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Do You Like ESO PvP

  • Tintinabula
    No I do not like the PvP
    infinite batswarm is stupid..fix it...bash is stupid..fix it...zerging 50 to ten is stupid..fix it.cant hide if you deal the killing blow?..explain the logic behind that..Healers get on average 1/3 more AP than someone who doesn't heal..excuse me? rreally?
    Edited by Tintinabula on May 4, 2014 2:54AM
  • moXrox
    No I do not like the PvP
    NO - I dont like how PvP looks like at the moment. Too many things are broken.

    Iam not playing pvp anymore since iam actually disgusted about how pvp looks like atm:

    * Ultimate Spams (Vampire & Co)
    * Shield Bash
    * Animation canceling
    * blocking & damage

    Iam a healer and actually I love teamplay and always did join a party in cyrodii.

    In the meanwhile instead of healing the raid group you just watch how the whole raid group dies in a short time from an invisible non targetable player who just spams his Vampire AoE.

    You are looking around and see suddenly so many 1h+Shield user who are using
    Bash and exploiting animation canceling.

    More and more player find out how blocking works in ESO in a very questionable way, when you can block and in the same time deal damage with certain abilities.

    Edited by moXrox on May 4, 2014 4:08AM
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  • JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO
    No I do not like the PvP
    Cydone wrote: »
    It's kinda boring. The whole sieging thing is fun for a little while, but it gets stale pretty quick, especially the long ass travel times and the relative uselessness of forward camps. Need some battleground/warzones implemented.

    I wouldn't want warzones. They would start to balance the game based on those smaller encounters, when they have a large scale pvp mechanic already in place. They just need to make doing things in pvp more rewarding. Taking a keep should net a HUGE xp/ap bonus. They should do what SWG did in the NGE with the GCW(Galactic Civil War). Where if you were taking part of a large battle, there would be what was known as a "GCW Tick". Where you would get GCW points based on your involvement in the battle that just took place. This could be something that could be implemented in regards to XP AND AP. Smaller battles netted MUCH smaller "GCW Ticks". Whereas if you took part in a HUGE battle, the tick would be sweet!

    Then they could add in either couple repeatable quests or MORE daily quests for killing players and taking keeps. If they did that, it SHOULDN'T be a specific keep.....just a generic "take keep" mission. I would be down for making that one repeatable. Since it's harder to take a keep than it is just to get mass kills.

    Making it give more rewards doesn't make it more fun.

    ESO pvp feels bleh since it takes literally half an hour or more to actually get into some pvp that isn't a zerg fest.

    WTB Arenas/Warzones/Battlegrounds.
  • Alexandrious
    No I do not like the PvP
    I just want the bad server lag, the crashes, the cyrodiil infinite load, the 6 group crashing latency bug, the walls and doors appearing like they arnt broken, but they are but wont let ya thru, all that to be fixed. :neutral_face:
  • Chryos
    Yes I like the PvP
    " if you're in a crowd of ppl "

    Most of everyones problem is right here.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • NekOnOkO
    Yes I like the PvP
    I like it, however there is a list of serious issues to be fixed:
    1. Vampires.
    2. Infinite ultimate cost reduction.
    3. Severe lag (EU megaserver, crushed EU Dawnbreaker yesterday by just entering heavily defended keep), non-resposive weapon swap (can't emphasize enough how i hate weapon swapping in TESO), abilities not firing out at all, etc.
    4. TTK. People die too quickly.
    5. Infinite loading screens to Cyrodiil.
    6. Every patch reduces fps in huge RvR fights.
    7. Bolt escape, dark talons spam.
    8. FFS, add an option to turn on guild tags, it's not that funny to fight faceless zerg.
    9. Stupid daily quests with almost no reward.
    10. Badly designed v10 epic RvR gear sets (and cost, lol... 620 000 alliance points per item).
    11. Numerous bugs and glitches with abilities, environment, passives, etc.
    12. LOL volcanic rune (in some cases you spend like 20 seonds eating ground, unable to get up or use any skills, but sliding freely around the battlefield. Looks weird and creepy).
    13. Something else.
  • RaZaddha
    Hard to say.
    When Cyrodiil doesn't lags, when my weapons switch quickly, when the vampires get buttfucked, when my skills go off when I actually want them, when I don't get stuck on a loading screen, when my game doesn't freeze or stutter, then yeah, it's actually *** awesome.
    Edited by RaZaddha on May 4, 2014 6:36AM
  • Alestair
    Yes I like the PvP
    Best PVP ive ever done in any game....Until a DK or Sorc Emperor or empress or even a former emperor or empress vampire could kill 100 people , yet i still continue to play and have a good time!!!
  • Amulrei
    No I do not like the PvP
    Nice idea, not-so-nice execution.

