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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23


  • Tuchaka
    i quit playing wow and came back 5 years later and saw the amount of inflation it was mind blowing we are all on a handful of mega servers where are we gonna run to if inflation gets out of hand ?
  • SeñorCinco
    I'll stop when people stop creating threads with all caps. :p
    Edited by SeñorCinco on April 12, 2014 6:24AM
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Gwarok
    ....and get 40000 gold in 2 days. So now that Vanity Horse at the stable is not really a vanity anymore. Then what will happen is people will start complaining there are SOO few options to buy a horse (Although you just need a horse but since everyone is RICH, they want more costlier ones and the devs have to oblige and keep creating trash mounts over and over adding NOTHING to the gameplay). Also how much trade do you really need to do? Do you want to play the game or just keep trading all the time? If its the latter then by all means go to WOW. It allows you to trade all day long without moving an inch! And after you have made 10000000 gold you will feel happy....

    It's like [Epic Pixel Crack] to some.
    ...The usual way that other MMO's do is through a trade window. No one knows anyone. No real need to even try and know them. Then why play a game? WHy not invest time in a stock broking market? It is the same isn't it?..

    ....Ps: I will make an article about how to Merge Trading with questing.
    I totally see where you're coming from... BTW, have you ran across a 3 page scroll that's titled, "The Buying Game by Ababael Timsar-Dadisun" yet?
    Edited by Gwarok on April 12, 2014 7:02AM
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Streega
    Streega wrote: »
    AH = Gold sellers paradise. Savvy?

    This. So very much this.

    Lineage 2 had no AH and it was the most gold seller paradise I've ever seen.

    SWTOR and Rift both have AH and they are not gold seller paradises.

    So no, I don't "savvy". Sounds like a bunch alarmists that played too many Korean grinders to me.

    I've played only 3 MMO's so far and none of them was korean. And I didn't see any gold sellers because two of them are F2P and you can buy chips legally - and guess what, one it's SWTOR! - and in the third one has no currency at all.

    All I'm saying is that AH is the easiest way for the cheaters to prosper. Of course you can do it in GS, but it's less profitable.

    The system sucks not because of Zenimax, but because of players: why do they camp bosses and buy gold? For me it's plain stupid, to buy a non-existing money for the real green, and for what? To level faster? To win some childish battle?

    Nevermind... I'm done talking, it's pointless.
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
  • Sakiri
    I'm not asking for one.

    I'm asking for rented stalls and marketboards showing goods and their stall location. You could even restrict them by zone.

    I *loathe* the idea of selling to my guildmates, as I only join guilds with people in them that I'd like to actually associate with, not for business deals. I shouldn't want to shut guild chat off and only use a guild for the store.

    And I shouldn't have to be subject to people spamming "wall of text" posts in /zone as they try to sell loads of worthless green items.
  • Orchish
    I am not a trader/seller, but for the first time i did sell a few items i had spare yesterday, some racial motifs(is that the name?) and some of those yellow/purple runes to different players. I actually quite enjoyed how the players all whispered me offered me a price then arranged a meeting spot, did the deal said good bye and went on with our day. As simple/common as that may be, it was a completely new experience for me, something i would have never experienced if we had a global auction house.

    There should be some kind of trade chat though as i don't want to annoy people by linking items in chat all the time if i do start selling things people need.
  • nudel
    I agree @Orchish‌ I've had some really enjoyable trading experiences because of that social aspect. I actually made a few friends purely through connections forged via trading, some are more customers and some actually barter with me, as in we trade goods for goods. No money changes hands.

    The other day, my SO saw someone ask in chat if anyone could make cloth armor at x lvl. They got to chatting and eventually grouped up. My SO was actually customizing this person's order, asking what racial style they'd like and what traits, etc. All the while, his real customer was standing beside his crafting bench. They finally settled on the details and a price. After everything was made, they traded and parted ways. It was all very cool and something I'd never experienced before in an MMO that had an AH.

    I still think Putok's idea of a LFT menu would be really good.
  • Tolio
    Streega wrote: »

    All I'm saying is that AH is the easiest way for the cheaters to prosper. Of course you can do it in GS, but it's less profitable.

    Actually that logic is flawed. A serverwide AH enables players to sell their items, making it even possible for the casual players (the ones who don't bother with trading guilds and don't have the time to farm) to sell their lucky drops and eventually get a decent amount of money.

