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Reasons why I say this as follow:
1. Global Auction House == Game becomes a Trade Machine. The world is Just a Trade Window.
2. No Player Interaction.
3. No real need to be in a guild if you can buy whatever you want whenever you want.
4. Economy suffers as 1 Iron ore could sell for more than 200gold cuz ppl get lazy after many months with truckloads of gold collected from questing looting etc. Dont believe me? Go check WOW Auction house for any Copper ore it sells for 1g whereas its not worth that much at all.

5. It breaks the economy when you can go farming for nodes and sell all of your ores and wood and cloth and get 40000 gold in 2 days. So now that Vanity Horse at the stable is not really a vanity anymore. Then what will happen is people will start complaining there are SOO few options to buy a horse (Although you just need a horse but since everyone is RICH, they want more costlier ones and the devs have to oblige and keep creating trash mounts over and over adding NOTHING to the gameplay).
6. Scenario A: You are now level 30 . You are an expert in Cloth Armor . You have almost all the things needed to craft stuff and the skill points , traits etc. Now how do you advertise yourself? Do you keep shouting to unknown ppl that you want to sell items?
Or the people in YOUR own guild just know you by name and your past good deeds?
What would you prefer ?
Also how much trade do you really need to do? Do you want to play the game or just keep trading all the time? If its the latter then by all means go to WOW. It allows you to trade all day long without moving an inch! And after you have made 10000000 gold you will feel happy.

Whereas I would feel happy when people send me mails asking if had the time to craft them that awesome epic set gear that they really want which might take about 1 week to make cuz that involves performing certains actual rituals by the crafter.

I would prefer I am known to real people in a guild whom I am played with. (and NOT by a stupid Achievement like in World of warcraft which means Nothing at all).
Now since you are very well known in your guild that you are the cloth armor specialist people would send you letters and then you can go meet them in person to craft them their EPIC items. THAT my friend is worth the whole effort in training all those days for crafting.
The usual way that other MMO's do is through a trade window. No one knows anyone. No real need to even try and know them. Then why play a game? WHy not invest time in a stock broking market? It is the same isn't it?

I hope Zenimax read this and makes sure it does NOT succumb to robotic interfaces.

I want a game to be as personal as possible and my achievements and deeds are known to people because I am a skilled player and NOT by numbers and Achievement Ranks and "Reknown points" like in other games which mean crap.

All in all, I would like to end this by saying, please avoid ROBOTIC behaviour in trading.
No Trade Windows are the best Trade Economies instead TRADE and Questing should be glued together.

Ps: I will make an article about how to Merge Trading with questing.
  • Ithug
    Totally agree.
    *Kal Vas Flam*
    - "You better run..."

    Can. Qc* IGN @Ithug
  • Malediktus
    Auction houses / trading posts are terrible. Look what it made of GW2.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Streega
    AH = Gold sellers paradise. Savvy?
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
  • Nox_Aeterna
    First , dont kid youself , i have 4 guilds i have muted , im in those guilds solely for the purpose to profit over the other guild members. Only thing i interact with in those guilds , is their AH.

    Buy from one cheap , sell in the other high , could not be simpler. While i admit , the 25% cut is a problem to this.

    It also helps when i needs mats and so on.

    Second , i dont know from where you got the notion you could tell others what to do. But let me break this ilusion for you , you cant.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • WhiteQueen
  • RylukShouja
    So, TL;DR: You cannot trade with your guild if there is a global auction house and it breaks community and wrecks the economy.

    That about what you said? It's what I saw, anyways.

    I neither wholly agree nor disagree on having a global AH. I would like to see both, to be honest. Having to join a "trading guild" just so I don't have to stand around in the world spamming "WTS" or "WTB" is bull, in my opinion. It cheapens guilds, and makes them less of a community and more of mini AHs. It makes it terribly inconvenient to buy or sell anything, having to check up to five separate marketplaces.

    The advantage to having both is that you can have somewhere to post your regular wares and buy gear specific to your needs (global AH), and somewhere to put up special "guild deals" to help guildies out, while not bankrupting yourself with your generosity. In the majority of mmos I have played, guild deals generally are not "free," at least for expensive items. They charge enough for the materials put in, because it is much cheaper to do that than to go buy it off the AH.

    In short, having a global AH would encourage guild community, at least more so than having only guild stores.

