My only issue with the current HA builds is that they do seem to be laser focused on Sorc lightning builds alone.
I wish there was similar builds for bows, dual wield, etc, and for all classes as well.
The HA nerf to me seems very misguided. The highest dps players are not using HA oak builds. I thought (from that last balancing patch) that those numbers were the problem? But the above average dps builds are now the “real” problem, I guess?
The timing of this seems so strange as they are introducing “world events” which are not really world events, but are actually 4 person vet type dungeons, as a daily. Do they want even less people capable of doing them?
isadoraisacat wrote: »My only issue with the current HA builds is that they do seem to be laser focused on Sorc lightning builds alone.
I wish there was similar builds for bows, dual wield, etc, and for all classes as well.
The HA nerf to me seems very misguided. The highest dps players are not using HA oak builds. I thought (from that last balancing patch) that those numbers were the problem? But the above average dps builds are now the “real” problem, I guess?
The timing of this seems so strange as they are introducing “world events” which are not really world events, but are actually 4 person vet type dungeons, as a daily. Do they want even less people capable of doing them?
I think if they left it alone some people would eventually figure out other ways to utilize the one bar build for other weapons.
I prefer the lighting because in Skyrim one of my favorite spells is a lighting channeled affect as a mage that basically melts everything and this works the same wall of storms I think it was called.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Both views on the matter are reconcileable, if one takes a look at the circumstances under which the damage spikes of the respective setups are occurring.
The upper end of dps was always dependend on buff management/uptimes and a good tank to hold the Boss in place. So light attacks with all their complexity and time necessary to "ramp up" the rotation are way ahead in stationary fights and controlled environments. Even if the mastery of rotations is not accounted for in that comparison.
If you look at mobile and mechanic intensive fights, the picture is quite different. And the Oakensoul HA builds can play out their trump card, which is their simplicity and the ability to focus on the fight mechanics.
Neither playstyle is superior, nor is anyone inferior. They are equals, just different.
I wish for this community to bury the resentment and start respecting each other again.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Both views on the matter are reconcileable, if one takes a look at the circumstances under which the damage spikes of the respective setups are occurring.
The upper end of dps was always dependend on buff management/uptimes and a good tank to hold the Boss in place. So light attacks with all their complexity and time necessary to "ramp up" the rotation are way ahead in stationary fights and controlled environments. Even if the mastery of rotations is not accounted for in that comparison.
If you look at mobile and mechanic intensive fights, the picture is quite different. And the Oakensoul HA builds can play out their trump card, which is their simplicity and the ability to focus on the fight mechanics.
Neither playstyle is superior, nor is anyone inferior. They are equals, just different.
I wish for this community to bury the resentment and start respecting each other again.
The meta HA build is overpowered. It’s not just about parse numbers, look at how it’s being used in content by endgamers. That extra damage doesn’t actually mean anything. Meta HA has more than enough DPS to do any (except I haven’t seen DSR HM) content, plus infinite sustain, plus higher survivability than a traditional DPS, plus it’s ranged, plus it’s 1-3 buttons, plus if sorc has even more survivability and a strong group heal. I don’t think the nerfs should be focused in empower where it affects all heavy attack builds though, it’s particularly the meta setup(s) for HA oakensorc that’s the problem. Most if not all other HA builds seem fine or even underpreforming.
I have commented a few times in other threads about seeing ha-only runs. While AS only requires oakensoul, many of the other runs I have seen require specifically heavy attack oakensorc.
I need to stop editing my posts all the time but anyways… the meta build is absolutely overpreforming but I think most people aren’t seeing it because they aren’t using the meta build. I think the meta build needs nerfed specifically and then buff the underpreforming builds to at least be viable but not to the point that it’s at the same level as a traditional build unless HA is fundamentally changed to be more difficult (remove some defensive buffs, maybe have HA take resource, etc.).
The meta HA build is overpowered. It’s not just about parse numbers, look at how it’s being used in content by endgamers. That extra damage doesn’t actually mean anything. Meta HA has more than enough DPS to do any (except I haven’t seen DSR HM) content, plus infinite sustain, plus higher survivability than a traditional DPS, plus it’s ranged, plus it’s 1-3 buttons, plus if sorc has even more survivability and a strong group heal. I don’t think the nerfs should be focused in empower where it affects all heavy attack builds though, it’s particularly the meta setup(s) for HA oakensorc that’s the problem. Most if not all other HA builds seem fine or even underpreforming.
