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Respec Gold cost elimination/reduction

As most of us know by now, refunding your skill and attributes in game costs a arm and a leg. At level 37, I gave up over half my character's gold just so I could play with a different build, isn't that ridiculous? Before media always told us that we could just pick up any weapon in the game and use it. Now as I have played, I know this is not true. It costs 100g per skill or attribute point you want refunded. By the time I wanted to respec, it cost me almost 12000g!

This is ridiculous. As the developers have promised, we should be able to use any weapon, and any class skill at any time without punishment. This is punishment. Now you may say, "well you can just pick up any weapon and use it, you don't need skills to actually use it." Well in reality, no you can't. Using a weapon with out some skills out of its skill line will prove to be impossible because you cant kill anything without some kind of skills. You can do some damage, but it would never be enough without the skills, you would just die horribly over and over again. You also might say, "well people would just respec so they would be able to craft everything, or use a hireling skill to get unlimited mats." This is also true, but you can restrict the respec ability in different and less punishing ways. Put a 24 hour cap or longer on the respec, not straight up punish the player by taking almost all of his gold!

I should be able to say,"well I am getting sick of this destruction staff and I want to switch to one hand and shield." And you should be able to based on what the developers have fed us through their media! This respec cost crap is insanely expensive, and should be changed.

Please be active on this post so we can get this changed.
  • Anoteros
    Totally agree.
    The cost to respec is beyond ridiculous and a painfully obvious 'cash sink'.
    Should be charged per skill tree not for all our skills.
  • Sleepwalker
    You will have enough skill points throughout the game to level more than one weapon skill. That option is not only available, but highly encouraged.

    You're not suggesting that after leveling a weapon and deciding to go a different route that those skill points be able to be transferred to another weapon line at no cost, right? Please say no...
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • Chelo
    They dont want you to be reseting your skill points everytime you try pvp, that make sense and punish bad decisions...

    It would be lame if people just change build without cost everytime someone beat them at pvp...
    Edited by Chelo on April 13, 2014 6:04PM
  • BalanceGaming
    @Sleepwalker I am saying that we should not be punished for wanting to change up our skill lines a bit, and wanting to use a new weapon while leveling or even at endgame. We should have full access at all times to all the skill points we have earned

    @Chelo Thats why I said they should put either a 24 hour or longer lockout on respecing, not just another cash sink
  • tommipalub16_ESO
    Well resetting skilpoints is only for the impatient ones. If u distributed some points wrongly there is still no need to reset skillpoints. U just put the new ones the way u want to have em. just go on questint/leveling and the points will be no more issue. I'm in V2...i sometime just put a point in a skill do see what it does.
    well and if u totally messed up 30+ skillpoints then this is just a fair price for more than one really bad decision.
  • BalanceGaming
    @tommipalup16 Its not just about mistakenly distributing skill points, i should be able to change my role around at any time and use whatever weapon i want effectively, and it will not be effective if I do not have skill points to send. And im sorry i highly doubt that there are enough skill points in the game to get every passive,crafting, and skill effects that I want.
  • Chelo
    I should be able to say,"well I am getting sick of this destruction staff and I want to switch to one hand and shield."
    Also, you can do that in a single player RPG but that's totaly gamebreaking for an MMO...
  • Galeon
    I would sugest, that they add the option to reset your morphs only, I think it is stupid that you have to pay several thousand gold because you come to not like one or two of your morph decissions.
  • Sleepwalker
    You do have full access to the skill points you've earned. And once you place them, you have to live with the choice until you make enough money to change them. The respec system is expensive now, yes, but asking for it to be free? No, just no. Not now and not ever. Lots of people do want to see it less expensive, and I can understand that opinion. Personally, I'm fine with it how it is. Promotes some thought before tossing gold into your build.

