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How many skills active at one time would you like?

  • MkChkn
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Looking forward to console version. 5+ult fits best my PC controller. Any more and I have to map my layout
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    The combat in eso reminds me a lot of dc universe online. Weapon use has simpler combos in eso but makes up for it in other ways like block and bash. The issue here is that people are acclimated to the old school systems that gave us 4+ trays of abilities with multiple cooldowns and global cooldowns. Eso is just a different kind of game, an action rpg if you will. If we added more slots the game would need to start relying heavily on macros... And that is just not the style they were goingfot.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Sleepydan
    Other - Please explain.
    I don't care what it is. So long as it's planned so that I can't have everything and have to make a choice I don't care if it's 3 or 9 or anywhere in between.

    Though tbh I would love more slots. But I want more slots because i want to build more, and I don't trust my desire to actually improve my gameplay experience or sense of diversity.
  • Sleepydan
    Other - Please explain.
    I apologize for the double post, but I do have an addendum.

    I would like to be able to level more abilities at once. I would rather get xp towards the second bar as well as the primary before increasing either bars size
  • Uviryth
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    7+1, would be perfect. At the moment its too much of a SwitchbuffSwitchFightSwitchbuffSwitchFight. Thats not fun at all.
  • mlscott0
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    I wouldn't mind 5 skills + 2 toggle skills + Ultimate

    Have space for bound armor or something like that without taking an "active" skill.
  • Foxhunt
    Other - Please explain.
    Other - Because a 6 skills + ultimate would be nice. Just that 1 more skill is all I'd like to see.
    Edited by Foxhunt on May 6, 2014 7:39PM
  • JexTex
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    lol it feels way to much like a console game...5 skills really... really wow raiding is gonna be so fun in this
  • Orizuru
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Expanding the toolbar would just change shift the focus of many of the complaints from "My toolbar is too small" to "Resource management is too hard".

  • columbineb14_ESO
    Other - Please explain.
    I'm okay with the current 5+1 but I wouldn't mind a couple more total skillbar swapouts, based on how I happen to be playing at the moment. I wouldn't ask for them to be swappable during combat ... in other words, it's nothing I can't do by pausing and taking thirty seconds to swap skills by hand, which you could interpret to mean that it's an unnecessary feature, or you could interpret it to mean that the current system just penalizes me unnecessarily with annoyance.

    Barring that, I'd settle for a special hotkey for Soul Trap so I'm not constantly deciding which skill to temporarily pull when I need to go on a soul gem filling spree.
    I have just told you more than I know.
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    I'm personally fine as it is but I wouldn't mind if there were few more.
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    5 skills + 1 Ult is the lowest it goes, but honestly, I'd rather it was even lower than that. I think hotkey-based combat is an extremely primitive relic, and while TES has done a lot to move away from it by integrating a lot of basic combat into the controls, it can be taken even further.

    Ideally, I'd want all the 'skills' to be reflected in the combat control, and the hotkeys would only be for long-cooldown 'specials' that you use to turn-tables or get out of trouble, rather than being your main attacks.
  • Uviryth
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    5 skills + 1 Ult is the lowest it goes, but honestly, I'd rather it was even lower than that. I think hotkey-based combat is an extremely primitive relic, and while TES has done a lot to move away from it by integrating a lot of basic combat into the controls, it can be taken even further.

    Ideally, I'd want all the 'skills' to be reflected in the combat control, and the hotkeys would only be for long-cooldown 'specials' that you use to turn-tables or get out of trouble, rather than being your main attacks.

    So you basically want a trained monkey to be able to play the game perfectly?
  • Cogo
    Other - Please explain.
    I do like the 5 + ultmate and quickslot, but a 6th would be nice!!!
    However, if it was 6 slots from start + ultimate and quickslot...I wonder if I didnt want 7! Hehe.

