Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)


  • Zabus
    Why ban farmers? I find it necessary to farm in order to level up and get some materials for crafting. I always arrive under-leveled to the next zone even when completely clearing a previous zone. I have no option other than to farm or pvp which is completely overrun by vets and is awful to play. Plus in all MMOs there's been farmers, why ban them now?
    Zavus - Khajiit Nightblade EP | AR 50
    Zāv - Imperial Templar | AR 24
    Zavbags - Argonian Nightblade EP | AR 19
    Zabus - Redguard Nightblade DC | AR 13
    Negate Three - Breton Sorcerer EP | AR 19
  • davymanners_ESO
    I won't be renewing after the free month. The gold spam is so rampant that zone chat is nearly unusable. The flying, teleporting invisible mat farmers are all over the place. It is to be expected to an extent, but it's so out of control in this game that it dampens the whole experience for me. I'm nearly out of ignore slots and I'm tired of having to report so often, to no effect.
    Doowie wrote: »
    I've yet to see a gold spammer or a bot in this game. Saying they are ruining the economy.... this is not World of Warcraft. Remember that farming gold in ESO is pretty much impossible.

    Clearly, we are not playing the same game. In the past 15 minutes, there was so much gold spam and three different nodes were ninja'd by someone who wasn't visible, then appeared and literally levitated at blinding speed away from me. I saw around 90% LESS gold spam in WoW.
    Edited by davymanners_ESO on April 16, 2014 8:39AM
  • Cherryblossom
    Realy... it is massivly annoying to deal with this!!:

    I just wanted to play a little bit after work (yes, on sunday) with my son and daughter. Yep, we have three accounts!

    And we did not have ANY chance to fight the dungeon-boss... he was instant dead every time he spawned!

    Im realy upset about this situation! Not to tell about the invitations in Gold-Seller guilds, whispers or inGame-Mails... the normal chat i also quit... because it is not longer usable...

    Zenimax ... you HAVE TO deal with it... instantly! At the moment my fun with the game is... ZERO...

    So others play the game differently to you, there bad people?
    How do they impact your game, if your not waiting with them you will see them for one spawn, please don't say that you don't get a chance as you have the same chance as all of them and they manage!
    Sick of people complaining how others like to play, will this ruin the economy. Of course not, the economy is based on tiny guilds selling amongst themselves. Everyone has max 5 guilds so a max of 2500 people to sell to. This makes it very hard to create an economy in the first place. Biggest selling Items at present I can see are Motif and Runes. In the guilds I belong to these are all within the price range of normal questing.
    The most expensive things are sold in Shops a Horse for 47k.....
    Gold Sellers are here because people will buy Gold, if people didn't they wouldn't be here, for once I'm on Zenimax's side, this is not their fault it's the community that buy from gold sellers fault.
    You whole thread is hyperbole, yes there are gold sellers in Chat you may get one may be 2 mails, does this make it unusable, no your talking out your hat.
    If your fun is dictated by continually reading zone chat and not actually questing and viewing the beautiful surroundings then go play a solo game where you don't have to play with others if other peoples behavior bothers you so much.....
    Rant over....
  • section2bb
    Halp! There are so many gold sellers and bots logged in, that I haven't been able to log into the game that I payed for. So bots and gold sellers payed too, do you want real people playing your game or parasites? I shouldn't have to disable chat. Is it too much to ask you monitor chat and ban the advertisers? These should be basic tools after a decade of these parasites. I'm one of those people that quit after a few months of disgust from the imbalance of players vs. parasites. If you can't ban them and make them pay for new accounts to the point they are losing money, we can only assume developers get kickbacks from these farmers. Since I can't log into the game with 301 errors, I know my time won't be long here if this keeps up.
  • N0madS0uL
    From the sound of the posts it seems most posters are more hung up with the way the person is trying to express or get him message through than the actual message itself...which imo is that bot farming, speed hacking call it what you will any sort of farming that exploits system or manipulates it against the intended purpose.

    Farming is fine, I dont mind going to a location to farm and find other farmers there, I have issue with a guy called fasfjadsf or MingBT the BT=bot and they always wear rags and the can "teleport" between nodes so fast that you cant even get to it...that is what I am against and what they need to address.

    Dungeon farming...they should make it simple, you cant farm it more than once a day per toon, even if the botter has 8 he can only do it 8x a day then he is out, force them to farm outside then where they will get reported anyway.

    People saying that this is the last of the problems they need to fix...thanks for your opinion now go to another thread, this thread clearly is about bots and gold seller and the issues they cause for players. So we here who have issue voice our opinions and grievances here, if you don't have any useful comments apart from saying its small matters and we shouldnt gripe about it please rather say nothing.

