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PC Gamer reviews Elder Scrolls Online. 68/100

  • maniacal1
    Cogo wrote: »
    I read this site reviews a lot. But this was by FAR the most useless and outright wrong "review". The person had barely touched the game and complains about so many things?

    I wonder, if this "journalist" is paid by Blizzard maybe.

    Also, and I dont understand how so many people can miss this.
    Elderscrolls is NOT World of warcraft. You can play Elderscrolls casually, sure. But if you only put in a little time, you only get limited rewards. LIKE IT SHOULD BE!

    I am tempted to write an email to their site and complain about the lack of facts and experience in this person to even be remotly capable to write a review.

    Holy flurking shnit...okay, read what you wrote at the end, about trying to get someone in trouble for expressing their opinion, and then READ YOUR *** SIGNATURE! Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster, can you BE more of a hypocrite?
  • reggielee
    if I wrote a review after putting in one weekend during the last open beta I would have trounced the game too. At the time the UI and lack of mouse control seemed hopeless, chat was tricky to negotiate and combat was confusing as hell. Thankfully, I was talked into giving it another go and I find that I am more and more addicted to the slow build of my main char and exploring the game. All reviewers need to say how much time they put in the game truthfully, and from that we can draw our own conclusions.
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • Armitas
    I am terrible at spelling, but I least take the time to spell check what I write. I counted 7 misspellings that any spell checker would have found. Apparently he put in about as much effort into writing the review as he did playing the game.

    (I am not saying his conclusions are false because of his ability to spell. (IE ad hominem). Rather instead I am saying it gives us a glimpse into how much effort the guy intended to put into this review.)
    Edited by Armitas on April 15, 2014 7:23PM
    Nord mDK
  • Aggelos
    Worst review ever. He doesnt even know what he is talking about. He doesnt remark on the bugs in the game which are valid to bring a review down but instead says it doesnt feel like Skyrim Online so its automatically bad. Way to remain objective PCGamer! Worthless and PCGamer just proves how worthless they allow themselves to become.
  • Enfinityx
    Meh. The first day I played ESO I pretty much hated it. It's really different compared to most games. UI is different, combat is different, quests are different. The next day, sure enough, I fell in love cause I was more well adjusted to the changes. ESO for sure deserves at least an 80/100. I only got to play it for two days the first time around before RL kicked my behind. Now I have an entire week, and I'm super excited. Great game (:
    Lady Novà - Wood Elf Templar - American Megaserver
  • Armitas
    maniacal1 wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    I read this site reviews a lot. But this was by FAR the most useless and outright wrong "review". The person had barely touched the game and complains about so many things?

    I wonder, if this "journalist" is paid by Blizzard maybe.

    Also, and I dont understand how so many people can miss this.
    Elderscrolls is NOT World of warcraft. You can play Elderscrolls casually, sure. But if you only put in a little time, you only get limited rewards. LIKE IT SHOULD BE!

    I am tempted to write an email to their site and complain about the lack of facts and experience in this person to even be remotly capable to write a review.

    Holy flurking shnit...okay, read what you wrote at the end, about trying to get someone in trouble for expressing their opinion, and then READ YOUR *** SIGNATURE! Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster, can you BE more of a hypocrite?

    His sig says he would die to defend free speech, not that he would be opinion-less about someones speech. Informing the company that one of their employees is substandard does not mean that he want's to stop the individuals right to free speech. We are free to speak, but we are not guaranteed to be published.
    Edited by Armitas on April 15, 2014 7:43PM
    Nord mDK
  • scruffycavetroll
    i wouldn't give this over an 80 in its current state, needed another 6 months at least in beta.

    beginning game quests are totally screwed up that you can't finish them, which effects your level later...everything balances out in the end, but some of these issues are pretty basic stuff.
    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 15, 2014 7:47PM
  • Utildai
    The guy that wrote this obviously didn't like the game from the get go.... take it with a grain of salt.
  • Imryll
    I used to enjoy PC Gamer--before they let go their columnists and their reviewer pronounced DA 2 RPG of the decade, seemingly because he liked Isabella's breasts. At this point I'm looking forward to our subscription running out and their going online only.

    Bottom line I don't think the magazine makes enough money to pay an adequate staff of competent people. There's been a new editor almost every month, and the staff pictures look younger and younger. I know the then editor excused the DA 2 review saying "he's young." I'd guess their current staff is probably demoralized and generally lacking in professional experience. Occasionally, I'll find an observation amusing, but rarely useful.

