Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

State of the Game Address

  • jamescthomasb14_ESO
    you also have pve in Cryodiil, thus one can say that pve and pvp content aren't completely segregated from each other
  • Topher
    Great post. This is all very reassuring. The game has just been released so it would have been naive to think there would be NO problems.

    But that being said...I haven't been involved in a beta MMO to launch in a few years. I have NEVER seen anything like what we are dealing with right now as far as spammers and bots. This method of hacking the game is so much more aggressive then anything I've experienced I am not even sure how to react to it.

    I have to ask: Is there anything we, the true fans/hardcore lovers of all things Tamriel, can do to help make this stop? If you ask any real fan of the game I am certain every single person would be willing to do ANYTHING to get this situation under control.

    The game is being hijacked...and I feel it is as much up to us (the players) as it is the developers to stop the madness I feel this way because it is a small % of the players that are the ones buying the gold which is feeding the engine that drives the spammers and bots. And what the HELL kind of spam is this anyway? It is some crazy code...I don't even know what the hell they are trying to say in their spams...which would be funny if it wasn't so damned frustrating. They have their own language and codes now I guess. That is new to me.

    The whole point of this post is 1) to vent my frustration but also 2) to make sure the developers don't overlook the fact that they have a HUGE resource in the positively behaving player base. Crowd Source the huge amount of good players you have, to:dispose of these spamming/hacking people with extreme prejudice. Screw their greed and disrespect for a fantastic game.

    Can you set their (spammers, hackers) in game accounts to be open world PvP? That seems to me to be the moat poetic of justices meted out,
    Uncle Topher
    Elder Moot :: Council of Nine
  • KerinKor
    Topher wrote: »
    Crowd Source the huge amount of good players you have, to:dispose of these spamming/hacking people with extreme prejudice. Screw their greed and disrespect for a fantastic game.
    LOL, open world PVP as a solution to bots .. what could POSSIBLY go wrong?


  • ZoM_Head
    The game needs to be patched in order to run in true full screen mode, NVIDIA and AMD can not release drivers optimized for this game till true full screen mode is actually there.

    FOV for first person, every patch note i read very carefully, my two points mentioned never cover this, i hope you are taking these two points seriously, you did confirm FOV adjustment after launch after all.
    mDKs still need a lot of love!
  • kell1744_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the update Matt. I'm going now on DAY FIVE of not being able to play because my account is screwed up and it thinks I've not even purchased the game. The last CS person to contact me was a couple of days ago, and they just said they would elevate my issue. I've found now a couple of other people who are having the same exact problem as I am having. Still no solution for them either.
  • RingobloodtheOld
    KerinKor wrote: »
    The 'mess' as you SHOUT IT is a core part of the game's design in that it allows permanent changes to be made to the world as you affect it.

    Or do you mean 'layering', which is a core part of the 'mega-server' design.

    Whichever you're referring to is here to stay.

    Well if i cant quest with my friends, like i was told i would be able to, Play Elder Scrolls with my friends, in the Dev video back in May of 2013, then ill just go back to either WoW or Swtor, and play what an MMO truly is, and quest, do dungeon, PvP, Raid, ect with my friends, bc as of right now you cant do it in t his so-called MMO.

    Server: NA/PC
    Holyringoblood (Altmer) Templer
    Torgrimmer (Breton) Templer
    Ringoblood (Nord) Dragonknight
    Ringobloodtheold (Dummer) Nightblade
  • ckf12b14_ESO
    Topher wrote: »
    I have to ask: Is there anything we, the true fans/hardcore lovers of all things Tamriel, can do to help make this stop? If you ask any real fan of the game I am certain every single person would be willing to do ANYTHING to get this situation under control.

    Answer: no. Other than continuing to pay the developer salaries and be patient, there is nothing players can do. It is all on the coding and developing end, which is their job, not ours. Open world pvp will and not SHOULD NOT EVER be even thought of as a "fix" to anything ever period.
  • Xaei

    What you described in the first half of the post is kind of what GW2 is like. Dynamic events happen everywhere with temporary consequences on the environment, and their Living Story content was about one-time events and content which are never available again, with some very monumental events which form a part of future lore where you can say 'yep, I was there' if you played at the time.