    This is a legitimate concern, it breaks the games immersion, impairs the game trading system, blocks progress for players there to complete the event and loot the boss and many other.

    So yes, Zenimax, change the reporting system so we can report faster and more effectively, respond in a timely fashion so we can remove this exploiters ASAP, have GMs availabe in zones to remove these people/bots/whatever from exploiting the system. From what I have seen it is mostly the starter areas that are plagued by these botting, golder selling scammer and getting a few GMs to moinitor these areas and instant ban them would not take much time or money and surely discourage these exploiters.
  • SafeForSure
    Doowie wrote: »
    I've yet to see a gold spammer or a bot in this game. Saying they are ruining the economy.... this is not World of Warcraft.
    LOL this is funny today the bots have taken over koelig ( or wats the little town name in goldhaven) They run in big groups around the town killing every single deadra needed for the quests. and they also invaded the koelig mine. So not seen bots? Visit koelig and you see LOADS of em.

    Edited by SafeForSure on April 17, 2014 10:08AM
  • WilliamTee
    I immediately report and then ignore every gold spammer i've seen...

    But i've also noticed their prices have been steadily decreasing since launch.

    Maybe ESO's bans are actually having an impact.

    If so? Those of you non-legitimately banned who will no doubt have your accounts reinstated soon are a sacrifice i'm willing to make ;)
  • Rantog
    AngryNord wrote: »
    I would think filing a customer rights complaint with the Maryland Attorney General might eventually get the ball rolling...

    Based on What? We all agreed that Zenimax reserved the right to terminate our access to the game at any time, without reason.
    That pretty much makes any claim that they did it for a Wrong reason invalid. ;)

    Just file the appeal - they'll look at the logs. If you honestly were mailing gold to a friend.. someone you had interacted with a few times at least.. and on your friend list longer than a few moments before the gold...
    - They'll pull the ban.

    If, however, you agreed to sell gold to someone. Got the payment yadda yadda, added them to Friends 5 seconds before handing them the gold, then unfriending them..

    /Bye and /Riddance.
  • Rantog
    Doowie wrote: »
    I've yet to see a gold spammer or a bot in this game. Saying they are ruining the economy.... this is not World of Warcraft. Remember that farming gold in ESO is pretty much impossible.
    Wow.. Seriously?
    What game are you playing, because it Can't be ESO.

    I'm going to log in right now, and screenshot whatever fills the chat - put it on an image host and come back to show it.
  • DanteYoda
    Doowie wrote: »
    I've yet to see a gold spammer or a bot in this game.
    Try going to the Dominion Starter islands and see no bots..

    There are more bots there than players.

    Yesterday ... i was so unsure who was a bot and who wasn't as there were so many bots everyone i came too acted weird..

    Speeding around the map blurring until they see you, going invisible at will permanently, Teleporting when attacked on horseback, Teleporting instantly when attacked, Teleporting on my head as i farmed some node...Groups all chained together following each other with names like Answher, Gefsrtin.

    No bots at all, your not looking hard enough

  • Rantog
    Doowie wrote: »
    I've yet to see a gold spammer or a bot in this game.

    In the game for less than 2 minutes.

    Darn those elusive gold spammers, wherever will I find them?

    Do I need to start giving links to videos showing the Bots in action? Plenty of them leave absolutely No Doubt that they are Bots rather than actual players (actual players cannot sync their actions between 4+ people, to respond Before the boss even spawns, with the same sequence of action Every Single Time... Humans blink, think, all sorts of things to throw off the timing, Bots don't)
  • ZOS_EveP
    We just want to reiterate that it is one of our top priorities to remove gold sellers and botters from ESO. That's why we keep working hard on improving our system and tools so we can combat the bot invasion.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Rantog
    ZOS_EveP wrote: »
    We just want to reiterate that it is one of our top priorities to remove gold sellers and botters from ESO. That's why we keep working hard on improving our system and tools so we can combat the bot invasion.

    Top Priority?

    Than why don't you have people sitting in front of terminals doing nothing but Flagging and Booting the gold spammers the moment they try to use the public chats? (bots would require actually checking some data, gold spammers Advertise their violation)

    It is a completely Unskilled task, and you know very well that you would have a thousand volunteers in an hour if you asked for them.

    If for some reason you Had to Hire people for this, consider how many of your would-be Paying subscribers have already left, or decided not to play past the time included with the game purchase.

