Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

State of the Game Address

  • Otherside
    Draxys wrote: »
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not cap AoE at affecting 6 targets max. PvP will become a numbers game of whoever has the most numbers wins. Remember when you celebrated the fact that a smaller group could take on a bigger group? ("Chalamo" anyone?) No more of that.

    Furthermore, this seems like a knee-jerk reaction to fix a few things. I understand that things need fixing, but don't implement blanket changes. Take the time to fix things the right way, individually. That's why we pay for your game.

    And please don't mislead us and phrase the line to make it sound like something was broken, it was your intention from the start.

    Heal's seem to have been limitted as well. I get what they're trying to do, make it so that you can't just have one healer to heal all in a group, but given that you can't actually target who you're healing/attacking with AOE, you've gotta hit the key and hope you hit the right people.

    It doesn't seem a very good tatic. I like how PVP isn't always won by a gankfest.
  • Beast_Soul
    There needs to be a dedicated roleplaying shard. There is literally -no- in game roleplaying, and it's resulting in this game getting treated like any other MMO. A pretty MMO, but nothing more than run of the mill casual. Without any raids to speak of and no competetive PVE content, roleplaying was the only thing I was looking foreward to, and at the moment, there's none of that, either. So yeah.. please do something about that soon. The low guild cap isn't helping matters any, either. It's difficult to find a guild with more than 100 people on at a time if it isn't a weekend.

    At this moment, I'm mostly crossing my fingers that the next real ES game released has multi player compatability, so I can just host a server for dedicated RPers or something.
  • kasdelfini
    I just though of an idea to combat the overwhelming bots in the game.

    A double verification check for any new characters created in ESO.

    Upon creation of a character user would receive a verification Email with Code to be verified through ESO software or site. If that does not help minimize bots then double verify with an SMS Code to unlock newly created character.

    Honestly, I think serious players like myself would have no issues reverifying our information, captchas, entering verification codes. - All so there would be fewer bots.

    PS. You could also, cycle reverification of already created characters/accounts...
    Edited by kasdelfini on April 26, 2014 12:53PM
  • lotharlocnar_ESO
    Nice to see the info structure and that the bots are being looked into.
    "No moment of despair is so great it cannot be overcome by a fifth of good bourbon and a beautiful woman in black seamed stockings and 6-inch stiletto heels."
  • kasdelfini
    Nice to see the info structure and that the bots are being looked into.

    Thanks @lotharlocnar_ESO, I just thought the issue with bots with should be reiterated.
  • xentek_ESO
    This kind of crap is what happens when you try to please investors by releasing the game instead of waiting until it's solid. I feel like there was huge potential here, but you sold out (literally) and put out a half finished product which is barely of a quality that should be ready for beta, much less production, to the point where many believe you insult the Elder Scrolls IP with this offering.

    You are asking a lot of us as players to work through these core level and very basic problems, most of which could have been identified and solved via a proper beta. I hope that your design team has learned from this, and while I don't expect to be playing this game in two months' time, here's to hoping that you can patch this thing before you turn into the next Warhammer.

    This game should be a testament to any developer thinking to recoup quick money by releasing a half-baked product.
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    No words about the boring ways of tanking? no useful abilities for tanking that cost stamina that are worth picking up, they cost to much and tanks(dk especially) with 1hand and shield stamina resources are terrible, and this is not for holding down block 24/7 but doing it once in a while when its needed.

    The stamina usage for tanks need to be solved i think you should look at other games how tanks,tank they use offensive abilities to buff the group and themselves in surviability.

    Right now its selfbuff yourself with magicka based spells, taunt and taunt and just autohit and block and rince and repeat.

    No stamina ability is used by any tanks, its sad that its like this :/
  • Thuring
    So. My opinions.
    Roleplay is dead because there´re no havens for roleplayers. I recall reading about a tool that would phase you with people of a similar profile than yours, given that you can set a profile specifying your personality and goals ingame. I´m missing that as a roleplayer. Too many people just running thru dungeons screaming ***.
    AOE should be capped intellignetly. A fixed number is not immersive. The ideal is a collision system that would detect any player inbetween you and the center of the explosion, or healing, thus reducing your amount taken. In the healing matter, maybe a more interesting approach would be fixing a maximum amount of heal to be distributed amongst all the affected allies, with a maximum amount if you don´t meet the minimal 6 allies required. That would make it impossible for one healer to sustain a whole group, but two or some would be able to keep a group´of 15 somewhat healthy.