    The way ESO is currently setup its a goldsellers paradise. With non existent serverwide economy the ways to earn money are limited to guild stores and WTS spam- or simply vendoring what you find as the least effective way.

    Therefor the working people who don't have time to search in 4 trading guilds (or even get a spot in them, inactive members are regulary kicked) will do what do advance? Right, they will simply buy the gold, as there is NO way for them to ever amass a decent amount.

    Introduce an AH where they can throw in there drops with a few mouseclicks and they can make their own small amount of money in there own time.

    In SWTOR you didn't see gold spammers because money was ridicoulusly easy to get.
    The harder it is to get ingame money the more likely people are to spend real money on it. Thus increasing goldsellers opportunities, thus increasing the amount of goldsellers in the game botting and exploiting. Its all about the demand. And the demand for money in ESO is high with little means to reach it for a casual player.
  • Draconiuos
    Just like to point out people did just fine buying and selling items without an AH when MMOs first started out. The fact is we the MMO players have gotten lazy and just want the easiest way to sell our items.
  • knightblaster
    Tolio wrote: »

    Therefor the working people who don't have time to search in 4 trading guilds (or even get a spot in them, inactive members are regulary kicked) will do what do advance? Right, they will simply buy the gold, as there is NO way for them to ever amass a decent amount.

    What do you need so much gold for?

    Mostly in this game it's for storage space (silly design) and mounts. What else? Repairs are costly, true, but unless you are spending your naturally earned (i.e., not trade profit) gold in a spendthrift way, not going to break you. Simply by playing and selling stuff to vendors you will make a tidy sum of gold to cover the in-game costs and have a lot left over for mounts and optional space.

    You see, the problem is that people want to have piles of gold around "just in case they want to buy that piece" or "just in case that high level enchant is expensive", when the reality is that if noone has astronomical amounts of gold, the prices won't be astronomical. People are basing their "anticipated future gold needs" based on other games, which did have AHs which did inflate the economy in a huge way via gold sellers and bots -- in this game you can really do pretty much everything you need to do without a market, and without a big 'ole pile of gold.
  • Putok
    nudel wrote: »
    Putok wrote: »
    It need not be a global AH. Removing the player cap on guilds, lowering the 25% fee, allowing access to guild stores outside Cyrodiil, and allowing non members to sell on the GAH could all help the issue.

    Adding an "LFT" system similar to the "LFG" system might also work. Adding an entirely novel system might work. Creating single city and single faction marketplaces (rather than global ones) would also be a workable solution.

    As it stands, the system doesn't work, at least not for people who don't play 8 hours a day.

    I don't like the idea of a global AH. However, some of your suggestions have merit.

    -- I could definitely see increasing the cap on guild size. Not into the tens of thousands, but I don't think 800 or 1k would be terrible. However, there would need to be better controls in place for the guild bank portion.

    -- I'm on the fence about the fee. Even though it does take a hefty chunk out of my own trades, it also does curb constant undercutting and price gouging (albeit slightly).

    -- I like the idea of accessing some guild stores outside Cyrodiil.

    -- Please NO to non-members selling in guilds. It becomes little more than an AH then. Further it gives the actual guild officers no control over what goes on in their guild store.

    -- The last suggestion is really your best. I like the idea of a LFT section. A lot of people have complained that a trade channel would just get hidden and people would still spam chat anyway. A LFT section could work nicely if you're able to advertise yourself as a supplier, crafter, vamp/were etc. without spamming chat. Like a craigslist instead of an outright store. You still need to meet up or mail to trade. But at least you can get some contacts.

    I'm big on the idea of semi-automating trade chat the way lfg chat has been. I envision it working much like craigslist. I can post my my smithing, and advertise rates. Someone browsing for a smith that knows X trait on Y item finds my listing, and hits the little "contact lister" button, at which point I can get a notification that my LFT listing has a hit. Transaction could then be completed either face to face or via mail. In many ways, this sort of system would be MORE social than the existing guild store system.

    I'm not married to the idea of one specific trade system, and it doesn't need to work like WoW. I just really want to get some level of automation added to finding someone that wants to buy my crap.
  • Edda
    Or, I will continue to request a global auction hall because I find having to join multiple guilds incredibly limiting. Of course, they could improve guild trading by increasing member limits and adding search and filter functions so it becomes more like an actual auction hall, but then why not just add the friggin auction hall?

