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How many skills active at one time would you like?

  • Jeremy
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Memnock wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    I think the current system is good. By giving you a limited amount it forces you to make hard decisions about what you want to use. It encourages a wider variety of builds and gives each player their own unique combination. So that's why I like it.

    It's not like most other games where everyone has the same abilities and use the same rotations.

    I am sorry , but i have to disagree with this completely. The current extremely limiting setup , does not encourage players to make hard decisions , nor does it encourage variations in builds.

    In fact , it actually does the opposite. As an example, i will give my class . I play a magicka oriented sorcerer and due to the limitations of the skill bars , you will see all ranged sorcerers who lean towards single target fights , go through the following Spells in whatever succession ( this would be on the first action bar ) : Velocious Curse (VC) , Crystal Fragments ( CF ) and Mage's Fury ( MF ) . These 3 skills are usually accompanied by Inner Light for the crit rating boost , with 1 ability for either escape/gap closer ( this would be Bold Escape , our teleport ) , or something related to the weapon they are using ( personally i prefer a weapon skill , namely Impulse , and to use the teleport on the second bar )


    Well I can't speak to sorcerers because I have not played one. But it has encouraged me to make some difficult decisions on my Templar - and I have yet to see a single Templar who uses the same array of abilities that I do. So from my perspective - it has encouraged me to make hard decisions - and it has encouraged variations in builds.

    And this is unlike most other games I have played where every class plays essentially the same, using the same moves and rotations. Where as on this game I have yet to see a single Templar that plays like mine does.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 11, 2014 9:44PM
  • Aimeryan
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    Memnock wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    I think the current system is good. By giving you a limited amount it forces you to make hard decisions about what you want to use. It encourages a wider variety of builds and gives each player their own unique combination. So that's why I like it.

    It's not like most other games where everyone has the same abilities and use the same rotations.

    I am sorry , but i have to disagree with this completely. The current extremely limiting setup , does not encourage players to make hard decisions , nor does it encourage variations in builds.

    In fact , it actually does the opposite. As an example, i will give my class . I play a magicka oriented sorcerer and due to the limitations of the skill bars , you will see all ranged sorcerers who lean towards single target fights , go through the following Spells in whatever succession ( this would be on the first action bar ) : Velocious Curse (VC) , Crystal Fragments ( CF ) and Mage's Fury ( MF ) . These 3 skills are usually accompanied by Inner Light for the crit rating boost , with 1 ability for either escape/gap closer ( this would be Bold Escape , our teleport ) , or something related to the weapon they are using ( personally i prefer a weapon skill , namely Impulse , and to use the teleport on the second bar )

    The second bar would be for defensive purposes/EOE or buffs the complement the first bar. Most common choices for this would be to have a a healing staff here so you can use Mutagen , also coupled with Critical Surge for that weapon dmg and healing buff that you get when swapping back to your dps loadout . This bar would also contain a defensive spell such as Lightning Form or Annulment or Unstoppable , whatever you feel you need to use to help you soak up some damage . Here would be a nice place to put Bolt Escape for those no win situations. For the last slot and here is the one that you can say it gives you freedom , you can choose whatever you feel you need to help complement your tool set , personally i use Dark Conversion , since even if it is a channel skill , it can still heal and give me some magicka as well.

    The actual place where you can see variations is the ultimate slot.

    My point with the above is that there is not damn variation in builds , as a sorc , if you plan on going RDPS you will have a combo of VC , CF & MF on one of your bars . Almost always it will be accompanied by Inner Light and almost always you will have Bold Escape as well . With being forced to have just 5 skills per weapon loadout , people are going for the best skill set they can create and after a time , the variations from that thing that will become the norm for each class and specialization you choose to focus on , will be almost non existent with no room to add something situational , because , at least for pvp , you will want the setup that is the most effective and that limits the choices you can make , since you can't afford not to pick Crystal Fragments , since its the best single target skill for the sorc , you must have some retreat button ( Bolt Escape ) , you must have an execute ( Mage's Fury ) , you must be able to deal as much AOE as possible with each use of the skill ( Pulsar in my case , Bow users can pick something else obviously ) and so on.

