Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

I feel bad for the people who already got their v12 legendary gear

  • ExiledKhallisi
    Why do you think the currently made sets wouldn't change? I'm pretty sure the values will just change and no one is getting hosed over months of hard work farming/trading.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • WebBull
    Samadhi wrote: »

    Too bad Weapon skills are still vastly inferior across the board, so rather than anything being buffed or balanced Spell Crit is simply being nerfed.

    Actually weapon skills are being buffed........just spell also being nerfed.
  • Samadhi
    WebBull wrote: »
    Samadhi wrote: »

    Too bad Weapon skills are still vastly inferior across the board, so rather than anything being buffed or balanced Spell Crit is simply being nerfed.

    Actually weapon skills are being buffed........just spell also being nerfed.

    No, some sets are being changed to give the illusion that Weapon builds are being "buffed."

    The PTS notes for Weapon Skill changes don't list any real buffs:

    One Hand and Shield
    Crippling Slash: This ability now has a visual effect to indicate that your target is immobilized.

    Two Handed
    Balanced Blade: Fixed an issue where Ranks I-II were named inconsistently for this ability, and were using “1” and “2” at the end of their titles.
    Executioner: The tooltip for this ability now reports the correct damage when you don’t have a target.

    The heavy attack animation now plays fully when you have a bow equipped, even if it’s only charged for a short amount of time.
    Mist Form: Fixed an issue where the arrow would still be visible when you activate Mist Form with a bow equipped.

    Until weapon skills get buffed, these set changes are generally quite useless in terms of changes.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Gilvoth
    Astien wrote: »
    Does no one else see the problem with the Night's Silence set? I'm a vampire Nightblade. Already "sprint" stealthed... (25% Normal move speed.) add 60% to that? thats 85% increased stealthed move speed. Faster than any horse currently in the game....

    how in the heck is that a problem? dude im spose to be an assassin, im spose to be riding a stupid horse out in the open? i dont think so!
    allow us nighblades to be and stay stealthed with the pack! wow dude, gimee a break. we are the lowest weakest class and we cant be allowed to keep speed?
    leave it alone and as is please.
    even if i do catch up to you and try to kill you i would be prety low on stamina and probably die anyway.
    and as allways, assassins are supose to move in kill the "target" just ONE target and escape and get away. if i dont have speed then that completely ruins the entire way of the dark brotherhood and gaining the bonus like we allways are told "kill the 1 target and no other people" how can we do that if we cant escape with speed? you people hate dark brotherhood and assassins? why is it even called elderscrolls if they remove all that belongs with elderscrolls and dark brotherhood?

    Edited by Gilvoth on July 10, 2014 5:35PM
  • xMovingTarget
    Samadhi wrote: »
    No, some sets are being changed to give the illusion that Weapon builds are being "buffed."

    Yeah. It seems like they have no idea how to balance this game properly. Whoever at Zenimax brought this up at zenimax has no clue about this game. This will actually kill ESO for even more players. Including me. If this is going live like it is now, thats when i quit logging in and pay for this.

    Also guildmates already stated that this will be the end of this game for them. You are going to break the work of every single player that got Sets on. Many many gold will be lost due to useless upgrades. Since all our gear we have now will be useless.

    Bring this live and see the game dying more rapidly Zenimax. Address where the problem really starts. It starts with the weapon Skilllines, Armor Skilllines.. But yea, Just do this instead. Its way easier. But then, live with less and less players on your servers.

    We dont want our "worked hard for" gear to be useless just because you dont know what to do. You totally lost the last bit of confidence i had in you with this.

    Its like a spiral then. Why would anybody ever again upgrade anything. We dont know when u again decide to -snip- us up again.
    Edited by xMovingTarget on July 10, 2014 5:34PM
  • ExiledKhallisi
    You are all jumping ahead....I ask again... what makes you think our current gear won't be changed also? I don't thik they will slap everyone in the face like that
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Shaun98ca2
    But weapon/armor sets were bound to change at SOME point where its new levels were available or changes in the sets themselves.

    This seems like a minor issue to deal with and most crafters should be able to change/fix their gear set within weeks of play time.
  • Sihnfahl
    Since all our gear we have now will be useless.
    You do realize that's the natural progression of ... pretty much every MMO? As newer content gets introduced, previous gear falls slowly falls by the wayside.

    We're just seeing a faster cycle of changes due to the set designers not collaborating well with the class designers, which leads to set bonuses that either don't work for any class, or work too well for a single class. (DKs and Akaviri Dragonguard?)
  • Aeratus
    Samadhi wrote: »
    No, some sets are being changed to give the illusion that Weapon builds are being "buffed."

