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Respec Gold cost elimination/reduction

  • jay342004b14_ESO
    Everquest 2 allows you to save an infinite number of different specs simply based on how creative you can get with I think the current 320 Alternate Advancement points. I played a ranger and shadowknight there and each character had at least 6 different AA setups based on whether I was soloing, grouping, raiding, AEing, Single Target, or CCing. I could switch outside of combat as many times as I wanted at no charge because the developers saw the benefit of allowing their players the freedom to change their play style at will without a ridiculous cash sink.
  • jahaposada
    Another option is to make the first respec free and then charge a fee that rises incrementally every time you respec.
    The cost is extremely annoying. It doesn't give players much freedom to try different builds. To me, this is step back compared to other pay to play MMOs.
  • redundantsquirrel_ESO
    I've been thinking about this alot, and I think you should start at 0 price, then be taken to an edit menu for your skills which you can then right click on skills to take out a point and left click to put it in. Then they charge you the 100g per point for the ones you take out. Instead of being also charged for the ones that didn't need changing. That would balance it out MUCH better, especially with so many trees. They need to make a respec system just as unique as their skill system.
  • Futrix
    Pick up vampire or werewolf and decide to cure yourself? You won't get those skill points back unless you do a full priced respec. Now THAT is ridiculous.
  • MasterLanz
    The best thing they could possibly do for respeccing is to allow us to respec by skill line rather than the whole character. Untrain all your DW skill points so you can go into two-handers, etc, etc. That would retain the cost and the importance of good building, without being as punishing and while giving characters the freedom to change up their style more often. It's rare to have more than 10-15 skill points in something like a weapon or armor tree anyways, so that would only be a 1,000 or 1,500 respec, which is perfectly reasonable.
  • Vorkk8383
    Personally, I think that once a month, you should get a free respec. It's not going to allow you to change from pve to pvp back to pve which would be the main issue here. If you want to change more than that, I would charge 25g per skill till level 40 and then 50g per skill until you hit lvl 50. Then, at 50, I'd make it the full 100g. As you progress in level, you get more gold. So it makes sense to me that at lower level, you use less gold to change skills since you have less gold. Yes, some of us are mmo economy savvy and have a ton of gold even at low level. Others are crying for money for repairs because they cannot even afford those. The cost of repairs and respecs needs to start taking level into consideration.
  • Shagreth
    I'm still new to the game and my character is only level 21, but this is something I've noticed as well.

    It would be nice if we could just reset the points of one tree, or even per skill (will probably have to increase it from 100g per point). Gold cost for repairs also feels too high, I end up not repairing my items and just wait for some upgrade to come. Running around with zero armor ain't fun.

    Anyway, perhaps later on it gets better, but from what I hear - it doesn't.
  • Maverick827
    The nickel and diming of players via pointless gold sinks will be the death of this game. My friends list is dwindling daily; when I ask people why they're quitting, it's always because:

    1. "I didn't like my build anymore and I wanted to try something new, but I couldn't afford it."

    2. "All of my gear is broken and I can't afford to repair it."

    3. "I'm spending more time managing my inventory and bank than I am playing the game, and I can't afford to buy more space."

    These are archaic design choices that a huge majority of modern MMO players simply will not put up with.

    This isn't 2004 and you're not World of Warcraft. People have options in which AAA MMO to play now. One of the biggest hills an MMO needs to climb is getting people to quit the MMO that they've been playing for years - where they've amassed digital wealth and other accomplishments - and play yours, where they have nothing. The last thing you want to do is overly punish them for having nothing.

    But who am I kidding, Zenimax doesn't even read their own forums.
    Edited by Maverick827 on May 12, 2014 12:51AM
  • Cogo
    NO! The respec is fine. It might take all gold you have but its worth it if you REALLY want too. ESO way to make it sting to respec actually have a good sideeffect, people are more careful what they put skillpoints in.

    And for "broken" skills, at Patch 1.1, those with skills that changed a lot, will get skillpoints back for that. Way to generous if you ask me, but maybe yeah, kinda fair.

    HOWEVER, maybe with the cost of respec and the obviously overpowered Vampire skill line, people will think extra before taking a skill that looks to good to be true.

    OR, you pay for it. I am a tank and dont solo much. I save all my gold for bag/bank space. I tradeskill but NEVER buy mats, no need too.

    And when you think about it. 100 gold per skillpoint isnt that much. Most levels have around that. So they take all your gold and you don't have to make a new char with the same build. Be greatfull for that.

    And to the people who wants a free respect every month? You SURE you are not in the wrong game? It doesn't say World of warcraft on this game.

    New players I do understand, but the newbie area is outstanding. The newbie tips are nice and clear and you can read them again i the "help" section.