    It is not a game that uses rotations , but it is a game , that nudges you towards certain skills and kind of forces you to have a limited tool set , since you can't really deviate much if you want to get the most bang for your buck.

    I am sorry for the the wall of text , but i kind of feel frustrated with the limitation , especially since the Developer's motto for the game is "Play how you want to play"
    and don't misunderstand when i say i want more skills per weapon loadout ; by this i don't mean i want all of them bound , i just feel that having 7 instead of 5 per weapon loadout would just help diversify what we would see on the battle field , since that would mean that people will have some situational stuff that they can bring with them as well.

    As a last note , i do not think that this was brought on by the fact that the game will come out on consoles , since the console users will have their own servers , separate from the PC users ( at least that is what i heard a while back ).

    The sad thing is that you just described my build completely, yet I haven't had any advise on my build at all - the "needed" skills (for that is what they are) are obvious.

    In fact, for single-target, there are no magicka-single-target skills that I can think of for a sorc other than fury, curse, shards. Fury is an execute (brilliant at execute time, rubbish at others), curse is nice damage for magicka and good for shard procs but rubbish dps, and shards is great dps and spammable (if magicka hungry). You could do without the execute but you wont be no where near as good at execute range then, you could do without the curse but you'll lose shard procs (very important for magicka and dps) and some nice extra damage, you can't really do without the shards since that is the only spammable single-target damage we have outside of execute range. So, you have one skill that is essential, and the other two skills that you would have to be a fool not to use. Where is the variety here? Pets? Yeah... no.

    Even for aoe we only really have lightning splash as a class skill. We have impulse from the staff. For aoe, if magicka-based, you are going to be using one (or both) of those. Again, where is the variety?

    For survivability, if magicka-based, you are using majority light armor, and either the escape skill (bolt escape) or the tank skill (lightning form). Bound armor could also be a choice, but given the poor quality of the class toggles at the moment, for their opportunity cost, this would be a bad choice. Where is the variety?

    Two additional skills that all magicka-based sorcs tend to have is Inner Light and Crit Surge - both these give massive buffs for a very passive use - again, where is the variety?

    Basically, the problem with a magicka-based sorc (or maybe any class) is that for all the functions needed to be covered in the limited amount of skills available outside weapons, there is no room for variety. I figure weapons are meant to provide that variety, but there is only one magicka-based offensive weapon - so that sort of failed (especially since it only really has one skill worth using a skill slot for).

    Would more skills slots help? By itself, no. In conjunction with more choice in the magicka skills, I think it could.
    Edited by Aimeryan on May 12, 2014 12:00AM
  • Shaun98ca2
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Aimeryan wrote: »
    Memnock wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    I think the current system is good. By giving you a limited amount it forces you to make hard decisions about what you want to use. It encourages a wider variety of builds and gives each player their own unique combination. So that's why I like it.

    It's not like most other games where everyone has the same abilities and use the same rotations.

    I am sorry , but i have to disagree with this completely. The current extremely limiting setup , does not encourage players to make hard decisions , nor does it encourage variations in builds.

    In fact , it actually does the opposite. As an example, i will give my class . I play a magicka oriented sorcerer and due to the limitations of the skill bars , you will see all ranged sorcerers who lean towards single target fights , go through the following Spells in whatever succession ( this would be on the first action bar ) : Velocious Curse (VC) , Crystal Fragments ( CF ) and Mage's Fury ( MF ) . These 3 skills are usually accompanied by Inner Light for the crit rating boost , with 1 ability for either escape/gap closer ( this would be Bold Escape , our teleport ) , or something related to the weapon they are using ( personally i prefer a weapon skill , namely Impulse , and to use the teleport on the second bar )

    The second bar would be for defensive purposes/EOE or buffs the complement the first bar. Most common choices for this would be to have a a healing staff here so you can use Mutagen , also coupled with Critical Surge for that weapon dmg and healing buff that you get when swapping back to your dps loadout . This bar would also contain a defensive spell such as Lightning Form or Annulment or Unstoppable , whatever you feel you need to use to help you soak up some damage . Here would be a nice place to put Bolt Escape for those no win situations. For the last slot and here is the one that you can say it gives you freedom , you can choose whatever you feel you need to help complement your tool set , personally i use Dark Conversion , since even if it is a channel skill , it can still heal and give me some magicka as well.

