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Please tell me i'm not the only one who has found multiple botters in ESO. It's really quite ridiculous. I've reported a few of them at least twice each (on different occasions, found them in another dungeon) and nothing has happened. They still get to sit there and farm bosses. If nothing happens this game is going to turn into WoW/Runescape *Shudders* Please don't let that happen ZOS! PLEASE!
  • Vodkaphile
    There's already reports of people being banned for it, or for use of "third party software" on the Customer Support forums, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. It doesn't really have a hugely detrimental impact to the economy anyway, given the dynamics of the economy in ESO.
    Edited by Vodkaphile on April 7, 2014 9:20AM
  • Delte
    I have reported a few gold sellers already. As for the bots it is easy to fix.

    Once a player has the achievement for a dungeon they get no more loot from that boss.
  • Holmes
    I haven't had problems with bots yet, but I don't really see how it directly affects you. Just help him kill the boss and you get your share of the loot, right? (Right?)
  • Killum
    Vodkaphile wrote: »
    There's already reports of people being banned for it, or for use of "third party software" on the Customer Support forums, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. It doesn't really have a hugely detrimental impact to the economy anyway, given the dynamics of the economy in ESO.

    I have only encountered this in one dungeon so far and have to agree with your comments. While it can be hugely annoying to people like me who like to follow the storyline I can see it having very little effect on the economy or gameplay because of the way this game is made.

    I think that the 'Bots' might well start to disappear once they realise how little they gain and the ESO team start banning accounts.
  • T3CHN01221
    Holmes wrote: »
    I haven't had problems with bots yet, but I don't really see how it directly affects you. Just help him kill the boss and you get your share of the loot, right? (Right?)

    It effects me because it's annoying lol. What enjoyment can you possibly attain from letting a bot sit there and farm gold/loot/exp/nodes. I'm not saying it's ruining the amount of fun i'm having because i barely see them but I know i'm not the only one who feels that this stuff shouldn't be happening. And the amount of bots i've come across today alone is just ridiculous. Well i feel that anyway. (And I know the last part contradicts myself about saying i barely see them, today has just been a lot more frequent then the past few days put together.)
  • MercyKilling
    I've only seen it twice, but they've been in separate factions. Both times, I've reported every single player in the room.
    I will also keep reporting players that do this kind of thing. Kinda like now. While not a bot, this guy is obviously abusing the "risk vs reward" ratio to make tons of gold.

    What is "risk vs reward" you ask? Simple. Great risk = great reward. Little risk = little reward. This guy has found an exploit, and is abusing it. Warn him or ban him, it's up to Zenimax devs.

    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • DanteYoda
    I've actually seen them under the ground at nodes (you can see their names when you tilt the camera down) you know their there when you cannot access a node and your character cannot interact with it.
  • Meogi
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    I've actually seen them under the ground at nodes (you can see their names when you tilt the camera down) you know their there when you cannot access a node and your character cannot interact with it.

    oh, naïve little me thought it was a bug that my nodes disappeared/wasn't intractable when I tried to loot them.

    There is also so much gold-spamming already. I hope ZOS will get it under control, and also boot those players who think they must "win" by purchasing gold / bot the game to get an edge.

    Finally, Mercykilling: I don't get how its an exploit that someone lvl 50ish enjoys slaughtering poor little wolfs. Perhaps a tweak to the loot table, so when you kill something so many levels below you, you aren't getting loot?

  • MercyKilling
    @Meogi, it's a risk vs reward thing.

    The person in the video has literally no chance of dying, yet is reaping GREAT reward from this activity.

    I'd have no problems at all with it if there was a chance he could die.

    THAT is the exploit.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Kyosji
    I don't get what I'm seeing from the video (unless he's talking, I have the volume off at work), what is he doing exactly that is an exploit?
  • Dunhilda
    Delte wrote: »
    I have reported a few gold sellers already. As for the bots it is easy to fix.
    Once a player has the achievement for a dungeon they get no more loot from that boss.

