IronMaiden_burnout wrote: »I swear some of you people just want every class to be identical in every way and have only one skill. Then of course some of you would cry OH NO nerf that racial passive plz it's op.
Class balance is for pansies!
Finally someone who is speaking sense . There is one combination that these one trick ponies are using in the DK line. its with a certain gear set which is light armor. the reason DK's are able to do any of these things is due to thier survivablity and the *** mana Resto staff swapping returns. it has nothing to do with Talons or the Damage we can produce with fire abilities. If anything melee needs to be brought up not anyone being nerfed. With a hard 800 DPS check in FG for that stupid gargoyle when most people only produce 500 max at VR 5 its clear there are clear imbalances and nerfs are not in order but bringing other classes up in the DPS department is what needs to happen . They seriously need to fix night blade it is by far the class that is suffering the most. As for PVP if your ranging Dark talons is not even an issue , but Diminishing returns in PVP for CC would be a good start , its not just Dark talons that can be spammed all classes can chain stun far more effectively .Appeal to authority much? Geez.
You're really struggling at level 11 with a DK? How is that even possible? Aside from doing everything you could ever want talons is also a skill you get while tiny. Does only the 1 key work on your keyboard and you're using it for the shiny chains? If so, replace it with talons immediately.
No need to thank me.
Or...maybe he didn't get talons, maybe he morphed talons to provide the snare instead of the dot? Maybe he's a stamina based character, so talons doesn't do that much damage.
Also...cbbouletb16_ESO wrote: »Most notably: Dragon's Blood, Reflective Scale, Dark Talons, Standard of Might
And the passive Battle Roar.
These skills/passive in particular are what makes them so stupidly overpowered. Far beyond every other class.
no, those are not the skills that make DK's do good damage....
molten whip: +spell power while using fire attacks while slotted
Engulfing flames: +% fire damage on any target hit
world in flames: +% fire damage with any fire AoE
dunmer or altmer racial passive: +% fire damage with any fire attack
+many really bad players paid to become vamps, but had/have no idea how to play as a vamp even before the nerf, which meant that they were easy to kill with fire....
those are why people think DK's are OP (with standard, which is perhaps the best ultimate). Dragon blood & reflective scale are nice...but if you see a DK run through a quest taking out groups faster than you can kill a single mob, or take out a group of players in just a few seconds...those skills & passives are what they are using. What you listed are just some defensive skills which are nice, but other classes have similar (though many of the NB's are bugged atm).
Also, I like how you picked DK...while if you look through just about any thread, or any video in youtube about how OP DKs are, somewhere someone will post "sorcs can do the same thing, just faster & with pressing fewer buttons"
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »Finally someone who is speaking sense . There is one combination that these one trick ponies are using in the DK line. its with a certain gear set which is light armor. the reason DK's are able to do any of these things is due to thier survivablity and the *** mana Resto staff swapping returns. it has nothing to do with Talons or the Damage we can produce with fire abilities. If anything melee needs to be brought up not anyone being nerfed. With a hard 800 DPS check in FG for that stupid gargoyle when most people only produce 500 max at VR 5 its clear there are clear imbalances and nerfs are not in order but bringing other classes up in the DPS department is what needs to happen . They seriously need to fix night blade it is by far the class that is suffering the most. As for PVP if your ranging Dark talons is not even an issue , but Diminishing returns in PVP for CC would be a good start , its not just Dark talons that can be spammed all classes can chain stun far more effectively .
If anything that needs to be nerfed is these light armor sets that are creating endless mana regeneration for all classes. Sorcs do all these things much better while having a ability that literally makes it impossible for you to hit them. Thats right bolt escape. Hands down the most broken thing in PVP. What is severly Broken in this game is all the melee lines . its why all these DK's are going to this one trick pony build. simply Because heavy armor is only Viable for tanking , and melee skills are so garbage combined with end game mechanics makes it literally impossible to stay competitive with Ranged builds.Its bad when the best Melee build in the game is the Fly swatter, SNS hold block and spam your shield bash. best melee DPS in game. As for all the youtube videos remove the endless mana regenration from light armor resto staff builds. those DK 's rolling their high self healing builds, aoe Ultimate point building , and banner dropping will re roll. all the videos will stop and their will be far less Dunmer DK's in light armor . Its not the class its the a certain synergy that needs to fixed. and for the love of all that is holy Fix the damn melee lines it's horrible!