    The actual place where you can see variations is the ultimate slot.

    My point with the above is that there is not damn variation in builds , as a sorc , if you plan on going RDPS you will have a combo of VC , CF & MF on one of your bars . Almost always it will be accompanied by Inner Light and almost always you will have Bold Escape as well . With being forced to have just 5 skills per weapon loadout , people are going for the best skill set they can create and after a time , the variations from that thing that will become the norm for each class and specialization you choose to focus on , will be almost non existent with no room to add something situational , because , at least for pvp , you will want the setup that is the most effective and that limits the choices you can make , since you can't afford not to pick Crystal Fragments , since its the best single target skill for the sorc , you must have some retreat button ( Bolt Escape ) , you must have an execute ( Mage's Fury ) , you must be able to deal as much AOE as possible with each use of the skill ( Pulsar in my case , Bow users can pick something else obviously ) and so on.

    It is not a game that uses rotations , but it is a game , that nudges you towards certain skills and kind of forces you to have a limited tool set , since you can't really deviate much if you want to get the most bang for your buck.

    I am sorry for the the wall of text , but i kind of feel frustrated with the limitation , especially since the Developer's motto for the game is "Play how you want to play"
    and don't misunderstand when i say i want more skills per weapon loadout ; by this i don't mean i want all of them bound , i just feel that having 7 instead of 5 per weapon loadout would just help diversify what we would see on the battle field , since that would mean that people will have some situational stuff that they can bring with them as well.

    As a last note , i do not think that this was brought on by the fact that the game will come out on consoles , since the console users will have their own servers , separate from the PC users ( at least that is what i heard a while back ).

    The sad thing is that you just described my build completely, yet I haven't had any advise on my build at all - the "needed" skills (for that is what they are) are obvious.

    In fact, for single-target, there are no magicka-single-target skills that I can think of for a sorc other than fury, curse, shards. Fury is an execute (brilliant at execute time, rubbish at others), curse is nice damage for magicka and good for shard procs but rubbish dps, and shards is great dps and spammable (if magicka hungry). You could do without the execute but you wont be no where near as good at execute range then, you could do without the curse but you'll lose shard procs (very important for magicka and dps) and some nice extra damage, you can't really do without the shards since that is the only spammable single-target damage we have outside of execute range. So, you have one skill that is essential, and the other two skills that you would have to be a fool not to use. Where is the variety here? Pets? Yeah... no.

    Even for aoe we only really have lightning splash as a class skill. We have impulse from the staff. For aoe, if magicka-based, you are going to be using one (or both) of those. Again, where is the variety?

    For survivability, if magicka-based, you are using majority light armor, and either the escape skill (bolt escape) or the tank skill (lightning form). Bound armor could also be a choice, but given the poor quality of the class toggles at the moment, for their opportunity cost, this would be a bad choice. Where is the variety?

    Two additional skills that all magicka-based sorcs tend to have is Inner Light and Crit Surge - both these give massive buffs for a very passive use - again, where is the variety?

    Basically, the problem with a magicka-based sorc (or maybe any class) is that for all the functions needed to be covered in the limited amount of skills available outside weapons, there is no room for variety. I figure weapons are meant to provide that variety, but there is only one magicka-based offensive weapon - so that sort of failed (especially since it only really has one skill worth using a skill slot for).

    Would more skills slots help? By itself, no. In conjunction with more choice in the magicka skills, I think it could.

    I don't believe the issue is the limit of the ability bar....