    Letting exploits like Vampires run riot for weeks is frankly inexcusable and did a lot of damage to the image of this game.
  • bean19
    No I do not like the PvP

    I like that there is RvR and that there are PvE objectives within the RvR space, but I find RvR rewards zerging with large groups VERY well and isn't fun for just popping on and playing a little PvP.

    What I want are battlegrounds. I want to join a queue and then teleport to an even teams skirmish zone that has set objectives. I've always enjoyed this type of PvP most as it feels like wins are really earned and I like playing more daringly without worrying about dieing and consequently needing to run back for 5 minutes. Your mileage may vary.
  • duncan_cougarpreeb18_ESO
    No I do not like the PvP
    pecheckler wrote: »
    I like that's its massive and an impressive technical innovation. I like that there is a great need for guild congregation and roles for leader strategy to shine. But no, I don't really like it. I prefer PvP where player skill means something, because it means absolutely nothing in Cyrodiil. You either grief those traveling to the big fight, or you are a spec in giant battle.

    I think it would be a lot more enjoyable of the amount of time required to get back into the fight was drastically reduced somehow. Mounting up and traveling to back to the keep you died at is just absurd.

    I pretty much agree, though instead of faster traveling I would suggest a PvP where it is harder to kill the opponent, meaning where it takes time and SKILL to combat your opposition (read also tactic and strategy and not just on the army level, but also on the personal).

    Right now, if you are suddenly faced with more than a few, it is - at least for me - pretty much instant death. Same in situations with dismounting, or pretty much any other activity (ever tried to do questing in Cyrodil?) if you have to come out of a non-combat ready situation you are already close to death, by the time you can actually start to react to your opponent(s).

    There is simply - again your millage might vary - no time to react and or counterattack unless you are a tank (read damage proof) or always have your group on the lookout (and a healer spamming heal everything in sight), which means solo exploring is a dead end (literally).

    So PvP is pretty much broken for me, as is.

    What I will be able to do in PvE now as a veteran, remains to be seen...
  • pokebreaker
    No I do not like the PvP
    I only dislike Cyrodiil PvP for one reason, which has multiple causes.

    Too much downtime.

    Things that add to this are:

    1. Requirement for players to expend Soul Gems (which cost them money) to resurrect people. Which causes extreme reluctance to resurrect players, especially ones you don't know.

    2. Long transits from one keep to another, to get back into the fight. I often spend more time travelling to a fight, than I actually spend in a fight.

    3. Spawn tent cost/usefulness. With the high cost of the tent, and the low amount of respawns it has, I rarely ever see one erected. And if I do, it's gone before I can get a chance to click on it. Causes reluctance for players to buy it.

    There are more that I just can't think of right now. If they could increase the speed in which players could get back into the fight, it would be more fun, to me atelast. I don't mind dying fast, or zerging, etc. However, dying fast and having to travel extreme distances each time, isn't my cup of tea. The territory controlsystem reminds me strongly of Planetside 2's (an MMOFPS) Lattice System. However, in that game, although you die fast and often, there are many ways of getting back into the fight quickly. Too me, it's not about trying to get back quickly just to be able to beat the enemy easier, it's purely to combat the stacking boredom that comes with frequent long distance travels.
  • Igolbug
    If the tents didn't bug out so fast then they would be a lot better.

    Spawning one and having it dissapear off the map within 6 secs of spawning it even though no enemies got near it is really unsettling.
    V10 R20 Nightblade Ebonheart Pact
    WABBAJACK since day1!
  • Kypho
    Yes I like the PvP
    u calling this pvp? no skills coldown, unbalanced class, no cc immunities, bug , bug and again bug. Pretty horrible

    cant belive that a dkvampbash sploiter with a gankteam complain about anything. why arent you banned yet? damn TESO. Mr Moriarty exploiting everything what he can.
  • bloemer.krb14_ESO
    No I do not like the PvP
    I don't even enjoy playing pvp in ESO. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and you guys can help me out?

