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I implore you, let me change my race!

  • drallar
    yorzo wrote: »
    This would be a amazing cash shop item. Benefits some and harms no one, really hope to see this soon and other cash shop items like name changes.

    I have to completely disagree with ANY option to ever do a name change. I want to know now and in the future if someone joining my group or guild started out life as AXJSKDF the bot farmer or bot leveller.

    I do not see any issues with allowing a race change.
  • Wifeaggro13
    The racial passives are not that big a deal. Really. You have a Kajiit sorc you want to tank with. That's most of your problem.

    I have em' all, well my Templars are crafters, but the 4 fighters I built are to find out what works best.

    My Imperial DK is doing very well and although only level 21 is shaping up to be a fine "in your face " guy.

    My Dunmer tough sorc is doing OK but as you have found out it's not ideal. He can go both ways and is a lot of fun with a big axe but I go all DPS when I group up. I'll pull the big axe out once in a while but frying stuff is what sorcs do best.

    My Altmer vampire witch is my baby. Built as a 'glass canon' she shines, with an evil light of course, as a pure sorc. She lays down more smack than the Dunmer at 3 levels below him.

    My Kajiit NB is a pure joy. He is only at level 18 now but I am having a lot of fun learning how to work an NB. Assassinating stuff is fun. My son has a VR2 Wood Elf NB he is very good with.

    They are very different to fight and the small effects the passives have make very little difference.

    Still I don't care. They sell the silly brown horse so selling you a racial change, which will help you very little, is no skin off my nose.

    Because 9 % in creases in Magica across the board are huge while stamina, health , and armor type make zero difference in the power of your character. When it comes to end game and those type activities
  • Erock25
    Welka wrote: »
    The only thing I can see happening, is a possible appearance change upon finishing the thieves quest line. Pretty much like in Skyrim at the Cistern.

    But race change doesn't make sense whatsoever

    What do you mean by 'make sense'? Why does it have to make sense? Are you aware that there is a quest where some NPC changes their race already in game?
    Tonturri wrote: »
    Also, someone in the thread mentioned a lore reasons....In Greenshade, there's an Alchemist who (accidentally) turns himself - a dark elf or some such thing - into an Argonian. He was trying to become a khajiit, but got the potion wrong and ended up an Argonian instead. So, it's possible lore-wise I suppose.

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  • Sotha_Sil
    After the dog in the cash shop now we have race changes ! I don't know how they do it at Zenimax but it seems there is money everywhere waiting to be spent. I think customers are so desperate they want to buy out everything. I personally would buy any armor looks from Elder Scrolls at an expensive price but this game doesn't let me spend my money.

    I have never seen race changing option in any other MMO. have you ?
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on July 18, 2014 2:16PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Surragard
    I can't support this. I'm usually a fighter for more options for players but not here. There needs to be an incentive to re-roll so that you keep playing and make new characters (and continue your sub as an aside). It's just part of how MMO's work. You have the option to respec and Paul Sage has confirmed that after the next set of class changes are made the price for respecs will drop. I support that but not a full race change. Re-roll.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • Mondo
    No one will Reroll a full V12 with every shizzle in the Game to get the Bonus that they need. They quit, and Zeni will get no cash. If they let em change they will get Sub and Direct cash
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • AlexDougherty
    Awdwyn wrote: »
    Now, that being said, if there was a lore friendly method (quest line?) that could allow for a race change, then perhaps that could work.

    There is no lore friendly way to change your race, The Ehlnofey changed themselves into the Earth-Bones to prevent any such magic. The only race that can transform themselves are the Bosmer, who's ancestors saw the Ehlnofey transform, and Bosmer can only change into monsters.

    This is a long established part of the Elder Scrolls Lore, so any way to change your race is going to be against this lore.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • kewl
    Awdwyn wrote: »
    I completely disagree from a RPG standpoint. Your character should have investment, not just as a set of skills but as a whole character. Your race is integral to who you are and using currency (ingame or real) to change that doesn't fit.
    This has been my opinion since launch. But recently I've softened my stance. People should have the right to choose and if they are willing to pay, why not? If transactions like race changes keep ESO from going F2P, I'm down.
    Awdwyn wrote: »
    Now, that being said, if there was a lore friendly method (quest line?) that could allow for a race change, then perhaps that could work.
    I love this compromise suggestion. Something where the character strikes a deal with a Daedric prince. You get a race change, they get the soul shards you put into the race skill line.
    Edited by kewl on July 18, 2014 2:26PM
  • kewl
    Sotha_Sil wrote: »
    I have never seen race changing option in any other MMO. have you ?


