Questions regarding farming

I've been roaming the forums for about an hour now looking for some interesting discussions and on several occasions I've run into people mentioning others/themselves getting banned for 72 hours for "exploiting a public boss" or "repeatedly killing a boss or regular mob". I found this rather strange as according to my limited knowledge of MMO's farming mobs and bosses is a completely legitimate tactic and used often to get money/experience. Can someone tell me what is allowed and what isn't? I wouldn't want to get banned after farming a boss for a while trying to get its rare drop. Any responses are appreciated.
  • mcatchlovb16_ESO
    Didn't know they were banning people for 72 hours due to that.
  • Reymas
    Would like some clarification on this as well. Since the timers are WAI as are the drops, it can't really be considered an "exploit."

    Edited by Reymas on April 9, 2014 4:49AM
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
  • SMW1980b14a_ESO
    If they don't want people farming them, they shouldn't let you keep getting drops from them.

    They shouldn't ban people for doing something they encourage by design.
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Yup this really needs an official statement as if it's true it's backwards from every single mmo on the market.
  • SirAndy
    I'm pretty sure ZOS is trying to ban bots and some real players get inevitably mixed up in that crusade.

    I know of at least two 3rd party bot programs that are already out there, one for botting boss mobs and one for botting resource nodes.
  • Nooblet
    It's very likely that they actually did do something wrong. When one game company actually called out people who say they were wrongly banned on the official forum it was every single one of them with a legitimate reason for ban.

    I'm not saying noone is ever innocent and receives a ban they don't deserve.. but it's not very reasonable to believe every story you hear about people getting banned for "nothing".

    It's probably to the effect of... they sat there camping with a 3rd party program hitting a spell for them while they afk.
    Edited by Nooblet on April 9, 2014 5:30AM
  • Eris
    If someone is farming the same mob boss for 72 hours strait, chances are they have been botting for 72 hours, because most humans would not last that long. I am sure there are people with their gaming chairs and auto-feeders, but that is botting of a different kind and they should be banned for their own health. :)
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Nooblet wrote: »
    It's very likely that they actually did do something wrong. When one game company actually called out people who say they were wrongly banned on the official forum it was every single one of them with a legitimate reason for ban.

    I'm not saying noone is ever innocent and receives a ban they don't deserve.. but it's not very reasonable to believe every story you hear about people getting banned for "nothing".

    It's probably to the effect of... they sat there camping with a 3rd party program hitting a spell for them while they afk.
    Yup that is very very very possible and likely to have been the case. But with so many claims of it. An official post would be nice just to state their official policy on it.
  • Perseas
    there is few quests totally bugged, like the one with the spirit animals (speed, str and galee) something like it... One of the 3 is missing and 1 of the 2 that appear on game, spawns every 1 second!!

    People shouldnt get banned because zenimax cant fix it... Since they give it as a feature in the game, people take advantage of it.

    People do that in all mmos... There is more important issues zenimax should focus, instead of monitoring what people do with their bugged quests... Lets say... "fix them? " or deactivate them, till they do...
    Edited by Perseas on April 9, 2014 5:35AM
  • Belrim
    Thanks to the crafting system, farming some bosses is a necessary evil to get upgrade-items for crafting. So far i have very little blue-upgrade items, since not been farming.
    Early bird gets the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese.
  • Elvikun
    Yeah, also made me a bit nervous, official clarification would be great, because the banned people tend to, obviously, not give too much detail, whether they killed it 10 times or 500 times, overleveled and made it unable for others to complete.

    Honestly, banning someone for exploiting a bug (because that really is all in the code that can be applied here) is odd. I didn't realized majority of NPCs in the game are officially considered bugged.
    One way or another, banning people for wanting loot is not very good, unless they are bots or doing it to harass other people.