I have commented a few times in other threads about seeing ha-only runs. While AS only requires oakensoul, many of the other runs I have seen require specifically heavy attack oakensorc.
I need to stop editing my posts all the time but anyways… the meta build is absolutely overpreforming but I think most people aren’t seeing it because they aren’t using the meta build. I think the meta build needs nerfed specifically and then buff the underpreforming builds to at least be viable but not to the point that it’s at the same level as a traditional build unless HA is fundamentally changed to be more difficult (remove some defensive buffs, maybe have HA take resource, etc.).
I think if ZoS did something about the 100% AoE splash damage afforded lightning staves it would go along way to even out HA builds great utility.
I mean why would it be 100% splash damage anyway? Even if HA Oakensorcs were not a thing it just seems way too high to begin with. At least 2H is melee and puts you closer to danger for the benefit.
Before anyone comes at me I’m semi-agreeing with OP.
The meta HA build is overpowered. It’s not just about parse numbers, look at how it’s being used in content by endgamers. That extra damage doesn’t actually mean anything. Meta HA has more than enough DPS to do any (except I haven’t seen DSR HM) content, plus infinite sustain, plus higher survivability than a traditional DPS, plus it’s ranged, plus it’s 1-3 buttons (on a sorc anyways), plus if sorc has even more survivability and a strong group heal. I don’t think the nerfs should be focused in empower where it affects all heavy attack builds though, it’s particularly the meta setup(s) for HA oakensorc that’s the problem. Most if not all other HA builds seem fine or even underpreforming.
I have commented a few times in other threads about seeing ha-only runs. While AS only requires oakensoul, many of the other runs I have seen require specifically heavy attack oakensorc.
I need to stop editing my posts all the time but anyways… the meta build is absolutely overpreforming but I think most people aren’t seeing it because they aren’t using the meta build. I think the meta build needs nerfed specifically and then buff the underpreforming builds to at least be viable but not to the point that it’s at the same level as a traditional build unless HA is fundamentally changed to be more difficult (remove some defensive buffs, maybe have HA take resource, etc.).
Okay, one more edit… I think it’d also be nice to remove the dependency on the meta HA sets. Seems like most people don’t even use them and it limits fun interactions like using a lightning HA’s LA ticks to keep up relequen. I think lightning HA is so strong compared to other HAs because of the sets anyways.
Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Both views on the matter are reconcileable, if one takes a look at the circumstances under which the damage spikes of the respective setups are occurring.
The upper end of dps was always dependend on buff management/uptimes and a good tank to hold the Boss in place. So light attacks with all their complexity and time necessary to "ramp up" the rotation are way ahead in stationary fights and controlled environments. Even if the mastery of rotations is not accounted for in that comparison.
If you look at mobile and mechanic intensive fights, the picture is quite different. And the Oakensoul HA builds can play out their trump card, which is their simplicity and the ability to focus on the fight mechanics.
Neither playstyle is superior, nor is anyone inferior. They are equals, just different.
I wish for this community to bury the resentment and start respecting each other again.
I did not really perceive that the people doing HA builds were upset with the more traditional and higher performing dual bar build players.
Rather the HA players were more upset that they were just incapable of doing that as a combat (light attack weaving) mechanic itself. They were not upset at the players actually doing them.
However it appears that a great many two bar build high end players were upset that single bar HA builds were performing somewhat well, even if they were not over performing the two bar builds.
These players seem to be under the impression that HA players “didn’t deserve” the dps output they were doing. Or at least a lower top end for those builds was “fine for the effort they were putting in”.
I get a feeling we are seeing the “WoW effect”starting to hit the community. Where a stratification of players has developed a grudge between high end players who “deserve” certain parts of the game to be closed off to their own play style and, well, everyone else.
isadoraisacat wrote: »Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Both views on the matter are reconcileable, if one takes a look at the circumstances under which the damage spikes of the respective setups are occurring.