    But that has its own bag of huge problems.

    You got whole areas in the game which are just hell to navigate through because most of the waypoints are disabled and whole towns forever dead because no one is doing the event.

    The Living Story story initiative is generally considered a flop amongst the playerbase because:

    1. The devs need to pump out content extremely fast (bi-weekly in GW2) to keep people entertained under such a model, and you can clearly see the effects on polish and quality.

    2. The storytelling became a wreck. If you joined halfway through an arc, you won't have a clue what's going on, so the plot has zero impact on you.

    3. The core game remains stagnant because they spent all their resources on keeping up the living story, meaning the game outside of the temporary content is nearly the same since launch.
    4. You can't do the content at your own pace. You need to grab the loot, finish the story quests, and get all the achievements before it goes away, i
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    ... and play what an MMO truly is, and quest, do dungeon, PvP, Raid, ect with my friends, bc as of right now you cant do it in t his so-called MMO.

    To be more clear and specific, you CAN do all of that. Dungeons and public dungeons work great for grouping. PvPing is another common mechanic that groups well. World bosses, too. And with Craglorn and Trials, we have more traditional raid-type scenarios ... also specifically built for grouping.

    My complaint is that the standard quests, very specifically the main quests but also including many quest hubs, don't support grouping, by design.

    I feel they should. The quest dialogue may still focus on the 'hero', but support for the 'hero and his companions' should be included.

    Otherwise, this game is every bit an MMO, and an excellent one in my personal opinion.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Valei
    Soul Shriven
    Not a single word about the state of Cyrodil. Not. A. Single. One.
  • nhisso
    Valei wrote: »
    Not a single word about the state of Cyrodil. Not. A. Single. One.

    So what?

  • Messy1
    Thank you for laying a great foundation for a game that I sincerely hope will keep developing and become even more engaging and dynamic.

    I can only imagine what a daunting task it is to manage and tweak this game to get it in a stable state. I really do appreciate your efforts to curb and stomp out spammers, botters, and hackers. They truly do detract from and ruin a game.

    I truly appreciate innovative content and game design and ESO has high aspirations. Please continue to challenge perceptions of what a MMO should be and avoid oversimplifying the game. I think the UI could be a little smoother, but my main concern is content and gameplay. Afterall, details are the spice of life.
  • Phoboz
    Soul Shriven
    this bug land is gonna die soon, and only the fanboys will stay to keep having fun with all the bugs woot!
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Phoboz wrote: »
    this bug land is gonna die soon, and only the fanboys will stay to keep having fun with all the bugs woot!
    Show me a game without bugs, and I will point you to forums full of thousands of complaining players wanting the game to die because they just don't care for it themselves.

    The good thing about fanboys, is they will stay loyal to something they enjoy and keep it running so that it becomes great. No MMO in the last 15 years would have survived crippling bugs and developer failures had it not been for naive, loud-mouthed and sometimes ignorant fans who saw something better in the end.

    Some people believe in investing in something that has the chance to become great.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Argurios
    slamjeez wrote: »
    I'm thinking about coming back later maybe as well. Current state not so engaging as I thought at the start. Barely got to level 30.
    Still think we need close up 1v1 2v2 3v3 ARENA PvP.
    Cyrodiil PvP for people with average PC is a horrible experience and it is so time consuming. I always have walk more than I fight. Ridiculous, just because I did not want to pay +15 euros.
    Mind boggling.

    No no no, we don't need arena. Plenty of other games that do arena style pvp out there, go play those. This game has never advertised arena style and we don't want it. People whine about clones of other well known MMO's and then want more things that move towards that. Just no.

    Genuinely sorry if you have an average PC, but once again, here is entitlement creeping through. Its a next gen MMO. We shouldn't all have to suffer in order to match the lowest common denominator. Things move on. You can't expect to have every game that comes out match your 'average' PC. That's why games have recommended specs.