    Edit: But yeah, bots at dungeon bosses definitely exist, but also I know people who simply report everyone who sticks around for more than one kill may also exists, so I hope you cannot get caught in between those two groups and get ban, haha.
    Edited by Elvikun on April 9, 2014 5:57AM
    Failing is a lifestyle too.
  • WelkinDust
    I hope this isn't true. I often farm the public dungeon bosses, mainly for the Soul Gems I need for the next tier. Also for gear to Deconstruct for crafting. I'd hate to get banned for something I didn't know was against the rules... This being an MMO it doesn't make much sense either.
  • Edvoli
    I have a response from customer support it isnt allowed if the boss spawns more frequently than 15 minutes and gives loot every time :)
  • Sinoby
    Edvoli wrote: »
    I have a response from customer support it isnt allowed if the boss spawns more frequently than 15 minutes and gives loot every time :)

    Screenshot will be nice

    It means they'll have to ban at least 50% of player base :) I normally don't farm dungeon bosses, but at rare ocasions I really need soul gems or mats for craft/research... And it is their game design that allows stupid stuff like that. They could have fixed it programatically, but if instead they decide to ban people for using existing game mechanic - that is pretty stupid way of dealing with a problem.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Edvoli wrote: »
    I have a response from customer support it isnt allowed if the boss spawns more frequently than 15 minutes and gives loot every time :)

    They need to post this here officially then. If this is their policy, I don't know if this game will have much longevity as they're going to be banning most long time mmo players for behaving the way mmo's have taught them to behave. Kill monster > Loot monster.
  • Edvoli
    No screenshot sorry,

    Response By Email (William) (04/05/2014 06:35 PM)
    Thanks for Replying!

    To answer your questions, it depends on the circumstance. If the "End Boss" just so happens to spawn every 15 minutes, and you want to grind that way, it's perfectly fine. However, if that same "End Boss" spawns every 2-3 minutes or less, by our definition that would be exploiting. Again if you do notice anything in-game that would represent the latter, let us know as soon as possible by using the /bug command.

    Warm Regards,


    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    Response By Email (William) (04/06/2014 06:35 PM)

    In that case, there is nothing to worry about, but if the same players are staying in the dungeons AFTER already killing the NPC the first place, and they are rapidly leveling or constantly farming loot from that NPC, that would be considered exploiting.


    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Customer By CSS Email (Magdalena Håkansson) (04/06/2014 07:40 AM)
    But it is supposed to spawn this fast as it is a "Quest" NPC sort of, therefore im kind of confused. Many kill these "NPC" to get soul gems and some loot, it spawn pretty fast as people are supposed to kill him/her to get the "clear" of the instance and get an achievment for it.
  • Edvoli
    Would be nice with answer here too if this is cheating?

    I asked to know if I was cheating due to being accused exploiting while in this public dungeoun.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    I don't doubt that that email is legit, but sometimes cs reps say things that aren't true. I want this splashed up on the forums by someone in green. This policy is so backwards from any other game, that it's hard to believe.
  • cheeser123
    If they don't want people farming them, they shouldn't let you keep getting drops from them.

    They shouldn't ban people for doing something they encourage by design.

    Yeah, or they could have a better design.. frankly. This is a problem with the design. To ban or not to ban is really not the question here. The question is how to change the mechanics, if this is really not how things are meant to be.
    Edited by cheeser123 on April 9, 2014 6:56AM
  • Elvikun
    Why not take a screenshot of the email, so, you know, we can be sure you aren'tr just trolling like the 18'987 other people...

    Either way, I wonder just how this really is exploiting. The public dungeons seem to be pretty much set up in a way that encourages boss farming. By no small part due to the fact you often run trough the whole thing without encoutering any loot or mob, because they are so crowded. So it feels natural to stay at the boss for a while.

    Personal tidbit: If the dungeons were instanced to you and whoever you are taking with you, they wouldn't be so annoying and anticlimatic + this problem would not exists, because you'd have to re-enter and fight trough all the mobs again to get to the boss.
    Edited by Elvikun on April 9, 2014 9:26AM
    Failing is a lifestyle too.
  • Edvoli
    <--Not good at photoshop so no i wont be screenshotting my e-mail box.

