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PC Gamer reviews Elder Scrolls Online. 68/100

  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    I'm seeing people praise IGN.....

    It took me a while to write that response due to falling off my chair and hurting my ribs with laughter.
  • drakuel1ub17_ESO
    If you base your buying and playing decisions on PC gamer or any main line corporate reviewer you will be in for a serious let down every time.

    Good god these same reviewers gave Total war Rome II raving reviews and it was a disaster of a game and a major step backwards to the series. Most of these mainstream reviews are "biased" to certain companies and games..

    The last thing I would do is base my purchasing decisions on these reviews.. Use player based reviews, play a little yourself and make a decision.

    Is this game perfect of course not, no game is.. Yes it has bugs and these quest bugs although frustrating is nothing compared to my class skill lines not working properly (hint:NB), but I am a yearly subscriber and will support the game for that period. Why you ask? Well because I know that it takes at least 6 months to a year before any MMO fully matures. Secondly I found the game is fun enough for me to give it this time to bake pretty simple decision actually.

    In that time I will know if I will continue my subscription or not..
    Edited by drakuel1ub17_ESO on April 16, 2014 1:55AM
  • Mortelus
    Utter rubbish. ALL quests in ALL games can be catagorised into "kill this" "fetch that" "Collect These".

    Amateur writing and childlike review which is clearly based upon the writers own biased opinion.

    The reason I never read reviews anymore, it's just opinions of one individuals view of a game.

    Reviews used to read like..." Ok so I hate this type of game, but as a reviewer I have to look at it from the view point of it's target audience.... blah blah blah, given this I give it 9/10"

    Nowadays reviewers write "I hate this genre so hey I'm gonna give it 5/10"

    Rubbish nonsense.

    This game is not perfect, but for a 12 day old MMO' it's pretty darn good. worthy at least of 8.5/10. Once they clear bugs and sort public dungeons out I would go as high as 9.5/10
    Edited by Mortelus on April 16, 2014 2:22AM
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • vizionblind_ESO
    TESO shall very well evolve into the ultimate MMORPG in time folks!
    they've been saying that for years for every MMO

  • Osi
    ZOS probably didn't pay them for a review (which is what most game reviews are; paid for), and they felt offended.
  • Vodkaphile
    It's pretty hard to take anything PC Gamer does seriously nowadays, when they give games like Dragon Age 2 a 94, and rate FF14 higher than ESO and other much more deserving MMO's. They pretty much handed in their integrity card a long time ago. Their name is ironic in itself, because they know absolutely nothing about PC gaming.

    "Let someone put 30 hours into a game, and publish a review on it. Then, we outright fabricate and lie about things anyone can verify in a matter of minutes." - PC Gamer Editorial Staff

    Seriously though, what an utter piece of trash the review is. A serious question - given that they flat out lied and slandered with false facts - could that have legal ramifications? Stating there is no formal trade, stating that the starting area for DC was the same as Glenumbra - it was a desert island for Christ's sake! Is this real life?
  • Knootewoot
    Ugh reviews. I don't trust any of them as it is a matter of taste and opinion. Some games get good rating and i don't like them (Bioshock). Some games get low ratings but i have 140 hours playtime in them (aliens: colonial marines).

    I like TESO so far. Yes there are some bugs, but i only encountered 3 bugged quests for me and i did over 150. Vanguard on release (was great also) had much more bugs and had even NPC's missing which still where mickeymouse placeholders. They where even named placeholder. SWG was one bugfest but the greatest experience i had on a computer.

    The game has just be launched, and you can't give a good opinion by toying around the starter islands. WoW is a great mmo, but people seem to forget what the launch was like. It wasn't pretty either. TESO will grow, but only if there are people to support the game. I have confidence.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Melian
    The review basically sounds as if the author hates the whole genre, which makes it pointless.
    Actually, most of the criticism I hear for this game (outside these forums) is this kind of vague gobbledigook that almost looks as though they are paid to already made up their minds to hate it and now need a reason. There's a difference between "this game these has bugs/would be better with feature x,y,z" criticism and "this game just sucks because... quests... and it has the wrong vibes, man".
  • vizionblind_ESO
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    Ugh reviews. I don't trust any of them as it is a matter of taste and opinion. Some games get good rating and i don't like them (Bioshock). Some games get low ratings but i have 140 hours playtime in them (aliens: colonial marines).

    I like TESO so far. Yes there are some bugs, but i only encountered 3 bugged quests for me and i did over 150. Vanguard on release (was great also) had much more bugs and had even NPC's missing which still where mickeymouse placeholders. They where even named placeholder. SWG was one bugfest but the greatest experience i had on a computer.

    The game has just be launched, and you can't give a good opinion by toying around the starter islands. WoW is a great mmo, but people seem to forget what the launch was like. It wasn't pretty either. TESO will grow, but only if there are people to support the game. I have confidence.

    you only get 1 chance to make a first impression
  • scruffycavetroll
    TESO shall very well evolve into the ultimate MMORPG in time folks!

    Any ETA as to when this might be? just wondering if my eventual kids will be out of the house, or if i'll be on my death bed...so i can setup my sub.

  • KerinKor
    "A few well-designed systems struggle to overcome lifeless presentation. Capable, but ultimately hard to recommend."


    Would this be the same PC Gamer that gave SW:TOR a score of 93? Well, they certainly know how to pick a winner.

    I think I'll pass on taking them seriously in that case.
    Edited by KerinKor on April 17, 2014 2:37PM
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