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Crux gave me mild motion sickness

  • FantasticFreddie
    This is such a shame because I LOVE the way the class looks, I love the flashiness and the way the crux looks!

    But I would like my friends to be able to play, and find it both safe and enjoyable.

    Hopefully the make a toggle, and NOT just blanket yank the unique animations.
  • Dreaders123
    Ok so tried again in response to questions about what it is - and in this group I had the other spinning orbs on one player, and an arcanist.

    Up very close they are both piercing and similar. As soon as there is any distance however the crux stands out, yet while the orbs are obviously present, they look far more 'in-game'. I maxxed out my view and position in a large room and looked to the corner of my screen (where there was nothing to note) and the crux still drew attention even out of direct eye-line, while the orbs did not.

    Also noted that the bright green staff also drew attention - it seems to have a few forms/effects and one is a very luminous model that was making me squint/

    When the green circle is cast it was a bit frustrating as others note because it does overpower AOE graphics, but that aside it wasnt too bad on its own - a little harsh. However as it forms there is a really bright flash (this occurs with some other actions too) that I found I was flinching at.

    I'm hoping that this means, for those who like it, that tweaking is all that is needed. It seems to be the harshness and luminosity that pierces the eye all the time present in certain effects. Hardly empirical I know, but I hope this helps the devs get to the bottom of it.

    I need to log off again for a bit now....the things we do for science! bleugh! :) And this was with lots of muting on my end to try and soften the impact so I could try and see.

    EDIT : Should note there were no beams used and I don't plan on testing that as last time the headache with multiple beamers was very intense.
    Edited by Dreaders123 on June 7, 2023 9:41AM
  • OtarTheMad
    This is such a shame because I LOVE the way the class looks, I love the flashiness and the way the crux looks!

    But I would like my friends to be able to play, and find it both safe and enjoyable.

    Hopefully the make a toggle, and NOT just blanket yank the unique animations.

    I’m in the same boat too. I have a bad feeling about how this will be handled but I also want people to have fun in the game too.

    Also, Arcanist is just the fun new toy too honestly. We haven’t had a new class since Elsweyr and haven’t had meaty chapters in a few years either so people are jumping on it.

    I assume it’ll calm down once people level and the “new car smell” has faded, people will go back to other classes etc.

    Edited by OtarTheMad on June 7, 2023 9:52AM
  • Kendaric
    The beams only become problematic for me when there are multiple beams used at the same time. It's also an issue for me with the templar beams, but less so (probably because they aren't used as frequently)..

    The main culprit is definitely crux though.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • NeKryXe
      This is such a shame because I LOVE the way the class looks, I love the flashiness and the way the crux looks!

      But I would like my friends to be able to play, and find it both safe and enjoyable.

      Hopefully the make a toggle, and NOT just blanket yank the unique animations.

      As many have already mentioned, and I'd like to repeat and insist on this: I do not wish the effects to be changed or even removed for all. I need a solution, mainly to completely remove the floating triangles (everywhere), but I respect those who don't have problems and I want them to keep enjoying it. I insist that the best solution is to simply provide a toggle in the settings to disable or enable all the arcanist's green light effects and that will solve everything.

      Edited by NeKryXe on June 7, 2023 10:07AM
    • Muizer
      There's a tool called 3DMigoto . It allows you to selectively turn off shaders. Won't help console users though. Sounds like something ZOS should fix rather than leave to modders.
      Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
    • notyuu

      Solution would be "simple"
      Make a copy of the setting "Show Additional Ally Effects" that only effects your visual effects, and when toggled on the crux does not spin, as well as the usual reduced visual effect stuff
    • Gnesnig
      I think that maybe the crux shouldn't rotate around the player, and the glow of the bright colors should be toned down so as to not cause eye strain. It would downgrade the visual effects for sure, but if it helps to make this class playable for some people while not removing an important telegraph, then that change should be made.

      A telegraph (from the mid 19th century communication tech) is a short-lived message. This is a constant message, analog to having bright neon lights just outside your bedroom. if it's only for advertising potential damage, the someone without any damage skills that consume crux slotted, shouldn't even be showing it. Second, there are only a few damage skills that consume crux, so why not add channel time to those and an animation that increases in intensity based on the crux available.