    I think its good as it is. Thing is, we ALL want more abilities to use, but thats part of the skill/fun/luck in the game. You set up your skillset per situation. And sometimes you get jumped and need to adapt. LOVE IT
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Evergreen
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    More than 5 would unbalance the game mechanics. Imagine a Sorc benefiting from extra slots immensely being able to keep up magelight and all their pets without tactical drawbacks.
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    Uviryth wrote: »
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    5 skills + 1 Ult is the lowest it goes, but honestly, I'd rather it was even lower than that. I think hotkey-based combat is an extremely primitive relic, and while TES has done a lot to move away from it by integrating a lot of basic combat into the controls, it can be taken even further.

    Ideally, I'd want all the 'skills' to be reflected in the combat control, and the hotkeys would only be for long-cooldown 'specials' that you use to turn-tables or get out of trouble, rather than being your main attacks.

    So you basically want a trained monkey to be able to play the game perfectly?

    Do trained monkeys play Dark Souls?

    Or do you spend so much time playing WoW that you can't fathom an MMORPG with no skill bars?
  • GeeYouWhy
    Other - Please explain.
    A sixth skill would be enough.
    Konrandir, Vampire Sorcerer
  • Greysun
    Other - Please explain.
    I have grown accustomed to the bar limitations, even though I hate them being so small, however I absolutely hate the fact that I have to "double slot" a lot of abilities that are "essential" for either pvp or pve. summoned creatures, bound armour, magelight etc. I think by just allowing both bars to count as "active" would go a very long way in improving the main "problem" I have with the game currently, and is really my main reason I am on the fence about staying/leaving. ( i love the game and am almost fanboy in my defense of it)
  • ArgonianAssassin
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    Wreaken wrote: »
    For the mathematically impaired people, I say this yet again.

    Why would you want 10 skills on your hot bar when the current way your resource management which is your Magicka and Stamina can only support the casting of 2 or 3 skills in succession?

    So you will have a hotbar with 10 skills, and only ever able to use 3 skills every pull anyway?

    Do people realize that Light and Heavy attacks are a heavily utilized way to play the game to allow for regen?

    This is not your standard MMORPG where it is heavly based around skill usage.

    Besides that being said, you have 10 skills anyway, 5 +1 > Weapon swap > 5 + 1 = 10 skills and 2 ultis.

    I fail to see why people keep bringing this up, because the next argument after this if they even considered it would be, "OMG, why do I have 10 skills on bar when I can't control my mana and stamina consumption!!!! Buff my Stam and Magicka, NAO!!"

    All this talk of making this the same cookie cutter bs that is currently out there is going to lead me to quitting the game if they implement it. I play TESO because it took the leap and broke away from the traditional market circus. Why would I want to play something we have been playing for the past 10 years in different atmospheres?

    Because of the resource management I can only use 3 of those skills at a time anyways. . .so why not just let me have them all available for when I want to make use of them? I don't like only having 2 damaging abilities on my bar and the rest being buffs, not only that but it's unviable, the classic medium, armor dual wield rogue/assassin nightblade character is unplayable as it is with only 5 slots available because to use all the skills you need, you'd need atleast 7 slots, haste, siphoning strikes, mirage, ember explosion rapid flurry, that right there is 5, and 1 attack ability is not going to cut it, you also need to have swallow soul(otherwise you die in 3 shots at veteran content because leeching strikes only heals for 2%) and you also need ambush. High single target damage, hard to hit, blows up when he does get hit, glass canon assassin. If I'm good at resource management with my limited pool of magicka and stamina, I should be rewarded for that by being able to use as many skills as I can manage with my limited resource pool and having them available for the wide variation of situations they'll be needed without having to open up the skill screen and manually bring them down to my bar, oh wait, I'm in combat and now I can't change my abilities and don't have the proper tools for the job. I'm already constantly and often switching out skills on my bar, just make it easier on us and let us have more than 5 on our bar at once, I have an idea, let us set quick swap skills, like say, I have mirage on bar 1, slot 1, if I press shift-1 that swaps mirage out for swallow soul, and can be used in combat. Now we effectively have 20 skill slots with still only 5 active on a bar at a time. How do you feel about that suggestion?
    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • Obscure
    Other - Please explain.
    1 active skill!
    Weapon swapping only changes your weapon. And when you die people can loot your hard earned gear and if they so choose decapitate you and hang your head from their belt. I call it NPC mode.