    Recently they gave Lego Marvel Super Heroes (not a game I've played) a 60 with the verdict: The huge selection of great characters is scrumptiously entertaining from start to finish. Too bad it's a Lego game. Clearly it didn't occur to the author of the review that he needed to review a game with Lego in its title for what it was. A professional should be able to evaluate a game for what it is, not whether it's his kind of game.
    Edited by Imryll on April 15, 2014 8:09PM
  • Farham
    Ya know what is scary? This thread and most of the responses killing the author of that review look EXACTLY like the one that was on SWTOR when it launched. Same trashing of the author, calling him bias etc.

    Never bodes well when the fan base goes down the same broken blind avenues as past big failures.

    Lighten up...the game has its issues. Right now it is a 70 at best...that means lots of room to improve. Games that launch at a 90 require little work...I am pretty sure I want tons of work on this game....both for fixes and new and better content.
  • soulclaw
    Are people going to cry and go /stampy feet because some magazine put out an unfavourable review for a game you like? Cowboy up and just play the game. Who cares what PC GAMER has to say?
    Sweetie, can you show us on the doll where the bad man from Blizzard touched you?

  • Elder_Soul
    Well, I've played around 25 hours... am only Level 8 and still exploring Kenarthi's Roost with my first character. I'm having a blast so far.

    All I want to ask the reviewer is, "what's the rush"?
  • scruffycavetroll
    soulclaw wrote: »
    Are people going to cry and go /stampy feet because some magazine put out an unfavourable review for a game you like? Cowboy up and just play the game. Who cares what PC GAMER has to say?

    well it's like a differing opinion man...we can't have that 'round these parts.
  • Tetujin
    I would add myself to the group that would put this over 80+/100, just by conventional numbers instinct. And as I play it I find my good feelings continue to grow more and more. Both fun and extremely beautiful, immersive feel to it.

    Time will tell what the general consensus is in the critical sphere, it doesn't always match up well with popular opinion. Has an unfortunate effect on boardroom meetings though, which is too bad. If you are worried about it then write something intelligent, thoughtful and complete and try to get them to post it as a counterpoint article.
  • Korusus
    I actually agree with the reviewer in the sense that I am disappointed at how similar all of the locations in the game are (architecturally). Mournhold looks like Narsis looks like Ebonheart looks like Davon's Watch...bleh. I also think ESO (bizarrely for an MMO) becomes a worse experience the more players are around. 68 is very harsh though, it deserves a higher score. But I will agree...it's pretty typical MMO faire which is disappointing to Elder Scrolls fans (thankfully I'm also an MMO fan so I can live with it).
  • EramTheLiar
    Honestly, if most of your experience of ESO is your start in Coldharbor, I can't blame you for coming away with a negative impression. It is by far the weakest part of the game. Once I got out of Coldharbor and started playing The Story I thought it was a LOT more engaging.
  • Natjur
    I stopped reading PCGamer years ago when it seemed to me that the only games getting decent reviews were the ones with large advertisements in PCGamer.

    This is the main reason I stopped reading PCGamer. They sold out.

  • SmithNL
    Meh im just waiting for the gin review.
    I live for science!
  • Calaban
    maniacal1 wrote: »

    Congratulations. I am glad you like the game, and I hope you continue to support it. Other than that, I have no *** clue what you are talking about. You're free to like a game as much as you want, you're certainly not a d-bag for doing so. The d-bags are the ones clamp their hands over their eyes, ignore the problems that persist, and then flame / insult / harass anyone who cares enough to point out the problems in the hopes that they get fixed and the game becomes better for it.

    The problem here is you assume ( incorrectly, I might add ) that my comment was directed solely at you. It was not. I don't know you, don't care to know you. If you like the game and enjoy it so much, I hope you are forward-thinking enough to embrace the problems and be confident enough in pointing them out so the devs can find them, fix them, and you can continue enjoying this game.

    But if you flame or drive off people, like you, who bought this game with the pretense of enjoying it but are open enough to point out it's flaws then you are part of the problem. It's not your or anyone else's opinions that make them a d-bag, it's their actions.


    Ok boss...whatever you say.

    You have also made a number of incorrect assumptions about me, but there's really no point in discussing it with you any further.

    Nice talking to you!

    Edited by Calaban on April 15, 2014 11:40PM
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    maniacal1 wrote: »

    Everything this game does, save the lore, is done better in other games, many of which do not charge a sub, much less a sub and a cash shop ( and if you think the cash shop will not grow with more items over time, you are delusional ).