      It makes no sense that someone needs to advertise their crux to other people all the time even when banking in Vivec City. You create toxicity by people wanting arcanists to consume their crux before entering safe and populated areas. Or backseat playing cause "you had 3 crux for a while now, you can do better".

      And to the people on PST, we saw your plight and sighed in solidarity, knowing it would go unchanged.
    • Dreaders123
      No maintenance - so another week for all of you affected.

      @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_GinaBruno Given the seriousness of the impact for many folks it would be wonderful to have some comms while we wait.
    • Giraffon
      I've never had trouble in game...ever. I've had a lasting not nice feeling since I was in a battleground with one of these guys and their green flashing lights. This needs to be disabled immediately.
      Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
    • majulook
      Using the Crux, the beam, and other skills are really is fun. But, I find it visually annoying with the moving crux taking my eye focus, and the bright green skills blocking my view of whats happening in combat. Just tone it down the brightness or give players the ability to tone it down.

      Also a update from ZOS would be nice.
      Edited by majulook on June 10, 2023 2:57PM
      Si vis pacem, para bellum
    • Dreaders123
      Not sure there are many companies in the world who would release something that is literally making a large chunk of their customers sick, that they were warned about, who then just stay quiet about it while they figure out a 'balance' between customer health and dev preferences for pretty things.
    • wolfie1.0.
      ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
      Hey all, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have passed this on to the dev team and they are investigating possible ways to address this issue of motion sickness. We'll update once we know more.

      Can you ask them to address colorblind modes as well?
    • Kendaric
      In the meantime it would be extremely helpful if Arcanists would use up their crux before entering cities or crafting hubs and would refrain from spamming skills like those swirling healing rings in cities.
        PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
      • AzuraFan
        If they go the toggle route, I hope they also provide a toggle for players who aren't playing arcanists to turn off seeing the orbiting triangle effect. Tonight I was trying to read a letter for a quest, but there was an arcanist next to me doing the same. I could see the triangles rotating into my field of vision, then out, then in. It made reading the letter quite difficult because of the distraction (and why the heck am I seeing the triangles in reading mode anyway?).

        Another possibility, for the sake of other players, would be to turn off the triangle visuals when the arcanist is not in combat or in a PvP area. My understanding, and I could have this wrong, is that the triangles are there to alert other players that the arcanist can hit harder. Well, players don't need to know that when in overland, minding their own business, and when there's no PvP (or even combat) happening.
      • markulrich1966
        these are the situations where I'm glad I run a tank in dungeons, makes it quick to requeue once you leave a group (of arcanists).
        I have not encountered them yet as I'm on xbox, but the gameplay videos are terrible. Like watching Mass Effect Andromeda or other Sci-Fi solo player shooters. And the fact that ZoS ignored months of PTS feedback does not allow me to expect a solution anytime soon.
        Just today I encountered again this weapons style that flashes and makes a loud sound when you switch bar. Many complained when it was introduced, ZoS promised to tone it down. It seems they did it to a small degree, it still sucks though.
        Edited by markulrich1966 on June 11, 2023 5:05AM
      • Gnesnig
        Kendaric wrote: »
        In the meantime it would be extremely helpful if Arcanists would use up their crux before entering cities or crafting hubs and would refrain from spamming skills like those swirling healing rings in cities.

        Tada. That happened faster than I expected.
      • FrancisCrawford
        kargen27 wrote: »
        OtarTheMad wrote: »
        I am just trying to understand because I am not experiencing anything anyone is here but feel bad they can’t have fun with this class. I needed to say that first before people just down my throat.

        Is it just the brightness of the crux? Because the game has abilities that spin around you like DK flames of oblivion (or whatever it’s called now), Warden ice shield, mage light, and even a hand ful of sets. So is it the spinning too?

        I don’t have my settings on ultra or anything and have my brightness turned down on my pc so I don’t see the brightness, in terms of it being bad, on Arcanist really.

        We also got other beams like Templar execute and soul ultimate.

        If it’s the brightness of the crux in combo with the spinning that can be permanent if not spent I’d say what if your hands glowed when you build Crux? Like one crux- one hand, two crux- both hands, three crux- you have small runes spinning around your hands? Or maybe both your feet glow on three.

        Idk if that would help. Enemies players would still be able to see your about to go Goku on them but it wouldn’t be so big.

        I think people are just in love with the beam rn and also you have to level skills and skill lines. I think usage of the beam will calm down. It’s like a new shiny toy rn.