    Feel free to hate me for my opinion, but I had enough of games where you got pretty much everything for free and didn't need to do much thinking.

    I want a community who at least care about their char, like the game and looks at all the options that are open for you. You can choose anything! But you live with it.

    This is one part that makes ESO great and different to other MMORPGs
    Edited by Cogo on May 12, 2014 12:56AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
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    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Maverick827
    Cogo wrote: »
    And to the people who wants a free respect every month? You SURE you are not in the wrong game? It doesnt say World of warcraft on this game.
    You're right, it definitely doesn't say "the most successfully MMORPG of all time" on this game, at least not with some of these dumb decisions they've made.

    And please stop acting like preferring harsh respsec penalties in any way makes you more of a "thinker." You're not smart.
  • Loco_Mofo
    There's a shrine for resetting attributes and a shrine for resetting skills.

    What I would like is another shrine to reset morphs!

    It ridiculous that I have to sell a kidney, mortgage the house and perform sexual favors for gold, JUST TO CHANGE SINGLE MORPH!!!

    Yeah, I don't get it either.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Be thankful you can at all, for initially you couldn't.
    I think the fee is perfectly fine.
    There's plenty of skill points out there anyways, like various above posters have mentioned. It's not other games where you can really stuff things up. You'd really have to work hard to do that.
    Some call it punishment, it is actually just consequences for ones actions. There's a big difference. There's nothing wrong with making the player-base think a little about something for once before they do it.

    And it only costs coin anyways, coin is a means to an ends. So it's perfectly reasonable.
    Edited by Rev Rielle on May 12, 2014 2:06PM
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • SK1TZ0FR3N1K
    Koinzell wrote: »
    I play since the early days of WoW, and for me, the cost is just ridiculous, 100 per skill point without an option to reset single skills is just dumb, you have no way of actually getting a good class build if you misused one skill point, because you gonna be broke after respeccing, and that should not be, it should be free, and @chelos why the *** would a free respec be broken? I have never seen that being the case

    Wow has a skill tree of 6 skills now, not really a good example. Used to have a lot more. When they did, and you did a re-spec, you got them all back even if you only needed to change the last point in one of the trees. Also, in WoW they got more expensive, the more you did it.
    “There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” -Will Rogers
  • beowulfsshield
    Heck yeah! Nothing in the game should cost more than 5 gold and gold should fall out of trees every time you walk by one.

    Seriously though, maybe resetting should start low and scale up each time you reset. Like first 50 skill points cost 10g each to reset, next 20 cost 50g, etc.
  • yodased
    @tommipalup16 Its not just about mistakenly distributing skill points, i should be able to change my role around at any time and use whatever weapon i want effectively, and it will not be effective if I do not have skill points to send. And im sorry i highly doubt that there are enough skill points in the game to get every passive,crafting, and skill effects that I want.

    Well this makes no sense to me. The game is set up just like any other ES game. You can use any weapon you want at any time sure, but to think because you spent the time and effort to become proficient and then excellent with a staff means you can jump into 1h + shield with the same proficiency..

    Similar to thinking in life because I learned Chinese I Should also be able to speak Spanish, they are both foreign languages after all.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • eliisra
    It's a bit ridiculous. I already spent 60k gold on re-spec's.

    Now I'm actually holding of using skill points, because the more I use the more it will cost next time I need to change 1 freaking morph.

    For example, as a sorc I need Critical Surge for dps'ing and soloing comfortably. It's our only self heal. But if I wish to heal I prefer Power Surge for the longer duration. Only having a 17 sec buff is really frustrating, when weapon swap is unresponsive and slow.

    There are 10 more skills, where I have the exact same issue with the morphs.
    They are designed to be good for different types of situations, content and roles.

    ESO is supposedly all about "flexibility", yet we get a little bit cornered or stuck, depending on what morphs we picked. It doesn't add up.

    Also the game is new, some morphs aren't working according to the description. Some tooltips are misleading. Lack of information in general. Some times you actually have to test out a morph, before deciding on it. Sadly that might costs thousands of gold.
  • BalanceGaming
    @yodased‌ I meant that you should be able to pick up any weapon, and be Able to progress as fluently as you did with your first weapon. Your progression should be based on level in that skill line, not how many skill points you have available to you.
    Edited by BalanceGaming on May 12, 2014 4:13PM
  • yodased
    @BalanceGaming ah I see. Its a little different in that context, but similar. You don't need to have skill points available to level a weapon, just equip it and start using it. As you gain XP within the game with a weapon equipped you will level that weapon up.

    Once you reach level 2 you can start putting skill points into it. Even if you have 100 skillpoints available you won't be able to use them until you level the weapon anyways, so respeccing to use the old weapon skillpoints on the new weapon skillpoints is moot until the new weapon is leveled anyway.