We agree then its clear other classes need to be buffed and light armor passives reduced. dps is not single target its bull crap trash pulls with 12 mobs onscreen if your pissed DK and sorcs solo better this is true and i agree currently the major issue is Melee lines being so bad people are just going to the path of least resistance which is pure class magica DPS. Templars and Night blades have horrible issues. if you read what i said it sounds like we agree . there are adjustments that need to be made i completely agree . im not defending it at all it actually irks me that a crap player can role a DK put on light armor follow some exploit guide and spam his banner and have endless supplies of magica while having the DK survivability. It makes heavy armor build all but useless it completely makes tanking an un needed in convience at end game geared levels of activity. Creating this ridiculous dynamic of 3 dps and full templar healer. its part of the problem creating this border line GW2 mechainc. DK's strong point is survivablity , templar has a pure healing line making it best in the healing department. and night blade having single target DPS that does not work currently because of the melee synergy being so broken, and boss mechanics favoring Ranged. what should not happen is that over powered synergy in light armor. You remove the Dk survivbility and CC which is what i think your saying and you will never finish a trial . Every class has a strong point. Remove the DPS and magica exploits from light armor hell remove friggin dragon banner all together . it will seprate then men from the boys in the Dragon knight department . im adovcating changes to the DK but the right ones don't make it a low survive ability high DPs class then you might as well just make this game GW2.Wifeaggro13 wrote: »Finally someone who is speaking sense . There is one combination that these one trick ponies are using in the DK line. its with a certain gear set which is light armor. the reason DK's are able to do any of these things is due to thier survivablity and the *** mana Resto staff swapping returns. it has nothing to do with Talons or the Damage we can produce with fire abilities. If anything melee needs to be brought up not anyone being nerfed. With a hard 800 DPS check in FG for that stupid gargoyle when most people only produce 500 max at VR 5 its clear there are clear imbalances and nerfs are not in order but bringing other classes up in the DPS department is what needs to happen . They seriously need to fix night blade it is by far the class that is suffering the most. As for PVP if your ranging Dark talons is not even an issue , but Diminishing returns in PVP for CC would be a good start , its not just Dark talons that can be spammed all classes can chain stun far more effectively .
If anything that needs to be nerfed is these light armor sets that are creating endless mana regeneration for all classes. Sorcs do all these things much better while having a ability that literally makes it impossible for you to hit them. Thats right bolt escape. Hands down the most broken thing in PVP. What is severly Broken in this game is all the melee lines . its why all these DK's are going to this one trick pony build. simply Because heavy armor is only Viable for tanking , and melee skills are so garbage combined with end game mechanics makes it literally impossible to stay competitive with Ranged builds.Its bad when the best Melee build in the game is the Fly swatter, SNS hold block and spam your shield bash. best melee DPS in game. As for all the youtube videos remove the endless mana regenration from light armor resto staff builds. those DK 's rolling their high self healing builds, aoe Ultimate point building , and banner dropping will re roll. all the videos will stop and their will be far less Dunmer DK's in light armor . Its not the class its the a certain synergy that needs to fixed. and for the love of all that is holy Fix the damn melee lines it's horrible!
I'm sorry but you don't know what you're talking about but I'm sure you have a wealth of experience playing DKs.
DKs can pull 4,000+ dps in light armor and survive large(>6) pack pulls and repeat without pause. Same as sorcerers. Both of them are OP in both areas of the game. Stop trying to defend this crap. We've had people in light armor hitting defensive caps for months and yet nothing has been done. It's gotten to the point where it's absurdly obvious which classes are OP but this should have been dealt with pre-release.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the two classes generally considered OP are the two that have non-ultimate synergy skills that are AOE. DKs get their's at, what, level 6? Sorcs get their (relatively) crappy one much later but still very early in the game. Show me the non-ultimate synergy skills for the other two classes that are in any way comparable. I won't hold my breath because neither exists.
