Yup that is very very very possible and likely to have been the case. But with so many claims of it. An official post would be nice just to state their official policy on it.It's very likely that they actually did do something wrong. When one game company actually called out people who say they were wrongly banned on the official forum it was every single one of them with a legitimate reason for ban.
I'm not saying noone is ever innocent and receives a ban they don't deserve.. but it's not very reasonable to believe every story you hear about people getting banned for "nothing".
It's probably to the effect of... they sat there camping with a 3rd party program hitting a spell for them while they afk.
I have a response from customer support it isnt allowed if the boss spawns more frequently than 15 minutes and gives loot every time
I have a response from customer support it isnt allowed if the boss spawns more frequently than 15 minutes and gives loot every time
SMW1980b14a_ESO wrote: »If they don't want people farming them, they shouldn't let you keep getting drops from them.
They shouldn't ban people for doing something they encourage by design.
LMAO, that's so crass it's unbelievable. Just where do they draw the line? Are they going to provide and in-game stopwatch so we can check whether we're exploiting or not?To answer your questions, it depends on the circumstance. If the "End Boss" just so happens to spawn every 15 minutes, and you want to grind that way, it's perfectly fine. However, if that same "End Boss" spawns every 2-3 minutes or less, by our definition that would be exploiting. Again if you do notice anything in-game that would represent the latter, let us know as soon as possible by using the /bug command..
flameweaver wrote: »They should implement some kind of diminishing returns system. Something along the lines of after 4 kills only white gear, after 10 nothing, reducing XP gain after each kill - whatever it takes in my view. This will at least kill the bots/exploiters.
When they have time - I really wish they would implement what xbox live did - a board where people would complain about bannings and other punishments and then microsoft would tell their side of the story. First it would be very educational and let us know what not to do and what the consiquences are. Also, it would give some visibility to the banning process which comes across as arbitrary and exclusively a matter of luck.It's very likely that they actually did do something wrong. When one game company actually called out people who say they were wrongly banned on the official forum it was every single one of them with a legitimate reason for ban.
mental.asylumrwb17_ESO wrote: »What happens if I'm farming certain creatures to get rawhide for an hour? Will I get a ban for that?
I realise that, but after seeing the OP mention, "...and on several occasions I've run into people mentioning others/themselves getting banned for 72 hours for "exploiting a public boss" or "repeatedly killing a boss or regular mob..." I thought I'd err on the side of caution and ask and see if anyone knew for sure (maybe a green if I'm lucky)RubyTigress wrote: »There is difference between farming landscape for common craft materials and camping a boss in a dungeon who drops blue loot and soul gems fairly regularly.
RubyTigress wrote: »mental.asylumrwb17_ESO wrote: »What happens if I'm farming certain creatures to get rawhide for an hour? Will I get a ban for that?
There is difference between farming landscape for common craft materials and camping a boss in a dungeon who drops blue loot and soul gems fairly regularly.