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ZOS banning cheaters - Question on the FoV addon/mod

Can I get banned for useing the FoV mod? I read on reddit on a post where a ZOS guy answered a guys question (the question was if the FoV mod was ok) was answered by customer support and the customer support guy said he doesn't see anything wrong with it - no it's not cheating.

But Im not sure anymore, please I don't want to get banned for increaseing my FoV via a mod that was approved by a customer support guy.

Please respond on this ZOS thanks
  • KerinKor
    No idea what FOV does in this context, but if it makes more world items visible such as resource nodes then it's an unfair advantage.
  • Charg
    KerinKor wrote: »
    No idea what FOV does in this context, but if it makes more world items visible such as resource nodes then it's an unfair advantage.

    It means field of view.

  • Skillet
    Without a FOV settings being available for everyone in the graphics settings menu, it should be considered cheating. All modern games should have a FOV slider. Those that don't, well, its just lazy or rushed development.
  • ThommyGunn
    I've always been confused by the FoV missing complaint. In my settings, there is a slider right there under graphics, has been since early access. Its set 3/4's to the max. Is it missing from some? Do graphic card drivers or cards themselves need updated? Or is there to be a second FoV slider for something.

    Again, its there for me and I can post a screenshot when I get home from work.

    Just confused is all
    "Every man dies, not every man really lives." ~ William Wallace

    Be sure to check out my ESO music Vid and enjoy, more to come;
  • Charg
    Yeah a custom support guy said he can't see it as cheating, but im not sure about trusting a customer support guy on that.
  • WhiteQueen
    How would an FoV mod be used for cheating anyway? I mean, from what I understand it merely lets you see a wider field, right? Like, if you had two monitors?
  • CrimsonThomas
    Charg wrote: »
    Yeah a custom support guy said he can't see it as cheating, but im not sure about trusting a customer support guy on that.

    I think it's fair take anything CSR's tell you at this point with a grain of salt. I don't see how an FOV mod could be considered cheating, but I don't enforce the rules.

    Edited by CrimsonThomas on April 11, 2014 3:39PM
  • Skillet
    ThommyGunn wrote: »
    I've always been confused by the FoV missing complaint. In my settings, there is a slider right there under graphics, has been since early access. Its set 3/4's to the max. Is it missing from some? Do graphic card drivers or cards themselves need updated? Or is there to be a second FoV slider for something.

    Again, its there for me and I can post a screenshot when I get home from work.

    Just confused is all

    A FOV slider allows for a wider angle view of the area from the 1st person view.

  • Skillet

    FOV means 'field of view'. It is measured in ° and indicates how much you can see in an FPS - your average human FOV (yes, I mean your own eyes) are somewhere around 180°.

    Low FOV can be useful to make a game faster on slower machines (as what is outside the FOV doesn't need to be rendered), however low FOV can cause nausea or headaches.

    In short: A higher FOV allows you to see more of your surroundings in a game and can eliminate nausea for many people.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    @Charg, do you have a link to the FOV mod so we can take a look real quick?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
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    Staff Post
  • Valn
    @Charg, do you have a link to the FOV mod so we can take a look real quick?

    This might be it?
  • djodars
    In my opinion, any software that enhances or gives you an advantage in-game that isn't permitted by the API should be considered cheating.
  • Valn
    djodars wrote: »
    In my opinion, any software that enhances or gives you an advantage in-game that isn't permitted by the API should be considered cheating.

    I wouldn't consider a FOV cheating...

    FOV just makes first person view better but 3rd person view will always be better than 1st person because you can see more.
  • Mishoniko
    For those of you interested in the science behind FoV and why it is important for games, this links to a video explaining it:
  • Lox
    I don't see how a FOV slider could ever be considered cheating in a game that has a 3rd person mode. The FOV slider (which is a first person view tool really) would never allow you to see as much as you can in 3rd person anyway.