    Has a deep seated hatred for sub based games. And even more for sub based games that take on hybrid sub/cash shop pay options

    I do disagree with his PvP vs PvE opinions, as I feel the PvP is pretty much the worst part of the game while the PvE at least allows me to immerse myself in the one thing that pulled me to this game: the lore.

    Is more into PvE and probably clashes with anyone with a PvP oriented mindset.

    but this is not what I expect from a subscription-based MMORPG.

    Again with the sub/cash shop thing. Obviously gotten under his skin.

    So, in short, stop being such blind fanbois. You're not helping anyone and only hurting the game you apparently enjoy in the long run.

    Out of a fear of people picking his comment apart...Leaves an insult to persuade them from doing so.

    You give away your bias so easily. Thanks for playing. Bye now.
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on April 15, 2014 11:54PM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well PC gamer , IGN and so many others , are the sites tons and tons of players check for reviews before they buy a game.

    With some luck this game will get a better review in IGN... , apparently they have been doing the review since day 1 and it is still not out.

    These sites exist because people check them.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 16, 2014 12:16AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Gwarok
    "A few well-designed systems struggle to overcome lifeless presentation. Capable, but ultimately hard to recommend."


    Ummm...yeah, all I can say to this is; if you DO NOT like it here then LEAVE & GO BACK TO WoWcrap!!!

    F*** the 'critics'!!!

    I'm starting to get sick and tired of the [But...but..but I'm ENTITLED] little *** achievement mode ding, ding, lvl ding, EZ-mode scrubs that have to compare EVERY thing to that damned game.


    LRN2PLAY OR LEAVE and go back to cuddling with kung-fu pandas!!!

    /rant off
    Edited by Gwarok on April 16, 2014 12:32AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Vivec
    "Archery suffers from a lack of lethality."

    Lol it's confirmed, he didn't even play the game.
  • vizionblind_ESO
    Gwarok wrote: »
    "A few well-designed systems struggle to overcome lifeless presentation. Capable, but ultimately hard to recommend."


    Ummm...yeah, all I can say to this is if you DO NOT like it here then LEAVE & GO BACK TO WoWcrap!!!

    F*** the 'critics'!!!

    I'm starting to get sick and tired of the [But...but..but I'm ENTITLED] little *** achievement mode ding, ding, lvl ding EZ-mode scrubs.



    it's his opinion
  • Sarenia
    Vivec wrote: »
    "Archery suffers from a lack of lethality."

    Lol it's confirmed, he didn't even play the game.

    That is pretty funny. :p
  • Caran
    He lost me the minute he criticized the voice acting ... maybe I'm just easy to please (and I don't consider voice acting all that important), but I really like it - and to me it's in no way bland.
  • soulclaw
    Natjur wrote: »
    I stopped reading PCGamer years ago when it seemed to me that the only games getting decent reviews were the ones with large advertisements in PCGamer.

    This is the main reason I stopped reading PCGamer. They sold out.

    Zenimax must not be sending them enough adversting dollars, they need to find out how much it costs to get a favourable "ESO Reconsidered" article published.
    Sweetie, can you show us on the doll where the bad man from Blizzard touched you?

  • soulclaw
    Gwarok wrote: »
    "A few well-designed systems struggle to overcome lifeless presentation. Capable, but ultimately hard to recommend."


    Ummm...yeah, all I can say to this is; if you DO NOT like it here then LEAVE & GO BACK TO WoWcrap!!!

    F*** the 'critics'!!!

    I'm starting to get sick and tired of the [But...but..but I'm ENTITLED] little *** achievement mode ding, ding, lvl ding, EZ-mode scrubs that have to compare EVERY thing to that damned game.


    LRN2PLAY OR LEAVE and go back to cuddling with kung-fu pandas!!!

    /rant off

    Watching a fanboi weep in public is always so amusing.

    It's just a video game, kid, you are not going to get a medal for choosing this game over a different game. No one cares.
    Sweetie, can you show us on the doll where the bad man from Blizzard touched you?

  • ScumbagWally
    The only review that should influence your purchase is your own. Video game journalism isn't like real world journalism in the sense that is factual evidence to reference the numerous bias we see from the media. Video Game journalism, is largely subjective and should serve no basis for your judgement of this game, whether the review be a 95 or 65.
    Hi, I am a console Shoutcaster and I make videos for youtube. Check twitter.com/scumbagwally if interested.
  • annarr1117nub18_ESO
    TESO shall very well evolve into the ultimate MMORPG in time folks!
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