    I may have a million ideas just as anyone out there. So what I´d like to see: an instance to vote and present new ideas for the game FROM PLAYERS. If you´re able to create a platform for voting this ideas players give. A game for players is bound for long term success, as investors don´t really know what keeps a person hooked with a game.
  • nmmishydohubb14_ESO
    All I want to say is that Roleplay is not dead. I've been Roleplaying in this game since launch with my guild. Roleplay is what you make of it and so far Im having a blast with Roleplaying in ESO
  • txfeinbergsub17_ESO
    Thanks for the update. The lack of communication was getting me down. I want to know on a regular basis that the game is progressing in terms of fixes /content / etc. It keeps me happy as a 6 month subscriber.
  • Sarenia
    Thank you very much for the earnest and extensive post.

    I'm not sure specifically what you ladies and gentleman are doing, but in the past couple of days I've seen not a single bot in low level Aldmeri dungeons. I've also found phasing to be much more balanced, never leaving me with too few, or too many player partners during a quest.
  • Sunrock
    @ZOS_MattFiror What the... The main problem is not that players experience them the main problem is that they exist to begging with. Keeping them away from players is not the solution you need to keep them away from the game all to gather. Cant you just set up bots that ban all the bots? Cant be that hard to do? Also having GM's camping the bots with a ban hammer in the same way as players camp spawns cant be that hard either.

    But the root of all evil is the gold buyers. Maybe you should start and ban those more? That way there are no one to sell gold to and they will go away. Buying gold in the game is as much cheating as speed hacking or any other type of cheat.
  • Alexander101kaneub17_ESO
    A True MMO build: What Zenimax needs to change in ESO.

    This post has nothing to do with bot spammers and gold sellers, which is an equally frustrating problem, but one that's already being death with. I've looked and found no place in the forums for discussion of the general direction ESO has taking, so i'm posting this here.

    Most of you may be familiar with the term "Themepark" MMO's. A term describing a stale, never-changing game, one where players follow a string of quests, phased only to them, isolating them while fooling them with the illusion of "change", and qued-pvp instances with zero consequences, rendering the "rewards" pointless. Why is this such a common trait among mmo's?

    It's my belief that game developers have forgotten the true concept of an MMO, in their own quest to become the new "WOW", the new great money-making, soul-draining machine that EVERYONE wants to play. The only reason I invested in ESO was because I thought I saw evidence to the contrary. I saw they were
    trying to break this vicious decent of "Themepark" MMO's. But the corruption lingers, and admittedly, it's scary for developers to innovate, to divert from what clearly works and makes money. But it's important to know why things work, and if they work for the right reasons.

    So, with the money-making mindset, how would You go about creating an MMO? Well, if making money was your goal, you would know that you will need to create something that appeals to all different types of gamers. But how can that even be possible? Everyone knows Pve'rs and Pvp'ers don't mix, right? One group inevitably drives the other away. The first solution that comes to mind, with the goal mentioned previously, is segregation.

    Segregation is the new great solution of money-making MMO's, the element that turns it into a "Themepark". But for the sake of argument, I'm going to change that term to something I feel is more accurate: Zoo.
    Games that rely on segregation to protect and retain players are "Zoos". The Pve'rs stay in the Pve Zones, or "Cages", if you will. And the Pvp'rs stay in their own cages.

    Cyrodil is such a cage, and I'm about to explain how it is in fact NOT world pvp, as falsely described by so many people. As you know, you need to pick a Cyrodil campaign before entering. Once you enter, you have to leave and re-enter the zone through the wayshrines, and for all intents and purposes, the zone is completely cut off from the rest of the world. There is no connection between the megaserver and various Cyrodil zones. Nothing you accomplish in Cyrodil has a direct influence on the megaserver, and vice-versa, (Aside from individual
    character leveling and gear), and its purposely designed that way. It may as well be a never-ending WoW Battleground. These facts alone are enough to prove it's a cage, albeit a very large one. I'll come back to Pvp later, but for now Pve is a more pressing matter.

