SaffronCitrusflower wrote: »They should keep track of crux in a different way. No reason other players need to know how much crux we have at any given time. It's just unnecessary and obnoxious animation as it is now.
They actually mentioned specifically during a live stream that they think other players should be able to see the crux so they know to expect the arcanist will hit harder at those times.
Is this a joke? No, seriously? Then I suggest a super cool QoL innovation - mandatory voice chat in PvP. Also, prohibit attacking another player without warning them about the exact ability we're going to use right now. Everything should look something like this:
"Buddy, I'm going to use ability_name now! Are you ready? No? Excuse me, please, I'll wait. Ready now? Attacking! BOOM! How are you, buddy? Did I take too much HP off you? Pard me again, I'll recover some mana by hitting you with a staff, do you mind?", and so on.
I think this would be fair to everyone. And those who attack a player without warning and providing a complete list of his buffs - first ban for 1 hour, then for 2, then for 4 and each time double the ban duration for each violation of this rule.
Or even completely forbid attacking a player on the battlefield if they are against it. Also, ZoS could utilize the entire team that is engaged in bug fixes and improvements of the game engine in PvP moderation, they aren't particularly busy with anything else anyway.
Dear moderators - this is sarcasm. A joke. But in every joke, there is only a fraction of joke
But like, plenty of skills have very clear telegraphs that alert you to an impending attack.
Sorc Crystal Frags proc and the bound armaments visual and Chalks for Wardens are the first 3 the come to mind. Making a telegraph for a set of skills that can do a ton of damage isn't novel. It is kind of an expectation at this point.
LamiaCritter wrote: »Personally, I'd prefer if they.... IDK...
didn't butcher and mangle visual effects??
I saw what they did to the Templar effects. I saw what they did to the duel wield stab ability. I pray to Oblivion and back they leave this /untouched/. I'm sorry but I'm just real tired of seeing the stuff I like constantly get changed and lessened. 'Who needs unique visuals? Here, have some generic AF pointless, flavor-less green sparks to show your crux, instead of anything cool and unique'.
you care more about an ability having unique visuals than the fact that it causes motion sickness? yikes
Is this a joke? No, seriously? Then I suggest a super cool QoL innovation - mandatory voice chat in PvP. Also, prohibit attacking another player without warning them about the exact ability we're going to use right now. Everything should look something like this:
"Buddy, I'm going to use ability_name now! Are you ready? No? Excuse me, please, I'll wait. Ready now? Attacking! BOOM! How are you, buddy? Did I take too much HP off you? Pard me again, I'll recover some mana by hitting you with a staff, do you mind?", and so on.
I think this would be fair to everyone. And those who attack a player without warning and providing a complete list of his buffs - first ban for 1 hour, then for 2, then for 4 and each time double the ban duration for each violation of this rule.
Or even completely forbid attacking a player on the battlefield if they are against it. Also, ZoS could utilize the entire team that is engaged in bug fixes and improvements of the game engine in PvP moderation, they aren't particularly busy with anything else anyway.
Dear moderators - this is sarcasm. A joke. But in every joke, there is only a fraction of joke
LamiaCritter wrote: »
Not the intended message, but I can see how it came across like that... even though I think it's bizarre.
I'm more just worried about what they would replace it with I guess, and frustratedly knee-jerked my reaction.
They actually mentioned specifically during a live stream that they think other players should be able to see the crux so they know to expect the arcanist will hit harder at those times.
I wish they had found a way to signal that to the arcanist and those around them in a way that doesn't involve inducing motion sickness.
Hey all, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have passed this on to the dev team and they are investigating possible ways to address this issue of motion sickness. We'll update once we know more.
Hey all, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have passed this on to the dev team and they are investigating possible ways to address this issue of motion sickness. We'll update once we know more.
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »
We have been bringing it up for months! Both motion sickness and headaches/eye pain.