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PC Gamer reviews Elder Scrolls Online. 68/100

"A few well-designed systems struggle to overcome lifeless presentation. Capable, but ultimately hard to recommend."
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Guy sounds like a loser. He doesnt like to have other players in his mmos lol. Also he was expecting skyrim 2. This isnt and never was going to be skyrim online.
  • Hawke
    PC Gamer has been meh for years. They make some good points, but the game is at least 85.

    G4TV had some epic reviews. RIP...
  • Elvent
    He put in only around 30 hours, I will never trust a review from them. I don't trust reviews anyways, I experience the game for myself to see if I like it or not, not take some randoms opinion that probably doesn't even have the same play style as me.
  • mutharex
    It's ok to be a hater but when you put your bias into something like an official review, you should be more concerned of the good name of the magazine. Them n again, it is PC GAMER..
  • Melian
    Meh. Can't please everyone. There are plenty of good reviews.
  • Sarenia
    Read the comments in reply to the article. I skimmed the top replies and every last one of them disagreed with the content of the article.

    The review is not objective nor complete. I think he must have played for a weekend in between drinking binges and stumbled through the review with a hangover.

    Bear in mind, it takes little in the way of credentials to post an article on PC Gamer. It's not the NY Times. If a review has a mass of disagreeing replies to it, you have to question the review itself.
    Comment1 wrote:
    Never have I disagreed more with a PC Gamer review.[...]
    Comment2 wrote:
    [...]I've been playing ESO since it came out and I love it. I think It's an amazing game and nearly can't stop playing it. So I disagree with the review from PC Gamer.
    Comment3 wrote:
    Dota 2 fanboy samples MMO, writes clueless review and goes back to playing garbage MOBA. How sad.
    Comment4 wrote:
    Never have I disagreed so much with a review, the serious amount of people who believe this game is anything less than good is unbelievable.[...]
    Comment5 wrote:
    I've been reading PC GAMER for over 15 years, and this is the most inaccurate, terrible review I have ever read from them. Very disappointing. I always defend PC GAMER for having fair, objective, non-biased reviews. Until now.

    The list goes on.
    Edited by Sarenia on April 15, 2014 5:08PM
  • Gisgo
    I remember PC gamer being one of those magazine you shouldnt read when it was still a paper magazine.
    Generally they have no idea what they are playing/reviewing.

    On a side note this isnt a game you can judge before playing it for a few months.
  • tokyov
    <3 fanbois.
  • Elvent
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Read the comments in reply to the article. I skimmed the top replies and every last one of them disagreed with the content of the article.

    The review is not objective nor complete. I think he must have played for a weekend in between drinking binges and stumbled through the review with a hangover.

    Bear in mind, it takes little in the way of credentials to post an article on PC Gamer. It's not the NY Times. If a review has a mass of disagreeing replies to it, you have to question the review itself.
    Comment1 wrote:
    Never have I disagreed more with a PC Gamer review.[...]
    Comment2 wrote:
    [...]I've been playing ESO since it came out and I love it. I think It's an amazing game and nearly can't stop playing it. So I disagree with the review from PC Gamer.
    Comment3 wrote:
    Dota 2 fanboy samples MMO, writes clueless review and goes back to playing garbage MOBA. How sad.
    Comment4 wrote:
    Never have I disagreed so much with a review, the serious amount of people who believe this game is anything less than good is unbelievable.[...]
    Comment5 wrote:
    I've been reading PC GAMER for over 15 years, and this is the most inaccurate, terrible review I have ever read from them. Very disappointing. I always defend PC GAMER for having fair, objective, non-biased reviews. Until now.

    The list goes on.

    lol I just went to the site and noticed most of all the top comments are what you say, ouch xD almost everybody disagreed with the review in their

    Edit: Wow not just the top comments...almost every single comment...
    Edited by Elvent on April 15, 2014 5:17PM
  • Sarenia
    tokyov wrote: »
    <3 fanbois.

    Zenimax is a new organization. They have some veteran designers, but they're new.