    Nearly every quest in the game is phased, meaning as you progress through it, you get put into a different version of the world. Most of you know and have been frustrated by the fact that you cannot go back and assist your friends who are on previous quests. But if this is an MMO, shouldn't it support grouping?
    Sure, there's sorry excuses for dungeons and small group areas, but nothing that really creates a need for communication or real interaction, not for more than explaining "Get out of the red stuff", or other extremely basic game functions. Phasing is just a way to fool Pve'rs in believeing what they do matters. You saved the town, you found the lost kitten, you slayed the dragon, and the game changes accordingly to acknowledge that. But it's not a real acomplishment, it's something every single other player goes through, usually just on their own. Everyone is
    surrounded by their own individual cages of NPC interaction, "Hey, he's the one who saved the king!" or "You're the chosen one to defeat Molag Bal!" or "Your exploits are well-known". These are statements designed to keep PvE'rs invested in the "MMO", when in fact it would have made as much of an impact to the world if they had never even played in the first place. They may as well have been playing Skyrim or any other single-player game, Yet they choose to spend 15 dollars a month to sit in their own little cage.

    That's the worst aspect of Pve in MMO's, one that's strongly represented in ESO, but there are good ones too. Some more successful than others. For example, Dark Anchors is a concept that attempts to break the individual PvE bubble, and
    bring consequence to the world, but ultimately fails. The concept itself is good: Dark Anchors spontaneously appear throughout the world and it's up to the players to deal with them. Supposedly if you choose to ignore them, the land
    will be merged with Coldharbor, bringing daedric horros and devastating the land. Does this ever actually happen? No.

    The only consequence for ignoring an anchor is simply not experiencing closing one. Every single anchor could be ignored in game and not a damn thing would change. Thankfully none of them are phased, and it is possible to bring friends
    along to close them, but aside from that, they fall completely flat. Obviously you can't end the game if people end up ignoring them, but leaving events like these completely consequence-less is a mistake.

    Obviously the counter-argument to Individual Cage-style of Pve is the fact that people will either miss out on content, or be unprepared for the challenges. Both are valid arguments, but only for single-player games. If you buy a single-player
    game, you'd expect to be able to see all the content as a single person, that everything would be unlockable, and you could restart the game at any time if you dont like how you progressed. Expecting this kind of guarenteed content
    from an MMO is folly. You wouldn't expect something like that from entering a class in the middle of the semester,would you? True MMO's are meant to be dynamic and with their own line of events supported by the players. You pay
    a subscription fee to be a part of something ever-changing, somthing you would want to be involved in every month,not for static content that you can finish in two weeks on your own, then wait a few more months for new static content.

    MMO Pve needs to be something where players can actively engage in quests that TRULY affect the world, and everyone else. Something where you can say you contributed to maintaining the peace of a zone, or you helped defeat Molag bal's forces, something you could put a date and time on. Instead of having people say in chat "Hey I saved the king." and people responding "No *** everyone did it's just a stupid phased quest", you could have people saying "Hey, remember
    when that Dark Anchor appeared at (Date and time) and threatened (important City)?" "I remember that too, luckily we were able to group together and stop it, man it was crazy."

    So as the game is now, they're using the most segregated form of Pve, one where everyone is in individual cages. Obviously you can't go to this extreme for caging Pvp, as the name implies, it requires player interaction. Thus, everyone who does
    want to Pvp is forced into the sveeral differnt Cyrodils, which ridiculously acts more like a daedric realm than a part of Nirn.

    I honestly can't think of how the game could be any MORE segregated than it already is, and this trend needs to be reversed FAST,
    if theres any hope for ESO to continue.

    Now we're back to the reason why I call this type of MMO a "Zoo". It's because true MMO's need to be more like a Safari. It is in fact possible for both PvPers and PvErs to co-exist. The parallel is in reality. You don't worry about people
    running around the streets "ganking lowbies" who are just trying to get through life, do you? Well, you might based on where you live. But if you don't, it's because of social structures people create to protect each other, which, suprise suprise, can work inside MMO's. It's what the true purpose of Factions and Guilds should be, to be a part of an alliance with people willing to help you against
    both PvE and PvP problems.

    The way the game is now, the only purpose Factions provide is to motivate Pvpers inside their Cyrodil cage. It has absolutely no value to Pve'rs, just a way to separate zones, and is even more pointless when opposite faction members can enter as "guests" and complete quests as if they were a part of that faction. At that point, there may as well not even be factions. What's the point? There is no
    ACTUAL threat that creates a need for factions in the first place.

    In a true "Safari" type of MMO, players would be free to act as they will, for better and most likely for worse, which would in turn create a REAL need for factions. So many people whine as if the game would be unplayable with REAL open world PvP. What they like to forget is the fact that Factions are not made for enabling Pvp, they're for protecting players against it.

