I see reasons for Endless Archive to add progress savesBillium813 wrote: »I see no reason for Endless Archive to add progress saves
I think the only reason players are asking for this is because the first 3-4 Arcs are too easy. We need a Veteran mode that starts off at Arc 6.
tomofhyrule wrote: »While I understand the people who would like the ability to save, I do see that the original idea of this was an endurance test... and that's kind of how the devs designed it. They were going for the old school Nintendo-hard version of go-as-long-as-you-can.
I mean, if someone was running a marathon and then stopped at mile 20 and told the organizers "yeah, I'm tired so I'm coming back tomorrow to finish it," that's patently ridiculous.
Billium813 wrote: »I see no reason for Endless Archive to add progress saves
I think the only reason players are asking for this is because the first 3-4 Arcs are too easy. We need a Veteran mode that starts off at Arc 6.
Billium813 wrote: »I see no reason for Endless Archive to add progress saves
I think the only reason players are asking for this is because the first 3-4 Arcs are too easy. We need a Veteran mode that starts off at Arc 6.
I don't want to ruin your perfect world and therefore don't want to describe my personal problems in too much detail.
But I haven't been to the EA once, because I no longer have the time management like I had when I was a student.
FantasticFreddie wrote: »Billium813 wrote: »I see no reason for Endless Archive to add progress saves
I think the only reason players are asking for this is because the first 3-4 Arcs are too easy. We need a Veteran mode that starts off at Arc 6.
Several people, myself included, have encountered crashes or run-ending bugs that force us to lose our progress and restart the archive
That ALONE should be enough to warrent frequent save points.
Billium813 wrote: »I see no reason for Endless Archive to add progress saves
I think the only reason players are asking for this is because the first 3-4 Arcs are too easy. We need a Veteran mode that starts off at Arc 6.
Billium813 wrote: »I see no reason for Endless Archive to add progress saves
I think the only reason players are asking for this is because the first 3-4 Arcs are too easy. We need a Veteran mode that starts off at Arc 6.
PS: Saving runs probably means quite a bit of data saving, so I doubt ZOS will ever allow this.
There is a major difference between those arena's and this one. In every other arena the mobs and bosses are static(always the same), while in the EA the bosses and mobs differ every run. Without saving an incomplete run on the servers, players could abuse a saved run to keep relogging just to get easy random bosses to progress easier. Not to mention random player buffs, visions and verses would have to be saved too.
PS: Saving runs probably means quite a bit of data saving, so I doubt ZOS will ever allow this.
Not really - save mechanic was introduced for vet MA and VH launched with it.
Aside from the total frustration of crashing during a run and losing all progress, its important to take regular breaks and gaming companies have a responsibility to warn against playing without taking breaks, so it beggars belief that the same save mech hasn't been included in EA, which it easily could and should have been.
I don't know if you have the wrong idea about the way of the save, or if it's me?Without saving an incomplete run on the servers, players could abuse a saved run to keep relogging just to get easy random bosses to progress easier. Not to mention random player buffs, visions and verses would have to be saved too.
There is a major difference between those arena's and this one. In every other arena the mobs and bosses are static(always the same), while in the EA the bosses and mobs differ every run. Without saving an incomplete run on the servers, players could abuse a saved run to keep relogging just to get easy random bosses to progress easier. Not to mention random player buffs, visions and verses would have to be saved too.
PS: Side question: What is the EA actually? And does gear/buffs that affects damage done to and damage reduced by dungeon/trial/arena monsters affect the EA too? As technically it is none of those.
I'm not against a save progress function, as long as losing all threads means that player is out/the run is ended. But I am against being able to start at higher stages. As that would allow those players to gain an unfair amount of currency. And defeats the entire purpose of the endless archive, which is seeing how far you can get in one run. By bypassing lower arcs these players would also bypass screw ups and tough random boss encounters, by default.
Personally I wouldn't want fewer cycles, as that would mean less currency drops, fewer unknown encounters, and fewer fun bosses to test our strenght against. Five feels right to me.
PS: Saving runs probably means quite a bit of data saving, so I doubt ZOS will ever allow this.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Though it woulnt be too much to have some kind of grace period like 5-10 min when crashing.
They say there´s a 5 min grace period, but 5 min is nothing when you suddenly lost internet connection, have to make a restart of your computer or got kicked due to inactivity because you went in the kitchen to get yourself a drink!
FantasticFreddie wrote: »This is already a function in the game. Both solo arenas allow you to to stop and come back to the same place you left off.
Sirona_Starr wrote: »Instead of saving they could just drop the threads. Super annoying, those threads.
Thee_Cheshire_Cat wrote: »Torghast in another game never had a 'save progress' option. Nor should this one. It is an MMO, there is no 'save progress'.
Vateshran Hollows and Maelstrom Arena both have save mechanics.
tomofhyrule wrote: »While I understand the people who would like the ability to save, I do see that the original idea of this was an endurance test... and that's kind of how the devs designed it. They were going for the old school Nintendo-hard version of go-as-long-as-you-can.
I mean, if someone was running a marathon and then stopped at mile 20 and told the organizers "yeah, I'm tired so I'm coming back tomorrow to finish it," that's patently ridiculous.
Minor slayer works in the archive. I haven't tested it, but I would imagine minor aegis does as well.PS: Side question: What is the EA actually? And does gear/buffs that affects damage done to and damage reduced by dungeon/trial/arena monsters affect the EA too? As technically it is none of those.
Dark_Lord_Kuro wrote: »Though it woulnt be too much to have some kind of grace period like 5-10 min when crashing.
They say there´s a 5 min grace period, but 5 min is nothing when you suddenly lost internet connection, have to make a restart of your computer or got kicked due to inactivity because you went in the kitchen to get yourself a drink!
It takes you more than 15 minutes to get a drink?
My computer restarts in less than 30s.
Ishtarknows wrote: »Vateshran Hollows and Maelstrom Arena are both SOLO arenas. There's no save option for Dragonstar Arena or Blackrose Prison.