    You don't have to walk more than you fight, just buy a horse. 19k is ridiculously easy to get, especially by L30. Seriously, stop making your problems as everyone's problems, because they just aren't.

    Every game has bugs, especially on release. I can honestly say, after reaching VR10, i have had very little that affected my levelling experience. I had to bypass a few quests yes, so what? Just go back later and do them if you want a certain achievement. Its really not the end of the world.

    The only thing that affected me was one of the main story coldharbour bugs. But it was fixed within 36 hours. If you cant find something else to do for 36 hours except rag on the game in question when it has just released, you need to take a long look in the mirror.

    The game is fantastic at this stage if you really think about it and stop looking for any little thing to whine about like it will never change if you don't whine. Lots of people report issues without crying and whining like little *** about them on the forums every few minutes.

    The potential of this game is amazing, and all the people cancelling subs and saying its going F2P 'guaranteed'....blah blah blah sure it is. See you in a few months when it has been tweaked and you come back. We won't miss you in the meantime!

    P.S. If any developer does bother to read this, vampires need looking at. Mist form and Bat swarm being spammed in pvp due to its stage 4 low costs are ridiculously op. 10+ people to try and kill a vampire in mist form with no success? Stupid. While i agree vampires should be badass, the ease of which becoming one dicatates they should have some further disadvantages to balance. Other wise, make it extremely hard to aquire vampirism. +50% fire damage is being offset with fire res glyphs. Personally i think the +50% fire damage should be unresistable, and that daylight penalties should be introduced for vampires at later levels of needing to feed. Like every other ES game before this one.

    Do i even need to mention the cataclysmic bad ballance issue that is an Emperor vampire? Really?

    I mean for crying out loud, how is this balanced? I acquired vampirism on my L3 nightblade while still sporting his Coldharbour rags and manacles! My friend did the vampire quest at L14!!!! Yes L14, for a L38 (supposed) quest.

    Edited by Argurios on April 29, 2014 3:35PM
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the test first, the lesson after... "

    Argurios Ultor - Imperial Templar
    Caradoc Coldblade - Redguard Nightblade
    - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Razour
    Please Fix Final Assault - I think that should be easier than fixing Customer Support who by now must be sick to the back teeth of me constantly chasing them for a solution to that progress blocking bug (and yes, many people can work around it; and yes there are videos of people doing this; but 1000's can't and are blocked from progressing to Vet Content as a result).
    Edited by Razour on April 29, 2014 4:13PM
    Bosmer Nightblade
    Clothier 50 | Wood Worker 50 | Black Smith 50 | Provisioner 50 | Alchemist 50 | Enchanter 50
    ^^^ Now Recruiting ^^^

  • lotharlocnar_ESO
    Argurios ✭ Wrote "The game is fantastic at this stage if you really think about it and stop looking for any little thing to whine about like it will never change if you don't whine. Lots of people report issues without crying and whining like little *** about them on the forums every few minutes.

    Then he/she writes
    " Mist form and Bat swarm being spammed in pvp due to its stage 4 low costs are ridiculously op. 10+ people to try and kill a vampire in mist form with no success? Stupid. While i agree vampires should be badass, the ease of which becoming one dicatates they should have some further disadvantages to balance. Other wise, make it extremely hard to aquire vampirism. +50% fire damage is being offset with fire res glyphs. Personally i think the +50% fire damage should be unresistable, and that daylight penalties should be introduced for vampires at later levels of needing to feed. Like every other ES game before this one.

    Do i even need to mention the cataclysmic bad ballance issue that is an Emperor vampire? Really?

    I mean for crying out loud, how is this balanced? I acquired vampirism on my L3 nightblade while still sporting his Coldharbour rags and manacles! My friend did the vampire quest at L14!!!! Yes L14, for a L38 (supposed) quest.

    My observation here is "Argurios" feels if it didn't/doesn't effect him/her it's whining.His definition of whining must be from a very odd POV.