    I played for about 2 hours yesterday, with a group of about 20 other players, and started taking back some resources then keeps. I was playing as a Templar healer.

    So we started taking back resources first, and I tried to stay towards the back of the group so I wouldn't take much damage and just healing up my teammates. We didn't encounter any enemy players so it was pretty much just like playing pvE. Then out of nowhere the enemy NPC's target fire me, three fireballs and im dead. Ok ill run back to the group. We assault the next resource, again I stay towards the back of the group and heal. This time I've equipped Defensive Posture and keep it up so I don't die to the fireballs. Alas, about 25 seconds into the fight, NPCs randomly target fire me, I reflect the first 1 or two, but then die very quickly. Ok i'll run back again.

    Now we've got the resources, time to attack the keep. Ok I set up a trebuchet, start blasting the wall. For 8-10 minutes I do nothing but click my left mouse button periodically. We break the wall!!! Run inside the keep, there are no enemy players, just NPCs and they wipe us like nothing... Run back. Get organized, take out the NPCs. Ok time to take down the inner wall. Set up a trebuchet, and left click for another 5-7 minutes. We break the wall! Run inside the keep, no enemy players, just NPCs and they wipe us like nothing... Run back. Get organized, take out the NPCs. Capture the keep! Still haven't seen a single enemy player.

    Ok time for the next keep, lets start taking resources again. First time, I die from 4 fireballs to the face, even though I am just healing and staying in the back of the pack (I reflected the first one, didn't even have time to recast Defensive Posture before the next 3 hit me). Run back. Ok lets get the second resource. We start taking it okay, and FINALLY I see an enemy player (the first one in about an hour and a half). Next thing I know, I'm dead, and we have all wiped, and everyone in my group starts complaining about how we was a vampire, and we may as well give up on that keep.

    At this point I just quit because I wasn't having fun anymore.

    In summary: Even as a full plate wearing, one-handed and shield bearing healer I just get WRECKED by any NPC in Cyrodil, even if I am in a group of 20 other players. At some point they will target fire me down just for healing my teammates. I hardly ever battle against actual enemy players. When I do, one player wipes a 20 person group, everyone whines about it, and I quit playing.

    Am I doing it wrong or is this the way the Alliance Wars are supposed to be played?
  • TheBull
    Yes I like the PvP
    Yes, but skills are so bugged and there is so much server lag that for the past week it's been nearly unplayable.

  • TheBull
    Yes I like the PvP
    i dont like it! cause of some serious broken mechanics in PVP and leveling. so we are far away from a fair game play. why? because all these loosers who killed one mob over couple of times, they are ahead now, but u cant do it anymore. so thats the first unfair point we talk about. next thing was that quest.... and the list goes on. what will Zenimax do, about ppl who uses broken MMO mechanics to benefit from it. after these mechanics dont work anymore.. they do nothing.. and thats realy pissing me off. what were u thinking? i mean dont u know MMO´s? just take a look a auriels bow... and tell me. there is nothing wrong with it.

    i say RESET it.

    I agree.
  • TheBull
    Yes I like the PvP
    Am I doing it wrong or is this the way the Alliance Wars are supposed to be played?

    Yes you are doing it wrong, atleast with the wrong expectations. Cyrodiil is not PvE land. You will be challenged. You will die, and die a lot. That is until you learn how to play your class (harsh I know, so is Cyrodiil) and until you learn how to maximize your up time (survive) it's war our there.

    So to get you on track, go back out there, put atleast 2 good CCs and maybe a couple of ohShit buttons. Don't even worry about healing, just stay alive. That should be you only goal until you find out what's needed to AvA.