For some reason Zeni favored DKs and sorcs from the start and the correction is long overdue. They either need to nerf both or de-emphasize AOE grinding somehow. They will NEVER have any meaningful balance until then. But, who knows, maybe their goal was to have an active player base 90% DK or sorc(and 100% vampire) and all their pretty sceneries obscured by AOE spam. If so, I'm sure we'll see a mission accomplished banner soon.
This is a joke, right?Why do Dragon KNights get a tier 3 class skill that puts a damage shield on EVERYBODY and 100% extra on them unmorphed when Sorc gets a tier 5 class skill damage shield that is only on them and their pets and needs to be morphed for just 30% extra on the Sorc. It makes no sense and clearly DK is zenimax's favorite class.
Talons + Standard is the equivalent to the "noon tube". Low skill, high effectiveness. Doesn't really require much to learn to use, and will occasionally kill skilled players. Problem is once enough players jump on that bandwagon because the game isn't at all designed to foster player skill progression, the only option the Dev's have is Nerf or Nothin'. Nerf the combo and the whole bandwagon that never had to learn anything else to play the game suddenly experiences a very rigid spike in the skill demand, which is something they never had to develop. Instead of learning something new, they just leave and play something new. For a sub based game, even when unskilled toxic players leave it harms the bottom line. Lower population, less income, and perception of a "sinking ship" causing additional drops in subscribers.
Nerfing the combo is bad for the health of the game at this point. Implantation of counters to such abilities is the only way to go without damaging the population. Noobs, scrubs, and casuals make up the bulk of any MMO player base. Remove their ability to compete with tryhards, diehards, and no-lifers and they take their ball and go home...there goes your income.
I don't use the combo because I don't need to (Medium Armor DW/Bow Dunmer DK FTW!). Others use it because they don't know any better way to play or they simply don't have the skill to play any other way. Truth is there are nasty builds out there for every class, but are much harder to execute than Talons + Standard for only slightly higher effectiveness. Thus obtaining the skill required to use them is discouraged when the easy way is so effective.
This reminds me about 2 things first omg my class is broken plz break other classes also cause i only care about myself. And 2nd this
This reminds me about 2 things first omg my class is broken plz break other classes also cause i only care about myself. And 2nd this
I'm laughing at these people thinking DK should be able to do what they do while everyone else unsubs because of zenimax incompetence. Enjoy your game, DKs.
This reminds me about 2 things first omg my class is broken plz break other classes also cause i only care about myself. And 2nd this
I'm laughing at these people thinking DK should be able to do what they do while everyone else unsubs because of zenimax incompetence. Enjoy your game, DKs.
You do realize that Impulse is not a DK ability, right?It isnt just talons+ standard
Maverick827 wrote: »You do realize that Impulse is not a DK ability, right?It isnt just talons+ standard
So again we circle back around to the problem being the rate of ultimate gain from AoE/utlimate cost reduction/anything that allows ultimate spamming.Maverick827 wrote: »You do realize that Impulse is not a DK ability, right?It isnt just talons+ standard
You do realize that it was Corrosive Armor and Battle Roar that was making that video possible, RIGHT?
Maverick827 wrote: »So again we circle back around to the problem being the rate of ultimate gain from AoE/utlimate cost reduction/anything that allows ultimate spamming.Maverick827 wrote: »You do realize that Impulse is not a DK ability, right?It isnt just talons+ standard
You do realize that it was Corrosive Armor and Battle Roar that was making that video possible, RIGHT?
And instead of talking about that, let's just whine about DKs.