    It takes around 20 skill points to max out a weapon skill. Thats it.

    Use this http://dulfy.net/2014/03/30/eso-quests-guide/ to find quests that give you skill points and make sure you do them.

    If you do the dungeons in 1-50 thats 3 skill points every 5 levels so thats basically a weapon skill there.

    60 skyshards will net you full weapon skill.

    Plus if you are killing high level mobs with a level 1 weapon it will bring it up super fast.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Klynt420
    Soul Shriven
    They already have games that cater to this........im sorry but the current system is fine the devs never lied to you, your acting like an entitled twit that expects to get what you want with little to no effort involved grow up already.
  • BalanceGaming
    @Klynt420‌ The forums is a place for debate and discussion about the game. If you have no point on the subject then please leave.
  • wretch200
    You're taking the lazy way out. Go skyshard hunting.
  • Punktic
    I feel like the fact that we have to respec all points is kind of crazy. We should be able to respect either a skill at a time, or a whole tree at a time.
  • Klynt420
    Soul Shriven
    @Klynt420‌ The forums is a place for debate and discussion about the game. If you have no point on the subject then please leave.

    well arn't you just a ray of sunshine, i had a point and you didn't like it. are you sure you didn't mean to say YOUR forum is a PLACE for YOUR debates and if anyone else disagrees they should leave?
  • Nox_Aeterna
    VR4 still refuse to spend gold in this , which is a pity , cause i really could use a change in morphs.

    But no , not wasting my gold.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • BalanceGaming
    @Klynt420 I would have respected your opinion if you respected mine, which you obviously didn't calling me a "entitled twit". People like you who just try to start *** instead of having healthy debate are the kind of people who ruin good discussions.
  • Lazrael
    I do think that the respec shrine cost feeds into the overall series of issues with the game. First off, mechanically, its a rather un-creative way to implement a respec system, I don't think it should be completely restriction free, but I am sure it could be done more inventively i.e tied to a quest,ect. The high gold cost is also an issue given the current state of the game, classes, ect. Overall I feel like this game is trying to be different from WoW and other grind fest mmos, but if you are struggling to make enough gold to store crafting items in your bank (HAVE YOU SEEN HOW MUCH SPACE ENCHANTING CAN TAKE UP), carry items in your inventory, upgrade your horse, repair equiptment, and respec your character, then you still have to grind resources to sell through chat just to make ends meet. Its all tied together.
    Artists and Theives...
  • Maverick827
    It should cost 10g per skill the first time you use the shrine, then 20g, then 40g, 80g, 120g, etc.

    The price should reset back to 10g per skill every week, or after X amount of days since last using the shrine. Or maybe every day the price halves until it reaches 10g again. Really, almost any system other than the one we have now would be preferable.

    You should also be able to reset individual skills for a higher cost. Say, 100g per skill, with the price doubling for subsequent uses per skill (e.g., resetting Blood Craze would cost 100g, resetting Venom Arrow would also cost 100g, and resetting Blood Craze again in the same day would cost 200g, etc.).
  • Loco_Mofo
    I think you're all forgetting about the people that play PvE AND PvP...

    I've had very little time in PvP BECAUSE of this insane gold sink. Fact is, some morphs are better for PvE and some are better for PvP. Now if I want to jump into Cryodiil I have two options:
    1. Spend a tonne of gold to swap a few morphs EVERYTIME I want to PvP
    2. Play my character using the gimped morphs

    This might not be a problem if you only play one game mode, but for people like me that like to dabble in both PvE & PvP, this is a major issue.
  • Jeremy
    You do have full access to the skill points you've earned. And once you place them, you have to live with the choice until you make enough money to change them. The respec system is expensive now, yes, but asking for it to be free? No, just no. Not now and not ever. Lots of people do want to see it less expensive, and I can understand that opinion. Personally, I'm fine with it how it is. Promotes some thought before tossing gold into your build.

    There's already lots of threads on this actually, so maybe this discussion should continue there.

    Not really , it promotes me to copy good builds , because you can be sure , im not going to keep speding points/gold on skills that are not the best , just because i want to experiment it.

    I will let other lose the gold and gather the best result they come up with.

    Until now i have never even once respeced my chars , and i will not until there are enough people at vet 10 i can trust to find a good build i wont need to change again till atleast the next balance patch. If said build leave points open , even then i will think if i will spend it or keep them so i will have to pay less next time.

    You make an interesting point that the cost discourages experimentation. This is one of those debates where I feel both sides have compelling arguments. But in the end I think I would side with those who say the system is good as is.

    The reason I say this is I believe the high cost to change your skills makes the choices you make more profound and important. So the skill trees feel more like an actual build rather than just a temporary state you can easily adjust to confront different situations.

    Edited by Jeremy on May 13, 2014 1:42AM
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