  • Arcane67
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    I would like the option of 7 + ultimate.

    You could make it so the more over 5 abilities you slot they level 10% slower - that way if you want to have 7 abilities slotted all your skill level 20% slower.
  • huntgod_ESO
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    I said 10+2ult because I am lazy and don't like having to pick and choose.

    I do completely understand that this would completely trash any balance in the game and would probably kill it, so I hope they leave it as is, but I wish I could have 10 out and do everything I want without having to choose. I am glad they didn't ask me.
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Blackwolfe5
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    I wouldn't mind one single simple tiny little slot extra. (though I voted 2)
  • Aimeryan
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    I said 10+2ult because I am lazy and don't like having to pick and choose.

    I do completely understand that this would completely trash any balance in the game and would probably kill it, so I hope they leave it as is, but I wish I could have 10 out and do everything I want without having to choose. I am glad they didn't ask me.

    Actually, this is exactly what it IS like in the game. This poll was made before people actually realised how the weapon swap worked.

    There are 10 skills, not 5. The only difference in this case between there being 10 on screen and 5 on screen with a swap is the swap delay. The swap delay is 0.5 seconds (from any time you could use a skill).

    The major issue that is holding people back is the weapon swap responsiveness. Once they fix this, 0.5 seconds is nothing to get access to 5 more skills.

    All that said, I would rather they got rid of the skill bar swap altogether (or allow the choice). The weapon swap is awesome, makes sense, has meaning, increases possibilities, etc. The skill bar swap, however, is clumsy.
    Edited by Aimeryan on May 10, 2014 5:21PM
  • Titus
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    I love how the skill system is now. It gives this MMO a distinct feel and makes it unique among the common MMO's of today. Enjoy the system and find ways to make it work for you. Everyone plays different. Just because something works for someone else doesn't mean it will work/feel right to you.
  • eliisra
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    Problem for me is how delayed the weapon swap is at times. I hit the key for swap and nothing happens, it takes 2-3 seconds. It's not responsive. I hit it again (desperately) and eventually it swaps, but twice...Don't know how many times that killed me in PvP and PvE.

    If the weapon swap always switched instantly, it wouldn't really matter. In theory I like the design of it

    But you can't have a game where weapon swapping is required to clear content comfortably, yet not working instantly due to lag or latency or what ever is causing it.

    Right now I would prefer one action bar with 10 skills and 2 ultis, over any weapon swap. Just because current system isn't reliable.
  • MasterLanz
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    eliisra wrote: »
    Problem for me is how delayed the weapon swap is at times. I hit the key for swap and nothing happens, it takes 2-3 seconds. It's not responsive. I hit it again (desperately) and eventually it swaps, but twice...Don't know how many times that killed me in PvP and PvE.

    That's because you can't swap while you're in the middle of attacking or using a skill. There's no delay if you're not attacking, but if you're in the middle of doing something it won't change no matter how much you press the button.

  • Aimeryan
    10 skills + 2 Ultimates - Don't want to swap weapons to use them!
    MasterLanz wrote: »
    eliisra wrote: »
    Problem for me is how delayed the weapon swap is at times. I hit the key for swap and nothing happens, it takes 2-3 seconds. It's not responsive. I hit it again (desperately) and eventually it swaps, but twice...Don't know how many times that killed me in PvP and PvE.

    That's because you can't swap while you're in the middle of attacking or using a skill. There's no delay if you're not attacking, but if you're in the middle of doing something it won't change no matter how much you press the button.