    In short, I guess my stance is both, or none. Otherwise you break the true purpose of guilds.
  • Getorix
    I could care less about what they do with auction houses either way. But for gods sake please ban links and selling items in general chat, use a chat channel or only allow them in certain big cities. Chat is just over run with people linking garbage and trying to scam tweens out of their cash for a vampire bite.
  • MkChkn
    I prefer trade in chat over Chuck Norris jokes
  • Xen91
    No public AH!
  • Trayok
    I agree with no public AH, but I would like a way to actually search the current guild store. It's also really buggy right now, which I know will get better, but I try to search the guild store then all of a sudden after going back to inventory to check stats I can no longer search. Have to relogin to fix.

    The other thing is a separate zone channel for buying and selling so if you're looking for something or selling something you can do so on "/auction". Then people can turn the channel on/off as they want.
  • BlueAvenger
    Reasons why I say this as follow:
    1. Global Auction House == Game becomes a Trade Machine. The world is Just a Trade Window.
    2. No Player Interaction.
    3. No real need to be in a guild if you can buy whatever you want whenever you want.
    4. Economy suffers as 1 Iron ore could sell for more than 200gold cuz ppl get lazy after many months with truckloads of gold collected from questing looting etc. Dont believe me? Go check WOW Auction house for any Copper ore it sells for 1g whereas its not worth that much at all.

    5. It breaks the economy when you can go farming for nodes and sell all of your ores and wood and cloth and get 40000 gold in 2 days. So now that Vanity Horse at the stable is not really a vanity anymore. Then what will happen is people will start complaining there are SOO few options to buy a horse (Although you just need a horse but since everyone is RICH, they want more costlier ones and the devs have to oblige and keep creating trash mounts over and over adding NOTHING to the gameplay).
    6. Scenario A: You are now level 30 . You are an expert in Cloth Armor . You have almost all the things needed to craft stuff and the skill points , traits etc. Now how do you advertise yourself? Do you keep shouting to unknown ppl that you want to sell items?
    Or the people in YOUR own guild just know you by name and your past good deeds?
    What would you prefer ?
    Also how much trade do you really need to do? Do you want to play the game or just keep trading all the time? If its the latter then by all means go to WOW. It allows you to trade all day long without moving an inch! And after you have made 10000000 gold you will feel happy.

    Whereas I would feel happy when people send me mails asking if had the time to craft them that awesome epic set gear that they really want which might take about 1 week to make cuz that involves performing certains actual rituals by the crafter.

    I would prefer I am known to real people in a guild whom I am played with. (and NOT by a stupid Achievement like in World of warcraft which means Nothing at all).
    Now since you are very well known in your guild that you are the cloth armor specialist people would send you letters and then you can go meet them in person to craft them their EPIC items. THAT my friend is worth the whole effort in training all those days for crafting.
    The usual way that other MMO's do is through a trade window. No one knows anyone. No real need to even try and know them. Then why play a game? WHy not invest time in a stock broking market? It is the same isn't it?

    I hope Zenimax read this and makes sure it does NOT succumb to robotic interfaces.

    I want a game to be as personal as possible and my achievements and deeds are known to people because I am a skilled player and NOT by numbers and Achievement Ranks and "Reknown points" like in other games which mean crap.

    All in all, I would like to end this by saying, please avoid ROBOTIC behaviour in trading.
    No Trade Windows are the best Trade Economies instead TRADE and Questing should be glued together.

    Ps: I will make an article about how to Merge Trading with questing.

    Update to my Post:
    I added some more ideas on improving the game.
    I accept all concerns and flames. I totally don't want to imply that I want others to do what I say. I am just trying to see from outside the box.
    Please take all of this with a pinch of salt.
    Also, would love to trade some ideas on the post below:

    This is what I would like to see in a game.
  • anton1nh
    Reasons why I say this as follow:
    1. Global Auction House == Game becomes a Trade Machine. The world is Just a Trade Window.
    2. No Player Interaction.
    3. No real need to be in a guild if you can buy whatever you want whenever you want.
    4. Economy suffers as 1 Iron ore could sell for more than 200gold cuz ppl get lazy after many months with truckloads of gold collected from questing looting etc. Dont believe me? Go check WOW Auction house for any Copper ore it sells for 1g whereas its not worth that much at all.

    5. It breaks the economy when you can go farming for nodes and sell all of your ores and wood and cloth and get 40000 gold in 2 days. So now that Vanity Horse at the stable is not really a vanity anymore. Then what will happen is people will start complaining there are SOO few options to buy a horse (Although you just need a horse but since everyone is RICH, they want more costlier ones and the devs have to oblige and keep creating trash mounts over and over adding NOTHING to the gameplay).
    6. Scenario A: You are now level 30 . You are an expert in Cloth Armor . You have almost all the things needed to craft stuff and the skill points , traits etc. Now how do you advertise yourself? Do you keep shouting to unknown ppl that you want to sell items?
    Or the people in YOUR own guild just know you by name and your past good deeds?
    What would you prefer ?
    Also how much trade do you really need to do? Do you want to play the game or just keep trading all the time? If its the latter then by all means go to WOW. It allows you to trade all day long without moving an inch! And after you have made 10000000 gold you will feel happy.