    There are so many resources for Players to avoid gankers, and there could be more implemented. Everyone can stealth, everyone can rez without much fuss, potentially right where they were killed, and EVERYONE has literally THOUSANDS of other players on their faction willing to help them. No one is truly helpless. And even then, game measurses could be implemented to support the Faction mentality, level-appropriate guards, patrols, a crime-tracking system, etc.

    My point is there is a LOT the developers can do to create a True MMO, one with a real ecosystem, a place for both PvEers and PvPers to coexist
    as they would naturally. A Balance CAN be achieved, but it will take serious innovating. The Devs will have to be willing to risk losing a lot of money, but its that same fear of loss that creates the "Zoo" style of MMO. The walls between the cages need to be broken, otherwise they risk stagnation and death.

    I eagerly await the release of the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood, hopefully their mechanics will support the kind of open world Safari type of MMO many people had hoped ESO would be. It's not too late to fix this game, and it's clear the Devs WANT to improve it. Don't let it fall flat like so many other games have.

  • Kerrovitarr
    Soul Shriven
    So stay tuned for PTS patch notes for all the other fixes that we’ve been working on.
    Can I get a link to patchnotes to be tuned? Very please.
    I am me. Throw a stone at me, if I'm not me, but someone else!
  • Furian
    TGEK wrote: »
    forums dead, economy dead, company dead, game soon to be dead.

    Forums being dead is the biggest shock to me. I would love to see how many subs they have, and how many they are going to lose when the 1 month is up.

    The game won't die, but it will definitely go F2P within 12-18 months.

    I recently got an award for "5 Agrees" only 6000 people in the world had that yesterday... that should say something.

    If they had a inventory slot store, I would have already spent 100 extra bucks there.... but, I hope it stays sub.

    Edited by Furian on April 27, 2014 1:53PM
  • Mimmsy
    I have cancelled my subscription pending how Craglorn performs but there are such massive holes in this game I will not be paying $15 a month to play beta. Upon hitting VR10 I was greeted by an almost complete lack of end game content. It was at least satisfying to have been one of the first to hit the level cap and to see the VR increased to VR12 so soon is a massive blow to my sense of accomplishment. Major issues that need to be addressed before I suscribe:

    1. AoE should NOT be capped at a maximum number of targets, rather the exploitable cost reduction of AoE ultimates should be changed. Ultimates should have a cooldown based on there base cost. e.g. 150 cost - 1 min cooldown, 300 cost - 2 min cooldown or something of the kind.

    2. Fix the bugs with items and abilities, you say that its just the UI giving the wrong numbers. That is a lie. We have tested through hours of grinding, many abilities, buffs, items are broken and do not reflect tool-tip descriptions.

    3. Healing is an absolute Fuster Cluck and needs to be addressed before you start raid content. 2 x12 man raids are not enough we need a 20 man raid. Its clear this is a PvP focused game but I won't pay this much for a game with token PvE.

    4. Crafting needs an overhaul. The crafted set items are a joke at VR10 compared to dropped items. There should be rare/epic crafting recipes for all professions. These would allow you to make items with 2x traits or 2x enchant-able (In an ideal world a craftier would be able to name the rare recipe epic shield he just crafted "The Wizard Basher")

    5. User interface needs to be optimized for PC not consoles. The lack of search function in guild store, quick use slots, chat box and other interface aspects are frankly painful. We should have a much better store system, key bind able potions bar, the ability to filter colors for guilds and have the reply function actually reply to the LAST person that spoke to you.

    6. I would have liked to keep VR10 through Craglorn as I don't think you need to increase the level cap 1 month after release, that in itself is one of the dumbest moves I have ever seen. We do not even have VR10 food/potions in the game and your already jumping to release VR12 content? Some people at ZoS have their wires crossed on this decision because it's bad in a lot of ways, and I don't see any positives. Stop making it easier to reach VR10, it completely depreciates the effort of all of us that spent the hard hours to reach it.
    Edited by Mimmsy on April 27, 2014 2:04PM
  • Davngr
    ultimate abilities should not be limited to 6 mobs or any other number at all.
  • Bouvin
    Here's your solution for Gold Spammers that LoTRO used which fixed the issue almost over night.