    Now that you know what's needed, add a heal or two, play with stat allocation. Try to get better.
    Edited by TheBull on May 4, 2014 3:41PM
  • Phoenix99
    No I do not like the PvP
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Phoenix99 wrote: »
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Phoenix99 wrote: »
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Phoenix99 wrote: »
    Talons forces you only to roll... remember that you are trading resources, with the guy who is using the rooting skills. Being vulnerable to close range cc SHOULD be a trade off for the ability to spam more magicka stuff. If one resource can cover everything - heal, mobility, protection from snares and roots, damage, disable - then what would be the point of two resource system? If you focus on magicka, you should suffer on the part where stamina is required... all other classes, except sorc with bolt escape (and vampires until the patch) need to think about the trade offs and resource management in combat. Sorcs with their skill set and in full LA, don't really have resource management issues, aside of occasional hard cc break... No, for the balance sake, they should use the same rules for breaking the roots like others and have stamina sink as well.

    I agree with you on trade offs...

    As sorcerer I feel bolt is a fair trade to counter talons, but my husband is a Templar and I spend more time trying to heal the guys perma stuck in talons than is fair trade unless you consider my talons break worthy to keep the guys talon locked alive a fair trade.

    Many times talons lock occurs.. I break (bolt), I heal then counter via silence ( if it's up)... and try to support focus fire on said DK... DK talons is a priority as much as bats to keep my group in the fight, unlike any other CC/root.

    Use sorc encase on them, it has higher range and it's also a root like talons. that's one of the good things in the sorc arsenal vs non-vamp DKs. it will keep them in place or burn their stamina.

    There is also purge, that removes talons and it's in support tree available to every supportive build and in templar build as well

    I respect your advice/input to use CC to counter CC, but I chose mobility to counter CC. I slot only 1 CC (void ultimate). I chose mobility to counter, and I am mostly happy with the trade. I am not happy with being forced into combat (no stealth, no horse, no regen) 3 and 4 times as long as my counter part for the trade, but I deal...

    Edit: purge is not sorcerer class based

    My CC counter is JUST as viable a choice as others...

    You can use this as any class, it's also good for magicka users to break roots with ease. Again, trade offs. use this and then bolt, or roll and bolt, but not lolbolt from everything.

    Alliance War - Support skill tree

    [Active] Purge (Instant Cast) - Remove up to two negative effects from nearby allies. Also reduces the duration of negative effects on nearby allies by 50% for 5 seconds (Radius: 12 meter

    aside from minimizing "bolt --> talon counter" to "lolbolt"... I appreciate your feedback.

    ATM bolt is the #1 counter to talons. We are able to counter it like no one ese, and provide services to our compatriots to survive the 2-3 dodge-rolls out of talon territory... IF you are built with that much STA.. I'm not.

    My husband is Templar heals like it's his only purpose in life ( I don't get it but i support healers)... can't survive the multiple talons when he's unlucky enough to be too close to the DK to need multiple dodge/rolls to get out, but he lives when his bolting wife gets out and bubble said DK so he can't AoE spam talons...

    Sorc and DK are natural counters... can't nerf one without nerfing other to keep balance IMO. Make root the same timer as all CC break and it's "fair" if not.. need classes that can escape it to keep it balanced.

    Not really, DK is not really a mobile class.

    Magicka users have purge in their arsenal
    Stamina users have rolls

    I am not sure why you try to defend the skill when it's clearly too good. I can assure you, that after the recent nerfs, there will still be a build that will be "rotflstomping" the PvP ground and it'll be a bolting sorc vampire with invisible swarm (which btw is broken, because mage light does not reveal the invis target, while it should per description)

    Bolting sorc has NO reliable counters, unless you will introduce skill muting skills, like a single target silence, so the target won't be able to use magicka based abilities for the duration.

    Some examples.

    their arsenal vs roots:
    1) root the other guy with encase with greater range
    2) purge from the support tree
    3) roll burining stamina
    4) assault skill - retreating meneuver
    + some other weapon skills that remove roots on use - for exampel momentum for 2H wielders

    1) root the target as well
    2) roll
    3) use purge
    4) use retreating maneuver
    + some other weapon skills that remove roots on use - for example momentum for 2H wielders

    1) self purge class skill
    2) roll
    3) purge support skill
    4) retreating maneuver assault skill
    + some other weapon skills that remove roots on use - for example momentum for 2H wielders

    1) root the enemy with own skills
    2) roll
    3) purge support skill
    4) retreating maneuver
    + some other weapon skills that remove roots on use - for example momentum for 2H wielders

    Each class has enough build possibilities to effectively counter roots, IF they want it.