    They don't have "fanbois" yet.
  • illogicbh
    This is a brutal review for the game. Not good at all. Thats what happens when you launch a game full of bugs :(...Id give it an 85

  • KerinKor
    Internet reviews matter?

    Good or bad they're irrelevant except to those who don't have a mind of their own and play what they're told to.
    Sarenia wrote: »
    tokyov wrote: »
    <3 fanbois.

    Zenimax is a new organization. They have some veteran designers, but they're new.

    They don't have "fanbois" yet.
    The 'franchise' is what matters to many who are playing this game, many of them are 'fans'.

    Let's face it, using the term 'fanboi' shows how simple-minded the person saying it is because they can't offer a reasoned argument against that offered by the 'fan' so they resort to puerile name calling.
  • Ulvich
    First off I rarely pay any attention to reviews like this. Like any other game this one is what you make of it.
    Second: It is WAY too early to start judging it in such a way. Right now there are all sorts of issues going on. We have bots, spammers, missing items, broken quests, and all sorts of other stuff.
    I don't think it's really fair to start in with a bad score. Putting all the problems aside I think ESO will be a top-shelf game worthy of the time.
    - BETA Group: 85 b 9
    - Monster Slayer
    - Savior of Nirn
    - Adventurer Across a Decade
    - Hit hard. Hit Fast. Hit Often.
  • maniacal1
    I find it rather humerous that people bash a person for being disappointed that the ESO does not feel more like an Elder Scrolls single-player game, when the fans of said single-player games are the only reason this cash-grab is even a thing to begin with.

    He might not have been the best person to review the game, but he makes very solid points. Everything this game does, save the lore, is done better in other games, many of which do not charge a sub, much less a sub and a cash shop ( and if you think the cash shop will not grow with more items over time, you are delusional ).

    I do disagree with his PvP vs PvE opinions, as I feel the PvP is pretty much the worst part of the game while the PvE at least allows me to immerse myself in the one thing that pulled me to this game: the lore. However I could not argue with any of the other points he made. There are parts of this game where I love it and enjoy the hell out of it, but other parts where I am either enraged at the still-broken mechanics that I KNOW I reported months ago in a beta or just straight-up bored.

    I had my doubts, but I stuck with it regardless, however I personally don't see myself hanging around for the following month. I think I got my 35 dollars worth ( it pays to shop around ), but this is not what I expect from a subscription-based MMORPG.

    So, in short, stop being such blind fanbois. You're not helping anyone and only hurting the game you apparently enjoy in the long run.
  • ZiRM
    PC Gamer... stopped reading after that.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Dustile
    What a trash review
  • sflanagan21ub17_ESO
    Once you realize when that magazine was created, its pretty clear their views tend to reflect an old school view of gaming. Its probably best to think of it like a car crash or train wreck in that its ultimately very sad but difficult to not watch (or read in this case).

    Personally I just look at the game reviews to see what features a game has or the general concept, but I pay virtually no attention to what the reviewers (often times biased) opinion is. I'll simply get the game if it sounds even remotely interesting and make up my own mind.
    Edited by sflanagan21ub17_ESO on April 15, 2014 5:37PM
  • nerevarine1138
    I stopped reading that review on Day 1. Right around the time that he complained about skipping the starter islands, which his publication spearheaded the effort to remove in the first place.
  • Dustile
    What a trash review
  • nerevarine1138
    Double post. Weird.
    Edited by nerevarine1138 on April 15, 2014 5:29PM
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Zenimax is a new organization. They have some veteran designers, but they're new.

    Wait ... what?
    ZeniMax was Co-founded in May 1999 by Bethesda Softworks founder Christopher Weaver and DC lawyer Robert A. Altman.

    15 year old company is new?

    Or you Zenimax Online Studios which was founded in 2007?

    Part of the same company just a separate office. Hardly new.
    Edited by rawne1980b16_ESO on April 15, 2014 5:33PM
  • Reavan
    I've been reading PC gamer for a long time on and off too.
    Not bothered buying the magazine much recently unless I travel some where how ever I think I'll stop now.