Talons + Standard is the equivalent to the "noon tube". Low skill, high effectiveness. Doesn't really require much to learn to use, and will occasionally kill skilled players. Problem is once enough players jump on that bandwagon because the game isn't at all designed to foster player skill progression, the only option the Dev's have is Nerf or Nothin'. Nerf the combo and the whole bandwagon that never had to learn anything else to play the game suddenly experiences a very rigid spike in the skill demand, which is something they never had to develop. Instead of learning something new, they just leave and play something new. For a sub based game, even when unskilled toxic players leave it harms the bottom line. Lower population, less income, and perception of a "sinking ship" causing additional drops in subscribers.
Nerfing the combo is bad for the health of the game at this point. Implantation of counters to such abilities is the only way to go without damaging the population. Noobs, scrubs, and casuals make up the bulk of any MMO player base. Remove their ability to compete with tryhards, diehards, and no-lifers and they take their ball and go home...there goes your income.
I don't use the combo because I don't need to (Medium Armor DW/Bow Dunmer DK FTW!). Others use it because they don't know any better way to play or they simply don't have the skill to play any other way. Truth is there are nasty builds out there for every class, but are much harder to execute than Talons + Standard for only slightly higher effectiveness. Thus obtaining the skill required to use them is discouraged when the easy way is so effective.
It isnt just talons+ standard
DK is just in a league of its own right now. I really wonder what zenimax was thinking.
Lol he is spamming impulse from destro staff and mage guild light. The only thing he is using is dragon knight heal. What he is doing is doable by any class. Lol its a open dungeon not an instance. And it still comes down to light armor regen being broken as all f ing heck. Have you seen one dk in heavy armor or medium doing this? . Evetyone completely misses the common factor its dk's in light armor . Go ahead remove the the buffs self heals and cc. You wont have a tank for trials you dont even need them for vr dungeons any heavy ranged spec will do . In all honesty i wish i wss playing a sorc right now all the cry babies are after dk's while sorc slips quietly by. If anything you should be addressing the issue that some line are under powered. You had a dps check on that single target gargoyle yet ? Or how about the titan in elden hollow. Go ahead nerf them because they solo trash better. Two or three bosses are unmanagable with out Dk survivability and will road block progression. But it wont matter tears will flow until Zos nerfs this game into a zero skill or knowledge cry baby game any how. Take away the dps from dk . Leave the survivablityTalons + Standard is the equivalent to the "noon tube". Low skill, high effectiveness. Doesn't really require much to learn to use, and will occasionally kill skilled players. Problem is once enough players jump on that bandwagon because the game isn't at all designed to foster player skill progression, the only option the Dev's have is Nerf or Nothin'. Nerf the combo and the whole bandwagon that never had to learn anything else to play the game suddenly experiences a very rigid spike in the skill demand, which is something they never had to develop. Instead of learning something new, they just leave and play something new. For a sub based game, even when unskilled toxic players leave it harms the bottom line. Lower population, less income, and perception of a "sinking ship" causing additional drops in subscribers.
Nerfing the combo is bad for the health of the game at this point. Implantation of counters to such abilities is the only way to go without damaging the population. Noobs, scrubs, and casuals make up the bulk of any MMO player base. Remove their ability to compete with tryhards, diehards, and no-lifers and they take their ball and go home...there goes your income.
I don't use the combo because I don't need to (Medium Armor DW/Bow Dunmer DK FTW!). Others use it because they don't know any better way to play or they simply don't have the skill to play any other way. Truth is there are nasty builds out there for every class, but are much harder to execute than Talons + Standard for only slightly higher effectiveness. Thus obtaining the skill required to use them is discouraged when the easy way is so effective.
It isnt just talons+ standard
DK is just in a league of its own right now. I really wonder what zenimax was thinking.
No one thinks that . They need adjustments sure . But un informed nerfs because they can solo multi mob trash better is short sightedThis reminds me about 2 things first omg my class is broken plz break other classes also cause i only care about myself. And 2nd this
I'm laughing at these people thinking DK should be able to do what they do while everyone else unsubs because of zenimax incompetence. Enjoy your game, DKs.