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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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I feel bad for the people who already got their v12 legendary gear

  • iaintoff
    Magicka users are losing 6% spell crit for no reason. Hopefully this is addresses before the patch goes live, but I doubt it will be.

    Some peeps are well over 50 percent, myself included, you don't think 50 percent spell crit is eno, I prefer this much better than the nerf hammer we would have felt anywhere else.

    It's measured and will be monitored, sounds ok.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    out of the blue random changes?
    It's not out of the blue or random.

    It's from gathering data and watching things, saying ... "Oh, this is too much", "This is too little", or "This plus this is too much..."

    We'd see less of it if they actually thought ahead on things and knew the mechanics of their own game better...

    I'm old school MMO. I'm used to live gear changes and entire skill tree reworks. Proud Vanilla WoW, Pre 1.7 Feral Druid....

    I think we all know by now that Goldilocks doesn't even know what her game's bugs are, much less how the mechanics are functioning. I feel like every patch or fix is rushed with almost no testing done.
  • Sihnfahl
    I think we all know by now that Goldilocks doesn't even know what her game's bugs are, much less how the mechanics are functioning. I feel like every patch or fix is rushed with almost no testing done.
    Well, duh. Heck, look at the PTR. The Silver Bolts and its morphs issues would have been detected early on IF they actually gave players the ability to be a vamp AND PvP on the PTR. There was no running Cyrodiil instance on the PTR when they opened it to the public, and becoming a vamp? GL.
  • LonePirate
    The Warlock set change that pushes the Magicka Flood from 3 pieces to 5 pieces is the biggest change for me. I might as well scrap my current 3 piece Warlock jewelry set and replace it with legendary enchanted junk jewelry found in containers.
  • Natjur
    Crap, my full set of V12 legendary gear is changed.

    (Old Set)
    3 pieces of Willow's Path (5 spell crit)
    5 pieces of Night Mother's Gaze (5 spell crit)
    3 pieces of Warlock (Jewelry) (Magicka Flood)

    Warlock set is useless now and might as well drop, its not worth wasting a 5 set on.
    Willow's Path does not have ANY spell crit anymore, its 100% useless set now.

    So what set are people looking at now?

    Swap 3 piece Warlock Jewelry set for Spell Power Jewelry?
    Swap 3 piece Willow's Path set with Song of Lamae?
    Edited by Natjur on July 10, 2014 9:37PM
  • Arsenic_Touch
    I'm sure in the future they'll just raise the level cap so people will have to make more gear regardless

    Which is funny why so many people are crying for compensation. Did they compensate people when they raised the level cap the first time? no. Why do people think they deserve compensation for these set changes? People claiming their old gear is useless... haha.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    Guys, you cry about what the guy posted on the screenshots, but seeing the screenshots, I believe many sets are missing.

    Spectre's Eyes, Oblivion's Foe, Shalidor's Curse, Eyes of Mara, Kagrenaq's Hope, Orgnum Scales, Way of the Arena.

    These are 7 8-trait sets.

    Also from the drops. Warlock isn't there, nor the Akaviri, Knight, and few others either.

    From the others, all got buffed significantly, but Hist Bark. Which took a heavy nerf hammer on the 5 set bonus.

    As for the casters, who complain about the crits, I do not see the issue. If you are clever enough (or maybe more brains that normal), you see that the new armour sets are much much better than the old ones. I like them and hopefully going to stay like that.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    3rd time asking you guys think the current gear we have equipped will not be updated with the changes and just remain the same?
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Rylana
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    Aeratus wrote: »
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?
    I play spellcaster and seems fair to be, because mage light gives such a ridiculous bonus.

    Im a mage as well, and I actually agree too, I have 50% spell crit right now, and no where can weapon crits get near me, with the changes it seems to be more balanced for sure

    my NB runs over 55% weapon crit with medium armor and two assassination abilities slotted. (also dual daggers with precise, etc)

    Besides, per the OP, i already use seducer, lamae, and night mother in various configurations depending on what I am doing.

    For me, my sets (save nightmother) got buffed. A lot.
    Edited by Rylana on July 10, 2014 9:59PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
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    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Selodaoc
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Since all our gear we have now will be useless.
    You do realize that's the natural progression of ... pretty much every MMO? As newer content gets introduced, previous gear falls slowly falls by the wayside.