    Coldharbor jumping acrobatic testing of adroit manipulator of keys/timing and patience isn't and shouldn't be a players objective in a main story line quest. I'm sure there are people who love jumping puzzles and such but IMO if the character needs to jump add it as an ability figure it in as to the chance or "dice roll" and hit go, to see if the toon was successful or not. The only thing worse here would be a cool down of even trying to execute the jump maneuver.

    To address the vampires abilities-if we take them as this OP PvP entity w/o the huge (literature based) hindrances they would have they have even more outlandish ability.Giving them a daylight hindrance might be effective but normally players scream and complain once they are no more over powered to the point of quitting. However I would say that it would "balance" the PVP part if the same number of these OP vamps were on EACH PVP side[each side having only a limited number and each side having the same amount] giving the ability to random toons joining the side which is deficient and removing the abilities from sides which are over the set limit. Story line it as the gods over see such things and grant boons and remove them as they see fit. Are there people/players who refuse to get vampire-ism? If so let's allow them special favors to fight these vampires (just in PvP areas) understanding however they are NEVER allowed to gain vamp/were form. If Vampireism is a disease as is were form maybe there are disease resistant races.
    "No moment of despair is so great it cannot be overcome by a fifth of good bourbon and a beautiful woman in black seamed stockings and 6-inch stiletto heels."
  • lotharlocnar_ESO
    "Show me a game without bugs, and I will point you to forums full of thousands of complaining players wanting the game to die because they just don't care for it themselves.

    The good thing about fanboys, is they will stay loyal to something they enjoy and keep it running so that it becomes great. No MMO in the last 15 years would have survived crippling bugs and developer failures had it not been for naive, loud-mouthed and sometimes ignorant fans who saw something better in the end.

    Some people believe in investing in something that has the chance to become great."

    Name a few MMO games where the fanboys kept it from dieing and thus became a sensational hit!! Don't just say there are some w/o names please.

    Enjoyment is fine and really what we as consumers of computer games buy. If it fullfills that promise of entertainment to the extent of continued monthly subs or buying from a f2p store to keep the company from filing bankruptcy so be it. Those of us that try and talk sense to a company in how to better supply "entertainment" and get refused for whatever reason, lose hope,lose the entertained feeling of the game, and we move on to writing about our soured play experience.If we simply quit the game with no written reasons or how the company failed, we as MMO/PC gamers have failed the industry as a consumer base. I see this big picture and respond- Why can't/don't MMO companies learn from the many other MMO failures out there? Have an investigatory dept. read other MMO forums find out where those MMOs "failed" institute a checks and measures type of MMO design. Also aim for a certain genre of players rather than a too wide field to entertain. I.E...pvp or roleplay, part PvP and part questing. Do not just rely on PC games in the past to carry the "new MMO" Or as in Defiance a TV show to carry the MMO with promises of player characters to appear in the TV series. Or as in DDO they trusted the namesake to carry the load and changed the MMO from traditional DnD to the point we left because we couldn't or barely recognized it anymore as it was based.
    "No moment of despair is so great it cannot be overcome by a fifth of good bourbon and a beautiful woman in black seamed stockings and 6-inch stiletto heels."
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo

    Name a few MMO games where the fanboys kept it from dieing and thus became a sensational hit!! Don't just say there are some w/o names please.

    Enjoyment is fine and really what we as consumers of computer games buy. If it fullfills that promise of entertainment to the extent of continued monthly subs or buying from a f2p store to keep the company from filing bankruptcy so be it. Those of us that try and talk sense to a company in how to better supply "entertainment" and get refused for whatever reason, lose hope,lose the entertained feeling of the game, and we move on to writing about our soured play experience.If we simply quit the game with no written reasons or how the company failed, we as MMO/PC gamers have failed the industry as a consumer base. I see this big picture and respond- Why can't/don't MMO companies learn from the many other MMO failures out there? Have an investigatory dept. read other MMO forums find out where those MMOs "failed" institute a checks and measures type of MMO design. Also aim for a certain genre of players rather than a too wide field to entertain. I.E...pvp or roleplay, part PvP and part questing. Do not just rely on PC games in the past to carry the "new MMO" Or as in Defiance a TV show to carry the MMO with promises of player characters to appear in the TV series. Or as in DDO they trusted the namesake to carry the load and changed the MMO from traditional DnD to the point we left because we couldn't or barely recognized it anymore as it was based.