    Its the limit of the Sorcerer class. When I saw the Sorcerer class, it really just looked lacking damaging abilities that anybody would ever want to use.

    Lets look at the skill lines and see....

    1. You have Daedric Summoning line that has Daedric Curse but that ability seems stupid to me.
    2. You have Dark Magic line which give you Crystal Shards, so 1 usable ability there. Daedric Mines is just plain stupid looking too.
    3. You have Storm Calling with Mages Fury and Lighting Spash....Mages Fury is spamable but still seems dumb to me and as for Lighting Spash...just plain looks dumb as well.

    So for an actual spell for damage dealing you have 1 good looking one. All I can see is Sorcerer class is just plain terrible for choice in general. You are almost stuck using a Destro Staff for having actual options for using cool Magicka based abilities.

    I would recommend a reroll but for somebody who wants to be a "mage" Sorcerer is the closest option.
  • Memnock
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    @Shaun98ca2 Unfortunately , i have't played the other classes beyond level 16 , so i am not knowledgeable enough to provide an accurate description with regards to the builds that they can make for whatever road they plan on taking , but with that said, i do not think that a sorcerer is the only one suffering from this flaw , if you want to look at it that way.

    I mean most of the templars i see in the VR content are Puncturing Strikes spammers if they melee oriented or if they plan on going range they will almost always have Sun Fire and Eclipse on their bar.

    I am sure that if i take a look at the other 2 classes and take the time to play them , i will find the same lack of variety in skills that you can use for certain spec that you are going for , since the options in that department are limited on all fronts , but that is not the issue. The issue is that , besides the best skills that your class has , you can't really afford to add something else.

    If you think about it and have a bit of knowledge about classes and you keep in mind the limitation of the weapon loadouts , you can predict to a certain degree what that class will throw at you because of the limiting nature of the skill bars.

    You see a Templar with a 2h weapon ? Oh that guy most certainly has Critical Charge along with Bitting Jabs there , hes most likely to take Momentum as well , hes going to use Radial Sweep as his ultimate for that bar , since its a low cost melee AOE ( 75 ultimate and with a set that reduces ultimate cost , he is going to have it just like a regular active ).

    Oh you just encountered a NB with Dual Wield ? That means he almost always has Teleport Strike for his gap closer , Wirlwind will be in there too for AOE and for the nice boost that player gets for their targets that get lower HP , he will have flurry in there as well , its a bit buggy , but when it works properly , it can deliver some nasty damage , hes going to have Strife in there as well , this skill will most probably be used right after teleport strike so the NB gets some self healing going.

    I can give other examples as well but i don't think that is necessary. So , do you begin to see a pattern here ? :) With the limitations of 5 actives + 1 ultimate per weapon loadout , you are basically forced to bring only the best skills that your class has access to , no matter what you choose to spec into. But if we are allowed to have 2 more per weapon loadout , that will add some unknown elements into the mix, it will allow for more variations , people will not be afraid to include some stuff that can be used on rarer occasions than the basic ones. It will allow for a higher degree on unpredictability into the mix.

    At the moment , i think of this game as a game of poker. Luck plays a chance in what hand you may be dealt but a card counter increases his chances dramatically. That same thing is applied here as well at the moment. A guy may be able to counter you better if he makes some observations with regards to your class and weapon , and with the limitation in place he will predict what you can bring to the table with a higher degree of accuracy compared to the same situation where you have more options to branch out and try and customize your bars with a wider variety of tools.
  • Mr Bo Jingles
    Other - Please explain.
    They should keep the 5 skills + 1 ulti per weapon swap and add 5 more set skills that are hotkey-able and do not swap with your weapons.
  • Memnock
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    They should keep the 5 skills + 1 ulti per weapon swap and add 5 more set skills that are hotkey-able and do not swap with your weapons.

    That would be a nice solution as well
  • Falmer
    Other - Please explain.
    I don't mind the 5+5, however... I would like to see 2 'toggle' slots off to the side that don't change with the weapon swap.