The upper end of dps was always dependend on buff management/uptimes and a good tank to hold the Boss in place. So light attacks with all their complexity and time necessary to "ramp up" the rotation are way ahead in stationary fights and controlled environments. Even if the mastery of rotations is not accounted for in that comparison.
If you look at mobile and mechanic intensive fights, the picture is quite different. And the Oakensoul HA builds can play out their trump card, which is their simplicity and the ability to focus on the fight mechanics.
Neither playstyle is superior, nor is anyone inferior. They are equals, just different.
I wish for this community to bury the resentment and start respecting each other again.
I did not really perceive that the people doing HA builds were upset with the more traditional and higher performing dual bar build players.
Rather the HA players were more upset that they were just incapable of doing that as a combat (light attack weaving) mechanic itself. They were not upset at the players actually doing them.
However it appears that a great many two bar build high end players were upset that single bar HA builds were performing somewhat well, even if they were not over performing the two bar builds.
These players seem to be under the impression that HA players “didn’t deserve” the dps output they were doing. Or at least a lower top end for those builds was “fine for the effort they were putting in”.
I get a feeling we are seeing the “WoW effect”starting to hit the community. Where a stratification of players has developed a grudge between high end players who “deserve” certain parts of the game to be closed off to their own play style and, well, everyone else.
I think a lot of is (and many of the people in the 2 guilds im in and very friendly with ) are all Skyrim players who never played an mmo or wow. Who started this game as it’s the only current elder scrolls game out. Many people did the quests, and solo stuff but saw “new 4 man dungeon prequel to story” so they tried to do it and got kicked out of a dungeon and realized they needed to play more “serious” to get more out of the story and the lore.
That was the case for me.
I don’t resent anyone. I have hand issues, and on top of it I don’t find this combat very fitting to the elder scrolls series.
HA play style feels close to real elder scrolls combat, and makes the game more enjoyable.
The dungeon mechanics are still hard. Last night I did a vet with a friend just me and him and we kept dying both oakensoul. Eventually we needed to break out the companions and eventually finished it.
The trials and vet dungeons are hard the mechanics and dodging are the difficult part.
I can weave I just don’t find it fun as it hurts my disabled hand and doesn’t feel like elder scrolls combat so it’s not worth the pain.
People playing these builds running though ver dungeons are still working through the mechs which are the hard parts.
But for whatever reason people don’t complain about those paying for Carrie’s but they do for those who actually play the game themselves with a different play style I wonder why that is?
Many of us just want more Skyrim like combat and HA is the closest it’s more fun and more enjoyable than doing a finger waltz.
isadoraisacat wrote: »Zodiarkslayer wrote: »Both views on the matter are reconcileable, if one takes a look at the circumstances under which the damage spikes of the respective setups are occurring.
The upper end of dps was always dependend on buff management/uptimes and a good tank to hold the Boss in place. So light attacks with all their complexity and time necessary to "ramp up" the rotation are way ahead in stationary fights and controlled environments. Even if the mastery of rotations is not accounted for in that comparison.
If you look at mobile and mechanic intensive fights, the picture is quite different. And the Oakensoul HA builds can play out their trump card, which is their simplicity and the ability to focus on the fight mechanics.
Neither playstyle is superior, nor is anyone inferior. They are equals, just different.
I wish for this community to bury the resentment and start respecting each other again.
I did not really perceive that the people doing HA builds were upset with the more traditional and higher performing dual bar build players.
Rather the HA players were more upset that they were just incapable of doing that as a combat (light attack weaving) mechanic itself. They were not upset at the players actually doing them.
However it appears that a great many two bar build high end players were upset that single bar HA builds were performing somewhat well, even if they were not over performing the two bar builds.
These players seem to be under the impression that HA players “didn’t deserve” the dps output they were doing. Or at least a lower top end for those builds was “fine for the effort they were putting in”.
I get a feeling we are seeing the “WoW effect”starting to hit the community. Where a stratification of players has developed a grudge between high end players who “deserve” certain parts of the game to be closed off to their own play style and, well, everyone else.
I think a lot of is (and many of the people in the 2 guilds im in and very friendly with ) are all Skyrim players who never played an mmo or wow. Who started this game as it’s the only current elder scrolls game out. Many people did the quests, and solo stuff but saw “new 4 man dungeon prequel to story” so they tried to do it and got kicked out of a dungeon and realized they needed to play more “serious” to get more out of the story and the lore.