    We should have an auction hall, it should have fees, it should be global and it should be run by the thieves guild and the electioneering NPC is called a smuggler, of course.
    “The truth may be out there, but the lies are inside your head.” [Terry Pratchett in Hogfather]
  • Haxer
    Completely agree with OP. AH obliterates the value of finding or crafting gear, makes gold the supreme resource in the game, drives up gold spammers, and suddenly all the best gear in the game is right there at your fingertips. In town.

    We finally have something good here people, stop trying to get dev's to ruin it.
  • Laura
    couldn't agree more. people need to learn to adapt and.... GASP.... interact with other players in an mmo and make new friends!
  • anton1nh
    anton1nh wrote: »
    Eps wrote: »
    Zenimax clearly stated in the Q&A a few weeks ago that they will never implement a global AH.
    I'd like to see that Q&A.

    i am not saying trading cannot function without global AH but i do believe it's better whit a global AH. or at least some way to sell to a larger group. if i as a crafter can complete commissioned tasks for a sum of gold.
    sort of like a bulletin-board where players can specify items. a crafter can take on the job. when they turn in the item they receive the sum of gold.
    sort of a reversed CoD

    I like crafting but i feel like i am gonna have a hard time selling items

    I actually really like this idea. And someone else mentioned a "market" idea. With no global AH we should have some sort of channel or zone set aside for trade. Zone chat being spammed with constant vendor junk people try to sell is getting old.

    having a market zone to advertise my wares would not be bad either. set up shop so to say could be fun. especially if they are like player housing so my involvement will upgrade the looks and draw in more players.
    the biggest problem is that i am literately just crafting for my own characters and id like to craft items for other people to.

    if there was some way to either advertise my services like a bulletin board. so that players can see me offering my services and contact me (or other crafters). issue work for crafters to pick up. possibly rank crafters like ebay does whit sellers so you know what percentage (not amount) of positive or negative feedback a crafter revived.

    where raw materials are concerned id rather see an NPC trade guild. players can turn in raw materials they find on they journeys to receive gold. based on supply and demand the prices are set for each item. selling to them you are rewarded 90% of that price and buying from them you pay 110% of that price.

    these systems bypass the guild stores where crafting is concerned but looted items will still pas though them so they will still matter.
    whit those systems in play a server of faction wide AH may not be necessary.
  • wolfenblutb16_ESO
    I would like to have a global auction house, is this the right supportment thread?
    If so +1 for a global auction house
    (and -1 for caps lock)
  • Putok
    Laura wrote: »
    couldn't agree more. people need to learn to adapt and.... GASP.... interact with other players in an mmo and make new friends!

    Do you honestly think WTB and WTS spam are meaning player interaction? Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
  • temjiu
    I'm currently a supporter of reducing the penalty's for Guild Store members rather then having an open AH. I find it an interesting direction to take the "AH" concept. 25% is a bit steep...perhaps give the Guild a sliding scale...members who are in longer/put more towards the guild can have that reduced or something. kind of like a real merchants guild.
  • Tolio
    Tolio wrote: »

    Therefor the working people who don't have time to search in 4 trading guilds (or even get a spot in them, inactive members are regulary kicked) will do what do advance? Right, they will simply buy the gold, as there is NO way for them to ever amass a decent amount.

    What do you need so much gold for?

    Mostly in this game it's for storage space (silly design) and mounts. What else? Repairs are costly, true, but unless you are spending your naturally earned (i.e., not trade profit) gold in a spendthrift way, not going to break you. Simply by playing and selling stuff to vendors you will make a tidy sum of gold to cover the in-game costs and have a lot left over for mounts and optional space.

    You see, the problem is that people want to have piles of gold around "just in case they want to buy that piece" or "just in case that high level enchant is expensive", when the reality is that if noone has astronomical amounts of gold, the prices won't be astronomical. People are basing their "anticipated future gold needs" based on other games, which did have AHs which did inflate the economy in a huge way via gold sellers and bots -- in this game you can really do pretty much everything you need to do without a market, and without a big 'ole pile of gold.

