changing your appearance would be good ;)
    Necro, Ninja, Goalkeeper
  • Palindrome
    I agree, Name changes first priority, then Race.

    But either way, take my money and let me have a new name.
  • AngryNord
    I can't think of a worse way to destroy TES lore than to allow any racial attributes for any race. So no.
  • Gidorick
    I personally disagree with changing your race because... I mean... It's your RACE... that's a big part of your character's identity. If you had played a different race the entire game, you would have made different choices in all the skills you chose.

    If we then throw in the idea of being able to change name/class/faction... everything, I think a cleaner option would be to sell level 50 characters in the cash shop for $20 that allows players to MAKE a level 50 character so they can choose whatever name/race/faction/skills they want.

    OR... just move to the PTS server where you can re-make your character as a different race, with a different name, with different skills or whatever.

    But as for the ability to change your race on a character you've been playing: well, I'm all for options and even though I wouldn't use the "service" myself I like the idea of a quest that can be embarked on to allow a racial change. This quest should cost a considerable amount on the part of the player. Maybe in soul-shards. Maybe in Champion points. In the end there should be a great cost to sheading your physical body to have it reconstructed in a different form. It shouldn't be done lightly and the cost should be SO great that a player should be only able to do it once... or twice.

    Names should stay the same, even though it would be weird to have a Dunmer called "Sheds-His-Scales". lol. I think there should be SOME part of a player that remains the same throughout the game... and name seems harmless enough.

    The point is, if this is allowed, it needs to be the exception rather than the rule. we can't have people changing their race often on a whim. Changing race should only be within faction (except for Imperial Edition, of course) and faction shouldn't be able to be changed... that should require a re-roll. There would be WAY too much abuse if we were able to change factions.

    I think this concept could even be applied to changing class. We could embark on a class specific quest that would teach us the ways of another class. Again, the cost of this should be so great that it would deter most people from doing this.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Erock25
    You all are a bunch of negative nancys. Oh well, I didn't leave this game solely because of no option to change my race but it did play a factor. Officially canceled subscription and not coming back. How many other people have left the game because of or partially because they didn't feel like re-leveling their character they made on first day of early access? How many of you would quit if people were allowed to change their race? That is the real question here. Would you even know if random guy X or even someone in your guild changed their race and would it affect you at all? Is the fact that people are quitting the game left and right going to affect you at all?
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Nivzruo_ESO
    While I agree the community is intensely against this- as such I've rerolled my v14 redguard NB to a Bosmer NB, which I just hit v14 yesterday. Looks like you'll have to do the same.
    Nelgyntc- V14 NB
  • hammer_fella
    Aldmeri Dominion (NA)
    Ferawen - VR14 Bosmer Nightblade
    Quvalwe - VR2 Altmer Sorcerer
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Belwurz gro-Yungash - Lvl 35 Orc Dragonknight
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dutseiwitsei - Lvl 27 Argonian Templar
  • Tandor
    Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of allowing a race change, there's no way ZOS should even consider it within the next year or so. It simply isn't a priority, for this or any other newly released game. If a handful of players cancel because of it, well that's unfortunate but not significant in the overall scheme of things and there are other more pressing matters needing attention and which affect very many more players.
    Edited by Tandor on November 30, 2014 7:08PM
  • Beesting
    Tandor wrote: »
    Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of allowing a race change, there's no way ZOS should even consider it within the next year or so. It simply isn't a priority, for this or any other newly released game. If a handful of players cancel because of it, well that's unfortunate but not significant in the overall scheme of things and there are other more pressing matters needing attention and which affect very many more players.

    Yeah more pressing matters like making vampires extinct, releasing end game content that you can only do if you are a dark elf vamp. Which i am not.
    So i won't even try the new City of Ash until i have had enough of being vamp, which might be never...

    If i could only change my bosmer to dunmer, or stacked legendary fire resist glyphs would work..
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • Zorrashi
    Beesting wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of allowing a race change, there's no way ZOS should even consider it within the next year or so. It simply isn't a priority, for this or any other newly released game. If a handful of players cancel because of it, well that's unfortunate but not significant in the overall scheme of things and there are other more pressing matters needing attention and which affect very many more players.

    Yeah more pressing matters like making vampires extinct, releasing end game content that you can only do if you are a dark elf vamp. Which i am not.
    So i won't even try the new City of Ash until i have had enough of being vamp, which might be never...

    If i could only change my bosmer to dunmer, or stacked legendary fire resist glyphs would work..

    Vampires, by virtue of their lore and diseased condition, are supposed to have downsides and weaknesses. Their fire-weakness also serves as something akin to a balancer if you take into consideration the multitude of vampire-exclusive abilities. If it was without consequence, the everyone would be a vampire.

    As for not being able to complete the Veteran City of Ash....vampirism is just like certain abilities, weapons and builds; some are simply not suited to the dungeon. Just like the dragonknight who decided to put down the two-handed sword in favor of a sword and shield, it may be best if you forsake your vampirism in favor of relieving yourself of the weakness toward fire.
  • Bc1151

    One, because encouraging ZOS to make more micro-transactions is a dangerous slippery slope.

    Two, You made your choice; Stick with it.

    Three, I don't particularly enjoy my race selection, but i would not trade it for the world. It is who I am. I like to think I am semi RP, and changing my race would destroy the persona I have built for my character, gone in the click of a paypal transaction.

    Four, I just plain don't like the idea.

    PS: why is there no dislike button? I am pretty sure on this thread the LOL button is being used for a down vote :p

  • Aett_Thorn
    This thread was also started back in July, when things were different than they are now. Don't know why someone felt the need to be to it.
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