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I feel bad for the people who already got their v12 legendary gear

  • killedbyping
    Whats up with that Spell casters nerf hammer ? :neutral_face:
    There is no only 1 set which give spell crit and its not actualy focused on spell caster. Its just a side bonus.
    I dont see much of +Magicka among crafted sets either. Alot of HP and some Stamina.
    Big Spell crit value was the only thing which helped NBs to be somewhat in a line with other damage dealers if they spec into Magicka build (we dont speak about Stamina build, because its not good at all on any class, not just NB).
    Now, since NBs STILL did not recieve ANYTHING expect of some bug fixes they will become completely worthless. There is no way to be good tank or healer as NB. Light Armor\Spell power DPS was the only viable build for NBs, but damage of NB skills without crits is joke compared to other clasess.

    Since spell\weapon crits are all moved into 2-3-4 set bonus there are only 2 viable 5 set bonus - Hunding Rage and Seducer.
    It is somewhat nice becasue now you can combine more sets, but the fact that all 5 item bonuses are total crap is somewhat sad.

    P.S. Im happy i didnt deconed my 5 item legendary Hunding rage :D

    im pretty sure I read some where that abilities were going to start scaling off your highest ability ether stamina or magicka so example if you have more points in magicka your class abilities will use spell crit and such and if you have more stamina points in stamina then they will use wep crit I maybe wrong and I might have just been reading some one suggestion thread but im pretty sure I read it from a legit source that this was going to come to play.

    I think you missunderstood this. The only changes to primary stat they announced was that the ULTIMATE skill will scale with the max Magicka or Stamina pool you have. There was nothing about stat points what so ever.

    The only change they promised BUT DID NOT IMPLEMENTED was that Spell damage should benefit from Magicka stat. But as i said this was not implemented.
  • kitsinni
    Give me 49 Dreugh wax, 7 Kuta, 7 Cura 6 Makko and 1 Oko then. You can just send em per ingame name. Addy is @‌xMovingTarget

    Thanks in advance. If you do this i might consider enjoying the changes.

    7 Kuta is one week, tops two weeks from hireling 3/3
    Cura, Makko, Oko as many as you need. I have one and half stacks of each

    49 Dreugh Wax. You need less if you have a good crafter. 39 actually, lets say 40.
    Easily gathered in 3 weeks if you know how.

    My hirelings suck then. There is no way that they average brining a Kuta every single day every 2 days at most.
  • hamon
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?

    yes it is

  • killedbyping
    hamon wrote: »
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?

    yes it is

    You can actualy have 15% crit with both Magicka and Stamina sets.
    Edited by killedbyping on July 11, 2014 12:17PM
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Magicka users are losing 6% spell crit for no reason. Hopefully this is addresses before the patch goes live, but I doubt it will be.

    If anyone's build is made or broken around a 6% spell crit removal, then I think that player has a lot bigger problems than the changes coming.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • kitsinni
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Magicka users are losing 6% spell crit for no reason. Hopefully this is addresses before the patch goes live, but I doubt it will be.

    If anyone's build is made or broken around a 6% spell crit removal, then I think that player has a lot bigger problems than the changes coming.

    I don't think it makes or breaks a build but it is probably 2-3% DPS change which for a min/maxer trying to optimize DPS for trials it may mean different gearing or spec. To the average joe 700 vs. 679 dps might not be a big deal to a hardcore raider it would mean time to regear or respec.
  • killedbyping
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Magicka users are losing 6% spell crit for no reason. Hopefully this is addresses before the patch goes live, but I doubt it will be.

    If anyone's build is made or broken around a 6% spell crit removal, then I think that player has a lot bigger problems than the changes coming.

    I can partly agree with that.
    On the first look NightMother set was never look like Mage set because of 3 set bonus which decrease enemy armor on crit. Now it looks more like it should look like.
    On the other hand i would prefer this item to be like

    2 items - 5% Weapon crit
    3 items - 5% Spell crit
    4 items - some Health\Magicka\Stamina
    5 items - on Crit reduce BOTH Spell resistance AND Armor value of your target.
    Or better
    5 items - Give 10% Armor and Spell Resistance penetration.

    Last thing is imho better, since i dont think that this Armor reduction on crit can stack with it self if more then 1 person have this set, but having always working penetration would benefits you regardless of what kind of sets or debuffs your teammates have.

    It looks like that ZOS just jumping from one Extreme to another.
    Right now 80% of crafted sets are for Mages, after 1.3.0 there is no viable sets for Mages at all.

    Also, IMHO, i see WAY TO MUCH of crit set bonuses.
    Whats up with all those dublicated bonuses on same set like 4% weapon crit on 2 items and same bonus on 4 items or Health + Health ?

    I really would like to see some Rare Mats or Crafting recipes implemented into game which would be required to craft sets with 6 or more traits.
  • Beesting
    Is there an other way to find out what the values are on the sets without having to visit every crafting station yourself?
    Taking into account the level and the material you are using?
    I have been using the info on fextralife site but it is very out of date and not accurate, bit like the esohead skill calculator.
    Is there a website where someone posts the current values?