    Respeccing for example is something that will cause much much trouble for the casual gamers. Add to that what you already mentioned and the "daily needs" of empty soulstones and the likes.
    Add to that as well things like glyphs (not everyone has all tradingskills maxed), crafting in general (again not everyone will have every recept, much less access to people who can craft it- another problem causedd by the lack of a global ah).
    Oh and a horse maybe as well.
    Only the fixed cost of horse, maxing inventory, maxing bank and eventually maxing horse will be something most people can't afford without it affecting their gameplay (as in always running out of inventory space etc).
  • nudel
    @Putok‌ Yeah I thought of craigslist when you first mentioned it. It's a perfect compromise in my mind. You essentially pluck the spam out of the zone chat and give it a nice new menu home, without making selling/ buying completely automated. Give it a nice search bar and maybe some filters for WTT, WTB, WTS and other categories. You still have to contact eachother and agree on price, arrange exchange, etc. The social aspect is preserved, but you have a means of extending your reach without spamming chat.

    There'd also have to be some way of limiting the number of listings per person. I don't really like the idea of listings costing gold, but you don't want someone to make a ton of threads just to spam the LFT. Trolls gonna troll.
  • anton1nh
    Tolio wrote: »

    Therefor the working people who don't have time to search in 4 trading guilds (or even get a spot in them, inactive members are regulary kicked) will do what do advance? Right, they will simply buy the gold, as there is NO way for them to ever amass a decent amount.

    What do you need so much gold for?

    Mostly in this game it's for storage space (silly design) and mounts. What else? Repairs are costly, true, but unless you are spending your naturally earned (i.e., not trade profit) gold in a spendthrift way, not going to break you. Simply by playing and selling stuff to vendors you will make a tidy sum of gold to cover the in-game costs and have a lot left over for mounts and optional space.

    You see, the problem is that people want to have piles of gold around "just in case they want to buy that piece" or "just in case that high level enchant is expensive", when the reality is that if noone has astronomical amounts of gold, the prices won't be astronomical. People are basing their "anticipated future gold needs" based on other games, which did have AHs which did inflate the economy in a huge way via gold sellers and bots -- in this game you can really do pretty much everything you need to do without a market, and without a big 'ole pile of gold.

    people base their future gold needs on oh i want that new mount when it comes out. by constantly introducing huge money sinks blizz created the inflation not by having an AH.
    when players notice "oh I've been saving up all this money for noting" then money is not valued very highly and that creates deflation. making items the prefered thing to have not money. so than there is no reason to keep on ammasing more and more of it.
    then why does blizz do that. simple they cater to the most addicted gamer playing WoW. only a no-lifer can have it all without using gold sellers. the casual players ,those who are i think still the vast majority, must either start spending way more time into grinding or resort to buying gold from goldsellers.
    blizz only want you addicted to WoW. that gives them a grater number of people online making WoW the no1 MMO. that why the continuously inflate WoWs economy. that didn't happen due AHs.

    they tried same whit D3 but there it backfired on them because D3 is the wrong kind of game for an AH.
    Edited by anton1nh on April 12, 2014 6:24PM
  • knightblaster
    Tolio wrote: »

    Respeccing for example is something that will cause much much trouble for the casual gamers. Add to that what you already mentioned and the "daily needs" of empty soulstones and the likes.
    Add to that as well things like glyphs (not everyone has all tradingskills maxed), crafting in general (again not everyone will have every recept, much less access to people who can craft it- another problem causedd by the lack of a global ah).
    Oh and a horse maybe as well.
    Only the fixed cost of horse, maxing inventory, maxing bank and eventually maxing horse will be something most people can't afford without it affecting their gameplay (as in always running out of inventory space etc).

    You will amass enough money through normal gameplay for the upgraded horse without an issue. Upgrading that horse, once you have it, happens over time. The bank management is an issue, I agree, but the fix there is fixing the bank, not introducing an AH as a bandaid. The recipes are not as rare as you think for the most part. Look and quest around and you will find most of them.

    The game is designed more around autarchy rather than economy, for the reason that games designed around economy quickly become games that revolve around the in-game currency (as in real life -- things revolve around currency). This works in real life, but in a game it reduces everything you do down to a gold per hour value, because that's the measurement of what you can "get" for your effort. That basically turns the game into real life, and into a job.
    Edited by knightblaster on April 12, 2014 6:28PM
  • nudel
    @Tolio‌ Empty soul gems are not daily needs for the casual player. Typically I only really need a stash of them if I'm doing 4-man dungeons or PVP. Most solo casuals who don't belong to a guild will probably do neither. For your own resurrections, you don't even need stones. Wayshrines are free and therefore much more economical.