        For me it is the spinning but only the spinning on my character. The other spinning orbs associated with certain sets I think also bother me. Slight motion sickness. I can ignore them when in combat because of the other stuff going on. When I want to use one of those sets for group stuff I unequip one piece until we are ready to go.

        There is also a couple of mounts that the rocking gives me slight motion sickness. Lucky for me I wouldn't use those mounts anyway. I know what my problem is. My inner ear is goofy so certain motions even if on a screen can make me a bit queasy.

        We evidently have very similar symptoms (what you said about crux and sets alike).
      • Lugaldu
        As I was wandering through Apocrypha recently, I realized why the devs gave the arcanist effects this excessive neo-green color - because it fits the surreal setting of Apocrypha perfectly. But apparently they didn't consider that these same effects would look completely absurd and out of place in e.g. the crafting district or the bank in Alinor.
        Apart from the effect of motion sickness and dizziness.
      • Gnesnig
        In the end, crux is just a stacking mechanism where build up and consumption is split between different skills. You can't visually tell the difference between a lightning sorc and an oakensoal one either. Or a nightblade with 5 stacks - also permanent until consumed - of merciless resolve. The fact that this needs to be advertised to other players all the time is just a really bad concept that only looks good in teaser videos (and even that is debateable as it's subject to taste).
      • old_scopie1945
        Gnesnig wrote: »
        In the end, crux is just a stacking mechanism where build up and consumption is split between different skills. You can't visually tell the difference between a lightning sorc and an oakensoal one either. Or a nightblade with 5 stacks - also permanent until consumed - of merciless resolve. The fact that this needs to be advertised to other players all the time is just a really bad concept that only looks good in teaser videos (and even that is debateable as it's subject to taste).

        Spot on with this observation.
      • Dreaders123
        So in all seriousness, we need communication. The optics on this are abysmal. If you don't want people lodging complaints with Microsoft and getting MS involved in the story whether they like it or not, I'd seriously consider applying some urgency and some COMMUNICATION. I am soooo fed up with nausea. I've even started feeling it when I do my brief bits of content with no arcanists because, I assume, my brain is going "Oh heck no, not this again"
      • Ragnarok0130
        E_Lucan wrote: »
        Braffin wrote: »

        To be clear on this: I care for people which are indeed affected by crux due to motion sickness and a solution for that has to be imminent.
        But if this is becoming a topic about demanding "change arcanist visuals in general, because I don't like it and I find they aren't fitting eso", then my answer is no.
        We can of course talk about a general solution of unwanted visual caused by other players, but that's a discussion not limited to arcanist.

        I'm kind of surprised by how quickly this has turned into such an "us vs. them" situation - not reacting to what you said per se, no hate to you, but this is something I see come up related to this so often and it puzzles me.
        You shouldn't be surprised at this point, it's been a constant us vs them with casuals vs end gamers that morphed lately into OakenHA players vs end gamers since the update 35 debate. Before that it was PVPers vs PVEers since 2014. We have a great community but but there's always got to be a bad guy for some of groups here in the forums.
      • Inaya1
        As a player in high-end and in various activities, I can give a little feedback.

        For the most part, when casting, I look at the changing skill bar. This also applies to the nb spectral bow and arcanist abilities. In pvp combat under a bunch of effects and in trials, when split seconds are important, it’s extremely inconvenient for me personally to consider whether a character has triangles or not. But in normal mode, when I'm just standing or doing quests, these triangles are very annoying, especially when changing outfits. They just cover a lot of details, glow and focus a lot of attention on themselves. I would prefer to put it in a separate strip in the bar (like a strip of the time of transformation into a werewolf) or a less noticeable green vortex-aura in the form of books / signs around the character when accumulating 3 triangles (What is the point of using the meaning of the ability if there are less than 3 triangles?). (And the effect is only and ONLY with the accumulation of 3!).

        Well, since it went like this ... It would be nice to change the visual skills. For example, the "Arcanist's domain" skill is too bright for a buff and looks boring (Add different effects to it. A regular green puddle is boring).
      • FeedbackOnly
        I have severe virtual motion sickness, but doesn't happen to me when playing acrantist. I had it playing Skyrim and Minecraft.

        How many frames are people playing at?
        Edited by FeedbackOnly on June 12, 2023 7:33AM
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