  • Mondo
    Tera has Race Change
    Im not the Hero you need, im the Troll you deserve!
    - Survived the WoW Pre LK Rogue Forum "Come at me Bro" -

    L2P = Accept that DK is OP and stop complaining
  • justin.sniesakub17_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Long read so here is an extremely lazy summation.


    - ZOS should allow us to buy race changes or racial passive changes (whole set, not pick and choose)
    - Why I thought melee crit khajit sorc would work
    - Why it didn't work
    - It is a win-win for everyone. More money for ZOS. More happy players.
    - Racial passives are not irrelevant

    I have made a couple of topics about this before and I apologize for repeating them, but for me it is a huge issue and something that could be easily remedied by ZOS, that would give them extra cash flow to keep improving this awesome game.

    A few days prior to the early access release of this game, I had the brilliant idea to make a melee crit based Sorcerer. I'm not sure if anyone here has played Age of Conan, but I was modeling my character after the post Khitai Dark Templar. This was a melee class that was dependent on critical rating (because of a certain skill, Void of Madness, that proc'd effects with crits) to do damage and to heal itself. So Critical Surge was going to be my Void of Madness and my character was going to dominate. I wanted to stack crit to the extreme so of course I rolled a Khajit. I was sure my plan would work out extremely well.

    Things were looking great throughout the 1-50 experience. I was 2h/bows crit build and I was having a ton of fun. Then, pre-nerf VR levels happened and I was reading the never ending stream of stavess are OP comments on the forums so I decided to give it a whirl. My vision of a melee based crit build quickly vanished before my eyes. Everything was easier with staves. I begrudgingly used them while giving forlorn glances at my 6% melee crit, sneaking radius reduction + bonus dmg, and health regen racial traits.

    Of course, I refused to give up on melee weapons. With Destruction and Restoration at level 50, I decided to try my hand at DW and Sword and Board, leveling them from the teens to the max while questing through pre-nerf VR content. Everything I could do with staves, I could do with melee (albeit with a much smaller margin for error) besides soloing dolmens, group delves, and world bosses. Things were looking up for my melee crit based Sorc, that is, until I got serious about group content and PVP and also installed a DPS meter add-on.

    No matter what I tried, because of a combination of flat out more damaging skills, fight mechanics that favored range, and of course the all powerful Spell Symmetry, I was doing at least twice as much damage on average with my ranged magicka staff builds. I was disheartened, but at least I thought with a group PVE tank build I would benefit more from melee weapons. NOPE! Wrong again. Tanking with staves completely outperformed melee. My last hope was PVP. I just knew that I would excel with melee. Many, many hours later and there is literally no situation in PVP I can't handle better with staves. Not to mention crit builds in PVP are obsolete with the overpowered Impenetrable trait on armor.

    So here I am, with a VR9 Khajit Sorcerer, using resto/destruction set up in Trials, PVP, and solo PVE. I didn't want to play this way, but I was forced to because I like to get every ounce of potential out of my character. I look at my racial passives and see 100% waste. I look at PTS server and see that they are upping magicka/stamina/hp soft caps. I look at high elf / breton / dark elf passives and think how I would not hesitate for a second to pay $20 to ZOS to be able to change my race and/or change my racial passives (aka still a Khajit, but a Khajit with 4% more elemental dmg, 10% more magicka, and 9% more magicka recovery).

    I know from my previous topics that there are a lot of people very against what I suggest. I just don't understand why. Especially if they go the route of letting you pay for racial passive swaps, I just don't see any downside at all. ZOS gets more money and there are more happy people in the game. I know race changes aren't usually present in MMOs, but in the grand scheme of things, these racial passives are a large chunk of overall character potential. 4% damage, 10% magicka, and 9% magicka regen are HUGE compared to the big fat zero use I am getting out of Khajit passives. I also know people will suggest I reroll, but I'd quit before leveling another Sorc (I still have two classes I need to level), and I would hate to scrap a character I have spent over 300 hours on.

    So then....don't? This is a terrible idea
    For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  • Enodoc
    While I don't agree with it, as the choice you made at the beginning should be relevant, it's an interesting idea, and they may be able to make it lore-friendly if a Daedric prince was involved. But if implemented, you should only be able to change race to another race of the same alliance (unless you have the Explorer Pack's any-race-any-alliance bonus). Changing alliances is a whole other ball game.

