logged on today so that i can play eso... my account wasn't active. even though i had the recurring subscription active and money came out on the 2nd of may. but i was like F**** it ill pay again and get them to fix it... tried again took my money again.... still not active... then i thought that hmmm maybe there's something wrong with my card... so i tried another one... another $15 dollars gone... account still not active.... then i tried paypal still not active after chucking $60.
all i have is the money taken out of my account with zeni sending me this email
Greetings ******,
We were unable to process the payment for your subscription to The Elder Scrolls Online. Without an active subscription, you won't be able to continue your adventure!
We want to help you get back into the game as soon as possible. Please update your payment method on your Manage Subscription page or contact Customer Support and we'll be happy to assist you.
Transaction Receipt
Name: ***** ******
PayPal: ********
30 Days Game Time $15.00 AUD
Total: $15.00 AUD
Warm Regards,
The Elder Scrolls® Online Team
come on zenimax how can you decline a payment after youve taken the money?
p.s yeah i know im a idiot for paying so many times...
Shunex - VR14 Templar - Heal Slave
Guild Of Shadows
We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.