Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23


  • nudel
    Agreed @anton1nh‌ That's why I like the idea of a LFT menu. It could be like that forum functionality, but still in game. You're still trading 1:1, so much of the AH manipulation woes won't enter the conversation. Further it's more social than an AH and more socially acceptable than spamming zone chat. Really the only downside I can see is for ZOS...they'd have to create another menu :P
  • anton1nh
    nudel wrote: »
    Agreed @anton1nh‌ That's why I like the idea of a LFT menu. It could be like that forum functionality, but still in game. You're still trading 1:1, so much of the AH manipulation woes won't enter the conversation. Further it's more social than an AH and more socially acceptable than spamming zone chat. Really the only downside I can see is for ZOS...they'd have to create another menu :P

    the easiest fix is aiding sever-wide or faction-wide AH. thats why so many people ask for them. it's not the only solution. and I've been giving some in this topic already.

    the point still is Zenimax needs to do something to facilitate server or faction wide trade or the economy get either ruined or moved to outside of game forums both are bad.
  • knightblaster
    nudel wrote: »
    Tolio wrote: »

    Try finding a spec that works in PvP and PvE.

    There are plenty of specs that work in both PVP and PVE. Respec should not be something you do daily between switching tasks. That's exactly why it has a high price. It's supposed to be something you do very sparingly and only when it's really necessary to correct your build. You can have specs for both PVP and PVE because your build really comes down to your gear, your loadout (skills on your hotbar), and how you use them. So by switching out your gear and/or loadout, your entire build changes. You do not need to respec for this, seeing as you can spec into many more skills than will fit on your two hotbars.

    Right. It isn't designed to be a respec on the fly type of game, and so your expectations of needed cash flow shouldn't reflect the expectation that you are constantly spending gold on respecs. Once or twice to fix a build, sure. Constant? No.
  • knightblaster
    anton1nh wrote: »

    that's still 20 times the number of players that can be in any one guild.
    besides that you are still missing the point. by adding hugely expensive mounts and other vanity items Blizz artificially inflates WoWs economy. thereby ensuring a large number of addicted gamers and staying the world no1 MMO. the AHs are not to blame for that no matter how large or small the server is.

    AHs are very much in part to blame, due to gold farmers listing items for obscene prices on the AH. How do you think they make gold? That's how. WoW's expensive mounts and vanity items are gold *sinks*, taking money out of the economy, to slow inflation. The AH, with its highly priced gold-seller items, generates inflation.

    In any case, my point is that while an AH always generates inflation, in a megaserver environment a global AH obviates the entire game by making the game about currency (because items are *always* more easily sourced by buying them on the AH due to the huge supply in a megaserver environment). It makes the game revolve around the gold. It's a terrible design. WoW was able to get away with it because even though its servers are much larger than the guilds here, they are much, much, much, much smaller than the megaserver here. A megaserver AH destroys the actual gameplay and reduces everything to gold generation -- to having a virtual job.

  • mrwilson714_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    All the lack of a central trading place is doing is making me play solo. I turn off the chat window and only use what I make/loot.

    I would like to a method of buying/selling that doesn't involve joining a guild (or spamming chat).
  • nudel
    If that's the case @mrwilson714_ESO‌ you'd probably be playing solo anyway. A global AH does not increase social interaction by any means. Rather you plug a bunch of your content in, set it to whatever rate other items are posted at, and get the gold later. There is no socializing. You don't even need to know who bought your items. Some people have always played solo in MMOs. That's not a phenomenon unique to ESO. There's nothing wrong with it as a playstyle, but it shouldn't be used as supporting evidence for/ against an AH.
    Edited by nudel on April 12, 2014 10:11PM
  • mrwilson714_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    nudel wrote: »
    If that's the case @mrwilson714_ESO‌ you'd probably be playing solo anyway. A global AH does not increase social interaction by any means. Rather you plug a bunch of your content in, set it to whatever rate other items are posted at, and get the gold later. There is no socializing. You don't even need to know who bought your items. Some people have always played solo in MMOs. That's not a phenomenon unique to ESO. There's nothing wrong with it as a playstyle, but it shouldn't be used as supporting evidence for/ against an AH.