    World of Warcraft. Horrible launch. Complete lack of content. Broken class design. Miserable over-instanced mechanics.

    If it wasn't for the diehards, that game wouldn't have made it past the first year.

    On an aside: some people offer suggestions to a company, telling them what they like and how they would enjoy the game, IF something were changed.

    Others are so self-centered, they feel that if the game isn't what they enjoy, then obviously it must suck, and move on.

    As another point: learn from the mistakes of others, but don't copy them. The problem in MMO's since WoW is that so few had the desire to innovate, because they were cowards. Somebody has to try something new (like an MMO not wrapped around loot drops and auction house idiots) to get anything special.

    I'll keep playing this game while it's sub based. Personally, if it ever goes Free to Play, I'll probably drop it and move on to the next sub-based game. I do feel that strongly against free-to-play mechanics.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    Argurios wrote: »
    No no no, we don't need arena. Plenty of other games that do arena style pvp out there, go play those. This game has never advertised arena style and we don't want it. People whine about clones of other well known MMO's and then want more things that move towards that. Just no.

    I love Cyrodiil, but I would also love an arena to add to the game. There can be more than one form of PvP in a game and that game still be successful.

    In fact, Arena's make perfect sense in any Elder Scrolls game, because pit fights and gambling dens are a mainstay in lore.

    I'm not saying ESO HAS to have it, but I would really like it if they did.

    And while I agree with some of your points, please drop the royal 'we' from your statements. You don't speak for me.

    'Cloning' an MMO has to be more than taking on mechanics familiar with that MMO. I mean, if it doesn't mean more, than there hasn't been a unique MMO since the first one, because they all include some process of moving and killing others.

    Just because ESO gets an auction house doesn't make it WoW. Now, if ESO gets an auction house, battlegrounds, a deep loot grind and heavily instanced zones? Now we're getting into that area of 'cloning'.

    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Daknar
    Soul Shriven
    I just submit the email spams as soon as they come in and then delete them. I don't expect a 100% solution ever, because if it was simple and easy it would be in place already - so I do my part and it's always nice to see the company do theirs. Now...about the quest bugs....lol...
  • Rosamond
    Thank you for the update, it makes one feel that someone is out there listening. That being the case, I would like to give my impression of the game as of April 29 in hopes perhaps feedback is welcome.

    1. The game graphics are tremendous, outstanding, not enough good things that I can say really.

    2. The quests are intricate and interesting, and for one used to the grind of EQ2's quests, that is most refreshing. However, I feel like Scarlett O'hara: War, war, war, is that all anyone can talk about? I wish we had more local quests and less soldiers everywhere. I know that is the game theme but its too much.

    3. PVP is my worst night mare so I am happy the way you have confined it.

    4. You have done a marvelous job with integrating the lore of the other Bethesda games with this one, and I think you need a lot of kudos for that. The game serves as a plausible bridge from the console to the MMO genre.

    5. On the MMO side, the worst aspect of the game is the lack of inventory space. I was reading the forums and have not yet discovered your 'philosophy' about a player's need for space. EQ2 gives us virtually unlimited space,and perhaps too much. However, as an astute player above commented, he (and I) spend all our time logging characters on an off to try to transfer things through our woefully miserable bank storage. What we need is personal bank storage for each character and also shared bank space. When a player is forced to spend his or her time this way, he or she will soon grow tired of the hassle.