    Of late the mag seems to take the side of general public hate over objective fair reviews.

    I liked it before because it was nieche just PC but the guys leading it now are just tards.
    They have done crappy reviews on other games also that were pretty decent over the last year.

    If one thing speaks for its self all big name shops where you would be able to buy magazines and also super markets have stopped stocking PC Gamer, I think that says enough about it TBH.
    Expect it to go pure online or down the drain at a future date.

    ESO has it's problems but as people are pointing out this guy takes aim at all the wrong ones and is probably a MOBA playing trash reject who could not see a decent game if it slapped him in the face.

  • Calaban
    It's just his opinion.

    And's just your opinion as well.

    Thanks for accusing everybody of being "blind fanbois". That's helpful. I like how you declare the game to be nothing more than a cash grab. I disagree...I guess I'm just a "blind fanboi". Pretty insulting if you ask me.

    I love the game, recognize its' flaws, and also think in time things will be fixed up and smoothed out.

    I'd give it an 85 at the moment, with the potential to get up into the 90's.

    But hey...that's just my opinion. Take it or leave it.

    Just don't be a jerk about it.

  • maniacal1
    Also, you know a review hit a few sour notes in the 'rabid fanboys' when they start picking apart the specifics and hating the review because of who the parent company is.

    "How dare you hate an online game because it's not as good as the single player ones!" And in the same paragraph: "This review is a joke just because it's PC Gamer."

    All you guys blindly defending it are the reason this game and so many others ultimately fail, I just want you to realize that. You're not only labeling yourself as a Class-A d-bag, but you're doing the rest of us a disservice by attempting to hide our criticisms that will ONLY HELP the game with ignorant and self-destructively pointless loyalty.
  • Liquidus
    Honestly I can't take much of what PCG says seriously.. Even more so their hardware reviews are a joke.
  • Loxy37
    I would say 85 is a fair score. I've been burned out for years on MMOs, played them since their inception but ESO has really sparked my interest again. I used to sub to PC gamers paper mag many years ago but they really have gone down hill. I think if they go into those reviews with the mindset of skyrim multiplayer then I can see how their hopes would be dashed but the simple truth is that a mmo, to be competative, has to do thing the tried and tested way but saying that ESO does all of these usual things while actually masking them with the incredible story that's told that a times is really engaging.

    I really do love this game and can't wait until the end of this month when hopefully we will have a more complete game and some of the negativity will drop off as the sub becomes into effect. I hope that by then, we all can buckle down and make ESO into a far better mmo with a even better community,
  • Glurin
    Seemed to me like he wanted Skyrim with multiplayer, but only for PvP, and he's a little ticked that there's a monthly fee for it. Par for the course from these "professional" reviewers though. Nine times out of ten, the negative reviews have been little more than rants about the monthly fee with common MMO traits sprinkled here and there to try and justify their ranting.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Gremlis
    Makes me wonder what mmo payed him off to say this? Sounds like he didn't even get to experience 1/10 of the fun available, not to mention not knowing how to play well in the first place. Sounds like maniacal1 plays about as good as our reviewer.
    Edited by Gremlis on April 15, 2014 5:48PM
  • matthewameluxenub17_ESO
    maniacal1 wrote: »
    but you're doing the rest of us a disservice by attempting to hide our criticisms that will ONLY HELP the game with ignorant and self-destructively pointless loyalty.

    I don't disagree with your post, however if we are going to talk about unbiased objectivity, we must also acknowledge the abundance of whines/rants which have no factual basis and would ONLY HARM the game, yes?

    Somewhere in the middle there is probably a decent compromise, but this polarization just leads to pointless discourse.

  • Hawke
    Loxy37 wrote: »
    I would say 85 is a fair score. I've been burned out for years on MMOs, played them since their inception but ESO has really sparked my interest again. ,

    Hmmm, maybe I will start reviewing games LOL!
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