That was the case for me.
I don’t resent anyone. I have hand issues, and on top of it I don’t find this combat very fitting to the elder scrolls series.
HA play style feels close to real elder scrolls combat, and makes the game more enjoyable.
The dungeon mechanics are still hard. Last night I did a vet with a friend just me and him and we kept dying both oakensoul. Eventually we needed to break out the companions and eventually finished it.
The trials and vet dungeons are hard the mechanics and dodging are the difficult part.
I can weave I just don’t find it fun as it hurts my disabled hand and doesn’t feel like elder scrolls combat so it’s not worth the pain.
People playing these builds running though ver dungeons are still working through the mechs which are the hard parts.
But for whatever reason people don’t complain about those paying for Carrie’s but they do for those who actually play the game themselves with a different play style I wonder why that is?
Many of us just want more Skyrim like combat and HA is the closest it’s more fun and more enjoyable than doing a finger waltz.
Hey Isadora, we may not always agree but thank you for this description now I understand why people say that the build isn’t a free achievement button [for them]. I actually come from Skyrim too, always wanted to play an rpgmmo but never really did. My main in ESO is actually a sneak archer sorcerer, just like how I play Skyrim ahaha. I hope something can be done about endgamers without ruining the build for everyone else. Definitely a fine line to walk for ZOS.
You are making lots of claims but You are not answering basic questions that needs to be answered if Your claims would be correct.
If light attack rotation is that easy and strong that in real content You could produce decent enough DPS even with just one ability and LA, why would one bar HA setups specifically be so popular? Is everyone suddenly such a big enjoyer of lightning staves and chanelling HA with them?
Why overwhelming majority of people using oakensoul is running with a heavy attack setup? If Your testing is reliable than why aren't there many one bar setups that are not HA based?
If one bar HA are in fact so unquestionably inferior to two bar setups in any given area than why there are certain places where among top 100 parses there is over 90 one bar HA users? Why in so many logs from actual content especially in less optimised groups one bar HA setups are beating LA setups?
Carries are different and aren’t actually widely accepted as a good thing. They don’t count in guilds as clears and a lot of people buy them because they can do it themselves and don’t want to (like gear farms) or they have a LOT (carries are expensive) of money, probably from trade guilds or crown selling (hopefully not scamming). People who offer carries are in it for the money. Personally, I don’t do official carries. Not gonna spend my time to do content just to give all the gear away for a few million gold. I’ll help people get skins and gear but I’m not gonna sell a carry. Their achievements pretty much only exist to the game and people who don’t know it was a carry (big guilds make sure it’s not by working with carry providers/requesting logs/etc.).
Most people who use HA probably can’t afford carries in the first place. They’re millions of gold each.
nokturnihs wrote: »You are making lots of claims but You are not answering basic questions that needs to be answered if Your claims would be correct.
If light attack rotation is that easy and strong that in real content You could produce decent enough DPS even with just one ability and LA, why would one bar HA setups specifically be so popular? Is everyone suddenly such a big enjoyer of lightning staves and chanelling HA with them?
Why overwhelming majority of people using oakensoul is running with a heavy attack setup? If Your testing is reliable than why aren't there many one bar setups that are not HA based?
If one bar HA are in fact so unquestionably inferior to two bar setups in any given area than why there are certain places where among top 100 parses there is over 90 one bar HA users? Why in so many logs from actual content especially in less optimised groups one bar HA setups are beating LA setups?
I don't see that much popularity in HA builds. When i do content I see about a third of users using HA builds.
And I have 15 CP level characters. 2 are HA builds. 3 are 2bar builds. The rest are 1bar builds. None are LA builds because I'm disabled and can't hit buttons 120x a minute.
My top performing 1bar builds are as follows:
- HA sorc using undaunted unweaver and storm master (regardless of the drivel some people post the nerf to Storm master WILL result in a 20-40% damage nerf for me) - best parse: 60k (parsing is a problem for me. The pain in my hands/body makes it unreliable as I'm not able to stop until the dummy dies and I get worse over time rather than better - this is the problem I have with 2bar rotations.)