    Yeah. It seems like they have no idea how to balance this game properly. Whoever at Zenimax brought this up at zenimax has no clue about this game. This will actually kill ESO for even more players. Including me. If this is going live like it is now, thats when i quit logging in and pay for this.

    Also guildmates already stated that this will be the end of this game for them. You are going to break the work of every single player that got Sets on. Many many gold will be lost due to useless upgrades. Since all our gear we have now will be useless.

    Bring this live and see the game dying more rapidly Zenimax. Address where the problem really starts. It starts with the weapon Skilllines, Armor Skilllines.. But yea, Just do this instead. Its way easier. But then, live with less and less players on your servers.

    We dont want our "worked hard for" gear to be useless just because you dont know what to do. You totally lost the last bit of confidence i had in you with this.

    Its like a spiral then. Why would anybody ever again upgrade anything. We dont know when u again decide to -snip- us up again.
    You speak in abstracts, like "worked hard for gear" but have not named a specific gear set that has been nerfed. Therefore, the argument in your post does not have substance.
  • kitsinni
    NIght Mother's looks awesome for a Nightblade!
  • Samadhi
    You are all jumping ahead....I ask again... what makes you think our current gear won't be changed also? I don't thik they will slap everyone in the face like that

    The last time they made changes to sets they applied to existing sets, I'm inclined to think this would follow suit.
    Changing the mechanics of the set bonuses, rather than creating entire new sets by the same name.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Gilvoth
    kitsinni wrote: »
    NIght Mother's looks awesome for a Nightblade!

    oh? why? what are you seeing that is in the set?
    you peeked my interest, please do tell.

    Edited by Gilvoth on July 10, 2014 5:47PM
  • kitsinni
    kitsinni wrote: »
    NIght Mother's looks awesome for a Nightblade!

    oh? why? what are you seeing that is in the set?
    you peeked my interest, please do tell.

    8% weapon crit and 4% spell crit with a 4 piece set, add a 5th for reduction of armor on crit. Even for the warlock caster builds that is still 4% spell crit and 8% towards Impale.
  • Gilvoth
    ok, let me say it like this.
    "if i told you there will be a 4% or 6% chance that by calling this phone number i give to you, that you will win 5 trillion dollars, would you believe you will win that 5 trillion dollars based on that percentage"?
    if i told you that tomorrow at 8 am there will be a 5% or 6% chance that it's going to hail and rain, would you believe that its going to hail and rain tomorrow?
    Edited by Gilvoth on July 10, 2014 5:52PM
  • aipex8_ESO
    Yeah, I'll need to craft new gear (luckily I haven't used my legendary mats yet and am still only epic), but I'm liking that there are 2, 3, 4, and 5 piece options now. It's going to be much more fun mixing and matching sets.
  • pitdemon_ESO
    I'm sure in the future they'll just raise the level cap so people will have to make more gear regardless
    The Grixxitt of Melek - Alfar Nightblade
    Grixx of the Reach - Crafter/Reachwitch/Sorceror

    Must...downvote...stupidity... (clicks sidebar furiously)
  • xMovingTarget
    Aeratus wrote: »
    You speak in abstracts, like "worked hard for gear" but have not named a specific gear set that has been nerfed. Therefore, the argument in your post does not have substance.

    Example : Willows Path. but basically everything. And it was "worked hard for" gear
  • Kewljag_66_ESO
    Samadhi wrote: »
    So they're removing two of the Spell Crit sets (Willow's Path and Twilight Embrace) in exchange for a bunch more weapon crit sets.
    Glad this update came before I crafted anything for endgame, I suppose.

    Too bad Weapon skills are still vastly inferior across the board, so rather than anything being buffed or balanced Spell Crit is simply being nerfed.

    Oh well, I'll give 5 Night's Silence and 4 Hundings Rage a go on Medium Armour anyway.
    Too bad Night Mother's Gaze was nerfed as well, so I can't even stack Night's Silence and Night Mother's Gaze as I had initially wanted to.

    you can also get the 2 set bonuses from rings now
  • kitsinni
    ok, let me say it like this.
    "if i told you there will be a 4% or 6% chance that by calling this phone number i give to you, that you will win 5 trillion dollars, would you believe you will win that 5 trillion dollars based on that percentage"?
    if i told you that tomorrow at 8 am there will be a 5% or 6% chance that it's going to hail and rain, would you believe that its going to hail and rain tomorrow?