    This way you could have a familiar or a magelight that would remain active without needing to use up 2 of your 10 slots because you need to have them in both of your hotbars in order for them to remain active.

    So, 2 more slots that don't change with the weapon slot would be plenty for me.
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    So far the only legitimate mechanical argument for more slots seems to be from sorcs who feel crunched by having a bunch of their slots taken up by summons/bound armor. That seems to be more a flaw with sorcs than with the system, however. Maybe they should have a diminishing returns system where the more toggles you have active, the weaker they become, or more exponential their costs become.
  • LordNowe
    Falmer wrote: »
    I don't mind the 5+5, however... I would like to see 2 'toggle' slots off to the side that don't change with the weapon swap.

    This way you could have a familiar or a magelight that would remain active without needing to use up 2 of your 10 slots because you need to have them in both of your hotbars in order for them to remain active.

    So, 2 more slots that don't change with the weapon slot would be plenty for me.

    This would work for me as well. Would love not to have to keep Magelight on both my bars ^^;
  • Travail
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    Falmer wrote: »
    I don't mind the 5+5, however... I would like to see 2 'toggle' slots off to the side that don't change with the weapon swap.

    This way you could have a familiar or a magelight that would remain active without needing to use up 2 of your 10 slots because you need to have them in both of your hotbars in order for them to remain active.

    So, 2 more slots that don't change with the weapon slot would be plenty for me.

    I wonder if we could alter this just slightly to keep absolutely everyone happy. We could have 2 global slots which were independent of weapon swapping, as you say. Then, we could have 4 hotkey slots (down from 5) which swapped over with our weapons. The ultimate slots would be unaffected.

    This would still limit everyone to the same 10 normal slots + 2 ultimate slots we have now, but it would reorganize things a bit. We'd now be looking at 2 global hotkeys, plus 4 hotkeys and an ultimate which swapped with your weapon. That's 6 hotkeys "at the ready", with 2 of them being designed to more easily accommodate toggled buffs and pets.

  • BabylonRocker
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    I don't mind the 5+1 at all.

    I would not object to a "Buff" key like the ultimate key or one for "Training" purposes.

    Training slot idea

    The reason I say a training one is because I don't use ardent flame skills, to put them on my existing bar is a waste of space. This does not mean I don't want to level the class though as I like everything to be maxed out.

    This Training slot (6th) would not be useable but it would gain experience equal to 1 skill slot.

    Just fill your active bar with skills you wanna level when you turn in a quest, i had every weapon tree and most of the skills i wanted to level for later use on 50 by the time i hit Vr10
  • Cogo
    Other - Please explain.
    nhisso wrote: »
    It's so sad that "leave it as is" is winning. Wow. Simple mindedness rules the day among today's gamers. Too much over whelms their little minds I guess :( Pretending there is strategy involved in it is hilarious.

    Is this a bad joke? If it is I didn't get it as such and applogize for my response.

    Are you serious that's pretty much everything in ESO doesn't have to do with strategy, skill, cooperation with others and your personal skill in playing?

    If you are serious with your post, what do you do when you are playing? Doing Skooma with some Khajiit?
    Edited by Cogo on May 13, 2014 5:51AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Mousmoula
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    I think the 5 Skills + 1 Ult + weapon swap (another 5 Skills + 1 Ult) is good. My only problem is the time needed to swap weapons. If they fix this, the system will be perfect (for me of course).
    I agree with Sharee's argument that this system promotes variety and I would also add that it promotes experimantation. When you know that you have 5 slots you have to choose what fits you best and you have to know it well. I mean, my main is a NB and I've read dozens of builds of other players, none of which where identical with the others or mine. i think that's because of this system. Sometimes having less can offer you better ways to be unique.
    I would actually be disapointed if they were to add slots, unless it was 1 more just for a buff and nothing else.
    So, I think that the ppl who accuse others of having "little minds" are actually experienced mmo players who don't want to adopt to a new system (and way of thinking-playing), but prefer a whole new game, a whole new system to "adopt" to what they are used to, since they are reluctant to change. And they "pretend there is some kind of strategy" in pressing quickly more buttons. The strategy part is how you prepare for the battle and not how you actually fight.
  • WhimsyDragon
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    While I'm not in favor of having 40 usable skills at any given time, I really like having at least slightly more slots than 5. I feel like I'm always very limited to like 3 dmg skills (which may be 1 close attack, 1 far range, 1 aoe) and then use the other two slots for heals, pets, etc.

