Credible_Joe wrote: »- Azandar al-Cybiades
I cringe every time I see that subtitle. What are "old man noises"? Replace "old man" with any other group (LGBT, person-of-colour, female, for example) and that subtitle wouldn't be allowed to exist (and rightly so). Why not just "groan" or "snort" or whatever the heck he's actually doing?
I didn't know that. I don't think it's a good idea to make subtitles based on memes.
I cringe every time I see that subtitle. What are "old man noises"? Replace "old man" with any other group (LGBT, person-of-colour, female, for example) and that subtitle wouldn't be allowed to exist (and rightly so). Why not just "groan" or "snort" or whatever the heck he's actually doing?
But they've been doing that before. I think I read that Sharp also uses some, and Bastian makes one joke that's, at least I've been told, some old gag from some US comedian. I just looked it up again, it was this line: "I don't have a romantic partner back home, but I know a girl who would get mad if she heard me say that." For everyone who doesn't know this joke (like about everyone who is not from the US - that comedian isn't known abroad) it just feels random. To me it felt completely out of character for Bastian to say.
BretonMage wrote: »I admit that as an aging person myself, I can absolutely sympathise with these old person noises. They're the grunts of frustration and discomfort that I would make more often if I were less self-conscious.
SickleCider wrote: »I find some of his voice lines grating. They can be pretentiously verbose, like he's got a pocket thesaurus always handy and he's trying to reach some sort of word count.
Then the subtitle should say "grunts in discomfort" or something along those lines. "Old man noises" tells me nothing. It tells a hearing-impaired person nothing except that he's making some noise that apparently only older men can make. I guess whoever wrote the subtitle was thinking of the meme. They forgot about what purpose the subtitles are supposed to serve.
SickleCider wrote: »I find some of his voice lines grating. They can be pretentiously verbose, like he's got a pocket thesaurus always handy and he's trying to reach some sort of word count. I have that issue with a handful of the Apocrypha aligned NPCs. It gives me the impression that whoever wrote the dialogue doesn't actually understand how intelligent, knowledgeable people speak.
SickleCider wrote: »I find some of his voice lines grating. They can be pretentiously verbose, like he's got a pocket thesaurus always handy and he's trying to reach some sort of word count. I have that issue with a handful of the Apocrypha aligned NPCs. It gives me the impression that whoever wrote the dialogue doesn't actually understand how intelligent, knowledgeable people speak.
. . .
All that being said, you're all convincing me to give him another shot.
He really feels like a slightly cracked scholar.
Isn't that verbosity meant to be satiric? At least that's the impression I get. It's like the mentioned characters are somewhat puffed-up know-it-alls trying to impress the player character, even though their knowledge really isn't that spectacularly deep or awesome. I find it quite funny, since I've run across such people IRL often enough.
Can you give me a few examples? I play the German translation and there, he doesn't sound overly complicated. The only terms that seem uncommon just sound a bit quirky and sometimes "dated" - like terms that were more common during the childhood or youth of people who are old today and that aren't regularly used today anymore.
In case of Leramil (as noted, in the German translation) I found it more annoying that she often uses terms that seem a bit more educated, but not as complicated that no one would comprehend them (normal formal or technical language so to say) - but then always makes remarks as if the player character would be too dumb to understand them anyway.