    For an FPS game it can make a difference because everyone is playing in first person. However, having a better PC can also give an advantage, is that cheating?
  • Drazhar14
    I was thinking about using this mod. I really want to play in first person, but the limited field of view makes it unplayable. A better question is, when is the official field of view slider going to be released?
  • Santiago
    Just realized that this mod was an exe, apparently, that patches memory. It isn't a modifications of settings. In that case it would typically in direct conflict with the TOS of most games that specifically disallow direct writing of game memory.
    Edited by Santiago on April 11, 2014 5:32PM
  • ThommyGunn
    @Skillet hey, thanks man, was thinking more of the distance aspect (how far out i could see) rather than angle. Appreciate it. I rarely play 1st person ingame, so that's why I didn't notice.

    Thanks again!
    "Every man dies, not every man really lives." ~ William Wallace

    Be sure to check out my ESO music Vid and enjoy, more to come;
  • felixgamingx1
    That's clearly a advantage against other players hope you get banned for this.
  • Daggers
    But but but ...if it allows for 180° FOV, it could be said you're cheating by looking behind you!

    j/k :) You can imagine the motion sickness... oh but wouldn't an Oculus Rift MOD be cool.
    The best things in life make you sweaty.
  • Mahalin1012
    An FOV slider should be a requirement for all PC games, especially for games that offer a First Person view. I don't know about anyone else but the First person Camera in ESO is so small and cramped that it makes it a pain to play in that view, even though that is the staple of the Elder Scrolls games.

    Seriously, an FOV slider should be added, or at least allow us to use the FOV mod, provided it doesn't break animations.
  • Kyosji
    seems like it may be considered an unfair advantage in PvP. Don't know really.
  • Drazhar14
    Kyosji wrote: »
    seems like it may be considered an unfair advantage in PvP. Don't know really.

    Well, a person playing in third person has an unfair advantage already over a person playing in first person. One must sacrifice awareness of what is around them to play immersively (first person). Even with a field of view slider, a person in first person will never have that 360 degree view around their character that third person players have. A field of view slider for first person will still help level the playing field though.
  • Kyosji
    True, but ALL players have the ability to move out to a point. When you are using a program to extend it out even further, then it becomes an unfair advantage for everyone except those also using that program.
  • Mahalin1012
    Kyosji wrote: »
    True, but ALL players have the ability to move out to a point. When you are using a program to extend it out even further, then it becomes an unfair advantage for everyone except those also using that program.

    This is exactly why all players should have the ability to adjust their FOV. If you feel comfortable with a cramped view then so be it.

  • AstroCat
    They said they are adding an official FOV slider right before launch. So I would be a little surprised if this mod was an issue, right?
  • Kyosji
    Kyosji wrote: »
    True, but ALL players have the ability to move out to a point. When you are using a program to extend it out even further, then it becomes an unfair advantage for everyone except those also using that program.

    This is exactly why all players should have the ability to adjust their FOV. If you feel comfortable with a cramped view then so be it.

    You're argument here is basically saying "I feel this should have been in the game, but it wasn't, so I'm putting it in anyways"

    It's no different than someone saying "God mode should have been in this game, but it wasn't, so I'm putting it in anyways", or "giant arrows should have been put in this game to let me see where all active chests and nodes are in this game, but it wasn't, so I'm putting it in anyways".

  • Drazhar14

    You're argument here is basically saying "I feel this should have been in the game, but it wasn't, so I'm putting it in anyways"

    It's no different than someone saying "God mode should have been in this game, but it wasn't, so I'm putting it in anyways", or "giant arrows should have been put in this game to let me see where all active chests and nodes are in this game, but it wasn't, so I'm putting it in anyways".


    Actually, as others have pointed out in this thread, Zenimax said it should be in this game, and they are working on a field of view slider to be released soon for first person view.
  • Kyosji
    It doesn't matter if they said they were or they didn't. The fact of the matter is that you are adding something to your game that was not originally in it, giving you now an unfair advantage over other players. Am I wrong here?
  • Drazhar14
    Well, if the mod lets you change the field of view in third person, then your are correct, its an unfair advantage. But as far as I know, it only changes field of view for first person, which does not create an unfair advantage because players using third person will always have a better view than those using first person.
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