    How many people have already Cancelled the subscription you required us to fill in?
    Can you honestly tell me that there aren't enough Already cancelled to more than pay for several Full Time interns to do this menial task.
    Edited by Rantog on April 17, 2014 11:04AM
  • Anoteros
    i've got a few vids im going to upload soon showing you just how buggered public dungeons truly are.
  • Cahlann
    Soul Shriven
    jsmc wrote: »
    Realy... it is massivly annoying to deal with this!!:

    I just wanted to play a little bit after work (yes, on sunday) with my son and daughter. Yep, we have three accounts!

    And we did not have ANY chance to fight the dungeon-boss... he was instant dead every time he spawned!

    Im realy upset about this situation! Not to tell about the invitations in Gold-Seller guilds, whispers or inGame-Mails... the normal chat i also quit... because it is not longer usable...

    Zenimax ... you HAVE TO deal with it... instantly! At the moment my fun with the game is... ZERO...

    That picture completely summarizes my dungeon experiences so far. It's hilarious.

    Unfortunately, almost exact same experience for me.
    The in-game mail from gold farmers is a nice touch. Received 3 thus far today.

    I understand that it will be a part of almost any similar type game but hard not to become agitated.

    I pay to play this game, when I get off of work I would prefer not to be bombarded by mass gold farming advertisements via personal in game charc mail & general chat.

    Being told by my fellow group members that the dungeon boss is being camped & I must spam attack to hit at least once to received credit for the dungeon is also a first. I love & support this game & will continue to play it.....

    but tbo this by far is really beginning to *** me off. It's a full time job reporting every one of these f******.
  • Tetrasoli
    First mistake; you attempted to find a challenge in a public dungeon.
  • robacooperb16_ESO
    ZOS_EveP wrote: »
    We just want to reiterate that it is one of our top priorities to remove gold sellers and botters from ESO. That's why we keep working hard on improving our system and tools so we can combat the bot invasion.

    Sorry don't buy this line any more. In game I could have easily banned two dozen gold selling spammers in chat this morning, and yet they continued on and where still there (same accounts) when I got home from work 9 hours later.

    A GM sitting in game in any starting zone could easily act on it but it seems Zenimax can't be bothered to even task one person with this.
    The only negative experience in ESO is those that make it negative.
  • Anoteros
    ZOS_EveP wrote: »
    We just want to reiterate that it is one of our top priorities to remove gold sellers and botters from ESO. That's why we keep working hard on improving our system and tools so we can combat the bot invasion.

    Sorry don't buy this line any more. In game I could have easily banned two dozen gold selling spammers in chat this morning, and yet they continued on and where still there (same accounts) when I got home from work 9 hours later.

    A GM sitting in game in any starting zone could easily act on it but it seems Zenimax can't be bothered to even task one person with this.
    Exactly this.
  • DaChunK
    Soul Shriven
    Today I decided to do some dungeons and grind some dungeon boss. Instead of having fun and finding challenge what I saw shocked me! I saw 10 players running in circles killing mobs! At first I was thinking ok this is normal they are just farming for material, so I went on and finished the dungeon, then I came back, still the same 10 people are running in circle killing the same mob over and over again! I became suspicious because they are running the same circle and they are always following this sorcerer guy. So I thought wow they are either bots or real player, why don't I join in on the action, so I whisper them? no response, I invited them to my group, INSTEAD i get the message they are already group together.

    This is completely unacceptable, almost in every dungeon that have a good boss spawn rate, or lots of space, there are GOLD FARMERS running in circles killing mobs farming gold! The funny thing is this is veteran lvl 1 and one of those gold farmers is already veteran lvl 7! I bet you the guy must been doing this for 1 thousand hours or more!

    Gold farmers ruins the game because they camp out all the best site and they inflate the gold, making gold useless. Just look at what happened in DIABLO 3! PLS I BEG YOU BAN THOSE GOLD FARMERS, get tough on them. Its ok to make a few mistake and accidentally ban legitimate farmers, because they will always call you back and tell you they are legit!

    Case in point BAN GOLD FARMERS BEFORE THEY ruin the game and the economy! THANK YOU!

    It's not cool. And it's not fun and there is really only ONE way to stop it. And that is not give the player/bot any experience or loot for camping and farming. Have a time frame in which you CANNOT and ARE NOT rewarded for doing it for and hour or perhaps more. Maybe 6 hours. This will give everyone an opportunity to kill bosses and gain reward for doing so.

    People have suggested that MMO's are about Farming etc. This is not the original intention of MMO's, and farming is down right boring in my opinion. MMO"s were originally made so people/friends could play with and against each other online, they could have fun and adventure together. Farming is a grind and there is nothing fun about it and if this is going to be a common occurrence in ESO, then I and thousands of others will be unsubscribing asap!