- DoT Master magplar using oblivions foe and Deadly Strike. Best parse: 44k
- Status Ice Warden using serpents disdain and (formerly plaguebreak) burning spellweave. Best parse: 42k. Lower (36k) when on plaguebreak but with plaguebreak would see 100k bursts when trash mobs would blow up.
- Smashy Necro WW using hexos Ward and dragons appetite. 24k best parse. Built more for solo content.
- Ranged Gankblade Vamp using Venomous smite and other garbage. Haven't parsed in a while but can 1-3 shot most toons using venom injection and lethal arrow in BGs. Less so now due to the unending growth of tank meta.
The rest are healers or tanks. My 1bar tank are more than sufficient and can provide 50-80k damage shields to the party, heal better than most pug healers all on a 1bar.
My other tank doesn't do shields as well but AOE interrupts and major debuffs all the things. Both are capable of vet content.
My 1 bar warden healer is fine. still getting used to her skills but she's as decent as my 2bar templar healer.
As you can see I do -ok- with DPS on a 1bar. My HA Build sorc is the best. I don't use sergeant because of the same reason the SM nerf is gonna kill my DPS - uptime. I don't really enjoy the play style most the time but It's about the ONLY build outside of my tank that trial groups want in trials and half don't want that because it's a HA build.
If ZOS or the community screaming about how bad HA builds are for existing were to propose a way for someone like me to get into even the 80k range the OP mentioned I'd be interested and wouldn't care. Otherwise all the pushing against HA builds is exclusionary of people who physically don't have the same options as normal people. If normal people are using HA builds to get high parses - I'd say GOOD FOR THEM. Play smarter not harder.
Also you make a lot of claims about logs and parse data but haven't put down any evidence. Please do so.
My only issue with the current HA builds is that they do seem to be laser focused on Sorc lightning builds alone.
I wish there was similar builds for bows, dual wield, etc, and for all classes as well.
The HA nerf to me seems very misguided. The highest dps players are not using HA oak builds. I thought (from that last balancing patch) that those numbers were the problem? But the above average dps builds are now the “real” problem, I guess?
The timing of this seems so strange as they are introducing “world events” which are not really world events, but are actually 4 person vet type dungeons, as a daily. Do they want even less people capable of doing them?
isadoraisacat wrote: »Carries are different and aren’t actually widely accepted as a good thing. They don’t count in guilds as clears and a lot of people buy them because they can do it themselves and don’t want to (like gear farms) or they have a LOT (carries are expensive) of money, probably from trade guilds or crown selling (hopefully not scamming). People who offer carries are in it for the money. Personally, I don’t do official carries. Not gonna spend my time to do content just to give all the gear away for a few million gold. I’ll help people get skins and gear but I’m not gonna sell a carry. Their achievements pretty much only exist to the game and people who don’t know it was a carry (big guilds make sure it’s not by working with carry providers/requesting logs/etc.).
Most people who use HA probably can’t afford carries in the first place. They’re millions of gold each.
My point is, people should be more concerned with that practice as that is Cheating. HA you are still
Doing all the mechanics yourself. Weaving is a brain dead mechanic it’s really not hard. I can do it I just don’t like it. In fact I can dodge better and block better with that set up. It just hurts my hands due to injury
And I prefer once again a more rpg like combat. I’d rather take the trade off for a closer to Skyrim feel.
If I had it may way this game would have combat exactly like Skyrim but instead of shouts we have skills but we don’t weave them we just hit with our spells (or swords )in our hands and use “skill” like shouts for extra damage in situations.
Either way HA players are still
Playing the game and doing it themselves the challenge is the Mechs not a bug that causes spazzing character guitar hero combat.
spartaxoxo wrote: »HA builds are good for the game because they increased the number of groups that were being formed for endgame content.
isadoraisacat wrote: »spartaxoxo wrote: »HA builds are good for the game because they increased the number of groups that were being formed for endgame content.