    I never said anything about playing social. This system has taken me out of the economy. I like playing the economy. I like to make and sell things at a good price and I like to buy from other players. That part of the game is removed for me as I will not join some huge guild.
  • Kingspian
    Yea me neither. Crafting is so much fun, you get make gear out of something. I'm the type of person that likes to go out and explore in different locations looking for materials. I would like to sell but not to advertise like crazy in the chat.
  • nudel
    All the lack of a central trading place is doing is making me play solo. I turn off the chat window and only use what I make/loot.

    I would like to a method of buying/selling that doesn't involve joining a guild (or spamming chat).

    Actually, in the post I responded to you very much made it sound like you'd be playing socially if not for the guild store system.

    The thing is you do not have to join a huge guild to participate in the economy. My SO isn't in a single guild. He trades even more than I do. Respond to people in zone chat who ask for something specific. I see it all the time. 'Are there any enchanters out there?' or 'Can somebody make lvl 14 Heavy Armor?' or 'WTB greatsword with sharpened trait PST' Simply whisper one of these people and set up a deal. Guild stores do not remove you from the economy. You do that yourself.
    Edited by nudel on April 13, 2014 4:04AM
  • Mythotical
    I agree to a point. I think having some type of global auction house or even just a trade channel would lighten the spam ads we see in zone chat all the time. I think a global auction house would really destroy the economy and prove how many people are lazy and hate farming.
  • Asawasa
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.
  • Soul_of_Wrath
    They need to do something. The current idea is terrible. The costs for listing are way to high and with no refund if items don't sell I won't take the gamble. Plus without basic features like a search the Guide AH is unusable by most players. No one wants to comb through the GAH to try to find the items they are looking for so it makes to sense to try and use it to sell goods as they are very likely not to sell.

    Personally, I would like to see a global AH with a working interface. I am ok with high listing fees if they are refunded as long as the auction isn't canceled - they should be lost if the auction is canceled to limit undercutting. I would also love to see the ability to post orders like buying X ore for Y price.
  • Brennan
    Asawasa wrote: »
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.

    Except that guilds are not character specific. They are account specific. To do what you are suggesting would require 7 more accounts. If you want to pay that $120.00/mo (or the Euro equivalent), I suppose that's your prerogative but it seems a little extreme to me...

  • nudel
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.

    Except that guilds are not character specific. They are account specific. To do what you are suggesting would require 7 more accounts. If you want to pay that $120.00/mo (or the Euro equivalent), I suppose that's your prerogative but it seems a little extreme to me...

    And even if you did buy 7 accounts and join 5 guilds each for 35 guilds...there are a lot more than 35 guilds to join. You cannot hope to control the economy completely as a single player...which is probably why the current system irritates you.
    Edited by nudel on April 13, 2014 4:50AM
  • Asawasa
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.

    Except that guilds are not character specific. They are account specific. To do what you are suggesting would require 7 more accounts. If you want to pay that $120.00/mo (or the Euro equivalent), I suppose that's your prerogative but it seems a little extreme to me...

    well in this day and age its not as extreme as you might think. people get paid to play video games and i'm not talking about gold farmers. if those people wanted to do what i was suggesting it could be done. $120 a month isn't that much when you are talking about controlling something as large as a mega servers' economy.

    it may just happen anyways and we see an article about this one guy who does just what i described. would you really be surprised if/when this happens?

  • Brennan
    Asawasa wrote: »
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.

    Except that guilds are not character specific. They are account specific. To do what you are suggesting would require 7 more accounts. If you want to pay that $120.00/mo (or the Euro equivalent), I suppose that's your prerogative but it seems a little extreme to me...

    well in this day and age its not as extreme as you might think. people get paid to play video games and i'm not talking about gold farmers. if those people wanted to do what i was suggesting it could be done. $120 a month isn't that much when you are talking about controlling something as large as a mega servers' economy.

    it may just happen anyways and we see an article about this one guy who does just what i described. would you really be surprised if/when this happens?

    That is not indicative of a design failure. It's indicative of a guy with way too much free time and way too much disposable income.

  • grendel1013ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    The main reason why there is no global AH is to deter gold farmers. If someone wants to sell or buy they have to join a guild and have the proper access to these Auction Houses.

    That reason alone which is why I am against a Global AH, it cuts out all the bull crap.

    Maybe instead of complaining about no global Auction House, how about coming up with ideas to improve what we already have, maybe like a Global Guild Auction House which only Guilds of a certain rank can can auction their items in. And the way the Guild can have that rank is by having a certain amount of players above a certain level.