    There's already lots of threads on this actually, so maybe this discussion should continue there.
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • tommipalub16_ESO
    @tommipalup16 Its not just about mistakenly distributing skill points, i should be able to change my role around at any time and use whatever weapon i want effectively, and it will not be effective if I do not have skill points to send. And im sorry i highly doubt that there are enough skill points in the game to get every passive,crafting, and skill effects that I want.

    there are 300+ skillpoints in the game currently.
    I dont know what u expect, it seems to me that u just want to be able to play anything with just one char? Sorry, but i think, this is not how rpg and mmo-rpg work.
    If u want to play something completely different, then u have to create a new character.
    And btw compared to other MMO TESO already has the option to play more than just one role/weapon etc at the same time (without resetting points).
  • BalanceGaming
    @tommipalub16 Well developers told us that we could be anything(on one character) and when we start new characters and new builds, we all take a complete stab in the dark. If we mess up, we want to try a new build and be the best we can be, and this can only be done if we can respec without this ridiculous gold sink
  • Chelo
    Galeon wrote: »
    I would sugest, that they add the option to reset your morphs only, I think it is stupid that you have to pay several thousand gold because you come to not like one or two of your morph decissions.
    I was thinking that the best way for everyone is that they remove the reset system as a ''whole reset'' and just be like reseting single skills.

    For example if I want to remove 2 skill points of 1 of my skills/morphs, I pay the 200g, If want to remove my entire skill set, well I pay for each single skil point.

    So at the end you can fix that little bad desicions of 1 or 2 skills/morphs for the real price, 100g each skill point, and not paying for a complete reset of a build that you like but just want to polish...

    It should work like a ''build calculator'' or something like that but it charge you 100g everytime you add/remove a skill point. And everybody happy.

    Thats the best way imho...
    Edited by Chelo on April 13, 2014 6:43PM
  • Chelo
    @tommipalup16 Its not just about mistakenly distributing skill points, i should be able to change my role around at any time and use whatever weapon i want effectively, and it will not be effective if I do not have skill points to send. And im sorry i highly doubt that there are enough skill points in the game to get every passive,crafting, and skill effects that I want.
    Man, as I said the first time, you can do that in a single player RPG but that's GAMEBREAKING for an MMO and that's the reason why is never going to happend in this particular game...
  • 7788b14_ESO
    Chelo wrote: »
    I should be able to say,"well I am getting sick of this destruction staff and I want to switch to one hand and shield."
    Also, you can do that in a single player RPG but that's totaly gamebreaking for an MMO...

    I heard GW2 implemented free respects, most other MMO's I've played give you a free respect after so many levels.

    Devs can buff and nerf skills at will or you may find a skill you put a lot of points towards is broken or has been recently broken by an update which may or may not be corrected.

    The two MMO's I can think of off hand where you're stuck with what you got is EVE and TSW and both aren't at the top of the list of most successful MMO's.
  • BalanceGaming
    @Chelo I dont see how it is game breaking. Once you find a build you like you will stay with it, you wont just be able to play all roles at once, you will just be able to play with different builds and learn what you like the best

  • Paralyse
    I would like a system where it starts out very cheap (1 gold per point) and increases each subsequent time it is done. That way, new players could experiment with a couple of different builds, while preventing people from respeccing over and over again by making it more expensive to do each time.
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • tommipalub16_ESO
    Well first i thin free respecc is nice when u have static skilltrees like in wow , swtor and so on.
    @mmeisenheimerub17_ESO‌ : Which lvl have u reached so far?
    I tell u, u can be nearly anything! Just be patient. I am V2 now...i have currenty 7 SKillpoints i dont know what to do with. There are about 5 skillpoints i skilled in things i dont use (so i could reset ONCE and would have em back) I use bow/dual wield and classskills (siphoning and assasination). I am a woodworker and a clothier.
    I think i will go for the resto staff as next :) . I think i distrubuted less than 200 skillpoints. As for there are about 300, there are still a lot of options for me
    Play the game. grow in lvl.
    They never said u could be everything after 1 week!!
  • jmido8
    To be honest, you really shouldn't need to respec while leveling if you're doing dungeons, quests, and collecting skyshards. I hit level 50 without ever respecting, I leveled 3 weapon types to 40+, I invested in 2 armor types, and invested into all 3 of my class skill lines. I also heavily invested into provisioning, alchemy and dabbled some in clothing and woodworking. I don't even have half the available skillpoints yet either.