    1. Make it easier to report them. Just Right Click Name, Report. Done, don't make us go into a report.
    2. When enough complaints surface (say 10) scrape the reported players chat log and if any offending terms ex., "Buy Gold" are found in the chat, issue immediate 24 hours suspension of account.
    3. 2 24 hour suspensions of this type result in permanent ban, with appeals of course...

    This is what LoTRO did, and as soon as the players saw that reporting Gold Spammers removed them almost instantly, the gold spammers went away.

    It's all automated, except for when they appeal to have ban removed.
  • Songs
    There are just so many things wrong with this game, I hardly know where to start.

    I'm an avid PvPer. Every mmo I've ever played, I've almost strictly pvp'd and been successful in achieveing high ranks and titles. This game's pvp is utter garbage. Not because it's imbalanced, but because the Cyrodil map is too freaking big. I spend most of my time running around on my horse. I played 3 hours last night and 2 of them were spent running around on my horse trying to find my team or find people to fight (yes, I know about the ports, but that rarely takes you to the direct fight). There has to be a solution for this. Make the map smaller; make the port shrines not to the keeps, but to mid points between keeps so you don't have to control them to port there. Do something besides making me run around, the landscape isn't that interesting.

    Another problem, everything is a zerg fest. You never get to actually fight anyone in a fair battle. You find one person, and somehow there's a team of 50+ attacking you before you get the kill. Zerging is not pvp, it's just crap.

    I also feel horrible for people playing melee builds (I'm a healer/ranged). They never get to fight in the zerg fights. They get smooshed instantly because they have to run in to hit something, but all the sorcerers and ranged people just sit in the back and aoe. What the heck. If I wanted to have giant aoe fights, I'd go pve.

    Another problem, the inability to target heals. Why do I have to heal people around me that aren't in my party? If I'm not grouped up with them, I don't want to play with them, therefore I don't care if they live or die. Too many times have my heals used my last bit of magika to heal some joe schmoe and let me die because he was a smidge lower than me. Why am I dying to heal a lvl 10? I don't care. There should be an option that lets me choose who to heal. Make it so it only heals people in my party. Allow me to hold a button and heal myself, like ctrl+ heal heals me. ANYTHING to stop me from having to heal every person around me.

    These are huge glaring problems. I can't believe people are finding this fun. I play pvp to kill other players, not group up with them.
    Edited by Songs on April 27, 2014 4:40PM
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Songs wrote: »
    There are just so many things wrong with this game, I hardly know where to start.

    This game's pvp is utter garbage. Not because it's imbalanced, but because the Cyrodil map is too freaking big.

    Zerging is not pvp, it's just crap.

    If I wanted to have giant aoe fights, I'd go pve.

    If I'm not grouped up with them, I don't want to play with them, therefore I don't care if they live or die.

    I can't believe people are finding this fun.

    I play pvp to kill other players, not group up with them.

    Just some choice quotes from your post. In my personal opinion, you and me have different goals and desires. Which is why I like this game so much. I love grouping. Teamwork. PvP.

    Who knows. But I do think I'd like to keep it mostly the way it is.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Songs
    Just some choice quotes from your post. In my personal opinion, you and me have different goals and desires. Which is why I like this game so much. I love grouping. Teamwork. PvP.

    Who knows. But I do think I'd like to keep it mostly the way it is.

    Grouping and teamwork aren't generally what I'd consider when I think about player versus player environments. That's carebear logic. Plus, I shouldn't have to group up with people, in order to succeed, if I don't want. I'd go back to playing WoW if I wanted to have social connections with strangers over the internet.

    Anyways, my post was about issues in the game, not about playing with people necessarily. You chose specific tidbits about me not liking other players to turn what I said into an anti-social hate-fest, which is not the case.

    Again, my issues were wanting to have priority to heal the players in my party and myself, not everyone around me. Not wanting to run around on my horse for 25 minutes looking for a fight. Not wanting to watch my melee partner get squashed in 2 seconds because he tries to fight in a group against a group. Not wanting to have every fight a giant zerg fest to objective points. I want to battle, not collect scrolls. Again, If I wanted to pve (aoe kill mobs while completing objectives), I'd go pve. But I don't. I want to kill players. Therefore, killing players should be about killing players, not collecting scrolls and controlling keeps, and running around for 25 minutes trying to figure out where everyone is because the map is so big.

  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Songs wrote: »
    Grouping and teamwork aren't generally what I'd consider when I think about player versus player environments. That's carebear logic.

