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my PTS parses

Just gonna post my terrible build parses here for anyone who cares. I use 2H and Bow on my Templar main, so I wanted to see what the changes are gonna do to my DPS. I know the build isn't "meta" and I'm not good at weaving, but I haven't had any issues in the content I run. I mostly run solo and 4 man dungeons.

Bosmer Stamplar

Head - Med - Stormfist
Shoulder - Med - Stormfist
Chest- Med - Deadly Strike
Arms - Light - Dark Convergence
Belt - Light - Dark Convergence
Legs - Med - Deadly Strike
Boots - Med - Deadly Strike
Necklace - Bloodthirsty - Dark Convergence
Ring - Bloodthirsty - Dark Convergence
Ring - Bloodthirsty - Death Dealer's Fete
Weapon 1 - Two Handed - Deadly Strike
Weapon 2 - Bow - Dark Convergence

Bar 1: Carve, Biting Jabs, Stampede, Ritual of Retribution, Camo Hunter, Flawless Dawnbreaker
Bar 2: Venom Arrow, Repentance, Endless Hail, Blazing Spear, Solar Barrage, Everlasting Sweep

PTS 9.1.0:


I expected the new Bow passive and HAs with 2H would do more for my build. Kind of disappointed atm.
Edited by Billium813 on July 21, 2023 8:10PM
  • Billium813
    my HA Build:
    Bosmer Magplar

    Head - Light - Slimecraw
    Shoulder - Light - Noble Duelist
    Chest- Heavy - Sergeant's Mail
    Arms - Light - Noble Duelist
    Belt - Light - Noble Duelist
    Legs - Light - Noble Duelist
    Boots - Light - Noble Duelist
    Necklace - Bloodthirsty - Sergeant's Mail
    Ring - Bloodthirsty - Sergeant's Mail
    Ring - Bloodthirsty - Oakensoul
    Weapon 1 - Lightning Staff - Sergeant's Mail

    Bar 1: Unstable Wall of Storms, Puncturing Sweep, Solar Barrage, Ritual of Retribution, Barbed Trap, Meteor

    PTS 9.1.0:


    I'm not very good with HA bar and weave Jabs pretty badly, but the damage is basically unchanged.
    Edited by Billium813 on July 21, 2023 7:56PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    HA with 2 hand is still going to be sub par single target compared to lightning staff (since lightning is still triple dipping into the HA sets, it will have a little less cleave but the single target should actually increase)

    i also would not necessarily consider dark convergence to be a good dps set, cooldown is far too long and only really good for bursty dmg

    also, numerically speaking, a drop of 3k dps is not something i would call mind-boggling or even "terrible parsing", i sometimes have a variance of 3k just fighting a WB depending on the circumstances

    is this build supposed to be more for pvp or pve?

    and another minor note, why are you using venom arrow over poison injection? you dont need the major buffs from venom arrow due to biting jabs, and you would get significantly higher dmg from poison injection (i know venom arrow can also be a ranged interrupt but i would not use it just for that)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Billium813
    HA with 2 hand is still going to be sub par single target compared to lightning staff (since lightning is still triple dipping into the HA sets, it will have a little less cleave but the single target should actually increase)

    i also would not necessarily consider dark convergence to be a good dps set, cooldown is far too long and only really good for bursty dmg

    also, numerically speaking, a drop of 3k dps is not something i would call mind-boggling or even "terrible parsing", i sometimes have a variance of 3k just fighting a WB depending on the circumstances

    is this build supposed to be more for pvp or pve?

    Oh, I don't mean "terrible parses" as in "the damage is mind bogglingly bad or lower then expected". I mean "terrible parses" as in "I'm not very good and my builds aren't either". I won't defend my main other than "it works well for me in dungeons and solo". I run 4 man dungeons and Solo PvE mostly, no trials.

    I understand the 3k variance could be on lots of things, but that 3k is fairly stable. I ran several parses and these were just one. The drop is fairly average at 3k-ish.
    and another minor note, why are you using venom arrow over poison injection? you dont need the major buffs from venom arrow due to biting jabs, and you would get significantly higher dmg from poison injection (i know venom arrow can also be a ranged interrupt but i would not use it just for that)

    I use Venom Arrow for the interrupt mostly. Define "Significantly higher"?
    Edited by Billium813 on July 21, 2023 8:11PM
  • Necrotech_Master
    Billium813 wrote: »
    HA with 2 hand is still going to be sub par single target compared to lightning staff (since lightning is still triple dipping into the HA sets, it will have a little less cleave but the single target should actually increase)

    i also would not necessarily consider dark convergence to be a good dps set, cooldown is far too long and only really good for bursty dmg

    also, numerically speaking, a drop of 3k dps is not something i would call mind-boggling or even "terrible parsing", i sometimes have a variance of 3k just fighting a WB depending on the circumstances

    is this build supposed to be more for pvp or pve?

    and another minor note, why are you using venom arrow over poison injection? you dont need the major buffs from venom arrow due to biting jabs, and you would get significantly higher dmg from poison injection (i know venom arrow can also be a ranged interrupt but i would not use it just for that)

    Oh, I don't mean "terrible parses" as in "the damage is mind bogglingly bad or lower then expected". I mean "terrible parses" as in "I'm not very good and my builds aren't either".

    lol, well i dont necessarily look at the numbers, honestly your hitting roughly about the same as what i do on my 2h/bow templar now (gear wise we are a bit different, skills we are only about 50% different lol)

    its really about how well you can maintain your rotation in content

    for reference my gear is stormfist monster set + pillar of nirn + perfected whorl of the depths with a perfected maelstrom bow back bar

    skill wise
    front bar: camo hunter, stampede, radiant glory, biting jabs, stamina rune (i dont remember the exact name lol), and flawless dawnbreaker for ulti
    back bar: poison injection, resolving vigor, spiked bone shield, cleansing ritual, endless hail, and shooting star for ulti
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
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