    I just bought a V1 magica furnace set based on stuff i have been reading, only to find out it used to be much better then it is now.

    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • themizario
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Magicka users are losing 6% spell crit for no reason. Hopefully this is addresses before the patch goes live, but I doubt it will be.

    If anyone's build is made or broken around a 6% spell crit removal, then I think that player has a lot bigger problems than the changes coming.

    I can partly agree with that.
    On the first look NightMother set was never look like Mage set because of 3 set bonus which decrease enemy armor on crit. Now it looks more like it should look like.
    On the other hand i would prefer this item to be like

    2 items - 5% Weapon crit
    3 items - 5% Spell crit
    4 items - some Health\Magicka\Stamina
    5 items - on Crit reduce BOTH Spell resistance AND Armor value of your target.
    Or better
    5 items - Give 10% Armor and Spell Resistance penetration.

    Last thing is imho better, since i dont think that this Armor reduction on crit can stack with it self if more then 1 person have this set, but having always working penetration would benefits you regardless of what kind of sets or debuffs your teammates have.

    It looks like that ZOS just jumping from one Extreme to another.
    Right now 80% of crafted sets are for Mages, after 1.3.0 there is no viable sets for Mages at all.

    Also, IMHO, i see WAY TO MUCH of crit set bonuses.
    Whats up with all those dublicated bonuses on same set like 4% weapon crit on 2 items and same bonus on 4 items or Health + Health ?

    I really would like to see some Rare Mats or Crafting recipes implemented into game which would be required to craft sets with 6 or more traits.

    I noticed that too. Sets have Health bonuses at 3 and then again at 5.

    I thought about it and I think they want players to have more health in game for PvP/PvE... fights will last longer than 5 seconds and a few things happen: Drinks are not total junk now, regeneration becomes important for longer sustainability. Players will feel stronger in PvE when their health bar doesn't drop so quickly. Although we know PvE has been nerfed there will be a difficulty slider coming.

    What do you think?
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    holy crap, major overhaul.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    willows path just got a whole lot better :p
  • Samadhi
    Rev Rielle wrote: »
    Magicka users are losing 6% spell crit for no reason. Hopefully this is addresses before the patch goes live, but I doubt it will be.

    If anyone's build is made or broken around a 6% spell crit removal, then I think that player has a lot bigger problems than the changes coming.

    I can partly agree with that.
    On the first look NightMother set was never look like Mage set because of 3 set bonus which decrease enemy armor on crit. Now it looks more like it should look like.
    On the other hand i would prefer this item to be like

    2 items - 5% Weapon crit
    3 items - 5% Spell crit
    4 items - some Health\Magicka\Stamina
    5 items - on Crit reduce BOTH Spell resistance AND Armor value of your target.
    Or better
    5 items - Give 10% Armor and Spell Resistance penetration.

    Light Armour gives Spell Resistance penetration in passives already.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Vahrokh
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    I'm old school MMO. I'm used to live gear changes and entire skill tree reworks. Proud Vanilla WoW, Pre 1.7 Feral Druid....

    I just had to quote this. I was the other (yeah there were all of 5 of us in the world). And main tanked all what I could in MC and all subsequent raid instances up to including Naxxramas^^ (the bosses a druid could tank in there that is).
  • Slash8915
    Personally, this pisses me off. As a tank, Twilight's Embrace is one of the only useful sets for me. Now I have to have 5 pieces to get the same effect I currently get with 3.
    VR12 Templar Tank
    VR6 Dragonknight DPS
    VR3 Templar Healer
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    It will mean, for most, some more mixing and matching and changing gear. I would wait to see which sets are broken or, rather, which sets aren't broken as the track record on this is shocking. I expect most of them to not work properly.
  • moxiesauce
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?

    inner light...
  • Maverick827
    moxiesauce wrote: »
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?

    inner light...
    Inner Light: 20%
    Prodigy: 10%
    Precise: 6%
    Night Mother: 4%
    Cyrodiil Buffs: 8%
    Thief: 6%
    Total: 54%

    Dexterity: 21%
    Precise: 6%
    Hunding's Rage: 8%
    Night Mother: 8%
    Twin Blade and Blunt: 5%
    Thief: 6%
    Cyrodiil Buffs: 8%
    Total: 62%
    Khajiit: 6%
    Total: 68%

    So now spell users have to use two bar slots and 5% of their primary resource to get anywhere from 8% - 14% less crit than weapon users?

    Balance was needed. This is not balance.
  • Fi'yra
    Generally prefer these armors, ngl.
    AD - PC/EU
    Get Wrobled
  • GunemCleric
    moxiesauce wrote: »
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?

    inner light...
    Inner Light: 20%
    Prodigy: 10%
    Precise: 6%
    Night Mother: 4%
    Cyrodiil Buffs: 8%
    Thief: 6%
    Total: 54%

    Dexterity: 21%
    Precise: 6%
    Hunding's Rage: 8%
    Night Mother: 8%
    Twin Blade and Blunt: 5%
    Thief: 6%
    Cyrodiil Buffs: 8%
    Total: 62%
    Khajiit: 6%
    Total: 68%

    So now spell users have to use two bar slots and 5% of their primary resource to get anywhere from 8% - 14% less crit than weapon users?