    This is a prime difference. I've played a lot of different forms of PvP, and when it comes to video games, there's a lot more focus on team play than deathmatch-style individual play.

    Your 'carebear' reference made me think of EvE Online, arguably the most dedicated PvP MMO in existence. And it's almost entirely team focused, even for us lowly pirates.
    Plus, I shouldn't have to group up with people, in order to succeed, if I don't want. I'd go back to playing WoW if I wanted to have social connections with strangers over the internet.

    Right. You don't have to group up with others to succeed in games that support solo PvP fights and deathmatch arena's. You DO in games that support team play. While I'm all for more PvP options via Arenas and duals, this game obviously supports teams taking over forts and securing resources.

    If you want to succeed here? As of right now, you'll need to make friends.
    Anyways, my post was about issues in the game, not about playing with people necessarily. You chose specific tidbits about me not liking other players to turn what I said into an anti-social hate-fest, which is not the case.

    Again, my issues were wanting to have priority to heal the players in my party and myself, not everyone around me. Not wanting to run around on my horse for 25 minutes looking for a fight. Not wanting to watch my melee partner get squashed in 2 seconds because he tries to fight in a group against a group. Not wanting to have every fight a giant zerg fest to objective points. I want to battle, not collect scrolls. Again, If I wanted to pve (aoe kill mobs while completing objectives), I'd go pve. But I don't. I want to kill players. Therefore, killing players should be about killing players, not collecting scrolls and controlling keeps, and running around for 25 minutes trying to figure out where everyone is because the map is so big.

    I would support some limited abilities that offer self heals and target heals, though I think the game mechanics aren't really supportive of it right now. No specific, easy tab-based targeting built into the game. Aiming said heals would be difficult. And what else would have to change to make tab-based targeting more viable? How far should the game sway from it's design principles to appeal to a more WoW-trained playerbase?

    Smaller fights? Also agree. Like I said, I support the addition of arena's (which perfectly fit lore and this world in general) and dueling (look at the mages dueling all over the place ... also kosher here). Cyrodiil, on the other hand, is in principle a huge battleground.

    Allowing some new mechanics for warping your group to you? Maybe a new leadership skill line that allows you to host 'portals' for team mates, etc? That might be worth discussing.

    But sadly, it doesn't seem that Cyrodiil, which is about far more than just players killing players, is up your alley. But others, like me, seem very happy with it.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • lotharlocnar_ESO
    "That's the worst aspect of Pve in MMO's, one that's strongly represented in ESO, but there are good ones too. Some more successful than others. For example, Dark Anchors is a concept that attempts to break the individual PvE bubble, and
    bring consequence to the world, but ultimately fails. The concept itself is good: Dark Anchors spontaneously appear throughout the world and it's up to the players to deal with them. Supposedly if you choose to ignore them, the land
    will be merged with Coldharbor, bringing daedric horros and devastating the land. Does this ever actually happen? No."

    This is exactly what the Rifts MMO does with rifts in the game when they open denizens from the "other dimension" comes through and ravages any NPCs that exist there and or player characters, but this also exists in Defiance when an *Arkfall occures. This type of thing NEVER has huge impacts in ANY MMO. Maybe it'd be nice if it did however? Well for one thing if the area was devoid of players who wanted to take on the situation then the entire area no doubt would be devastated or what would happen if the pcs there wasn't ready for the npc invasion and would die every time they attacked those incursions? There's alot more issues if the NPCs ever did completely win the zone...I realize it's not "realism" but neither is being automatically rezzed at a wayshrine..we have to balance "realism" with online gaming while individually have the ability to separate our fantasy character with our real selves. Real pvp in my opinion would include any death is permanent our gear could all be removed and any money removed from ones dead PC. Players would have to remake another character from scratch, this type of MMO game would quickly fail as well as fall victim to any small dominate group of completely ruling the entire area.

    I've been playing rpgs since 1975 and MMOs since UA I've seen alot of game rules fail and or games themselves become so monotonous one just goes elsewhere.
    "No moment of despair is so great it cannot be overcome by a fifth of good bourbon and a beautiful woman in black seamed stockings and 6-inch stiletto heels."
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Tabula Rasa had a similar system with base raids. Quest NPC's could be temporarily killed if the enemy forces attacked and nobody helped defend the base. This could halt quest progression entirely until that base was recaptured and those important NPC's came back.

