NoticeMeArkay wrote: »Sure it's not fun that the EU servers are down at the moment (Especially since the event is running) , but I think it's a bit early to sharpen those knives, right guys?
Just give it a bit of time, boot another game to get lost in, maybe have a snack and meanwhile the IT team will get the servers back up and running. It's only been a handful of hours by now. It think the only people who should be expressing their concerns are those who are perhaps losing their chances on today's tickets due to their time zone. And I'm pretty sure if there's no chance left for players from certain countries to collect those, ZoS will take care of it aswell.
Unless the ticket KI gives up on working aswell, I suppose.
Rishikesa108 wrote: »We are paying players, remember that !
That's the genius of the f2p/eso+ model. Buying a chapter gives access to the new content. Eso+ gives a bunch of perks (crowns/bagspace/...), but server uptime is "free". Officially we're not paying for that, so the servers could be down 6 days of the week and ZoS would still have fulfilled their contractual obligations.
I'm afraid you might be a bit optimistic in your thinking. Compensating players for the service being unavailable would be a dangerous precedent, if they give a compensation once they'd have to keep doing so in the future.
That's the genius of the f2p/eso+ model. Buying a chapter gives access to the new content. Eso+ gives a bunch of perks (crowns/bagspace/...), but server uptime is "free". Officially we're not paying for that, so the servers could be down 6 days of the week and ZoS would still have fulfilled their contractual obligations.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin This has affected all the EU servers throughout Sunday prime time and looks like it probably won't resolve until after many players' bedtime. A lot of players who would have bought luxury furnishings this evening will have missed the chance. The corals are actually pretty useful for Hermaeus Mora themed houses (good for a tentacle feel) so please can you either extend Zanil's working hours by a day this week so we have the chance of buying them tomorrow evening, or add this week's furnishings on to next week's selection so we can at least buy them then rather than having to wait a whole year for them to come round again?
thejadefalcon wrote: »Oh, but they've done it before. Don't forget, the moment PC NA experienced even a fraction of the disaster that PC EU regularly goes through, they threw 150% scrolls at everyone in a desperate apology.
fearsnoshadows wrote: »Have been issues since Necrom is online, being kicked every once in a while every time I get online havng to wait 4-10 min to come back in. Now this.... RIP membership
NoticeMeArkay wrote: »Sure it's not fun that the EU servers are down at the moment (Especially since the event is running) , but I think it's a bit early to sharpen those knives, right guys?
what compensation? a butterfly? a 150% scrolls? just play? seriously, i want just "play"
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Location: Zenimax's EU server room, Somewhere in Europe...
Video presents actual footage of IT technician rushing into EU server room to hopefully fix the issue:
(Sorry, I could not resist)
P0PuPnP0P0uT wrote: »
almost there now
I remember back in the early 80's we had to load a Commodore64 pc game by playing a data cassette for 15 minutes prior.
Now 40 years later, seems like some things never change.