    If you dont believe the answer I got for asking if I was allowed to kill these public "minibosses" over and over, it is up to you,

    Hm but I could take a picture with my camera on just the part of e-mail. Well i'm off to pick up the kids, see if I can fix it tonight!
    Edited by Edvoli on April 9, 2014 10:43AM
  • KerinKor
    Edvoli wrote: »
    To answer your questions, it depends on the circumstance. If the "End Boss" just so happens to spawn every 15 minutes, and you want to grind that way, it's perfectly fine. However, if that same "End Boss" spawns every 2-3 minutes or less, by our definition that would be exploiting. Again if you do notice anything in-game that would represent the latter, let us know as soon as possible by using the /bug command..
    LMAO, that's so crass it's unbelievable. Just where do they draw the line? Are they going to provide and in-game stopwatch so we can check whether we're exploiting or not?

    Sure, if the mob is bugged and, say, insta-spawning that would be reasonably expected to be a bug and someone using it to gain large chunks of XP knows what they're doing.

    But to called repeatedly killing a mob on a THREE MINUTE spawn time an exploiter is just ludicrous.

    Edited by KerinKor on April 9, 2014 11:02AM
  • flameweaver
    They should implement some kind of diminishing returns system. Something along the lines of after 4 kills only white gear, after 10 nothing, reducing XP gain after each kill - whatever it takes in my view. This will at least kill the bots/exploiters.
  • Turelus
    Well it would be stupid to bad people for something there is no visible in game way of knowing you shouldn't be doing.
    Unless they have red text on the screen come up after five bosses saying "You will be banned for over farming" it's absurd to think they could ban someone for this.
    Even if they come forward now and say on these forums you can be banned for it that's not going to be common knowledge to the entire playerbase.

    Banning bots sure, and if people get wrongly banned it sucks completely but they should be able to handle that via petitions and it's a reason Zenimax should be very careful with throwing out farming bans.
    If they have a truly serious issue with farming bosses they need to change the game to not allow that to happen, because banning in regards to something no one knows about will only bite them in the backside.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Belrim
    They should implement some kind of diminishing returns system. Something along the lines of after 4 kills only white gear, after 10 nothing, reducing XP gain after each kill - whatever it takes in my view. This will at least kill the bots/exploiters.

    Exactly this. Other MMO games use the system already, so see no reason why this one could not. I dont personally see killing a mob over and over again as any sort of exploit, as long as the player is doing it without the use of any macro.

    BUT; if it is indeed concidered as an exploit, then ZOS needs to make ppl aware of it.. in a way that leasves no room for second guesses.
    Edited by Belrim on April 10, 2014 1:25AM
    Early bird gets the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese.
  • zhevon
    Nooblet wrote: »
    It's very likely that they actually did do something wrong. When one game company actually called out people who say they were wrongly banned on the official forum it was every single one of them with a legitimate reason for ban.
    When they have time - I really wish they would implement what xbox live did - a board where people would complain about bannings and other punishments and then microsoft would tell their side of the story. First it would be very educational and let us know what not to do and what the consiquences are. Also, it would give some visibility to the banning process which comes across as arbitrary and exclusively a matter of luck.

  • DaiKahn
    What happens if I'm farming certain creatures to get rawhide for an hour? Will I get a ban for that?
    I'm just a man
    Hail Sithis
  • RubyTigress
    What happens if I'm farming certain creatures to get rawhide for an hour? Will I get a ban for that?

    There is difference between farming landscape for common craft materials and camping a boss in a dungeon who drops blue loot and soul gems fairly regularly.
  • DaiKahn
    There is difference between farming landscape for common craft materials and camping a boss in a dungeon who drops blue loot and soul gems fairly regularly.
    I realise that, but after seeing the OP mention, "...and on several occasions I've run into people mentioning others/themselves getting banned for 72 hours for "exploiting a public boss" or "repeatedly killing a boss or regular mob..." I thought I'd err on the side of caution and ask and see if anyone knew for sure (maybe a green if I'm lucky)
    I'm just a man
    Hail Sithis
  • Tipsy
    What happens if I'm farming certain creatures to get rawhide for an hour? Will I get a ban for that?

    There is difference between farming landscape for common craft materials and camping a boss in a dungeon who drops blue loot and soul gems fairly regularly.

    Ugh past 3 dungeons I did I never get loot only the accomplishment because of these selfish bunch of farmers that camp bosses.
    I think they should rather alter the setup of these bosses than banning people for it.Though they are very selfish and ruin the fun
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