    Each guild would have their own Guild AH, and access to the Global Guild AH if they choose. Just like a real AH, a percentage of what the item is sold for goes to that Guild.

    Example: Guild A meets the requirements to sell items at the Global Guild AH. Bob is part of Guild A and sells X for 100G on the GGAH to Susie that is in Guild B. 10% of the profit is split 50/50 between Guild A and Guild B. This way it allows Guilds and players to compete against other Guilds and other Players for prices, and each Guild makes a profit off of its sales.
    Edited by grendel1013ub17_ESO on April 13, 2014 5:07AM
  • Seedyman
    Trading is not a social process, it is an adversarial one.
    I like to socialize with folks in chat when I am not otherwise occupied. But the spamming of cr*p trades etc in chat makes me want to just turn it off. The only thing bad that comes with global trading houses it it levels out the prices, which annoys the scalpers and gold farmers. If everyone is selling mats the price goes down until it hits a level that supply and demand dictates. Sorry if you cannot sell easy to get mats for a premium price, since there are jillions of them out there... that discourages bot farmers, since they cannot make a decent profit. Bonus in my eyes.
  • Alephen
    yes, make a global auction house!

    1. it privides you better access to what you would want to buy, if you want to buy, and if you dont, then you can leave it alone.
    2. current system has no player interaction on sales, unless you count spamming in /zone
    3. you want to be in a guild with people that are only there to make money off of you? not my kind of guild.
    4. low level resources that cost alot more gold would be bought by veteran players and likely sold by new players. this gives the new players a chance to get enough money to buy anything. it also would allow new players, who would not be able to get into the full established trade guilds, to actually find items to purchase.
    5. trading guild stores will likley have higher prices since the gatherers would have no competition. global AH allows new players to easy sell their mats and make enough coin to compete with the veterans in purchasing items. new players will not be able to get into stablished trading guilds since they will be full and fill vacancies with higher level players that can add more. look at motifs: had we a global exchange they would sell at their true value (which i am sure is less then current) and reduce zone sells.
    6. scenerio A: yours makes no sense because a global exchange is absolutely irrelevant. wouldnt need to spam in /zone with a global exchange, could just list it. as far as selling to guildmates and players that know you it is easier to do so with a global exchange. the guild store only makes it less personal to sell to guildmates, plus you have to charge them more to offset the store costs.

    as a crafter in every game i played, not to make money, but to make items that help players - i very much hate this system. it stiffles me as a crafter. i have a small number of players i can craft to: my real guild, and 4 more guilds filled with people i never speak to. how is that better than my real guild and every other player that i never speak to?
  • Asawasa
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.

    Except that guilds are not character specific. They are account specific. To do what you are suggesting would require 7 more accounts. If you want to pay that $120.00/mo (or the Euro equivalent), I suppose that's your prerogative but it seems a little extreme to me...

    well in this day and age its not as extreme as you might think. people get paid to play video games and i'm not talking about gold farmers. if those people wanted to do what i was suggesting it could be done. $120 a month isn't that much when you are talking about controlling something as large as a mega servers' economy.

    it may just happen anyways and we see an article about this one guy who does just what i described. would you really be surprised if/when this happens?

    That is not indicative of a design failure. It's indicative of a guy with way too much free time and way too much disposable income.

    gold farmers are one example of the type of individual or group that could do this. think about the lengths they are going to just to get a foot hold in this game. i don't know how many accounts they have hacked or bought just so they can keep spamming, mailing, and guild inviting people constantly since 5 day early access has begun.

    also i really want the NA maintenance to end soon so i can play a little bit more before bed
    Edited by Asawasa on April 13, 2014 5:17AM
  • Brennan
    Alephen wrote: »
    yes, make a global auction house!

    1. it privides you better access to what you would want to buy, if you want to buy, and if you dont, then you can leave it alone.
    2. current system has no player interaction on sales, unless you count spamming in /zone
    3. you want to be in a guild with people that are only there to make money off of you? not my kind of guild.
    4. low level resources that cost alot more gold would be bought by veteran players and likely sold by new players. this gives the new players a chance to get enough money to buy anything. it also would allow new players, who would not be able to get into the full established trade guilds, to actually find items to purchase.
    5. trading guild stores will likley have higher prices since the gatherers would have no competition. global AH allows new players to easy sell their mats and make enough coin to compete with the veterans in purchasing items. new players will not be able to get into stablished trading guilds since they will be full and fill vacancies with higher level players that can add more. look at motifs: had we a global exchange they would sell at their true value (which i am sure is less then current) and reduce zone sells.
    6. scenerio A: yours makes no sense because a global exchange is absolutely irrelevant. wouldnt need to spam in /zone with a global exchange, could just list it. as far as selling to guildmates and players that know you it is easier to do so with a global exchange. the guild store only makes it less personal to sell to guildmates, plus you have to charge them more to offset the store costs.

