That is going to take a whole lot more GMs. I suppose they could just ban everyone once or twice a week and everyone who asks to have their account reinstated is probably not a gold seller/bot... I kid, I kid.Walden_Grimtine wrote: »It seems to me that Zen has done a very good job of cleaning up the bots in public dungeons and the gold spammers. For this, I offer thanks. It also seems that as soon as the botters realized that dungeon boss farming would mean insta death they changed tactics and the node/collection quest farming is their response. Makes me wonder if this wasn't already planned by the botters ahead of time.
Anyway, Zen did finally answer the calls to clean up the dungeons and gold spammers, so now please do the same with these nodes and collection quests.
starkerealm wrote: »
Was this the manor house with the bank? Standing in front of the throne? If so, yeah, that's a bot. I keep seeing one whenever I log in on my AD characters. Basically he... or, she in my case, seems to be receiving mail from dungeon bots and is doing... something, with it, I'm not sure what, but that's the only reason I can think it's going into it's inventory.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »How terribly designed must this engine be to allow such blatant exploitation that permits these teleport bots to function without instantly disconnecting them?
AlienDiplomat wrote: »This harkens back to the "script kiddie" days of AOL instant messenger. Every thumb-speak lowlife on the twitter-web will have all his little "apps" ready to mash to his lobotomised heart's content, and as far as I am concerned, this game is just a conduit for potential compromise of my system's security.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »If they can't get this OBVIOUS exploitation under control after a month of prime time, I have NO confidence they can prevent the more serious offenses. I am very seriously reconsidering ever again allowing this monstrosity through my firewall.
So the subject of this is tele-bots .. you mean the line of code that says "this character moved x distance in less that y time which can't happen"?What lines of code would you add to solve this "OBVIOUS" exploit? What would you do better with your programming experience? I'd be interested to know how someone as perfect as you would handle the situation? Have you applied for a job at ZMO to fix all this yet?
So the subject of this is tele-bots .. you mean the line of code that says "this character moved x distance in less that y time which can't happen"?
That one?
I doubt it too, but I'm totally positive it's not hard let alone impossible, by definition pos-hacks make a character move at speeds that are grossly impossible, orders of magnitude faster than normal players, so there aren't too many 'grey' areas here.
I doubt it is as easy as that
These aren't "add-ons" many are pretty sophisticated hacks which are SOLD.philco25b16_ESO wrote: »I can't believe unpayed add-ons developpers
These aren't "add-ons" many are pretty sophisticated hacks which are SOLD.