    I'm also not keen on weapon swapping--maybe I just need to get the hang of it better, but it's not that I even want to swap my weapon but rather gain more skills. So ideally, yeah I'd love 7-10 slots at the same time. That way I wouldn't feel like I'm spending points on skills I won't get the chance to use.
  • Diakos
    Soul Shriven
    Other - Please explain.
    As other have mentioned.
    4-5 active and 1-2 toggle/situational would do wonders.

    Just getting the toggle powers off the main bar would help immensely.
  • Decimus_Rex
    Raynekatt wrote: »
    We've all been seeing the discussions regarding this and there have been some very good points made on both sides. I'm curious, and you may be too, just how many people feel a certain way on this. So let's get some numbers together from those that frequent the forums!

    Sorry guy, this will NEVER come to pass

    The guys at Zeni can't keep up with stability, bug issues and you want them to REVAMP an entire game to allow more skill slots.

    We will be lucky if ESO gets a handle on bot proliferation, better server stability (cyrodill) ,fixes the class issues (DK /sorc certain ability OPness and NB/Temp weakness) and the long update/repair time in the next few months

    You are most likely looking at an additional 4 to 6 months to get to the pressing issues and get them under control by then most of the original people here will be gone

    I can tell you now this game has every indication it will be a struggle to keep people interested in it after the first 6 months.

    Anyone heard of Swtor

    Well it is a game that had all the very same address/execute issues as this game and anyone that remembers that( now F2P) fiasco knows that smell
  • Raynekatt
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    Raynekatt wrote: »
    We've all been seeing the discussions regarding this and there have been some very good points made on both sides. I'm curious, and you may be too, just how many people feel a certain way on this. So let's get some numbers together from those that frequent the forums!

    Sorry guy, this will NEVER come to pass

    The guys at Zeni can't keep up with stability, bug issues and you want them to REVAMP an entire game to allow more skill slots.

    As I was quoted here, I take it this was directed at me?

    For the record, I never stated I wanted it REVAMPed, only that I was wondering how others felt. I am a realist and understand that something like this will most likely never change. At most, the only change will either be reduction to 1 weapon or increase to 3 weapon swap due to the sheer amount of work required to program such a change or delete it depending on the situation.

    However, I do believe that people should be allowed to express their opinions and as such, I created the thread with a poll to count for all of us what that opinion is. Nothing more.

  • Woolenthreads
    Other - Please explain.
    Other - Please explain.
    My Primus uses Bound Armour, Summon Clannfear and Summon Twilight. They have to be on both slots otherwise I de-summon them when I switch weapons leaving me with 4 slots for personal activity. I would like there to be a single slot for summoning which adds a mini-slot-bar specifically for summoned critters.
    Edited by Woolenthreads on May 13, 2014 11:43PM
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Other - Please explain.
    My Primus uses Bound Armour, Summon Clannfear and Summon Twilight. They have to be on both slots otherwise I de-summon them when I switch weapons leaving me with 4 slots for personal activity. I would like there to be a single slot for summoning which adds a mini-slot-bar specifically for summoned critters.

    That would be a huge imbalance, though. Unless every class had summons and were expected to use them all the time.

    Sorc summons make the sorc more powerful (otherwise no one would use them). If sorcs got a bar that let them have all their summons out without impacting their skill options, then they're basically getting those summons 'for free' (let's be real, here, the magicka loss from sustaining a toggle on a sorc isn't the real drawback, it's the fact that it takes up a slot).

    In which case Sorc is just getting a free massive increase to power because they now have all their summons out without it impacting their character.