    as a crafter in every game i played, not to make money, but to make items that help players - i very much hate this system. it stiffles me as a crafter. i have a small number of players i can craft to: my real guild, and 4 more guilds filled with people i never speak to. how is that better than my real guild and every other player that i never speak to?

    So in games with a global AH you talk to every player that buys your stuff from said AH?

  • Sakiri
    Tolio wrote: »

    Therefor the working people who don't have time to search in 4 trading guilds (or even get a spot in them, inactive members are regulary kicked) will do what do advance? Right, they will simply buy the gold, as there is NO way for them to ever amass a decent amount.

    What do you need so much gold for?
    Putok wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »
    couldn't agree more. people need to learn to adapt and.... GASP.... interact with other players in an mmo and make new friends!

    Do you honestly think WTB and WTS spam are meaning player interaction? Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

    My ignore list is getting full of them rather quickly.

    Them and the rainbow text chat guys.
  • Brennan
    Asawasa wrote: »
    gold farmers are one example of the type of individual or group that could do this. think about the lengths they are going to just to get a foot hold in this game. i don't know how many accounts they have hacked or bought just so they can keep spamming, mailing, and guild inviting people constantly since 5 day early access has begun.

    also i really want the NA maintenance to end soon so i can play a little bit more before bed

    Gold farmers are not going to stop gold farming because there is a global auction house. They will keep farming gold because gold farmers farm gold. It's what they do.

    ED: However, by decentralizing trade into Guild managed stores, they can not affect the global economy. They can only affect those guilds to which they belong. If you're in a guild that has a gold farmer screwing with your store - kick them out of your guild.
    Edited by Brennan on April 13, 2014 5:25AM
  • Sakiri
    anton1nh wrote: »

    that's still 20 times the number of players that can be in any one guild.
    besides that you are still missing the point. by adding hugely expensive mounts and other vanity items Blizz artificially inflates WoWs economy. thereby ensuring a large number of addicted gamers and staying the world no1 MMO. the AHs are not to blame for that no matter how large or small the server is.

    AHs are very much in part to blame, due to gold farmers listing items for obscene prices on the AH. How do you think they make gold? That's how. WoW's expensive mounts and vanity items are gold *sinks*, taking money out of the economy, to slow inflation. The AH, with its highly priced gold-seller items, generates inflation.

    In any case, my point is that while an AH always generates inflation, in a megaserver environment a global AH obviates the entire game by making the game about currency (because items are *always* more easily sourced by buying them on the AH due to the huge supply in a megaserver environment). It makes the game revolve around the gold. It's a terrible design. WoW was able to get away with it because even though its servers are much larger than the guilds here, they are much, much, much, much smaller than the megaserver here. A megaserver AH destroys the actual gameplay and reduces everything to gold generation -- to having a virtual job.

    I'm sorry, gold sellers didn't force me to sell that item for 100k. I sold it for that because that's what someone was willing to pay to be the first on the server with it.

    I must be a gold seller. Who'd have thought?
    nudel wrote: »
    All the lack of a central trading place is doing is making me play solo. I turn off the chat window and only use what I make/loot.

    I would like to a method of buying/selling that doesn't involve joining a guild (or spamming chat).

    Actually, in the post I responded to you very much made it sound like you'd be playing socially if not for the guild store system.

    The thing is you do not have to join a huge guild to participate in the economy. My SO isn't in a single guild. He trades even more than I do. Respond to people in zone chat who ask for something specific. I see it all the time. 'Are there any enchanters out there?' or 'Can somebody make lvl 14 Heavy Armor?' or 'WTB greatsword with sharpened trait PST' Simply whisper one of these people and set up a deal. Guild stores do not remove you from the economy. You do that yourself.

    I have more important things to do with my time than sit around and ask for things to buy or sell in zone chat.

    I just removed myself from the economy, which benefits the supply/demand chain. Which I feel is the sole purpose of this crappy economic model. To make it more of a hassle than it needs to be in order to reduce supply and drive up demand.

