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PC Gamer reviews Elder Scrolls Online. 68/100

  • Foxhunt
    I read a good bit of the review but had to stop because I disagreed with a lot of what was being said, especially the score.
  • Syndica
    Soul Shriven
    I always read a review of any game with a big healthy dose of skepticism. I've loved games that have been given very bad reviews and hated games that have been given very positive reviews. I wouldn't worry to much about the reviews as long as you are having fun.
    Edited by Syndica on April 15, 2014 5:52PM
  • Layenem
    LOL @ PC Gamer... Should be WoW Gamer
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Look, at the end of the day ... no matter how "professional" you think a given reviewer is ... it's all just personal opinion.

    The game DOES have issues. I'd rather someone mentioned them than pretend everything was perfect.

    Some people will love the game and some people won't. Same with everything.

    The way some people reacted to this it's like he reviewed their sisters ability in bed.

    Surprised no one has called for his job and/or his head yet.

    I wouldn't be shocked to find a rallying call for pitch forks and torches .... let's burn the bad reviewer at the stake people .... we'll show them.
  • jonal11_ESO
    Game reviews by real journalists are at forbes. Seriously.
  • FrauPerchta
    I stopped reading PCGamer years ago when it seemed to me that the only games getting decent reviews were the ones with large advertisements in PCGamer.
  • FrauPerchta
    Dbl post, sorry
    Edited by FrauPerchta on April 15, 2014 6:07PM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I don't play games based on reviews, so whatever.
  • Calaban
    maniacal1 wrote: »
    Also, you know a review hit a few sour notes in the 'rabid fanboys' when they start picking apart the specifics and hating the review because of who the parent company is.

    "How dare you hate an online game because it's not as good as the single player ones!" And in the same paragraph: "This review is a joke just because it's PC Gamer."

    All you guys blindly defending it are the reason this game and so many others ultimately fail, I just want you to realize that. You're not only labeling yourself as a Class-A d-bag, but you're doing the rest of us a disservice by attempting to hide our criticisms that will ONLY HELP the game with ignorant and self-destructively pointless loyalty.

    Oh please....

    Thanks for labeling people who disagree with you "Class-A d-bags". How is this helpful?

    And you've declared this game to be a failure and stated that the fans of ESO are the reason.

    I swear, some people just don't understand the meaning of the word 'opinion'...

  • Tuinslang
    Not sure if troll or serious. I mean this game is AWESOME.
    Currently playing Redguard Dragonknight | Skill line: Dragonic Power | Crafting skill: Blacksmithing
  • Crumpy
    Bad PC Gamer!
    I lyke not this quill.
  • kasain
    There are some basic things that would give it a score below 80. It probably more like a 70. A bank that is broken. Cant add someone to your friends with clicking them in front of you, nor if left click. Some beginners quest broken and still not fixed.

    I can't really tell who is my friend, I hope somehow they address this. It is very hard to get basic items at start. T could of had a better intro pact in question or npc could of sold lvl one supplies.

    There are other adjustments, oh yea falling through the earth sucks, or getting stuck and having to die.

    Oh and the super high armor repair cost is insane.

    But I do like much the game has. It is different but I don't know if its worthy of a monthly subscription. I pay to play the game. Quest broken is wrong.
  • Calaban

    ESO is my favorite MMO ever so far. I have played many and ESO is tops in my opinion. I am not a "fanboi" (man I hate that term, and the intentional misspelling).
    How could I be a "fanboi" when I have only played two ES titles, and have never completed the main story in either one?

    So yes, I love ESO and I think over time it will only improve. But you think I'm wrong to like it so much?

    My opinion is wrong?

    I acknowledge the problems with the game, and I'm sorry for those who are having a tough time (I have had very few problems myself). But I'm still entitled to my opinion without being labelled a "Class-A d-bag". Wouldn't you agree?

  • Emily
    It's reviews like these that make me wonder if Zenimax didn't pay them, so they wrote a negative article.

    In good conscience, I can't get into any gaming news with seriousness, even if it was a positive review I would be wary because of the corruption rampant in gaming journalism after being in it for a while.
  • RaZaddha
    Pheh, feels like a very bland review, tackling on the silly problems and forgetting the bigger ones. Seems like he only reviewed the "surface" of the game.
  • Arreyanne
    Zenimax must of been late with this months check for a review to be posted like that
  • Reevster
    Reviews don't mean much anyway, in the end its how well the people who actually play the game enjoy it and how long they stay playing it that matters, so far the game is great imo with a side of order bugs/annoyances that can be resolved.
  • Aellikor
    Ah, the influence of a critic (reviewer). I'll just leave an observation here.

    "In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read.

    But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so."

    RIP Mr. O'Toole

    Not a comment about ESO, just about the value of one perspective over another. I like the game - so what you say. Aha!
  • dpayne83_ESO
    So a magazine gave the game a bad review, so what? Did we forget that even magazine reviews are still opinionated? To be honest I never let a review dictate if I play a game or not. There are games out there that had bad reviews that I loved and ones that got good reviews that I hated. It's all about what you enjoy and I enjoy the heck out of ESO, so PC Gamer can go take their review and shove it.
  • Kyotee0071
    Game Reviews used to mean something back in the day. Think Playstation and N64 days.

    Since then these companies have "sold out" and their reviews are horrible.