    Balance was needed. This is not balance.

    Almost all spell abilities have higher damage than average skill, therefore slightly lesser crit chance or damage *is* more balanced, and spell damage would still do more damage.

    And ... are we talking crit chance (thief,Dexterity) or crit damage(shadow,precise)?
    *hint it is a rhetorical question, check your numbers and types and restrictions (Dexterity == physical).

    Edited by GunemCleric on July 11, 2014 11:32PM
    Gunerm Cleric ~ Dragon Knight, Tank ~ vr14
    Cruleg Nimec ~ Dragon Knight, DPS ~ vr14
    Gunem Cleric ~ Templar, Heals ~ vr3
    Cleric Gunem ~ Sorcerer, TBD ~ vr1
    Daggerfall Covenant (only) ~ NA
    Guts n Glory & Guts n Glory EOC ~ Guildmaster ~ GnG ~ MMO Dark Guild
    Daggerfall Cosa Nostra ~ Founder ~ DCN ~ DC guild leaders only (no cross faction PvP guilds)
  • Syrrisdevlin
    Amerigo wrote: »

    I really would like to see some Rare Mats or Crafting recipes implemented into game which would be required to craft sets with 6 or more traits.

    seriously as if it taking roughly 2 months to get 7-8 traits on 1 item isn't enough you wanna see rare mats req for those as well really man no thank you

  • Cody
    AreoHotah wrote: »
    Erock25 wrote: »
    AreoHotah wrote: »
    Dont feel bad for me... I got 860k gold. Il manage somehow.

    Can I haz some?

    If i made it then you can make it.
    PS : I never sold a motif
    I will take any of that 860K you are not using or planning to use. my payment: gratitude and love.:) priceless things these are
    Edited by Cody on July 11, 2014 11:51PM
  • Samadhi

    And ... are we talking crit chance (thief,Dexterity) or crit damage(shadow,precise)?

    Precise is crit chance, not crit damage.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Maverick827
    Almost all spell abilities have higher damage than average skill, therefore slightly lesser crit chance or damage *is* more balanced, and spell damage would still do more damage.
    Which has nothing to do with critical strike values. If stamina abilities aren't doing as much damage, which they aren't, then the damage of those abilities should be increased. The damage of magicka abilities, the crit chance of magicka abilities, or anything relating to magicka abilities should not be nerfed as a fix to stamina's deficiencies. I say this as a once-stamina user who has reluctantly gone magicka and would like to go back.
    And ... are we talking crit chance (thief,Dexterity) or crit damage(shadow,precise)?
    *hint it is a rhetorical question, check your numbers and types and restrictions (Dexterity == physical).
    I don't know what you're trying to say here. Thief and Dexterity add to critical strike chance. Precise adds to critical strike chance. Everything I listed adds to critical strike chance.
    Edited by Maverick827 on July 11, 2014 11:59PM
  • GunemCleric
    Almost all spell abilities have higher damage than average skill, therefore slightly lesser crit chance or damage *is* more balanced, and spell damage would still do more damage.
    Which has nothing to do with critical strike values. If stamina abilities aren't doing as much damage, which they aren't, then the damage of those abilities should be increased. The damage of magicka abilities, the crit chance of magicka abilities, or anything relating to magicka abilities should not be nerfed as a fix to stamina's deficiencies. I say this as a once-stamina user who has reluctantly gone magicka and would like to go back.
    And ... are we talking crit chance (thief,Dexterity) or crit damage(shadow,precise)?
    *hint it is a rhetorical question, check your numbers and types and restrictions (Dexterity == physical).
    I don't know what you're trying to say here. Thief and Dexterity add to critical strike chance. Precise adds to critical strike chance. Everything I listed adds to critical strike chance.

    ya, i knew that on precise, have it on my resto for charging and forgot.

    I agree should not nerf Magicka to fix Stam on one hand, on other hand bringing Stam up to exact same level as magicka would mean making armor even less useful, meaning armor would need adjusting. a (very minor) nerf to magicka max crit chance is not gonna really hurt anything. It is still *chance*
    Gunerm Cleric ~ Dragon Knight, Tank ~ vr14
    Cruleg Nimec ~ Dragon Knight, DPS ~ vr14
    Gunem Cleric ~ Templar, Heals ~ vr3
    Cleric Gunem ~ Sorcerer, TBD ~ vr1
    Daggerfall Covenant (only) ~ NA
    Guts n Glory & Guts n Glory EOC ~ Guildmaster ~ GnG ~ MMO Dark Guild
    Daggerfall Cosa Nostra ~ Founder ~ DCN ~ DC guild leaders only (no cross faction PvP guilds)
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