    Whereas I would feel happy when people send me mails asking if had the time to craft them that awesome epic set gear that they really want which might take about 1 week to make cuz that involves performing certains actual rituals by the crafter.

    I would prefer I am known to real people in a guild whom I am played with. (and NOT by a stupid Achievement like in World of warcraft which means Nothing at all).
    Now since you are very well known in your guild that you are the cloth armor specialist people would send you letters and then you can go meet them in person to craft them their EPIC items. THAT my friend is worth the whole effort in training all those days for crafting.
    The usual way that other MMO's do is through a trade window. No one knows anyone. No real need to even try and know them. Then why play a game? WHy not invest time in a stock broking market? It is the same isn't it?

    I hope Zenimax read this and makes sure it does NOT succumb to robotic interfaces.

    I want a game to be as personal as possible and my achievements and deeds are known to people because I am a skilled player and NOT by numbers and Achievement Ranks and "Reknown points" like in other games which mean crap.

    All in all, I would like to end this by saying, please avoid ROBOTIC behaviour in trading.
    No Trade Windows are the best Trade Economies instead TRADE and Questing should be glued together.

    Ps: I will make an article about how to Merge Trading with questing.

    1 server or faction wide Auction Houses create more stable prices smaller markets are more vulnerable to random fluctuations. greater AH's create better trade. there will be large amounts of players buying and selling stuff quick and easy. that leaves more time for play.
    2 the guild stores don't create interaction they are just a crippled versions faction wide AH's. players create interaction on their own. if they are not interested they still wont.
    First , dont kid youself , i have 4 guilds i have muted , im in those guilds solely for the purpose to profit over the other guild members. Only thing i interact with in those guilds , is their AH.
    3 literally every other MMO has guilds where player don't get a private AH and players still flood to them so I guess there is more to guilds than trading.
    4 no that's how economy works! if supply lowers while demand stays the same prices go up. so if no-one can be bothered to mine copper supply drops and those who do can sell for a higher price.
    you may not think is but a copper ore is actually worth 1g! until more people can be bothered to mine it.
    5 doing that will flood the market lowering price in a properly functioning economy you could never make that much because what you are selling is not worth a bit any more!
    6 that scenario will still happen! being known by only 500 people means you need to shout to advertise to the rest of the server. having a server or faction wide AH i can just sell there and reach everyone.
    If you play the AH you are not playing ESO (or WoW or GW2) that's your choice. but i rather be able to easily reach a larger group than having to search though 5 different AH's. that's more time consuming and because the group is limited often items i want are not there.
  • BlueAvenger
    First , dont kid youself , i have 4 guilds i have muted , im in those guilds solely for the purpose to profit over the other guild members. Only thing i interact with in those guilds , is their AH.

    Buy from one cheap , sell in the other high , could not be simpler. While i admit , the 25% cut is a problem to this.

    It also helps when i needs mats and so on.

    Second , i dont know from where you got the notion you could tell others what to do. But let me break this ilusion for you , you cant.

    Please read my other post and let me know if its any good. I would like to get your views on it.
  • Eps
    Zenimax clearly stated in the Q&A a few weeks ago that they will never implement a global AH.
  • anton1nh
    Eps wrote: »
    Zenimax clearly stated in the Q&A a few weeks ago that they will never implement a global AH.
    I'd like to see that Q&A.

    i am not saying trading cannot function without global AH but i do believe it's better whit a global AH. or at least some way to sell to a larger group. if i as a crafter can complete commissioned tasks for a sum of gold.
    sort of like a bulletin-board where players can specify items. a crafter can take on the job. when they turn in the item they receive the sum of gold.
    sort of a reversed CoD

    I like crafting but i feel like i am gonna have a hard time selling items
  • robacooperb16_ESO
    Streega wrote: »
    AH = Gold sellers paradise. Savvy?

    This. So very much this.

    The only negative experience in ESO is those that make it negative.
  • Eps
    anton1nh wrote: »
    I'd like to see that Q&A.

    It was on Reddit. Here's the summary.

    "Paul Sage: Guild Stores will be our in-game market, but we are looking at ways to expand this with our upcoming guild changes. We do not want a global auction house, however. We won’t release specific numbers, but we feel we have a good starting point for campaigns"
  • Willow
    No I agree..lets just have gold sellers spamming their guilds instead!