    We're just seeing a faster cycle of changes due to the set designers not collaborating well with the class designers, which leads to set bonuses that either don't work for any class, or work too well for a single class. (DKs and Akaviri Dragonguard?)

    Wrong. You use your old gear to clear content for the new gear, which are higher lvl.
    Also, theres no raid sets to collect that are the best ingame.
    The best stuff is crafted.
    Raidsets costs no money, crafted does.

    Now, our newly crafted gear will become totally useless.
    I crafted armor and weapons for 300k yesterday after hitting VR12.
    That armor will become useless after 1.3

    A friend of mine made a 5/3 set of Willow and Twilight and upgraded all parts to legendary. The day after, this udate was announced.

    We have to make completly new gear for the same level.

    I have 5k gold now, i can afford crafting new gear.
    Edited by Selodaoc on July 10, 2014 10:08PM
  • jonpaul
    I can understand needing to "re-gear" after a big expansion that changes everything, but hopefully, with just a tweaking (regardless of how large the tweak is) of set bonuses I would hope that they would just be automatically updated to match the current bonus. I don't know if that will be done and fortunately I have not invested much into my gear yet (just running blues until I hit V12) but now I will wait!

    What would be comforting would be someone letting us know how they will handle these changes to (hopefully) put peoples minds at ease.
    I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments. -Jim Morrison
  • Xsorus
    Lol I wasted a lot of yellow blacksmithing materials early on before they added the 5 set bonuses, basically wasted them and I just ended up breaking down my yellows after I got new sets, yes you lose out, but who cares. There is not a vast difference between blue and yellow
  • xMovingTarget
    Guys, you cry about what the guy posted on the screenshots, but seeing the screenshots, I believe many sets are missing.

    Spectre's Eyes, Oblivion's Foe, Shalidor's Curse, Eyes of Mara, Kagrenaq's Hope, Orgnum Scales, Way of the Arena.

    These are 7 8-trait sets.

    Also from the drops. Warlock isn't there, nor the Akaviri, Knight, and few others either.

    From the others, all got buffed significantly, but Hist Bark. Which took a heavy nerf hammer on the 5 set bonus.

    As for the casters, who complain about the crits, I do not see the issue. If you are clever enough (or maybe more brains that normal), you see that the new armour sets are much much better than the old ones. I like them and hopefully going to stay like that.

    Give me 49 Dreugh wax, 7 Kuta, 7 Cura 6 Makko and 1 Oko then. You can just send em per ingame name. Addy is @‌xMovingTarget

    Thanks in advance. If you do this i might consider enjoying the changes.
  • Fleymark
    3rd time asking you guys think the current gear we have equipped will not be updated with the changes and just remain the same?

    I think it's pretty safe to assume that current gear will be changed.

    It would be crazy not to and, by way of example, when hundings was changed in the last patch the changes affected the set I wear.
    Edited by Fleymark on July 10, 2014 10:24PM
  • Selodaoc
    The changes to twilight/willow/Night mother is WAY to much.

    They are going from great to completly useless.
  • NorthernFury
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    The changes to twilight/willow/Night mother is WAY to much.

    They are going from great to completly useless.

    Night Mother's looks awesome for weapon-based builds. Not sure useless is the right word there.

    Skadi Storm-Blade - VR14 Altmer Sorcerer
    Brynnhild Valkyrja - VR12 Nord DragonKnight
    Haakon Hardrada - VR12 Nord Templar
    Sanguine's Tester (retired)

    Cattle die
    kinsmen die
    all men are mortal.
    Words of praise
    will never perish
    nor a noble name.