    On the one hand, it was very interesting to watch the world breath in that back and forth rhythm. On the other, it was a pain in the butt to have to always wait on help to clear bases just to continue your quest line.

    And of all the ways I've seen it, it's been a stagnant, repetitive process that has a lot of cool moments the first couple times you do it, but gets boring and predictable in the end.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • RingobloodtheOld
    Server: NA/PC
    Holyringoblood (Altmer) Templer
    Torgrimmer (Breton) Templer
    Ringoblood (Nord) Dragonknight
    Ringobloodtheold (Dummer) Nightblade
  • TwiztidJuggalo
    No way to start new thread is my first and fore-most problem.

    Secondly, only because its been keeping me up at night trying to figure out the day night schedule....
    The world must be oval with known continents at the north-most pole.
    It must be on a 90 degree axis with a 66.666 faster rotation of wobble then spin. (though gravitomicly impossible for this shape and spin)
    This would put a force on the moon drawing it closer and closer in every 8 days ( I think its 8 days from full to full?).
    Assuming the moon is the same proportions as earth is to its moon, the moon should crash into the planet in approximately 4.5 weeks.
    If its much smaller then the planet compared to earth then its sooner but less devastation, if its larger then its slightly longer (though not much because of gravity which dosnt seem to matter here) but much more devastating.
    Also due to the shape of the planet and location of the continent when you calculate in inertia then we should all be flying off the planet as if there were negative gravity.
    Last but not least the speed of the spin and shape of the planet would cause worldwide wind vortexs, Hurricanes, Tornados and Ultra high winds would be a constant in this sort of world.

    I have come up with one simple solution to this day/night schedule that would solve all of this yet I do not see it in our sky and that is the presence of 2 suns. obviously impossible as they are not visible...but the rest is also pretty impossible when you consider this planet has supposedly already endured well beyond the 4.5 weeks it would take the moon to crash into it with its oval shape drawing it in closer and closer and closer.
    Other solution would be to make day and night equal lengths. However if you do this, I plead with you to make the game brighter as I can hardly see things during the day and wont even play at night due to lack of ability to see even with gama cranked all the way up. KTHANKS.

    In conclusion please fix the bugs in the game first and fore-most, but keep these sort of full immersion impossibilities in mind when you create a game.
  • KerinKor
    This would put a force on the moon drawing it closer and closer in every 8 days ( I think its 8 days from full to full?).
    Look up at the night sky .. there are TWO moons. ;)

  • KerinKor
    The 'mess' as you SHOUT IT is a core part of the game's design in that it allows permanent changes to be made to the world as you affect it.

    Or do you mean 'layering', which is a core part of the 'mega-server' design.

    Whichever you're referring to is here to stay.

  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    KerinKor wrote: »
    The 'mess' as you SHOUT IT is a core part of the game's design in that it allows permanent changes to be made to the world as you affect it.

    Or do you mean 'layering', which is a core part of the 'mega-server' design.

    Whichever you're referring to is here to stay.

    I feel he's more intending a fix for grouping mechanics, which don't allow players to partake in quests they've already done, intentionally separates players who are both on the same quest objective, and makes grouping with friends and family such a chore as to make it difficult to play anything but solo.

    While this IS a core part of game design, there could be a compromise that allowed for team play and helping out our loved ones.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • KerinKor
    KerinKor wrote: »
    The 'mess' as you SHOUT IT is a core part of the game's design in that it allows permanent changes to be made to the world as you affect it.

    Or do you mean 'layering', which is a core part of the 'mega-server' design.

    Whichever you're referring to is here to stay.

    I feel he's more intending a fix for grouping mechanics, which don't allow players to partake in quests they've already done, intentionally separates players who are both on the same quest objective, and makes grouping with friends and family such a chore as to make it difficult to play anything but solo.

    While this IS a core part of game design, there could be a compromise that allowed for team play and helping out our loved ones.
    Having experienced this for some time in other games such as WOW and LOTRO I guess I'm simply used to it. I do love the world-changing phasing allows and Blizzard did it well in WOW I think (the first MMO I played where permanent changes to the world are made through player actions), but I think ZOS have gone perhaps too over-board which is the real problem.

    I like phasing and the gameplay it makes possible but I also agree that taken too far it can be hugely annoying to those looking to play with a handful of others but not necessarily able to at the same time all the time.

    Edited by KerinKor on April 28, 2014 12:45PM
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