    As an aside, I crushed a purple today, got squat from them, and probably would have been better off vendoring them like I normally do with stuff.
    The main reason why there is no global AH is to deter gold farmers. If someone wants to sell or buy they have to join a guild and have the proper access to these Auction Houses.

    That reason alone which is why I am against a Global AH, it cuts out all the bull crap.

    Maybe instead of complaining about no global Auction House, how about coming up with ideas to improve what we already have, maybe like a Global Guild Auction House which only Guilds of a certain rank can can auction their items in. And the way the Guild can have that rank is by having a certain amount of players above a certain level.

    Each guild would have their own Guild AH, and access to the Global Guild AH if they choose. Just like a real AH, a percentage of what the item is sold for goes to that Guild.

    Example: Guild A meets the requirements to sell items at the Global Guild AH. Bob is part of Guild A and sells X for 100G on the GGAH to Susie that is in Guild B. 10% of the profit is split 50/50 between Guild A and Guild B. This way it allows Guilds and players to compete against other Guilds and other Players for prices, and each Guild makes a profit off of its sales.

    I fail to see how this does anything to prevent someone from going to the gold seller site and paying for gold.

    You don't need gold to buy things from people. You need *** amounts of gold to unlock bag/bank space, respec and buy the best horses.

    There will still be gold sellers.

    The only thing a global AH will do is reduce prices when there's so many of any given item you'll be better off vendoring it because it won't sell for vendor price.

    See: WoW, Saronite Ore in Wrath of the Lich King. I could get that crap for vendor price per stack.
  • Seedyman
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    gold farmers are one example of the type of individual or group that could do this. think about the lengths they are going to just to get a foot hold in this game. i don't know how many accounts they have hacked or bought just so they can keep spamming, mailing, and guild inviting people constantly since 5 day early access has begun.

    also i really want the NA maintenance to end soon so i can play a little bit more before bed

    Gold farmers are not going to stop gold farming because there is a global auction house. They will keep farming gold because gold farmers farm gold. It's what they do.

    Exactly! gold farmers are unaffected by the existence, or lack of an AH. They will farm gold regardless. That being said, making things hard for them is always fun. :)
  • Sakiri
    Asawasa wrote: »
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    and here is the other side of the OP's argument

    i'm a power gamer and i want to exploit this situation for all i can. so my main crafter with all professions maxed out joins 5 of the most well stocked ambitious guilds i can. using my connections in these guilds i get the best gear and materials cheaper than everyone save for a few that play just like me.

    i make 7 other characters that all join 5 different guilds each meaning 35 guild stores to sell everything i get from/with my main at a huge mark up to the rest of you suckers. for people like me i now control the mega server's economy and dictate prices.

    you don't want a global AH well then welcome to the tamriel world banking/trading system.

    Except that guilds are not character specific. They are account specific. To do what you are suggesting would require 7 more accounts. If you want to pay that $120.00/mo (or the Euro equivalent), I suppose that's your prerogative but it seems a little extreme to me...

    well in this day and age its not as extreme as you might think. people get paid to play video games and i'm not talking about gold farmers. if those people wanted to do what i was suggesting it could be done. $120 a month isn't that much when you are talking about controlling something as large as a mega servers' economy.

    it may just happen anyways and we see an article about this one guy who does just what i described. would you really be surprised if/when this happens?

    That is not indicative of a design failure. It's indicative of a guy with way too much free time and way too much disposable income.

    gold farmers are one example of the type of individual or group that could do this. think about the lengths they are going to just to get a foot hold in this game. i don't know how many accounts they have hacked or bought just so they can keep spamming, mailing, and guild inviting people constantly since 5 day early access has begun.

    also i really want the NA maintenance to end soon so i can play a little bit more before bed

    Don't forget they're already using guilds as website advertisements.
    Brennan wrote: »
    Alephen wrote: »
    yes, make a global auction house!