You’d think HA builds would be looked at as a godsend it has brought in so many Skyrim players who other wise didn’t stick around due to the non elder scrolls like combat before this build was really made popular.
isadoraisacat wrote: »Carries are different and aren’t actually widely accepted as a good thing. They don’t count in guilds as clears and a lot of people buy them because they can do it themselves and don’t want to (like gear farms) or they have a LOT (carries are expensive) of money, probably from trade guilds or crown selling (hopefully not scamming). People who offer carries are in it for the money. Personally, I don’t do official carries. Not gonna spend my time to do content just to give all the gear away for a few million gold. I’ll help people get skins and gear but I’m not gonna sell a carry. Their achievements pretty much only exist to the game and people who don’t know it was a carry (big guilds make sure it’s not by working with carry providers/requesting logs/etc.).
Most people who use HA probably can’t afford carries in the first place. They’re millions of gold each.
My point is, people should be more concerned with that practice as that is Cheating. HA you are still
Doing all the mechanics yourself. Weaving is a brain dead mechanic it’s really not hard. I can do it I just don’t like it. In fact I can dodge better and block better with that set up. It just hurts my hands due to injury
And I prefer once again a more rpg like combat. I’d rather take the trade off for a closer to Skyrim feel.
If I had it may way this game would have combat exactly like Skyrim but instead of shouts we have skills but we don’t weave them we just hit with our spells (or swords )in our hands and use “skill” like shouts for extra damage in situations.
Either way HA players are still
Playing the game and doing it themselves the challenge is the Mechs not a bug that causes spazzing character guitar hero combat.
There’s a lot more difference between HA and traditional than weaving, and in the hands of endgamers, no they are not doing all the mechanics themselves, especially when it comes to the survivability aspect of standing in AoEs that should kill. I don’t like skipping mechanics by burning through things on traditional builds either. It’s hard to find endgame people who actually want to do mechanics… but at least ZOS has punishments for overburning in newer content. I complain about my IR not wholly because “HA easy” but specifically because I didn’t have to heal and debuff as much as I would have for non-HA builds, which affects how /I/ played, making it EASIER than it should have been. Not even saying it was a free trifecta given to me on a silver platter, but that to me I skipped responsibilities I would have needed to have with a traditional group. I didn’t Really do IR, only like 80% of one, if that, but still got the achievement. Not a carry, not a real clear to me. Never can do AS again until oakenHA isn’t the meta in there anymore. There’s zero (0) traditional build friendly AS runs that I have seen in months.
To be more detailed if you’re interested:
- DPS can block through an Olms jump even when in the AoE, something that normally isn’t possible, meaning I didn’t have to heal the group during jumps. This made things a lot easier because I didn’t have to prepare to heal them while not getting hit by Olms or Felms aoes. I have done vAS+2 where I had to heal the group during jumps and it was hard.
-There’s so much lightning damage I didn’t have to do minor vulnerability. Another uptime to not worry about and I replaced my vulnerability skill with a heal for myself… which also made things a LOT easier because if I got caught in an AoE or DoT I could heal myself out easily, so I didn’t have to worry about them either.
So nevermind the DPS and their melty cleave and sustain and survivability and healing (matriarch)… even my own experience was made much easier and I wasn’t even running HA, they were! The new normal for AS abandons several things that make AS difficult and not only for the DPS. I know it’s considered an outlier where HA is meta, but it won’t be an outlier forever. So many oakensorc only runs… not all HA runs are even accessible to anything but the meta setup for HA. I don’t care that YOU can get a trifecta after progging it the same as I do, I care about what endgamers are doing to endgame. And the only way to get them to stop is to cut down the ceiling of the build, which mostly only endgamers are hitting anyway. Nerfing empower isn’t the way to go, nerfing the meta setups are. This is why ZOS did HA nerfs though. It’s because of endgamers using HA and even forcing everyone to use it when they don’t need to and shouldn’t. Not because of people wanting to gatekeep disabled people or people who like HA. Seems like they’re trying to nudge the build down until endgamers go back to traditional builds but still let HAers do content. Just targetting empower wasn’t the way to do it, nerfing storm master makes more sense maybe.