    Of course the better course of action would just be to make sure all races are appropriately balanced.
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  • Attorneyatlawl
    Time to reroll. Some did it earlier, now it's your turn. Pay to win is silly, suck it up, admit your mistake, and buy a new horse for your new character.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 18, 2014 6:27PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Csub
    Did this title remind anyone else about this?

    By the way, I would opt for appearance change, not race. Race is something you should stick to, but appearance should be able to be changed, in my opinion.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Aeratus wrote: »
    I totally support a race change option.

    I'm playing a NB and selected Khajiit in order to play a crit stamina build. Then I realized that stamina builds were poor, so I switched to an all caster build. The problem of course is that the Khajiit passives do nothing (ok, the physical crit does adds to impale, but that's almost nothing).

    On the other hand, the advantage of altmer/breton (10% magicka) and dunmer (9% magicka) is enormous. 10% is twice the amount you get from replacing your white glyph enchants to legendary glyph enchants.

    umm there are multiple skills that benefit from the weapon crit, not just impale.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.
  • Erock25
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Getting to V9 is a big deal. 300 hours worth of time for me with all my crafting.
    Edited by Erock25 on July 18, 2014 6:44PM
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
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  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.
  • SirJesto
    Mondo wrote: »
    No one will Reroll a full V12 with every shizzle in the Game to get the Bonus that they need. They quit, and Zeni will get no cash. If they let em change they will get Sub and Direct cash

    Anyone should have realized early on that a certain race wasn't what they planned. You could have re started WELL before VR. People like you are just so crazy to get to the end that you can't even do that. You people also follow every trend like this skirt and stick crap.

    I re-rolled characters twice. Once at 12th and once at 16th.

    I have 5 characters I am happy with. They range from Level 32-VR5

    You had a choice.
  • Erock25
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.

    Class change and race change are completely different animals. Racial skills are passives and are completely behind the scenes type things. Why would you care if someone wanted to change race every couple of months? You say people can exploit things but in no way explain how it could be exploited. Do you really care if player X decides to switch between high elf and imperial every couple of months because he wants to play magica focused or stamina focused? It does not effect you at all besides providing more cash flow for the gaming company that you want to succeed.

    Lol at self esteem problems. I have three useless passives, and would like them changed.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.

    Class change and race change are completely different animals. Racial skills are passives and are completely behind the scenes type things. Why would you care if someone wanted to change race every couple of months? You say people can exploit things but in no way explain how it could be exploited. Do you really care if player X decides to switch between high elf and imperial every couple of months because he wants to play magica focused or stamina focused? It does not effect you at all besides providing more cash flow for the gaming company that you want to succeed.

    Lol at self esteem problems. I have three useless passives, and would like them changed.

    I'm sorry I just don't agree with you and you don't have a very good argument aside from giving ZOS more money. We'll agree to disagree.
  • Aeratus
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.

    Class change and race change are completely different animals. Racial skills are passives and are completely behind the scenes type things. Why would you care if someone wanted to change race every couple of months? You say people can exploit things but in no way explain how it could be exploited. Do you really care if player X decides to switch between high elf and imperial every couple of months because he wants to play magica focused or stamina focused? It does not effect you at all besides providing more cash flow for the gaming company that you want to succeed.

    Lol at self esteem problems. I have three useless passives, and would like them changed.
    That's right. How would you even know if that Breton in front of you used to be an Orc. Why would you even care?

    Maybe if one day 80% of the population changes to Altmer/Breton/Dunmer. But that would not be the fault of the players, but the fault of ZOS for failing to balance the races.
  • The_Sadist
    I disagree with a race change personally, but I also disagree with a Faction change as well.

    I have an Altmer Sorcerer (rank 12) a Dunmer Sorcerer (rank 2, but currently crafting on him) and plan on making a Breton Sorcerer purely for the different race aspect. Levelling a character from 1-50 isn't really challenging or time consuming if done correctly and if you have a 12 rank healing based Orc Templar and you're feeling disgruntled about your race choice.. well, you should have re-rolled ages ago. That being said I can it see happening regardless, as it's easy money. Perhaps something akin to 'one race change per character' sort of thing could work, prevent the flavour of the month nonsense.
    Don't even get me started on class changes, that's an idiotic concept.
    Edited by The_Sadist on July 21, 2014 9:52PM
    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
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  • Erock25
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.