    Sort of. It will queue IF you are in the animation time of a skill or using a light attack. It wont queue if you are in the cast time of a skill or using a heavy attack. It is incredibly frustrating since ability queuing works 100% of the time, but the weapon swap refuses to comply to the same rules.
    Edited by Aimeryan on May 11, 2014 7:21PM
  • Jeremy
    5 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Leave it as is!
    I think the current system is good. By giving you a limited amount it forces you to make hard decisions about what you want to use. It encourages a wider variety of builds and gives each player their own unique combination. So that's why I like it.

    It's not like most other games where everyone has the same abilities and use the same rotations.
  • Memnock
    7 Skills + 1 Ultimate - Wish there was just space for a little more...
    Jeremy wrote: »
    I think the current system is good. By giving you a limited amount it forces you to make hard decisions about what you want to use. It encourages a wider variety of builds and gives each player their own unique combination. So that's why I like it.

    It's not like most other games where everyone has the same abilities and use the same rotations.

    I am sorry , but i have to disagree with this completely. The current extremely limiting setup , does not encourage players to make hard decisions , nor does it encourage variations in builds.

    In fact , it actually does the opposite. As an example, i will give my class . I play a magicka oriented sorcerer and due to the limitations of the skill bars , you will see all ranged sorcerers who lean towards single target fights , go through the following Spells in whatever succession ( this would be on the first action bar ) : Velocious Curse (VC) , Crystal Fragments ( CF ) and Mage's Fury ( MF ) . These 3 skills are usually accompanied by Inner Light for the crit rating boost , with 1 ability for either escape/gap closer ( this would be Bold Escape , our teleport ) , or something related to the weapon they are using ( personally i prefer a weapon skill , namely Impulse , and to use the teleport on the second bar )

    The second bar would be for defensive purposes/EOE or buffs the complement the first bar. Most common choices for this would be to have a a healing staff here so you can use Mutagen , also coupled with Critical Surge for that weapon dmg and healing buff that you get when swapping back to your dps loadout . This bar would also contain a defensive spell such as Lightning Form or Annulment or Unstoppable , whatever you feel you need to use to help you soak up some damage . Here would be a nice place to put Bolt Escape for those no win situations. For the last slot and here is the one that you can say it gives you freedom , you can choose whatever you feel you need to help complement your tool set , personally i use Dark Conversion , since even if it is a channel skill , it can still heal and give me some magicka as well.

    The actual place where you can see variations is the ultimate slot.

    My point with the above is that there is not damn variation in builds , as a sorc , if you plan on going RDPS you will have a combo of VC , CF & MF on one of your bars . Almost always it will be accompanied by Inner Light and almost always you will have Bold Escape as well . With being forced to have just 5 skills per weapon loadout , people are going for the best skill set they can create and after a time , the variations from that thing that will become the norm for each class and specialization you choose to focus on , will be almost non existent with no room to add something situational , because , at least for pvp , you will want the setup that is the most effective and that limits the choices you can make , since you can't afford not to pick Crystal Fragments , since its the best single target skill for the sorc , you must have some retreat button ( Bolt Escape ) , you must have an execute ( Mage's Fury ) , you must be able to deal as much AOE as possible with each use of the skill ( Pulsar in my case , Bow users can pick something else obviously ) and so on.

    It is not a game that uses rotations , but it is a game , that nudges you towards certain skills and kind of forces you to have a limited tool set , since you can't really deviate much if you want to get the most bang for your buck.

    I am sorry for the the wall of text , but i kind of feel frustrated with the limitation , especially since the Developer's motto for the game is "Play how you want to play"
    and don't misunderstand when i say i want more skills per weapon loadout ; by this i don't mean i want all of them bound , i just feel that having 7 instead of 5 per weapon loadout would just help diversify what we would see on the battle field , since that would mean that people will have some situational stuff that they can bring with them as well.

    As a last note , i do not think that this was brought on by the fact that the game will come out on consoles , since the console users will have their own servers , separate from the PC users ( at least that is what i heard a while back ).
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