    You don't need to waste gold on respecs sub 50 because there is a ton of skillpoints in the world for you to find. Unless your respec is at 20k+, then skillpoints should still be really easy to come by.

    I'll admit though, it is annoying that you have to completely respec to choose a different morph.
    Edited by jmido8 on April 13, 2014 7:01PM
  • BalanceGaming
    Just overall the system needs to be re-thought, Its just too punishing, and makes lower-leveled players doubt themselves about the skills they are using

    @tommipalub16_ESO‌ I currently have a 37, 18, and 8 I have sunk alot of time into beta as well, and all throughout i have been very careful and almost a little stressed about the way i should build my character because in the back of my mind i feel as if I will be punished if I do not like what I go with
  • tommipalub16_ESO
    Just overall the system needs to be re-thought, Its just too punishing, and makes lower-leveled players doubt themselves about the skills they are using

    @tommipalub16_ESO‌ I currently have a 37, 18, and 8 I have sunk alot of time into beta as well, and all throughout i have been very careful and almost a little stressed about the way i should build my character because in the back of my mind i feel as if I will be punished if I do not like what I go with

    just take it easy. as me and @jmido8‌ said...there are enough skillpoints. If u dont like something, just stop using it...lvl up or do a quest and invest the point in a skill u want to try. just think about it: about 300 skillpoints....u are lvl 37 i assume u have about 50....
    But i guess u dont want to see this :D . and i won't agee to your idea. The costs for resetting skillpoints are fair. The cost for resetting attributes are a lot lower, which makes sense. A good system.
  • Chelo
    Chelo wrote: »
    I should be able to say,"well I am getting sick of this destruction staff and I want to switch to one hand and shield."
    Also, you can do that in a single player RPG but that's totaly gamebreaking for an MMO...

    I heard GW2 implemented free respects, most other MMO's I've played give you a free respect after so many levels.

    Devs can buff and nerf skills at will or you may find a skill you put a lot of points towards is broken or has been recently broken by an update which may or may not be corrected.

    The two MMO's I can think of off hand where you're stuck with what you got is EVE and TSW and both aren't at the top of the list of most successful MMO's.

    Man thats totaly different cases, I played Marvel Heroes early access when it was release, and some heroes were so broken that Devs rebuild their entire skill set, of course they give free respecs to everyone using those heroes... Thats completely normal and it happends... Also a free respect after a level cap its normal too.

    What the OP is saying is that he want to change his entire build/role without cost anytime he want. For example he can be Tank at this momment, 5 minutes later he is a Healer, 10 minutes later he is a DPS. That's what he want and thats totaly gamebreaking for an MMO...

    Just read what he is saying right now
    @Chelo I dont see how it is game breaking. Once you find a build you like you will stay with it, you wont just be able to play all roles at once, you will just be able to play with different builds and learn what you like the best
    So someone figure out the typical exploit build for pvp and beat you in 2s, you respec and use the exact same build, then other people start doing the same, Devs nerf the build and later someone figure out the new exploit build for pvp of the new patch, and the cycle start again and again...

    It happends in every MMO... At least having a cost for the respec slow the process of figuring out the exploit build.

    If you dont know this, you havent play MMOs at all, dont you?
  • Sleepydan
    @tommipalup16 Its not just about mistakenly distributing skill points, i should be able to change my role around at any time and use whatever weapon i want effectively, and it will not be effective if I do not have skill points to send. And im sorry i highly doubt that there are enough skill points in the game to get every passive,crafting, and skill effects that I want.

    Have you no pride in your self identity is this massive, immersive ROLE playing game?

    All roles isn't a role. Being who you want to be isn't the same thing as be everyone always.