    I bought this game and have subscribed because I thought it would be different. Please make sure it is Devs. :-)
    Edited by DaChunK on April 19, 2014 8:48AM
  • Daggers
    Tiqwah1984 wrote: »
    Fun Fact: People like me who get suspended because of mailing gold with a friend get auto-suspended. But nothing happens with those kinds of bots. Really good job ZOS ...really...not!

    I'm pretty sure you'll find the bot accounts are getting suspended too, the difference being they just open a new account. Which goes to show how much money is in the gold selling business, and the more profitable something is, the greater the lengths the sellers will go to circumvent the system.

    The current client makes this easy for them - the only barrier is creativity.
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • Anoteros
    Stopped being good the moment ZOS should ineptitude and a failure to immediately respond to botting and gold spam let alone the beta feedback they seem to have thrown into the bin.

    p.s. there is no global auction house hence no economy. Just a heads up.
    Edited by Anoteros on April 19, 2014 10:02AM
  • Aerion
    Soul Shriven
    To all the people suggesting there be a time frame (1-6-24(!!!!) hours) in which players can't get something from a boss: are you seriously, honestly, thinking that bots give a damn about time?

    They will continue to camp that spot for weeks/months/until banned, instantly killing the boss every single time it spawns, regardless of any penalty.

    Right now, every dungeon I enter has ~12-19 bots on top of each other, killing a boss in 0.6 seconds. Not one of them gets loot, because they all use their strongest ability at the same time, and don't do enough damage for loot.

    But they're still there, still killing the boss, like clockwork.

    Penalizing players that just want to get that elusive blue item from the loot table, or get some soul stones without paying a fortune, isn't going to stop bots. They do not care.

    As I see it, the only way to stop bots is to completely block connections from china and through vpns.

    EDIT: I enjoy the game, I really do. It fills the void created by the lack of a TES/Fallout game very nicely. It feels like an Elder Scrolls game (if you ignore the other people). But I will not continue past the first "free" month. I've spent €80 on this game, and hopefully I'll get my money's worth by the end of the month, but I cannot in good conscience continue paying for a game that I cannot play properly because of profiteering parasites infesting every single corner, harassing me with mail and guild invites, and griefing me by insta-gibbing my loot piñatas.
    Edited by Aerion on April 19, 2014 11:53PM
  • Omniphonic
    Doowie wrote: »
    I've yet to see a gold spammer or a bot in this game. [/b]

    *** I wish I was playing the same game you were then. I'm playing ESO, and the entire experience has been completely ruined by the rapacity of gold farmers and the failure of the developers to do anything about it.

    What game are you playing, Angry Birds?
  • Omniphonic
    Realy... it is massivly annoying to deal withgame is... ZERO...

    SpamFilter addon... setting it to filter out EURO and DOLLAR... problem solved
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • PF1901
    Rantog wrote: »
    ZOS_EveP wrote: »
    We just want to reiterate that it is one of our top priorities to remove gold sellers and botters from ESO. That's why we keep working hard on improving our system and tools so we can combat the bot invasion.

    Top Priority?

    Than why don't you have people sitting in front of terminals doing nothing but Flagging and Booting the gold spammers the moment they try to use the public chats? (bots would require actually checking some data, gold spammers Advertise their violation)
    Maybe improving the system and tools does not include having a person monitoring the ongoing live actions / chats on the server? But might prove to be much more effective in the end? I agree the situation is annoying
    but do you really think they are sitting on their chairs fiddling thumbs?
  • pokebreaker
    Blame those BUYING the gold, moreso than the Sellers/farmers. Not that I care for either, but you can't fault someone for TRYING to sell something. If people weren't buying, they would eventually subside. However, it's easier to target the farmers/sellers, because we can "see" them, and can take out our frustration on a named player. Whereas there is no way to identify someone who has purchased gold from them (which I think would be an interesting punishment).

    The problem that I see Gold Sellers/Buyers cause is, they cause an unreasonable increase in the prices of items.

    Let me explain my thoughts. When a player buys a LARGE amount of currency, their version of something being "a good price" tends to go up as well. So where previously an expensive item might have been considered 25k-40k; with the person sitting on 100k-300k of bought gold, they might consider it chump change. So, with the common salesman trying to make a living by gradual increases of sales prices; Gold Buyers will eventually validate a massive increase in these prices, thus causing the "value" of the item to become so great that the common player wouldn't have reasonable access to it. Not at all saying that price increases are a bad thing, or that consumers shouldn't have to deal with it; but the rate at which it occurs when there are people acquiring it from external purchases (which skews their reasoning of decent pricing) gets WAY out of hand.