    Class change and race change are completely different animals. Racial skills are passives and are completely behind the scenes type things. Why would you care if someone wanted to change race every couple of months? You say people can exploit things but in no way explain how it could be exploited. Do you really care if player X decides to switch between high elf and imperial every couple of months because he wants to play magica focused or stamina focused? It does not effect you at all besides providing more cash flow for the gaming company that you want to succeed.

    Lol at self esteem problems. I have three useless passives, and would like them changed.

    I'm sorry I just don't agree with you and you don't have a very good argument aside from giving ZOS more money. We'll agree to disagree.

    ... and you have no argument at all.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    They are making changes to STA builds so maybe you should just be patient and see where that goes. We have 8 character slots, if it was that big of a deal for you, I would think you would just say lesson learned time to start over. Getting to V6 isn't really that hard and you could do it again in a short amount of time. I am unhappy with my nightblade because I was expecting more from them. I am playing my sorcerer and dragonknight for the time being and loving it. Please don't think that I don't sympathize, I just don't think it's a good idea.

    But why is it a bad idea? In what way am I hurting you or hurting the game if I change my race?

    Let me ask you this. Should we just start putting every option through a pay wall? Every time they make a change, to stats or to gear or to mechanics should I just drop $20 and change my race to "optimize" my character? I might be convinced that it's not a bad idea, but people do tend to find ways to exploit things. It sort of takes away the importance of your race when you just arbitrarily decide you want to be High Elf for a month and then decide you want to be an Imperial the next. You get benefits of a race for as long as you want until you decide to pay for a different race? Why not just let us change our classes by dropping some cash whenever we want? Honestly this seems like it's coming from some deep seated self-esteem problem where your epeen isn't as big as it could be.

    Class change and race change are completely different animals. Racial skills are passives and are completely behind the scenes type things. Why would you care if someone wanted to change race every couple of months? You say people can exploit things but in no way explain how it could be exploited. Do you really care if player X decides to switch between high elf and imperial every couple of months because he wants to play magica focused or stamina focused? It does not effect you at all besides providing more cash flow for the gaming company that you want to succeed.

    Lol at self esteem problems. I have three useless passives, and would like them changed.

    I'm sorry I just don't agree with you and you don't have a very good argument aside from giving ZOS more money. We'll agree to disagree.

    ... and you have no argument at all.

    I have given mine. I am done talking about this with you. Good luck.
  • Erock25
    At this point I'd pay ZOS 40$ for a race change!
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • indytims_ESO
    I'd be totally fine with Race and Appearance changes, especially if Zeni charged $ for them. I don't care what you look like, or what race you play. If you wanna spend $ to change yours - go for it, and help out the company with some $ in the process.

    Faction changes I imagine would be a little more difficult to implement, given the nature of the questlines and such. If you are in AD and are 30th level and have a sudden hair to change to EP, do you simply have all your AD achievements/quest progress wiped, and you're plopped down in the starter zone for your new Faction?

  • Selique
    Why do people feel like saying "Put it in the cash shop" is ok? WE PAY a sub already... INCLUDE this... Why do you people like shooting yourselves in the foot?

    If this game was a Microtransaction based game, then I'd say sure, but WE PAY ALREADY! Why on earth would you want to pay for something you could get included in your sub?

    Think about it.... ZoS listens to Player feedback, plenty of proof. If you want Race changes (And I agree, it would be fine), then ask for it as part of the sub for crying out loud.....
    Edited by Selique on July 21, 2014 9:30PM
    Falls-With-Grace ~ Shadowscale (Argonian Night Blade)
    Selique Lasra ~ Captain, Smuggler, Swashbuckler (Redguard Templar)
    Chases-Comets ~ Shellback Warrior (Argonian Dragon Knight)
    Slissix-Kir ~ Swamp Shaman (Argonian Sorcerer)
    Hail Sithis..
  • Eatitapple
    They say put it in the cash shop because that's what other mmo have done in the past.
  • MrMT
    Race bonuses for magika based races skew the game. Given that magika builds are twice as powerful as stamina builds still, adding 10% more magika by virtue of picking a certain race - before it was clear that ZOS would massively favour magika users - is irritating.

    It should be possible for characters to choose 'character passives' - ie, a totally open choice based on training and focus, rather than this significant advantage given to certain races.
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