    From that perspective I'm fine with it having a cost of some sort that is non trivial. Why not gold? What else is gold to be hoarded for? You want all the motifs on all your characters or something?
  • Sleepydan

    Devs can buff and nerf skills at will or you may find a skill you put a lot of points towards is broken or has been recently broken by an update which may or may not be corrected.


    Sorry for double posting, but a quick question. A skill you put a lot of skill points towards. You mean 2? One for the skill and one for the morph? A lot?

  • Chelo
    Just overall the system needs to be re-thought, Its just too punishing, and makes lower-leveled players doubt themselves about the skills they are using

    @tommipalub16_ESO‌ I currently have a 37, 18, and 8 I have sunk alot of time into beta as well, and all throughout i have been very careful and almost a little stressed about the way i should build my character because in the back of my mind i feel as if I will be punished if I do not like what I go with
    Man thats exactly what a respec system suppose to do... Just a question, not disrespectful but are you new in MMOs?
  • BalanceGaming
    @Chelo if 2-3 years of experience is new then yes, I have played mostly SWTOR but I have dabbled in alot of mmos
    Edited by BalanceGaming on April 13, 2014 7:33PM
  • Chelo
    @Chelo if 2-3 years of experience is new then yes, I have played mostly SWTOR but I have dabbled in alot of mmos
    There's the answer... All the MMOs of the last 5-3 years are mostly crap... Even GW2 its a little crappy. Plus all the Asian grindfest MMOs and the F2P (P2W) almost buried this genre...

    There's havent been something enjoyable in the genre since WoW Lich King, all the other games after that just fall in the category of ''just another MMO''.

    Maybe this game can make a change but the WoW phenomenon its almost imposible to replicate .
    Edited by Chelo on April 13, 2014 7:59PM
  • Kraun
    With so many broken and useless morphs in the games skill-lines... it's highly irritating and punishing having to pay tens of thousands to respec out of 1 or 2 broken or otherwise crappy morphs, because the skill descriptions are anything but informative and accurate.
    Edited by Kraun on April 13, 2014 8:32PM
  • Beerzerker

    Man, as I said the first time, you can do that in a single player RPG but that's GAMEBREAKING for an MMO and that's the reason why is never going to happend in this particular game...

    You keep saying "gamebreaking", but never elaborate. Care to provide some of the thought process behind your comments?

    I personally don't see anything wrong with allowing people to respec. They get a set number of skill points, whats it matter if they keep changing it. Either way, those points will all be used somewhere. Might as well be where the player wants them.

  • wolfenblutb16_ESO
    The system absolutly punishes/makes it impossible to tinker around with your build, what is devestating in such a skill-system.
    If you not careful you can really wreck a char to the state of fubar because you are suddenly too weak to continue and too broke to respecc again.
    On the other hand, now that i am lvl 50 for a while i wish i would have deleted my char with lvl 40 and restarted. Until lvl 50 the game was fun at least.
    Edited by wolfenblutb16_ESO on April 13, 2014 9:02PM
  • Nox_Aeterna
    You do have full access to the skill points you've earned. And once you place them, you have to live with the choice until you make enough money to change them. The respec system is expensive now, yes, but asking for it to be free? No, just no. Not now and not ever. Lots of people do want to see it less expensive, and I can understand that opinion. Personally, I'm fine with it how it is. Promotes some thought before tossing gold into your build.

    There's already lots of threads on this actually, so maybe this discussion should continue there.

    Not really , it promotes me to copy good builds , because you can be sure , im not going to keep speding points/gold on skills that are not the best , just because i want to experiment it.

    I will let other lose the gold and gather the best result they come up with.

    Until now i have never even once respeced my chars , and i will not until there are enough people at vet 10 i can trust to find a good build i wont need to change again till atleast the next balance patch. If said build leave points open , even then i will think if i will spend it or keep them so i will have to pay less next time.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 13, 2014 9:13PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
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