    - The Havamal
  • Selodaoc
    well, most used it for armor reduction 3 set, which now will be 5 set.
    It will be worse, but not useless
    Edited by Selodaoc on July 10, 2014 10:47PM
  • Natjur
    The Willow set is useless for me, 5% spell crit gone and replaced with..... regen. Come on, almost everyone is at the soft cap in regen when at V12

    21 Dreugh wax, 3 Kuta, 3 Cura wasted there, or about 81k in parts

    Night Mother's change is ok, small drop in spell crit, but the rest is a bonus.
    Edited by Natjur on July 10, 2014 10:53PM
  • NorthernFury
    Selodaoc wrote: »
    well, most used it for armor reduction 3 set, which now will be 5 set.
    It will be worse, but not useless

    Armor reduction was always 5-set. Most used it for the 3-set spell crit. 8% weapon crit makes it awesome for weapon builds, and 4% spell crit isn't too bad for magicka users, either. Not sure why you'd complain about Night Mother's at all...

    edit: Nope, you're right on the 3-set. The rest stands.
    Edited by NorthernFury on July 10, 2014 10:57PM

    Skadi Storm-Blade - VR14 Altmer Sorcerer
    Brynnhild Valkyrja - VR12 Nord DragonKnight
    Haakon Hardrada - VR12 Nord Templar
    Sanguine's Tester (retired)

    Cattle die
    kinsmen die
    all men are mortal.
    Words of praise
    will never perish
    nor a noble name.

    - The Havamal
  • Dagoth_Rac
    What is up with some sets having the same bonus in multiple slots? Like Hunding's Rage has +4% Weapon Crit at both 2 pieces and 4 pieces. Do those stack? So you will have +8% Weapon Crit if you wear 4 pieces? Or Twilight's Embrace adding +118 Health at both 2 and 3 pieces. Is that +236 Health if you wear 3 pieces?

    Glad to see several options to raise Spell Damage. That stat slows to a crawl in VR. It is one of the reasons everyone is running around with a stick. A VR12 stick is a lot more powerful than a VR1 stick. But with Spell Damage barely changing from VR1 to VR12, Class Skills do not get much more powerful from VR1 to VR12. +21 Spell Damage will really help class skills at VR12 but will not help desto/resto staff at all.

    Although it looks like you can get +28 Weapon Damage from these sets, so people will just wear that and desto/resto staff will still be the best option...
  • david271749
    I don't.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    AreoHotah wrote: »
    Dont feel bad for me... I got 860k gold. Il manage somehow.

    I would like some of your gold. K thanks :)
  • Qyrk
    Well look at it this way................Update 3 is coming around at the beginning of August. That's in about..what? three weeks? (even then, they haven't said or mentioned the specific date yet AFAIK). All those people who just got their legendary armor can still take advantage of them before the changes - and you have all these time to start stocking on mats before it goes live. It's not the end of the world, it might set you back thousands of gold, but this may affect everyone, so it's not just you.
    Edited by Qyrk on July 11, 2014 12:02AM
  • ExiledKhallisi
    are these changes posted somewhere? the new set bonuses i mean
    Edited by ExiledKhallisi on July 11, 2014 12:17AM
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Natjur
    are these changes posted somewhere? the new set bonuses i mean
    Pop onto PST and you can see them first hand

  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    Give me 49 Dreugh wax, 7 Kuta, 7 Cura 6 Makko and 1 Oko then. You can just send em per ingame name. Addy is @‌xMovingTarget

    Thanks in advance. If you do this i might consider enjoying the changes.

    7 Kuta is one week, tops two weeks from hireling 3/3
    Cura, Makko, Oko as many as you need. I have one and half stacks of each

    49 Dreugh Wax. You need less if you have a good crafter. 39 actually, lets say 40.
    Easily gathered in 3 weeks if you know how.
  • killedbyping
    Whats up with that Spell casters nerf hammer ? :neutral_face:
    There is no only 1 set which give spell crit and its not actualy focused on spell caster. Its just a side bonus.
    I dont see much of +Magicka among crafted sets either. Alot of HP and some Stamina.
    Big Spell crit value was the only thing which helped NBs to be somewhat in a line with other damage dealers if they spec into Magicka build (we dont speak about Stamina build, because its not good at all on any class, not just NB).
    Now, since NBs STILL did not recieve ANYTHING expect of some bug fixes they will become completely worthless. There is no way to be good tank or healer as NB. Light Armor\Spell power DPS was the only viable build for NBs, but damage of NB skills without crits is joke compared to other clasess.

    Since spell\weapon crits are all moved into 2-3-4 set bonus there are only 2 viable 5 set bonus - Hunding Rage and Seducer.
    It is somewhat nice becasue now you can combine more sets, but the fact that all 5 item bonuses are total crap is somewhat sad.