    How do you effectively and reliably counter the bolt escape skill and its mechanism, with exception of super high burst dmg like getting a 2k critical hit...

    only another sorc can match in mobility, and there are no reliable silences. null field is also sorc exclusive skill and its a high cost ultimate...

    I can understand people doing PvP for some curiosity and have builds optimized for themselves only, which are usually high offense with little to no defense, but in organized groups there is no excuse for not having someone with the skill set up that remove the threat of soft CCs... There is a multitude of possibilities to counter soft CCs, including the various immobilize effects.

    You either give each class a high mobility skill, like blink, phase jump, etc. or you tax those abilities with high cost and add some counter abilities, if it's exclusive.

    Why do you think vampires+ anything became so popular. It was not because of the Bat Swarm spam at first... it was because it was giving superior mobility and mobility is everything in high level PvP, because it allows you to pick engagements on your terms... be it initiation, escape, repositioning, fast gank, etc.
  • bean19
    No I do not like the PvP
    TheBull wrote: »
    I agree.

    There is a button for that at the bottom of every post. Just FYI. I think posts getting many of those helps the devs see when an idea is popular.

  • Biding_My_Time
    No I do not like the PvP
    For the first week, yes. The combination of one-sided/empty campaigns being my only options for PvP, coupled with buggy exploits and 1vNumerous crap has lead me to not bother with it in weeks.
  • TheBull
    Yes I like the PvP
    Alestair wrote: »
    Best PVP ive ever done in any game....Until a DK or Sorc Emperor or empress or even a former emperor or empress vampire could kill 100 people , yet i still continue to play and have a good time!!!
    This right here. I hope Zen understands what they have here and get it working right.

    Edited by TheBull on May 4, 2014 11:40PM
  • Tintinabula
    No I do not like the PvP
    its also time to start weeding out dead campaigns..too many campaigns with low ep..or low ad..or low dc and the other very high..That needs to be balanced inmho
  • aeroch
    No I do not like the PvP
    My vote isn't due to balance issues because those can be fixed relatively easily

    I do think the PvP is generally well balanced, sieges are fun, and the foundation is solid

    I do think Cyrodiil as a whole is a really cool zone to explore and experience

    But I dislike the way players have taken to the ESO AvA system and the lack of content to encourage a Cyrodiil-only experience

    I dislike the way players have taken to AvA because the choices are join a zerg or form a small group to pick off the zerg

    I dislike the PvE system in Cyrodiil that discourages diehard PvPers from bothering and how empty the zone feels, unless you're taking part in ZvZ sieges and skirmishes

    I think Cyrodiil could be a really cool open world to explore and PvP in if there were players out and about to fight. I've done all the dungeons, anchors, all the quest towns, and 95% of the time I'm the only one there

    I'd like to see more emphasis on playing IN Cyrodiil and less emphasis on swapping keeps and resources, but I'm not sure whether this lack of players is indicative of the current content or whether it shows that players in general are primarily interested in repetitive siege engagements and AP farming

    I consider myself a pretty rabid PvPer but if I wasn't enjoying the PvE content outside of Cyrodiil I probably would have unsubbed by now

  • leewells
    No I do not like the PvP
    Oblongship wrote: »
    Simple question.

    Do you like it? Do you not like it? Please list a reason for your vote.

    Let's give the devs some feedback.

    One word, bats...
  • popatiberiuoneb18_ESO
    The question is to general and lacks context. I fail to see the purpose if this pool.

    There are plenty of aspects that i like and aspects that i dislike in eso pvp.
  • Milky
    Yes I like the PvP
    Yup I love it. When there's no exploiters around it's very entertaining and rewarding. It still needs to grow though and for guilds to establish a real presence. When this happens, cyrodiil will really change shape.
  • Jarnhand
    Yes I like the PvP
    No MMO is perfect, but ESO is the best PvP MMO (when it comes to the PvP part) for years. Only one comperable is old daoc. Also The Secret World got the best PvE in any MMO I have encountered, sadly the PvP part was lacking.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    No I do not like the PvP
    I did.

    Until it turned into an AoE farm fest.

    They need to improve the rewards from objective capture and add rewards for defending.

    As it stands you reap the best rewards from zerg AoE killing.

    It's boring.
  • Qujz
    You should`ve put not enough pvp as a choice.
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