    Since the problem seems to be that it's just boring, I think it would be better if the Sorc's summons got overhauled, rather than changing the whole system. Make the entire Conjuration tree about summoned creatures and armor (4 creatures and bound armor), then make the summons more interesting by, when you have the summoned creature out, the summon hotkey changes to some kind of spell based on the summon, so that the skill bar still grants you a 'spell' that is balanced around being used with the summon.
    Edited by MasterLanz on May 13, 2014 11:56PM
  • Woolenthreads
    Other - Please explain.
    I just find that the summoned were good for keeping the spam off me but I am left by myself and quite vulnerable because I have to choose my personal combat options very carefully and get slaughtered when they have unexpected spam step in to attack. I was pretty desperate trying to survive with my sorcerer in the Abnur Tharn rescue, took me eight attempts at least and I was lucky.

    I'd be satisfied if the summoned stuff didn't de-summon when switching weapons.
    Edited by Woolenthreads on May 14, 2014 11:54PM
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Aoifesan
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    You all know that the reason for this implementation is because of the port to Consoles right? 5 skills for the 5 Button controllers so the ADD game set can play. I want the full 1 - 0 skill bar for each bar, with an ultimate on each.

    Let the Console kiddies play on the console only server with their shoddy 5 button skill cap. Let PCs be PCs let consoles hamstring consoles.
  • Theron75
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    Aoifesan wrote: »
    You all know that the reason for this implementation is because of the port to Consoles right? 5 skills for the 5 Button controllers so the ADD game set can play. I want the full 1 - 0 skill bar for each bar, with an ultimate on each.

    Let the Console kiddies play on the console only server with their shoddy 5 button skill cap. Let PCs be PCs let consoles hamstring consoles.

    Agreed ^

    Console limitations are the ONLY reason the current system exists. While I like ESO's simplistic design, and don't miss previous MMOs that had dozens of abilities to bind...I hate being this limited.

    Keep weapon swap, but all of my abilities should be accessible at all times.

    While we're at it, the ridiculous "quick swap" interface needs a serious revamp.
  • Head.hunter
    Haven't read through all the posts, but since you do gain experience for simply having skills on your bar, adding more slots would simply overcharge skill lines with experience faster than the game has intended, both for pvp and pve, and with everyone looking for more balance, this will most certainly create an imbalance.

    It would also be kind of redundant since resource pools burn fast enough with just 5 skills to use. With weapon swapping you have another 5 slots, and they apparently just fixed the ws bug.

    I mean you could try to use 7, but not everyone has an enormous amount of magicka/stamina to go around.
    Edited by Head.hunter on May 15, 2014 10:59PM
    I'm just a banana from another dimension.
  • Chryos
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    You could have 20 skill slots available, but the fact is, people are going to use the 5 or so that are they're favorites. I like it the way it is, for now.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    nhisso wrote: »
    It's so sad that "leave it as is" is winning. Wow. Simple mindedness rules the day among today's gamers. Too much over whelms their little minds I guess :( Pretending there is strategy involved in it is hilarious.

    Perhaps, learning to play the way the game is meant to be played overwhelms your mind?

    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Aoifesan
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    Chryos wrote: »
    nhisso wrote: »
    It's so sad that "leave it as is" is winning. Wow. Simple mindedness rules the day among today's gamers. Too much over whelms their little minds I guess :( Pretending there is strategy involved in it is hilarious.

    Perhaps, learning to play the way the game is meant to be played overwhelms your mind?

    Not really it's just tedious. In EQ I had 10 ability Bars I could access each could be bound with any of the 100's of skills and abilities my ranger had access to.

    I had 5 of those 10 bars set so well memorized that when challenged to pull the Plane of Fear as well as a bard can, I was able to do it without sitting for 10 minutes puzzling out which mere ten abilities I would use to do that. I simply used the abilities I KNEW would accomplish the same goals of Constant incoming pulls, that were staggered and managed so the whole 'raid' was Done in under 20 minutes.