    Horses likewise really aren't necessary except for PVP. You can sprint faster than the bottom-of-the-line horse and should really be on foot in PVE anyway so you can harvest nodes, find lorebooks, etc. Wayshrines are all over the place as well and make for much faster travel than your horse. Whereas in Cyro, the space is vast and travel to the front lines is necessarily blocked (You cannot travel to a keep that's under attack) so having horses that have been upgraded with speed is damned necessary. If you get one for PVE, you're pretty much buying it for cosmetic reasons only.

    Respeccing is costly, but no where near out of the realms of what you'll be making through on-level gameplay. You don't need to engage in the economy to afford a respec.

    As for the glyphs, if you don't 'have the access to people' who make them, make connections and you will. You don't have to be part of a guild to find an enchanter via chat. To be frank, a global AH would probably not help you get to an enchanter's goods. The reason is crafting professions (the only exceptions being Provisioning and Alchemy) put very high inspiration returns on deconstructing items crafted by others. In other words, you would not be able to buy any glyphs because crafters would be buying them and deconstructing them. Same goes for armor. I've already seen it happen in several guilds during beta. Either the armor/ glyphs get priced way out of your range to keep the crafters off of them OR crafters buy them. Your best bet even if there were a global AH, given the nature of the crafting system, is simply to hook up with a crafter and make a custom order.
    Edited by nudel on April 12, 2014 6:34PM
  • Tolio
    Tolio wrote: »

    Respeccing for example is something that will cause much much trouble for the casual gamers. Add to that what you already mentioned and the "daily needs" of empty soulstones and the likes.
    Add to that as well things like glyphs (not everyone has all tradingskills maxed), crafting in general (again not everyone will have every recept, much less access to people who can craft it- another problem causedd by the lack of a global ah).
    Oh and a horse maybe as well.
    Only the fixed cost of horse, maxing inventory, maxing bank and eventually maxing horse will be something most people can't afford without it affecting their gameplay (as in always running out of inventory space etc).

    You will amass enough money through normal gameplay for the upgraded horse without an issue. Upgrading that horse, once you have it, happens over time. The bank management is an issue, I agree, but the fix there is fixing the bank, not introducing an AH as a bandaid. The recipes are not as rare as you think for the most part. Look and quest around and you will find most of them.

    The game is designed more around autarchy rather than economy, for the reason that games designed around economy quickly become games that revolve around the in-game currency (as in real life -- things revolve around currency). This works in real life, but in a game it reduces everything you do down to a gold per hour value, because that's the measurement of what you can "get" for your effort. That basically turns the game into real life, and into a job.

    One word. Respecing.
    Something noone is saved from in an MMO with adjustements to skills being made all the time.
    Try finding a spec that works in PvP and PvE.

    Also your quote is still wrong.
    You can currently buy a horse on the official site for 11€. Usable at level 10. So by your logic at level 11 I should have enough money to have upgraded my bank, my inventory and bought a horse with ingame money.

    Never ever going to happen without a stupid amount of farming.

    *edit* Forums bonky for me, if i missed a reply after one I quoted srys :)
    Edited by Tolio on April 12, 2014 6:35PM
  • knightblaster
    anton1nh wrote: »

    people base their future gold needs on oh i want that new mount when it comes out. by constantly introducing huge money sinks blizz created the inflation not by having an AH.

    WoW is not a good example, because the AHs in WoW are sharded. The servers are small, capped at 10-12k characters. It isn't a megaserver design. This game is a megaserver. A truly global AH would be hugely bigger than WoWs and have vastly different economic impacts due to the hugely different supply pouring into it. Not as big as D3's 15m person global AH, but more like that than like WoW's server-based, sharded AHs.

  • nudel
    Tolio wrote: »

    Try finding a spec that works in PvP and PvE.

    There are plenty of specs that work in both PVP and PVE. Respec should not be something you do daily between switching tasks. That's exactly why it has a high price. It's supposed to be something you do very sparingly and only when it's really necessary to correct your build. You can have specs for both PVP and PVE because your build really comes down to your gear, your loadout (skills on your hotbar), and how you use them. So by switching out your gear and/or loadout, your entire build changes. You do not need to respec for this, seeing as you can spec into many more skills than will fit on your two hotbars.
  • Brennan
    nudel wrote: »
    @Tolio‌ *snip*

    As for the glyphs, if you don't 'have the access to people' who make them, make connections and you will. You don't have to be part of a guild to find an enchanter via chat. To be frank, a global AH would probably not help you get to an enchanter's goods. The reason is crafting professions (the only exceptions being Provisioning and Alchemy) put very high inspiration returns on deconstructing items crafted by others. In other words, you would not be able to buy any glyphs because crafters would be buying them and deconstructing them. Same goes for armor. I've already seen it happen in several guilds during beta. Either the armor/ glyphs get priced way out of your range to keep the crafters off of them OR crafters buy them. Your best bet even if there were a global AH, given the nature of the crafting system, is simply to hook up with a crafter and make a custom order.