    Not sure if AH is the answer or not but I can say these trade guilds are not working out .
    Edited by Willow on April 11, 2014 10:22PM
  • Drachenfier
    Streega wrote: »
    AH = Gold sellers paradise. Savvy?

    This. So very much this.

    Lineage 2 had no AH and it was the most gold seller paradise I've ever seen.

    SWTOR and Rift both have AH and they are not gold seller paradises.

    So no, I don't "savvy". Sounds like a bunch alarmists that played too many Korean grinders to me.
  • Putok
    I don't care if it's a global AH or not.

    Something has to give. When I only have a couple hours a night to spend playing, I don't want to waste a large portion of it trying to buy/sell using poorly designed systems.
  • knightblaster
    Eps wrote: »
    Zenimax clearly stated in the Q&A a few weeks ago that they will never implement a global AH.

    Exactly. Goes against their vision. If they change their vision on that, many will abandon the game, just as many abandoned GW2 when they introduced Ascended armor.

  • Putok
    It need not be a global AH. Removing the player cap on guilds, lowering the 25% fee, allowing access to guild stores outside Cyrodiil, and allowing non members to sell on the GAH could all help the issue.

    Adding an "LFT" system similar to the "LFG" system might also work. Adding an entirely novel system might work. Creating single city and single faction marketplaces (rather than global ones) would also be a workable solution.

    As it stands, the system doesn't work, at least not for people who don't play 8 hours a day.
  • nicholas.chinnpreub18_ESO
    Reasons why I say this as follow:
    1. Global Auction House == Game becomes a Trade Machine. The world is Just a Trade Window.
    2. No Player Interaction.
    3. No real need to be in a guild if you can buy whatever you want whenever you want.
    4. Economy suffers as 1 Iron ore could sell for more than 200gold cuz ppl get lazy after many months with truckloads of gold collected from questing looting etc. Dont believe me? Go check WOW Auction house for any Copper ore it sells for 1g whereas its not worth that much at all.

    5. It breaks the economy when you can go farming for nodes and sell all of your ores and wood and cloth and get 40000 gold in 2 days. So now that Vanity Horse at the stable is not really a vanity anymore. Then what will happen is people will start complaining there are SOO few options to buy a horse (Although you just need a horse but since everyone is RICH, they want more costlier ones and the devs have to oblige and keep creating trash mounts over and over adding NOTHING to the gameplay).
    6. Scenario A: You are now level 30 . You are an expert in Cloth Armor . You have almost all the things needed to craft stuff and the skill points , traits etc. Now how do you advertise yourself? Do you keep shouting to unknown ppl that you want to sell items?
    Or the people in YOUR own guild just know you by name and your past good deeds?
    What would you prefer ?
    Also how much trade do you really need to do? Do you want to play the game or just keep trading all the time? If its the latter then by all means go to WOW. It allows you to trade all day long without moving an inch! And after you have made 10000000 gold you will feel happy.

    Whereas I would feel happy when people send me mails asking if had the time to craft them that awesome epic set gear that they really want which might take about 1 week to make cuz that involves performing certains actual rituals by the crafter.

    I would prefer I am known to real people in a guild whom I am played with. (and NOT by a stupid Achievement like in World of warcraft which means Nothing at all).
    Now since you are very well known in your guild that you are the cloth armor specialist people would send you letters and then you can go meet them in person to craft them their EPIC items. THAT my friend is worth the whole effort in training all those days for crafting.
    The usual way that other MMO's do is through a trade window. No one knows anyone. No real need to even try and know them. Then why play a game? WHy not invest time in a stock broking market? It is the same isn't it?

    I hope Zenimax read this and makes sure it does NOT succumb to robotic interfaces.

    I want a game to be as personal as possible and my achievements and deeds are known to people because I am a skilled player and NOT by numbers and Achievement Ranks and "Reknown points" like in other games which mean crap.

    All in all, I would like to end this by saying, please avoid ROBOTIC behaviour in trading.
    No Trade Windows are the best Trade Economies instead TRADE and Questing should be glued together.

    Ps: I will make an article about how to Merge Trading with questing.

    Your totally right... Wow has become a trade game, even with the website AH and mobile AH
    Together we are, a power force, as one mind, body and soul.
    But no evil will enter, or attempt to reduce us, because of the beliefs we hold.
    And with the love, combined with our strength, we ward of pain and stress.
    Devoted we are, wholeheartedly, in life, and in death.