    Back in the day, it seemed that WoWs answer to the effects of Gold Buying/Selling, was to increase the amount of gold that the common player could get from trash drops and quest payouts. However, it ends up completely screwing any sort of market at the lower levels, when level 5 green items are selling for more than a level 5 (non-ALT) could dream of making before out leveling it. Same with SWTOR...

    In ESO, the only things I have had to spend money on are Inventory/bank slots, and a Horse. There's nothing else at the moment that I feel is worth buying.

    I think the real negative effects of Gold Buyers will kick in once a good majority of players hit level cap. Once those endgame enchants, Potions, Foods, etc, become hot commodities amongst the majority of the player base, you'll see the "value" of items take a huge jump. Who knows, maybe it won't happen at all, due to everything being accessible to everyone. However, you can't underestimate laziness.

    These are just my opinions and experiences, and am in no way targeting anyone, EXCEPT for those who buy gold. Do I care what they spend their real money on? Nope. However, I do like sharing my opinions. I'm probably not gonna re-subscribe after the included 30-days for other reasons.
    Edited by pokebreaker on April 20, 2014 9:26PM
  • GreatPlayer
    Blame those BUYING the gold, moreso than the Sellers/farmers. Not that I care for either, but you can't fault someone for TRYING to sell something. If people weren't buying, they would eventually subside. However, it's easier to target the farmers/sellers, because we can "see" them, and can take out our frustration on a named player. Whereas there is no way to identify someone who has purchased gold from them (which I think would be an interesting punishment).

    The problem that I see Gold Sellers/Buyers cause is, they cause an unreasonable increase in the prices of items.

    Let me explain my thoughts. When a player buys a LARGE amount of currency, their version of something being "a good price" tends to go up as well. So where previously an expensive item might have been considered 25k-40k; with the person sitting on 100k-300k of bought gold, they might consider it chump change. So, with the common salesman trying to make a living by gradual increases of sales prices; Gold Buyers will eventually validate a massive increase in these prices, thus causing the "value" of the item to become so great that the common player wouldn't have reasonable access to it. Not at all saying that price increases are a bad thing, or that consumers shouldn't have to deal with it; but the rate at which it occurs when there are people acquiring it from external purchases (which skews their reasoning of decent pricing) gets WAY out of hand.

    Back in the day, it seemed that WoWs answer to the effects of Gold Buying/Selling, was to increase the amount of gold that the common player could get from trash drops and quest payouts. However, it ends up completely screwing any sort of market at the lower levels, when level 5 green items are selling for more than a level 5 (non-ALT) could dream of making before out leveling it. Same with SWTOR...

    In ESO, the only things I have had to spend money on are Inventory/bank slots, and a Horse. There's nothing else at the moment that I feel is worth buying.

    I think the real negative effects of Gold Buyers will kick in once a good majority of players hit level cap. Once those endgame enchants, Potions, Foods, etc, become hot commodities amongst the majority of the player base, you'll see the "value" of items take a huge jump. Who knows, maybe it won't happen at all, due to everything being accessible to everyone. However, you can't underestimate laziness.

    These are just my opinions and experiences, and am in no way targeting anyone, EXCEPT for those who buy gold. Do I care what they spend their real money on? Nope. However, I do like sharing my opinions. I'm probably not gonna re-subscribe after the included 30-days for other reasons.

    A very profound and good reply to my post, I would also like to add, maybe ESO way of countering GOLD inflation due to GOLD BOTTING, is to not have a world auction house. Here is my reasoning, without a world auction house trading becomes less common, and this in economics is called a transaction cost, because we are basically bartering, a few people with high amount of gold would not be able to drastically inflate the price of good.
    In conclusion I believe the developers chose to make us barter to counter act gold botter!
  • aegis156
    PF1901 wrote: »
    Rantog wrote: »
    ZOS_EveP wrote: »
    We just want to reiterate that it is one of our top priorities to remove gold sellers and botters from ESO. That's why we keep working hard on improving our system and tools so we can combat the bot invasion.

    Top Priority?

    Than why don't you have people sitting in front of terminals doing nothing but Flagging and Booting the gold spammers the moment they try to use the public chats? (bots would require actually checking some data, gold spammers Advertise their violation)
    Maybe improving the system and tools does not include having a person monitoring the ongoing live actions / chats on the server? But might prove to be much more effective in the end? I agree the situation is annoying
    but do you really think they are sitting on their chairs fiddling thumbs?

    Yes, its that or lose the hand outs from Zam and their ilk
  • Misanthropy
    I wish a portal could open up and suck all those bots/spammers through and never be seen again.
    -- Misanthropy
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