    We did it in 15 minutes with my non-bard/ Ranger pulling, and the only reason it took that long was an accidental death that required a minutes time to rebuff.

    The interface is quite simply, Horrid. I have 10 numbers on my keyboard, with easy access to SHIFT I should have access to 10 more numbers set just so. If EVERQUEST could do it in 1997. ESO COULD do it today. Yet they've opted not to so that it's easier to 'streamline' development for the console client.
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Aoifesan wrote: »
    The interface is quite simply, Horrid. I have 10 numbers on my keyboard, with easy access to SHIFT I should have access to 10 more numbers set just so. If EVERQUEST could do it in 1997. ESO COULD do it today. Yet they've opted not to so that it's easier to 'streamline' development for the console client.

    Go play Everquest, then.

    You don't seem to understand the idea that just because one game did something one way, that not every other game should be the same. Having only 5 skills is not some mechanical restriction, it's a design choice.
  • Aoifesan
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    Aoifesan wrote: »
    The interface is quite simply, Horrid. I have 10 numbers on my keyboard, with easy access to SHIFT I should have access to 10 more numbers set just so. If EVERQUEST could do it in 1997. ESO COULD do it today. Yet they've opted not to so that it's easier to 'streamline' development for the console client.

    Go play Everquest, then.

    You don't seem to understand the idea that just because one game did something one way, that not every other game should be the same. Having only 5 skills is not some mechanical restriction, it's a design choice.
    Haven't played EQ in a long time. Their design choice is done to accommodate ease of development for the console ports.

    You may attempt to justify other reasons, but it's always been that way. Consoles ruin games. This is making this game less enjoyable for many. Perhaps Zenimax will hire competent UI designers to allow for more options for Keyboard users rather than ASSUMING that everyone is playing using the xbox or playstation controller pacifier.
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Aoifesan wrote: »
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    Aoifesan wrote: »
    The interface is quite simply, Horrid. I have 10 numbers on my keyboard, with easy access to SHIFT I should have access to 10 more numbers set just so. If EVERQUEST could do it in 1997. ESO COULD do it today. Yet they've opted not to so that it's easier to 'streamline' development for the console client.

    Go play Everquest, then.

    You don't seem to understand the idea that just because one game did something one way, that not every other game should be the same. Having only 5 skills is not some mechanical restriction, it's a design choice.
    Haven't played EQ in a long time. Their design choice is done to accommodate ease of development for the console ports.

    You may attempt to justify other reasons, but it's always been that way. Consoles ruin games. This is making this game less enjoyable for many. Perhaps Zenimax will hire competent UI designers to allow for more options for Keyboard users rather than ASSUMING that everyone is playing using the xbox or playstation controller pacifier.

    Except that the decision to have a smaller skill bar doesn't have to have anything at all to do with consoles. Guild Wars 2 only had 5 main active skills too, and 5 utility skills. That's more than ESO, but still substantially less than most MMOs and it had nothing at all to do with consoles. Unlike GW2, however, characters in ESO have two non-skillbar attacks they can use, as well as blocking, dodging, and interrupting as basic actions instead of skills. And then there's stealth as well, all of which would normally be on a hotbar in an MMO, so in terms of combat actions, it's really more like 11 keys; 5 skills and then light attack, heavy attack, stealth, dodge, block, and interrupt.

    Contrary to what people who clearly play nothing but MMORPGs might think, a game doesn't require a massive skill bar in order to function. The more a game leans away from button-mashing point-and-click gameplay, the fewer hotbar slots are needed.

    It's just a different style of game.

    edit: To add another example of how consoles aren't relevant to this issue: FF14 is absolutely designed for console play, but it has the multitudes of skill bars that are prevalent in other MMOs, and simply uses a design that makes that skill-bar system gamepad-friendly.
    Edited by MasterLanz on May 16, 2014 6:16PM
  • Surinen
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    7 skills + ultimate
    [and erase these ill bred lorkhanic classes. free skill lines for everybody]
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