    LOLs man that was the worst way to fix anything in a MMO

    do you want ESO to die very soon? They ( Fixed ) the quest in PvP that hurt Cyro a little, sure let's now nerf boss drops after you get the achievement...

    I'm going to level to level 50 kill the main boss in the last dungeon and get some loot and then I'll quit the game I done all that I can do.
  • Prolyphiq
    Dunhilda wrote: »
    Delte wrote: »
    I have reported a few gold sellers already. As for the bots it is easy to fix.
    Once a player has the achievement for a dungeon they get no more loot from that boss.

    LOLs man that was the worst way to fix anything in a MMO

    do you want ESO to die very soon? They ( Fixed ) the quest in PvP that hurt Cyro a little, sure let's now nerf boss drops after you get the achievement...

    I'm going to level to level 50 kill the main boss in the last dungeon and get some loot and then I'll quit the game I done all that I can do.

    Yea I have to agree - honestly, I'm pretty sure this game cant - by design - suffer from GW2-itis or any other game due to the lack of a public auction house.

    At the end of the day - I've seen gold spammers/ farmer in every online game...i learned to report and move on a very long time ago.

  • zaria
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    I've actually seen them under the ground at nodes (you can see their names when you tilt the camera down) you know their there when you cannot access a node and your character cannot interact with it.
    I had an log being harvested by an invisible character, I heard the sound of the ax and the node went away, I thought it was an phasing bug.
    Anyway it was an oak log, you has to be an idiot using an bot to harvest oak.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • zaria
    @Meogi, it's a risk vs reward thing.

    The person in the video has literally no chance of dying, yet is reaping GREAT reward from this activity.

    I'd have no problems at all with it if there was a chance he could die.

    THAT is the exploit.
    harvesting resources this way is common in all MMO, its totally legitimate to go after easy to kill mob and slaughter them for resources.
    I have done it myself in WOW both solo dungeons and farmed raid trash.
    If its an public location except more people and the profit goes down unless they are smart enough to group up.
    For instances reduce respawn time
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Myrddinman
    Hahaha, it sure seems like the guy in the video is having a ton of fun...whatever. I think I would rip my eyes out if I had to do that over and over.
  • KerinKor
    I've only seen it twice, but they've been in separate factions. Both times, I've reported every single player in the room.
    I will also keep reporting players that do this kind of thing. Kinda like now. While not a bot, this guy is obviously abusing the "risk vs reward" ratio to make tons of gold.
    So, you say you're against it, then post a video showing others how it's done.

    Edited by KerinKor on April 7, 2014 1:21PM
  • mbrubaker
    Yea, I don't see the problem with a high level farming low level content. once it gets over abused anything they're selling to players will end up drastically lowering in price due to the market being flooded. If they're just vendoring the stuff well good for them that's what they enjoy doing to make money.

    All I did in WOW for money was solo old raid/dungeons and vendor everything because that is how I enjoyed playing, I didn't have a chance to die either. So to each their own unless it is impacting how you play this game let them be.
  • zaria
    KerinKor wrote: »
    I've only seen it twice, but they've been in separate factions. Both times, I've reported every single player in the room.
    I will also keep reporting players that do this kind of thing. Kinda like now. While not a bot, this guy is obviously abusing the "risk vs reward" ratio to make tons of gold.
    So, you say you're against it, then post a video showing others how it's done.

    Very smart, lots of people will do it causing the price to drop and making it less attractive and provide cheap high quality leather.
    Soon the only one doing it is people who need the materials.
    Problem solved.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • DanteYoda
    Things like this happened in Guildwars 2 as well they never banned anyone they just ruined all the dungeons for non exploiters, not sure how Zenimax will do it but i hope they get banned.

    Edited by DanteYoda on April 7, 2014 1:36PM
  • Kyosji
    Let me get this straight. You guys are reporting HIGHER level players going into LOWER level zones and farming mass amounts of monsters for items and crafting materials, right?