    Honestly these days I don't even read gaming reviews. Instead I head right to Youtube and watch "lets play" videos and other game play videos to see if I'm interested.
    I didn't think my hangover was that bad this morning until I spent 10 minutes trying to log into my old Etch-A-Sketch

  • Armitas
    The geographical area the game covers is expansive, but don't calibrate your sense of scale against the other games in the series. A limited draw distance and reliance on repetitive buildings and scenery makes the game feel substantially smaller than it looks on a map. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that every faction offers a single zone for players of a given level range: unless you commit heavily to PvP, you will be seeing a lot of the same sorts of environments. My journey from level 1 to 20 with a Daggerfall Covenant character took 26 hours, time almost entirely spent in green fields, grey cliffsides and brown cottages. Landmark Elder Scrolls locations like the cities of Daggerfall and Wayrest are much the same as each other. Dedicated fans of the series may have fantasised (SIC)about visiting these places in a modern iteration, but I doubt they fantasised (SIC) about visiting them like this.

    The reviewer played from 1-20 on one alliance and 4hrs "elsewhere" and says the game environment was repetitive...?

    Any particular environment is expansive...Snow covered mountains, Deserts, Jungles. You don't just take a stroll through the desert and suddenly find a completely different environment. Also the natives tend to build similar dwellings based on the culture and environment. This is why archeologist do not find Japanesse houses beside dutch houses when they go and dig. Different environments also come with different fauna and flora because they are suited for those environments. This is why we don't find snow leopards in the desert.

    It's like going to old Japan and claiming that all the houses were repetitive....I just...I don't understand what the reviewer is thinking. Is there any rationality to his expectations or is he just a subjective experience dispenser?

    Edited by Armitas on April 15, 2014 6:52PM
    Nord mDK
  • Cogo
    I read this site reviews a lot. But this was by FAR the most useless and outright wrong "review". The person had barely touched the game and complains about so many things?

    I wonder, if this "journalist" is paid by Blizzard maybe.

    Also, and I dont understand how so many people can miss this.
    Elderscrolls is NOT World of warcraft. You can play Elderscrolls casually, sure. But if you only put in a little time, you only get limited rewards. LIKE IT SHOULD BE!

    I am tempted to write an email to their site and complain about the lack of facts and experience in this person to even be remotly capable to write a review.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Zakua
    PC Gamer...Oh nvm..
  • ShinChuck
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Let's face it, using the term 'fanboi' shows how simple-minded the person saying it is because they can't offer a reasoned argument against that offered by the 'fan' so they resort to puerile name calling.

    To be fair, that's (mostly) all this topic is on both sides: "lol PC Gamer" "lol fanboys" "lol PC Gamer"
    "It's morally wrong to suggest gameplay changes for an MMO."
    ...seriously, someone told me that once here. The things people will do to win their internet arguments!
  • Neizir
    I usually like PCGamer, but honestly this review was full of ***, and really was just a fanboy/amateur reviewer whining that he doesn't have 100% Elder Scrolls in an MMO, which is simply impossible.
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
  • Pelerin2014
    Elvent wrote: »
    He put in only around 30 hours, I will never trust a review from them. I don't trust reviews anyways, I experience the game for myself to see if I like it or not, not take some randoms opinion that probably doesn't even have the same play style as me.

    Well said.
    Pelarius, Imperial Dragonknight of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • Gedalya
    There are a good selection of reviews on Metacritic, most favorable; and the few that aren't, like the one above, simply rank it as average. But opinions are what they are.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator: eso.tamriel.org
  • maniacal1
    Calaban wrote: »

    ESO is my favorite MMO ever so far. I have played many and ESO is tops in my opinion. I am not a "fanboi" (man I hate that term, and the intentional misspelling).
    How could I be a "fanboi" when I have only played two ES titles, and have never completed the main story in either one?

    So yes, I love ESO and I think over time it will only improve. But you think I'm wrong to like it so much?

    My opinion is wrong?

    I acknowledge the problems with the game, and I'm sorry for those who are having a tough time (I have had very few problems myself). But I'm still entitled to my opinion without being labelled a "Class-A d-bag". Wouldn't you agree?

    Congratulations. I am glad you like the game, and I hope you continue to support it. Other than that, I have no *** clue what you are talking about. You're free to like a game as much as you want, you're certainly not a d-bag for doing so. The d-bags are the ones clamp their hands over their eyes, ignore the problems that persist, and then flame / insult / harass anyone who cares enough to point out the problems in the hopes that they get fixed and the game becomes better for it.

    The problem here is you assume ( incorrectly, I might add ) that my comment was directed solely at you. It was not. I don't know you, don't care to know you. If you like the game and enjoy it so much, I hope you are forward-thinking enough to embrace the problems and be confident enough in pointing them out so the devs can find them, fix them, and you can continue enjoying this game.

    But if you flame or drive off people, like you, who bought this game with the pretense of enjoying it but are open enough to point out it's flaws then you are part of the problem. It's not your or anyone else's opinions that make them a d-bag, it's their actions.
  • Raubrey
    I'm sure PC Gamer appreciates the PR generated from hating on the reviewer. I mean I know I wouldn't have looked at the review otherwise. :D

    Greybeards & Gals Founder
  • Ziiko
    Most game reviews tend to be jokes. During the game preview phase every outlet will talk about how promising games are because they want to continue being provided access to draw readers and get dem clicks, but once a game is released they trash it to draw the hate clicks.

    There are plenty of points to make about what makes this game frustrating (this game's interface/UI are severely holding it back, for example), but the stuff this review complains about are almost impossible for an MMO to avoid at launch. There's also a reason most outlets don't post reviews of MMOs for at least a month after a game's official release; moreso than any other genre, MMOs require a significant time investment. Right, wrong or otherwise that's just kind of the way it goes.
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