    Confirming that as a crafter the only reason I buy anything from any store or player in chat is to blow it up for craft IP.

    Also, once again I see all kinds of comparisons and citations to the economies and AHs in other games, GW2, WoW, SWTOR.

    When I click the icon in my task bar and the launcher comes up it does not say GW2 or WoW or SWTOR. If you are so enamored by the economies and AHs in those games, you're clicking on the wrong icon.

    This game has no global AH. Zenimax has no intention of adding a global AH. You are inconveniencing many, many electrons by posting your rubbish about a global AH here.

    If you can't play the game that Zenimax created because there is no global AH, go play one of the other hundreds of MMOs that do have a global AH. Simple.
  • Tolio
    nudel wrote: »
    @Tolio‌ Empty soul gems are not daily needs for the casual player. Typically I only really need a stash of them if I'm doing 4-man dungeons or PVP. Most solo casuals who don't belong to a guild will probably do neither. For your own resurrections, you don't even need stones. Wayshrines are free and therefore much more economical.

    Sorry but suggesting that you should be content with ressing at the nearest wayshrines is just... yes. Lets call it non feasable. The same goes for a mount isn't needed.
    Its not worth arguing on such a level. Let's just say, if you adventure you risk dying, if you adventure and try things you WILL die. If you barely kill 4 challenging mob groups baring your way and the fifth in the row kills you, I am sure you don't want to go through the four groups again...

    Next you suggest that one weapon is enough and noone needs more than the basic bank slots.
  • nudel
    There is nothing impractical about using wayshrines for self res. It is seriously the most practical self res. If you honestly think wayshrines are too far from the fight in PVE, then you are in the minority here.

    If it's really that unbearable to take on the mobs that got you there, you need to rethink your lvl compared to the zone you're in, your build, your tactics, or maybe group up with someone. No mobs your level should be that hard to kill that you can't bear to respawn 50 ft away. Again, PVP and 4-man dungeons are the exception.

    As for your last bit, that is completely unrelated and your attempts to discredit me are laughable.
  • anton1nh
    anton1nh wrote: »

    people base their future gold needs on oh i want that new mount when it comes out. by constantly introducing huge money sinks blizz created the inflation not by having an AH.

    WoW is not a good example, because the AHs in WoW are sharded. The servers are small, capped at 10-12k characters. It isn't a megaserver design. This game is a megaserver. A truly global AH would be hugely bigger than WoWs and have vastly different economic impacts due to the hugely different supply pouring into it. Not as big as D3's 15m person global AH, but more like that than like WoW's server-based, sharded AHs.

    that's still 20 times the number of players that can be in any one guild.
    besides that you are still missing the point. by adding hugely expensive mounts and other vanity items Blizz artificially inflates WoWs economy. thereby ensuring a large number of addicted gamers and staying the world no1 MMO. the AHs are not to blame for that no matter how large or small the server is.
    Brennan wrote: »
    Confirming that as a crafter the only reason I buy anything from any store or player in chat is to blow it up for craft IP.

    This game has no global AH. Zenimax has no intention of adding a global AH. You are inconveniencing many, many electrons by posting your rubbish about a global AH here.

    i buy item for the exact same reasons.

    i can live whitout a global AH but they need to do somthing to streamling trade more. right now forum sites are starting up as a replacement AH outside of the game that cannot be what Zenimax intended to happen it think.

    players will trade but if you don't facilitate them in-game they will do so outside of it!
    right now the result is player prefer top trade outside of the game so if you want to buy or sell anything you need to leave the game and look on a forum. that means that if i advertise my wares in game i will find no buyer because they are all looking on a forum. that's simply ridicules!

    that will only go on and on. more player will sell on out of game forums so those forums will start attracting more buyers making them even more attractive to sellers.
    Edited by anton1nh on April 12, 2014 7:03PM
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