    You all do know that continuous FALSE reports against players can result in suspension or termination of your own account, right? These people aren't breaking ANY rules.
    Didn't take long did it. It was inevitable.
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    Kyosji wrote: »
    Let me get this straight. You guys are reporting HIGHER level players going into LOWER level zones and farming mass amounts of monsters for items and crafting materials, right?

    You all do know that continuous FALSE reports against players can result in suspension or termination of your own account, right? These people aren't breaking ANY rules.

    Yeah, at a certain level they will no longer receive loot. also clearing a dungeon does not stop loot drops. at lower levels this is a perfectly valid strategy to gain soul gems and lots of items for crafting deconstruction. I don't believe many of these are going to actually be bots since boss spawn times I triggered usually by new players entering a nearby location close to the boss room.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • RubyTigress
    I found 4 autospamming the boss spawn in the Inner Sea Armature. Nonsense names, dropping him time after time. Reported them and moved on.

    If Zos wants to get this under control, they will jump on these guys. If not, well, I think that's a mistake, but it's not my call.
  • DanteYoda
    Kyosji wrote: »
    Let me get this straight. You guys are reporting HIGHER level players going into LOWER level zones and farming mass amounts of monsters for items and crafting materials, right?

    You all do know that continuous FALSE reports against players can result in suspension or termination of your own account, right? These people aren't breaking ANY rules.

    Which is funny because in another thread some were complaining why they were suspended and the reasons were killing bosses over and over.

    So if that earn a suspension what does the guys video above earn him :smiley:
  • Kyosji
    Highly doubt someone was suspended for killing a boss over and over again. Unless you can provide proof of that, I'm calling fake, as this game can't suspend you for such a reason.
  • Laerian
    Since when killing lots mobs for loot (using AOE attacks) is an exploit in a mmorpg?.

    A week has passed and we already have voices asking to cut the already low incomes. In the end, these "ideas" punish players and transform populated areas into ghost towns. Is that what you want?

    As more restricted is the loot, there are more incentives for people to buy gold or use bots.
    Edited by Laerian on April 7, 2014 2:18PM
  • Cry_Wolfe
    well here's hoping ZOS have some decent logging tools because its always a shame when legit farmers get banned just because someone thinks they might have been a bot.

    I think botting is weak if done by players, and gold retailers can DIAF, but i don't think farming is bad in and of itself.

    PS: if you want to ruin the guy in the video's day, just pull the packs before he can .. then run away with them till they reset, get a few buddies to help if thats what you want... just don't let it be known in any public channels and don't PM the guy :P.. nothing beats getting banned or suspended for griefing :P
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Dunhilda wrote: »
    Delte wrote: »
    I have reported a few gold sellers already. As for the bots it is easy to fix.
    Once a player has the achievement for a dungeon they get no more loot from that boss.

    LOLs man that was the worst way to fix anything in a MMO

    do you want ESO to die very soon? They ( Fixed ) the quest in PvP that hurt Cyro a little, sure let's now nerf boss drops after you get the achievement...

    I'm going to level to level 50 kill the main boss in the last dungeon and get some loot and then I'll quit the game I done all that I can do.

    Seriously, people are acting like this is a singleplayer game. It isn't. Elder Scrolls VI is coming eventually. This is the MMORPG based on the lore of Elder Scrolls.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Mortuum
    Exploiting dungeons or constant farming boss for loot is a bad thing. But never ever i have seen that gathering mats by killing lot of lower lvl mobs is exploit. It is, as someone above said, common practice in MMO, can be annoying if you are trying to do quest which require kills, but usually if you ask nicely, you will get invite, or high level player will stop so you can complete quest objectives.

    Not an exploit for sure, and spamming GMs/CS with things like that is really silly, as they have to look at each ticket...And are already busy.
  • DanteYoda
    Kyosji wrote: »
    Highly doubt someone was suspended for killing a boss over and over again. Unless you can provide proof of that, I'm calling fake, as this game can't suspend you for such a reason.

    There you go :
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