    -The children of your rivals, holding guns while reading bibles.
  • Beryl
    I will stop asking dreaming about an AH as soon as people stop spamming every zone chat and even every trade guild chat with WTS and WTB messages. For me the lack of an easy and centralized trading system kills the social interaction in this game. Even the title of this topic written in CAPS is not exactly an example of nice communication.

    I am really sorry for those who had negative experience with AH in the past. Please, don't forget that some of us had positive experience. And, as many people already mentioned, AH does not have to be serverwide with each item placed for the whole month. There are many, many other options and they were mentioned numerous times on these forums. And every time they are shouted down with "stop asking for an AH" cries.
  • Eris
    First , dont kid youself , i have 4 guilds i have muted , im in those guilds solely for the purpose to profit over the other guild members. Only thing i interact with in those guilds , is their AH.

    Buy from one cheap , sell in the other high , could not be simpler. While i admit , the 25% cut is a problem to this.

    It also helps when i needs mats and so on.

    Second , i dont know from where you got the notion you could tell others what to do. But let me break this ilusion for you , you cant.

    First off, that sort of market manipulation is the primary reason I object to global auction houses in the first place. I'd rather you keep your manipulation to a limited audience rather than a global market.

    Second, sure we can, we can tell you and everyone else that the game economy works just fine and there is no need to change. You don't have to care what I have to say, no more than I have to care what you have to say. That is the beauty of a free speech.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Eris
    Beryl wrote: »
    I will stop asking dreaming about an AH as soon as people stop spamming every zone chat and even every trade guild chat with WTS and WTB messages. For me the lack of an easy and centralized trading system kills the social interaction in this game. Even the title of this topic written in CAPS is not exactly an example of nice communication.

    Where has the presence of an auction house ever stopped people from spamming selling or buying messages? I see them all the time in every other MMO that I play regardless of AH or not.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • MatosQc
    I totally agree with that ! No Auction House, that will ruin the game, but instead of Auction House, try to implent a Market something to make people regroup and enjoy trading together !
  • Seedyman
    There is only one chat channel, it is full of spam, people turn it off. Oh look no social interaction. I do not agree that a global auction house would do what you [op] think, but I think there are viable alternatives, none of which have been implemented. As far as I can tell everything in the game is vendor trash at this point, too expensive to keep unless I can use it for crafting
  • RylukShouja
    anton1nh wrote: »
    Eps wrote: »
    Zenimax clearly stated in the Q&A a few weeks ago that they will never implement a global AH.
    I'd like to see that Q&A.

    i am not saying trading cannot function without global AH but i do believe it's better whit a global AH. or at least some way to sell to a larger group. if i as a crafter can complete commissioned tasks for a sum of gold.
    sort of like a bulletin-board where players can specify items. a crafter can take on the job. when they turn in the item they receive the sum of gold.
    sort of a reversed CoD

    I like crafting but i feel like i am gonna have a hard time selling items

    I actually really like this idea. And someone else mentioned a "market" idea. With no global AH we should have some sort of channel or zone set aside for trade. Zone chat being spammed with constant vendor junk people try to sell is getting old.
  • nudel
    Putok wrote: »
    It need not be a global AH. Removing the player cap on guilds, lowering the 25% fee, allowing access to guild stores outside Cyrodiil, and allowing non members to sell on the GAH could all help the issue.

    Adding an "LFT" system similar to the "LFG" system might also work. Adding an entirely novel system might work. Creating single city and single faction marketplaces (rather than global ones) would also be a workable solution.

    As it stands, the system doesn't work, at least not for people who don't play 8 hours a day.

    I don't like the idea of a global AH. However, some of your suggestions have merit.

    -- I could definitely see increasing the cap on guild size. Not into the tens of thousands, but I don't think 800 or 1k would be terrible. However, there would need to be better controls in place for the guild bank portion.

    -- I'm on the fence about the fee. Even though it does take a hefty chunk out of my own trades, it also does curb constant undercutting and price gouging (albeit slightly).

    -- I like the idea of accessing some guild stores outside Cyrodiil.

    -- Please NO to non-members selling in guilds. It becomes little more than an AH then. Further it gives the actual guild officers no control over what goes on in their guild store.

    -- The last suggestion is really your best. I like the idea of a LFT section. A lot of people have complained that a trade channel would just get hidden and people would still spam chat anyway. A LFT section could work nicely if you're able to advertise yourself as a supplier, crafter, vamp/were etc. without spamming chat. Like a craigslist instead of an outright store. You still need to meet up or mail to trade. But at least you can get some contacts.
This discussion has been closed.