    1. it privides you better access to what you would want to buy, if you want to buy, and if you dont, then you can leave it alone.
    2. current system has no player interaction on sales, unless you count spamming in /zone
    3. you want to be in a guild with people that are only there to make money off of you? not my kind of guild.
    4. low level resources that cost alot more gold would be bought by veteran players and likely sold by new players. this gives the new players a chance to get enough money to buy anything. it also would allow new players, who would not be able to get into the full established trade guilds, to actually find items to purchase.
    5. trading guild stores will likley have higher prices since the gatherers would have no competition. global AH allows new players to easy sell their mats and make enough coin to compete with the veterans in purchasing items. new players will not be able to get into stablished trading guilds since they will be full and fill vacancies with higher level players that can add more. look at motifs: had we a global exchange they would sell at their true value (which i am sure is less then current) and reduce zone sells.
    6. scenerio A: yours makes no sense because a global exchange is absolutely irrelevant. wouldnt need to spam in /zone with a global exchange, could just list it. as far as selling to guildmates and players that know you it is easier to do so with a global exchange. the guild store only makes it less personal to sell to guildmates, plus you have to charge them more to offset the store costs.

    as a crafter in every game i played, not to make money, but to make items that help players - i very much hate this system. it stiffles me as a crafter. i have a small number of players i can craft to: my real guild, and 4 more guilds filled with people i never speak to. how is that better than my real guild and every other player that i never speak to?

    So in games with a global AH you talk to every player that buys your stuff from said AH?

    No, but I get an awful lot of amusing hate mail.
  • Asawasa
    Seedyman wrote: »
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    gold farmers are one example of the type of individual or group that could do this. think about the lengths they are going to just to get a foot hold in this game. i don't know how many accounts they have hacked or bought just so they can keep spamming, mailing, and guild inviting people constantly since 5 day early access has begun.

    also i really want the NA maintenance to end soon so i can play a little bit more before bed

    Gold farmers are not going to stop gold farming because there is a global auction house. They will keep farming gold because gold farmers farm gold. It's what they do.

    Exactly! gold farmers are unaffected by the existence, or lack of an AH. They will farm gold regardless. That being said, making things hard for them is always fun. :)

    i'm confused. i thought brennan and others were making the point that no global AH was a good thing to stop the gold farmers but you are admitting that they are gonna do their thing regardless. so why are we using this crappy trade system when we could have a global auction house? if it's not going to stop the gold farmers anyhow why did we take 3 steps back to the days of EQ1 type economy?

    oh that's right its all the Auction House's fault. so what is next? being in a guild is bad for community because some of them are elitist and we all have to be inclusive? no more guilds no more guilds
  • zarnikus
    well as I started on 5 day pre-release and saw gold spam first day no world AH clearly isn't the answer, the only thing you can do about them is report and hope they do action it (currently looks like they are)and as annoying as they are they arnt enough to make me quit a game as all games have them.
    clearly the guild stores need work searching for items sucks atm
    and as a crafter I like a bigger market to buy my items and to find what I need so the 500 cap on guilds dosnt suit
    and as for making epic armour as it is I could sell it to the guild I could end up selling to ppl who I will fight in pvp that is wrong
    so alliance AH is what I want
  • Seedyman
    Asawasa wrote: »
    Seedyman wrote: »
    Brennan wrote: »
    Asawasa wrote: »
    gold farmers are one example of the type of individual or group that could do this. think about the lengths they are going to just to get a foot hold in this game. i don't know how many accounts they have hacked or bought just so they can keep spamming, mailing, and guild inviting people constantly since 5 day early access has begun.

    also i really want the NA maintenance to end soon so i can play a little bit more before bed

    Gold farmers are not going to stop gold farming because there is a global auction house. They will keep farming gold because gold farmers farm gold. It's what they do.

    Exactly! gold farmers are unaffected by the existence, or lack of an AH. They will farm gold regardless. That being said, making things hard for them is always fun. :)

    i'm confused. i thought brennan and others were making the point that no global AH was a good thing to stop the gold farmers but you are admitting that they are gonna do their thing regardless. so why are we using this crappy trade system when we could have a global auction house? if it's not going to stop the gold farmers anyhow why did we take 3 steps back to the days of EQ1 type economy?

    oh that's right its all the Auction House's fault. so what is next? being in a guild is bad for community because some of them are elitist and we all have to be inclusive? no more guilds no more guilds

    I honestly have no idea why anyone would ever think that not having an AH would deter gold farmers in any way, they benefit the most from smaller markets, just like any other greedy folks.
  • Jadeviper1974
    Getorix wrote: »
    I could care less about what they do with auction houses either way. But for gods sake please ban links and selling items in general chat, use a chat channel or only allow them in certain big cities. Chat is just over run with people linking garbage and trying to scam tweens out of their cash for a vampire bite.

    Game really needs and enforced trade channel.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
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