    I have to be honest I have no clue what you are getting at.
  • Gilvoth
    kitsinni wrote: »
    ok, let me say it like this.
    "if i told you there will be a 4% or 6% chance that by calling this phone number i give to you, that you will win 5 trillion dollars, would you believe you will win that 5 trillion dollars based on that percentage"?
    if i told you that tomorrow at 8 am there will be a 5% or 6% chance that it's going to hail and rain, would you believe that its going to hail and rain tomorrow?

    I have to be honest I have no clue what you are getting at.

    it means that with the extreme low percentage rates that armor offers it's a very strong posibility that you will never get the bonuses that the armor and weapons are offering.

  • kitsinni
    kitsinni wrote: »
    ok, let me say it like this.
    "if i told you there will be a 4% or 6% chance that by calling this phone number i give to you, that you will win 5 trillion dollars, would you believe you will win that 5 trillion dollars based on that percentage"?
    if i told you that tomorrow at 8 am there will be a 5% or 6% chance that it's going to hail and rain, would you believe that its going to hail and rain tomorrow?

    I have to be honest I have no clue what you are getting at.

    it means that with the extreme low percentage rates that armor offers it's a very strong posibility that you will never get the bonuses that the armor and weapons are offering.

    You do realize that those actually stack on top of all your other bonuses right? You are just trolling me right?

    Even if they didn't that would still be significant dps boost even if my crit wasn't already over 50%.
  • badmojo
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    Aeratus wrote: »
    Amerigo wrote: »
    Max crit chance you can get from sets :

    Patch 1.2
    Spell Crit 10%
    Weapon Crit 5%

    Patch 1.3
    Spell Crit 4%
    Weapon Crit 16%

    Is that called "balancing"?
    I play spellcaster and seems fair to be, because mage light gives such a ridiculous bonus.

    Im a mage as well, and I actually agree too, I have 50% spell crit right now, and no where can weapon crits get near me, with the changes it seems to be more balanced for sure

    I wouldn't say that. I have 49.5% weapon crit most days.
  • tuckerpb2
    are these changes in the game right now or coming soon?
  • Sihnfahl
    tuckerpb2 wrote: »
    are these changes in the game right now or coming soon?
  • Shaun98ca2
    tuckerpb2 wrote: »
    are these changes in the game right now or coming soon?

    Coming soon to a TESO Near you.
  • wrlifeboil
    How do I prevent images from displaying in this forum software? I hate inline images.
  • Gilvoth
    i have a choper that cost me alot of money, when i decide to go out and ride it on the streets, i allways make sure theres NO chance its going to rain and or atleast a low chance.
    when the weather man i listen to says theres a 65% chance or lower, im prety damn sure its NOT going to rain, and even if it does then it will only be a minor sprinkle that i dont even realy notice.

    anything over 65% chance then it might happen
    once we get into the 75% and higher range then i take note and it's seriously might happen
    80% and above im taking it for a fact that its gona rain.
  • xMovingTarget
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    Since all our gear we have now will be useless.
    You do realize that's the natural progression of ... pretty much every MMO? As newer content gets introduced, previous gear falls slowly falls by the wayside.

    We're just seeing a faster cycle of changes due to the set designers not collaborating well with the class designers, which leads to set bonuses that either don't work for any class, or work too well for a single class. (DKs and Akaviri Dragonguard?)

    So we have to adapt for Zenimaxes out of the blue random changes? Well, Thanks for nothing then. That is not natural progression. Neither is that additional gear nor is it new gear for new vet ranks.
    If this is all new and only applies to new crafted gear then okay. but if it changes existing sets this is just random changes.
  • Erock25
    i have a choper that cost me alot of money, when i decide to go out and ride it on the streets, i allways make sure theres NO chance its going to rain and or atleast a low chance.
    when the weather man i listen to says theres a 65% chance or lower, im prety damn sure its NOT going to rain, and even if it does then it will only be a minor sprinkle that i dont even realy notice.

    anything over 65% chance then it might happen
    once we get into the 75% and higher range then i take note and it's seriously might happen
    80% and above im taking it for a fact that its gona rain.

    You actually believe what your weatherman says?
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
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  • Sihnfahl
    out of the blue random changes?
    It's not out of the blue or random.

    It's from gathering data and watching things, saying ... "Oh, this is too much", "This is too little", or "This plus this is too much..."

    We'd see less of it if they actually thought ahead on things and knew the mechanics of their own game better...

    I'm old school MMO. I'm used to live gear changes and entire skill tree reworks. Proud Vanilla WoW, Pre 1.7 Feral Druid....
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