    6. The next worst problem is the lack of an auction house (or broker, if you will) in which a player can place things for sale and sell them on a server wide basis. Using a trade based guild for such an activity is inadequate and really adverse to the purpose of a decent guild. I have read the forums widely and it appears that some players are opposed to this on the theory it ruins a game economy. I don't understand this as after playing EQ2 for 8 years I can tell you that the broker there functions wonderfully well and in fact is my favorite thing in the game. I love to make and sell items and the broker is flexible and easily researched. It is not that difficult to make a searchable database. By contrast the guild store is clumsy, unnecessarily limited and in fact I am amazed that I can sell anything at all on it. Players have to be dedicated to find anything in it. Again I have tried to discover if Zenimax has some bias against a server wide auction house but I don't see anything posted that would enlighten me. Could you please address this issue so that we can know if this is something you may do, but just haven't gotten to it yet with all the gold spammer issues?
    7. On the plus side, the character models are incredible. I love Bethesda games but their character models have always, sorry to say it, sucked. These on the other hand are gorgeous.

    This is my analysis of the game so far. I waited for this game for literally years and I am looking forward to playing for many more years. I have always been a great crafter but a lousy adventurer, and the highest compliment I can pay you is that the game is SO good I may even learn adventuring and sneak into Cyrodiil. But please fix us up with some decent bags (inventory) and a broker.
  • Tawn
    First and foremost, please know that we are doing everything we can to combat the gold spammers and bots – especially ones that “camp” dungeon bosses – that you see in game. I play the game every day; I see them too, and yes, they drive me crazy. We have had a daily running battle with them ever since the game launched – moving them from global chat, to in-game email, to creating bogus guilds and inviting players – and we continue to take measures to keep them away from players, even when it isn’t always apparent that we are.

    And I was woken last night as my phone informed me of the latest gold deal, via the forums.

    At this point, I am considering not renewing my subscription next month.

    This problem should be able to be solved, other companies can heuristically detect spammers and stop them annoying us.

    I know that you are getting $80 - or whatever it is - per account they register, and that this is a great source of income, but it's driving your real customers away.

    Last night when i was playing only the gold spammers were left talking to themselves in zone. I reported 10 different ones in an hour of play, with almost nobody left in the game.

    Stop sales of the game.
    Ban these painful players fast.
    Send GMs, real people into the dungeons with ban hammers.
    Get the common words like c{}m and get them into a filter.
    Add in other hueristics, like looking for that changing number at the end of the message.
    Block all Chinese IPs.

    Then, once you have cleaned it up, and only then, start reselling the game.

    If you don't then very few people will be left playing and the game will fail.
  • Kingslayer
    @ZOS_MattFiror‌ I think you need to get a handle on your combat designers. The decisions they are making currently are disastrous this whole vamp ult debacle is killing Cyrodiil. You have empty campaigns out there which are unbalanced. This is a subscription based mmo can your company please try to at least deliver on this.

    So far its been downhill from release. Its almost a requirement to be a vamp in pvp at the moment. You have had numerous threads about it yet no change. And this isn't something which takes weeks to look at. This could be done in a hotfix by changing the variable on the cost of the ultimate.

    Also please take steps to merge campaigns. Cyrodiil is a mess right now.
  • KerinKor
    Name a few MMO games where the fanboys kept it from dieing and thus became a sensational hit!! Don't just say there are some w/o names please.
    Ignoring your 'sensational hit' requirement because (a) that's subjective and (b) irrelevant, the game continuing to exist and undergo on-going development and expansion will do. I can easily name two I personally play:

    1) FFXIV - probably the biggest example of 'fanboys' keeping the game alive for two years while everyone else deserted it, and actually PAYING to play to show support while knowing V1 was going to die and be replaced by something hugely different in several ways - my two Legacy accounts clearly label me a 'fanboy' in your view.

    2) SW:TOR - the precedent ESO is struggling not to follow at this point, hugely hyped, massively pre-ordered and abandoned in droves not long after the 30-day 'free' time expired when players discovered there was no end-game - the instant gratification merchants ran back to WOW, LOTRO, Rift, etc., I saw many of them return to the remnant guilds they had 'left' in those previous games.

