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Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23


  • slander36
    zaria wrote: »
    slander36 wrote: »
    Kiwi wrote: »
    LoneWalker wrote: »
    Just be careful not to get honest players banned by reporting them with no evidence or just because you think he's botting and other misunderstandings included when you start a witch hunt.

    quoted for truth
    just because somebody ks your mob does not warrant wasting staff time

    No, but if they KS a mob you need to progress......then it's interfering with someone else's enjoyment of the game and impeding the natural flow of the game.

    This IS a situation where a ban should happen. If a level 40 goes to a level 12 zone and is one-shotting a required mob that only spawns every 5 minutes, that's griefing and is punishable via the TOS.

    That said, this is a special case and not necessarily the same as having a bunch of level 12s gathering around a public dungeon boss farming him until they get the blue drop they want.
    Is this even a an relevant issue? in WOW and some other MMO it might be relevant as killing mobs was an important part of questing, in ESO it will most likely help you as they clear away the packs of enemies blocking your path.

    It's relevant, but only in cases such as a spawn which is required to complete a quest or public dungeon. If there are people there one-shotting those spawns then people can't complete their quests. Key point being one-shotting. If other players are allowed to get their hits in as well then no, it doesn't block any progress, just stifles some immersion.
  • Laerian
    Back to the topic, today I saw the real botters. Several dudes, most lvl 3, teleporting between nodes. You can only see them when they are harvesting the node.

    I thought it was latency, but no, they don't look like "normal" players.
  • aegis156
    Kyosji wrote: »
    Let me get this straight. You guys are reporting HIGHER level players going into LOWER level zones and farming mass amounts of monsters for items and crafting materials, right?

    You all do know that continuous FALSE reports against players can result in suspension or termination of your own account, right? These people aren't breaking ANY rules.

    the mobs can't be that low. He is getting drops and high end drops at that. The Mobs are need to have their HPs adjusted is all
  • dreildragb14_ESO
    Wow.. I mean really?

    People getting temp bann for doing whats common in any other MMO?

    So I do a public dungeon and refuse a group, or I don't answer someone im automatically a bot?

    I admit I done public dungeons and when it comes to the named mob I cant do enough damage in time to where I get credit or loot, so I end up standing their swinging at the spawn in hopes I get credit and move on, but now it seems from reading this if I cant get credit from the boss on the 1st spawn when im their and have to wait 2-3-5 times to get a good hit and credit im now farming a boss and getting reported for it by crybaby bot witch hunters which does fall under the articles of the TOS/EULA specific to harassment and hate grouping but no punishment is ever given to them?

    Doesn't make much sense. I thought the people running the game was in it for the money, but they clearly seem to want to run people off rather than admit and change a few things or even put a global warning in such a thing is not wanted before they smack people with the "Because I can" section of the TOS/EULA.

    Now im scared to kill wolfs, or even use a AoE for that matter since then I might be labeled a gold farmer or exploiter! (Sarcasm)

    Did we make the game? No
    Did we Beta and report things wrong? Yes
    Was easy and exploitable stuff reported in feedbacks? Yes

    Don't punish the paying end user for the faults of the games informed development team on things like this please. Im sure the company's stock holders will agree once the numbers start to come threw.
  • Wolfpack12c
    Greatest moves against botting was what FFXI did. "oh so you like botting cool, every Chinese IP is now permanently banned." next best one was eve "all these people want to bot cool, now you can only play on a Chinese server and you can never play on an US or EU server again" now that's called fixing an issue...
    Edited by Wolfpack12c on April 8, 2014 7:26PM
  • Amsel_McKay
    I got reported the other day because I was in a low level area killing the mobs finishing some quests that were broken when I tried them. The guy who reported me kept telling me I was KSing all the mobs (I told him what I was doing). I was in and out in like 2 min... the question here is I did not find mobs he was attacking and attack them I would just engage my own mobs and went on my way. I was called a Chinese bot farmer and other names, but I kept the screenshots if anything happened to get my account banned.
  • Distrobomb
    I haven't seen many botters but I know it's pretty easy to just farm the hell out of mobs, bosses, and nodes. The respawn rate is way too fast imho.
    I survived the great ESO launch disaster 2014 B)
  • circilion
    DanteYoda wrote: »
    Things like this happened in Guildwars 2 as well they never banned anyone they just ruined all the dungeons for non exploiters, not sure how Zenimax will do it but i hope they get banned.


    whatever, it gets to the point where gold means nothing doesn't it? who cares. I play a poverty stricken sorcerer, and in 4 months I'll have everything levelled purchased, sweet armour and stockpiles of cash.

    That guy did the same in 2 days. Who gives a @#$%. Him being moneybags has zero impact on my game experience, and due to the segregated economy of ESO, his gold will have reduced inflationary impact on mine.

    Eat that all you Auction House Whiners. Yes I hate you all, and you Bag space whiners.
  • grendel1013ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    The problem is not the real players farming mats, the problem is the Botters that just sit there and keep killing the same spawn over and over again prohibiting real players from killing them.

    I have reported numerous Botters, and I plan on continuing to do so.

    Honestly, I could give a rats behind about where they come from, their working conditions, and their problems at home. They chose to work for these companies, no one forces them to do so. In essence, they are all scumbags, and I don't care how much their butt hurts. It's not my problem that they live in a Communist country that is corrupt.

    Yes, it is the players fault for contributing to the problem by buying gold.
  • sjw62b16_ESO
    Holmes wrote: »
    I haven't had problems with bots yet, but I don't really see how it directly affects you. Just help him kill the boss and you get your share of the loot, right? (Right?)

    It's affecting me alot, alot of times it's almost 10 bots on the same boss and I barely have enough time to do enough damage, so I don't get any loot. And I shouldn't have to sit there spamming my attacks just to land enought damage to get loot.
  • Sarenia
    Greatest moves against botting was what FFXI did. "oh so you like botting cool, every Chinese IP is now permanently banned." next best one was eve "all these people want to bot cool, now you can only play on a Chinese server and you can never play on an US or EU server again" now that's called fixing an issue...

    Good thing nobody in China knows how to connect through a VPN.
  • born2beagator
    Bots are absolutely rampant in every public dungeon farming the boss. There is a stack of at least 4 or 5 at every named boss in every dungeon I have been in so far. I have given up on getting the rare drop from them. I'm lucky to get any loot from them. They literally die in about 2 seconds.
  • knightblaster
    Also now in the overworld as well. Just saw a train of bots running around in a circle in a quest area in Shadowfen (all names like ghgegh, jehehe, khkgkhjkh and so on running around in a very artificial, and same, way around and around and around, hitting mobs as they spawn). It's getting very brazen now. This is becoming a huge, huge issue.
  • Ulalume
    I have probably reported more bots in the last week than in all my previous mmorpgs combined. Every time I enter a cave I find a blob of bots camping the boss. I don't care if regular players farm bosses, but any gamer who's not a complete newbie can tell the difference between a bot and some dude who's simply farming for a bit. Oh, and let's not forget about the harvesting bots and all those wonderful gold sellers.

    Now every single time I report a player Zenimax sends me an email with the same generic message. Don't do that! Can we please not clutter up the inbox of players who still bother to report these bots? That would be awesome.
  • DanteYoda
    Go into a solo dungeon and you'll see the bots.

    Its like a walking dead episode in every dungeon, packs of them just standing there waiting on boss respawns and when he spawns its all on for a whole 1 sec, then the zeds go back to their passive modes again..
  • T3CHN01221
    And no-one believed me when i first posted this haha.
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