    P.S. Im happy i didnt deconed my 5 item legendary Hunding rage :D
    Edited by killedbyping on July 11, 2014 8:43AM
  • Fi'yra
    Erock25 wrote: »
    Some very major changes to gear sets



    16% weapon crit possible with two four piece bonuses. Too bad impenetrable trait makes it pointless.

    I prefer these new armors, the others were boring, and it was pretty hard to coordinate your armor ect..
    AD - PC/EU
    Get Wrobled
  • Syrrisdevlin
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?
    Inner Light comes with a very large penalty - it uses up two skill slots (one for each bar).

    After the patch, max weapon crit will be only 1% lower than max spell crit, but will require none of the downsides of spell crit.

    Stamina builds need help, but turning the tables in the other direction isn't the solution. We need at least one more spell crit set bonus.

    yeah except like you a lot of people are missing the big picture what els do you use magicka for other then abilities??? nothing wep/stam builds have to use stam for dodging, breaking cc, and blocking so yeah I agree with these change honestly I think they should be higher with just some random numbers here

    lets say you got 50% crit with the loss of two skills I still feel that stam/wep builds should get 75% crit they should be able to deal out more dmg at less of a cost because they still have to save their stamina for defending

    so if you deal 200 dmg in a single spell ability at 200 magicka stamina abilities should deal out 250 maybe even 300 for the same cost of stamina, just for the simple fact that you get to spend all 2k of your magicka and end up dealing 2k dmg for 2kmana,(2000/200=10*200=2000)

    while a stam/wep build only gets to spend lets say at best 1500 because they are always gonna wanna have at least 500stam for a defensive roll, block, or cc break. in the end if you spend all your magicka you would deal 2kdmg for 2k mana right and still have all your stamina for what ever??

    well a stam/wep build should deal the same amount of dmg with less cost to stamina so with his 2k stamina reserving 500 leaves him 1.5k and 250-300dmg per 200 stam he will deal out what 1875-2100dmg for 1.5k stamina
    (2000-500=1500/200=7*250=1875) now see that's a lot more balanced then what it was

    Magicka (2000magicka pool / 200spellcost = 10number of spells cast * 200 dmg per spell=2000 total dmg dealt)

    Stamina (2000stamnia pool-500reserve stamina for defending = 1500 stamina left in pool / 200 cost of stamina ability = 7 number of abilities used * 250 dmg per ability = 1875 total dmg dealt)

    omit yes I know 1500/200 is 7.5 but we all know you cant use/cast half an ability for half the cost

    and considering the stamina/wep build still has all his magicka to use as well he could more then likely get that 125 dmg difference from 2k dmg that magicka deals if not even a little bit more but the same goes for magicka builds they still have their whole stamina pool to work with

    Edited by Syrrisdevlin on July 11, 2014 10:42AM
  • Syrrisdevlin
    Whats up with that Spell casters nerf hammer ? :neutral_face:
    There is no only 1 set which give spell crit and its not actualy focused on spell caster. Its just a side bonus.
    I dont see much of +Magicka among crafted sets either. Alot of HP and some Stamina.
    Big Spell crit value was the only thing which helped NBs to be somewhat in a line with other damage dealers if they spec into Magicka build (we dont speak about Stamina build, because its not good at all on any class, not just NB).
    Now, since NBs STILL did not recieve ANYTHING expect of some bug fixes they will become completely worthless. There is no way to be good tank or healer as NB. Light Armor\Spell power DPS was the only viable build for NBs, but damage of NB skills without crits is joke compared to other clasess.

    Since spell\weapon crits are all moved into 2-3-4 set bonus there are only 2 viable 5 set bonus - Hunding Rage and Seducer.
    It is somewhat nice becasue now you can combine more sets, but the fact that all 5 item bonuses are total crap is somewhat sad.

    P.S. Im happy i didnt deconed my 5 item legendary Hunding rage :D

    im pretty sure I read some where that abilities were going to start scaling off your highest ability ether stamina or magicka so example if you have more points in magicka your class abilities will use spell crit and such and if you have more stamina points in stamina then they will use wep crit I maybe wrong and I might have just been reading some one suggestion thread but im pretty sure I read it from a legit source that this was going to come to play.

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