    I doubt TOR meets your 'sensational' definition so you'll pooh-pooh it but the facts speak for themselves it continues to develop (sure, it went F2P but per se that's irrelevant to your point), and while FFXIV V2 is still only in its first year I think it's pretty clear it's going to have a long existence and be a 'hit' in anyone's terms .. well, anyone looking for an objective debate.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 30, 2014 6:59AM
  • Salsadoom
    Wait..if the forums are dead that means I have been posting to myself...
  • enubis99
    Nice to see the developers are trying something but..
    A little too late for me I suppose. While I read through all these comments of people departing and others retorting, I guess I shall place in my two cents.
    For you devs to consider.

    1. "Promising a polished, lag-free launch."
    I have no idea who thought this was a great idea but.. The arrogance is just, startling. While launch day may be lag free, it was far from polished and all of these issues that you've stated and some of the quest bugs you've fixed does not make the launch 'Polished' in any way. Sure it looks good on the surface until you start questing... People tell me, hey don't be an idiot, no launch is going to be smooth.
    I know that very well, I'm surprised none of you guys in the team realized it. I pull away, when the development team starts saying questionable stuff and then end up biting their tongue and not ever mentioning about it again. Note, an official apology and acknowledgement of this mistake might take you a longer way.


    2. Singleplayer or multiplayer?

    You guys really can't decide, you got solo instances to make up for your little
    hero story, your group questing is horrid with instancing.. The only thing we can do are dungeons and pvp. To which I might add pvp is also a problem right now with it's variety of issues like Vampire Emperor, and the fact you spend most of your time simply running from Fort A to Fort C. That is on top of bugs that I could overlook.

    3. Broken, Broken, Broken, Fluff?

    Now everyone is crying about how overpowered Vampires are, funny story is how everyone is bragging that they could kill vamps just at the beginning of launch.
    "Oh meh, screw vamps, I got my Fighter's guild stuff! I got fire!" I only snicker at them now! Either way, that's not my point. Fact is, aside from bat swarm and mistform, almost everything else about vampires are broken. Makes me wonder what steps are you going to take right now? Not even sure if I'm keen to see it.
    Werewolves? Don't even bother, they are just that 1 minute or less, of coolness and that's it, they don't even animate as cool even.

    4. Paying for mount + Imperial race.

    Seriously... your deluxe edition is to give people a mount and then lock
    a race for everyone else, on top of giving deluxe players all access to factions.
    SERIOUSLY guys.. I thought the armored mount DLC was bad.

    I might sound like I'm raging and stuff, but in truth I sound aggressive to put my point across. I have no hatred for the game, I am simply raising my issues and hope Zenimax is aware of it's current position. I'm not going to say if it's going F2P in how many months, or if it's going to fail. I only know it's not working out for me.
    If it works out for you, power to you. I tried to rely on the sense of nostalgia to run the game but I just can't.

    For those who stay on, I hope ESO fixes it's stuff for you guys and keep on going.
    I'm the kind of person who believe that diversity in the industry is a good thing.
    Instead of everyone cramming in one game demanding for things that are in other past games, people could go to what they desire. Though they won't stop asking, at least there might be less people demanding senseless stuff!

    To Zenimax, all the best!
    Edited by enubis99 on April 30, 2014 11:12AM
  • Gravord
    About game state and Cyrodiil especially, three abilities require immediate fix: Bat Swarm, Mist and Bolt Escape. They are way too overpowered to have place in pvp system. Take a look on videos below, its little slice of what happening in pvp all day and night:

    Bat swarm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb9NlqRfCH4

    Mist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Kc2ehFqcyI

    Bolt Escape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPR7oUbG0IM

    And those vids show only solo players abusing those broken abilities. Inside Cyrodiil theres already plenty small and big groups playing only around charge with Bat Swarm and 2 others to quick escape if didnt kill all enemies in first hit.
    Again, such abilities should not have place in pvp system.
  • KerinKor
    enubis99 wrote: »
    your deluxe edition is to give people a mount and then lock a race for everyone else, on top of giving deluxe players all access to factions.
    I have a non-Imperial account where races aren't tied to factions.


  • Xaei
    Edited by Xaei on April 30, 2014 12:17PM
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