And yes, endgamers can use HA if they want to too, but they keep complaining about how it’s easy and boring and are in fact barring traditional builds from content and I can’t take it anymore.
nokturnihs wrote: »isadoraisacat wrote: »Carries are different and aren’t actually widely accepted as a good thing. They don’t count in guilds as clears and a lot of people buy them because they can do it themselves and don’t want to (like gear farms) or they have a LOT (carries are expensive) of money, probably from trade guilds or crown selling (hopefully not scamming). People who offer carries are in it for the money. Personally, I don’t do official carries. Not gonna spend my time to do content just to give all the gear away for a few million gold. I’ll help people get skins and gear but I’m not gonna sell a carry. Their achievements pretty much only exist to the game and people who don’t know it was a carry (big guilds make sure it’s not by working with carry providers/requesting logs/etc.).
Most people who use HA probably can’t afford carries in the first place. They’re millions of gold each.
My point is, people should be more concerned with that practice as that is Cheating. HA you are still
Doing all the mechanics yourself. Weaving is a brain dead mechanic it’s really not hard. I can do it I just don’t like it. In fact I can dodge better and block better with that set up. It just hurts my hands due to injury
And I prefer once again a more rpg like combat. I’d rather take the trade off for a closer to Skyrim feel.
If I had it may way this game would have combat exactly like Skyrim but instead of shouts we have skills but we don’t weave them we just hit with our spells (or swords )in our hands and use “skill” like shouts for extra damage in situations.
Either way HA players are still
Playing the game and doing it themselves the challenge is the Mechs not a bug that causes spazzing character guitar hero combat.
There’s a lot more difference between HA and traditional than weaving, and in the hands of endgamers, no they are not doing all the mechanics themselves, especially when it comes to the survivability aspect of standing in AoEs that should kill. I don’t like skipping mechanics by burning through things on traditional builds either. It’s hard to find endgame people who actually want to do mechanics… but at least ZOS has punishments for overburning in newer content. I complain about my IR not wholly because “HA easy” but specifically because I didn’t have to heal and debuff as much as I would have for non-HA builds, which affects how /I/ played, making it EASIER than it should have been. Not even saying it was a free trifecta given to me on a silver platter, but that to me I skipped responsibilities I would have needed to have with a traditional group. I didn’t Really do IR, only like 80% of one, if that, but still got the achievement. Not a carry, not a real clear to me. Never can do AS again until oakenHA isn’t the meta in there anymore. There’s zero (0) traditional build friendly AS runs that I have seen in months.
To be more detailed if you’re interested:
- DPS can block through an Olms jump even when in the AoE, something that normally isn’t possible, meaning I didn’t have to heal the group during jumps. This made things a lot easier because I didn’t have to prepare to heal them while not getting hit by Olms or Felms aoes. I have done vAS+2 where I had to heal the group during jumps and it was hard.
-There’s so much lightning damage I didn’t have to do minor vulnerability. Another uptime to not worry about and I replaced my vulnerability skill with a heal for myself… which also made things a LOT easier because if I got caught in an AoE or DoT I could heal myself out easily, so I didn’t have to worry about them either.
So nevermind the DPS and their melty cleave and sustain and survivability and healing (matriarch)… even my own experience was made much easier and I wasn’t even running HA, they were! The new normal for AS abandons several things that make AS difficult and not only for the DPS. I know it’s considered an outlier where HA is meta, but it won’t be an outlier forever. So many oakensorc only runs… not all HA runs are even accessible to anything but the meta setup for HA. I don’t care that YOU can get a trifecta after progging it the same as I do, I care about what endgamers are doing to endgame. And the only way to get them to stop is to cut down the ceiling of the build, which mostly only endgamers are hitting anyway. Nerfing empower isn’t the way to go, nerfing the meta setups are. This is why ZOS did HA nerfs though. It’s because of endgamers using HA and even forcing everyone to use it when they don’t need to and shouldn’t. Not because of people wanting to gatekeep disabled people or people who like HA. Seems like they’re trying to nudge the build down until endgamers go back to traditional builds but still let HAers do content. Just targetting empower wasn’t the way to do it, nerfing storm master makes more sense maybe.
And yes, endgamers can use HA if they want to too, but they keep complaining about how it’s easy and boring and are in fact barring traditional builds from content and I can’t take it anymore.
If the LA meta sets were getting nerfed at the same time or at the very least being pulled out of PvP then maybe I'd agree. But they're not. Meta isn't HA builds at the moment anyway, just one of several. The same over-performing LA sets that have been over-performing since they arrived are still left untouched while the very limited builds HA/disabled folks have access to are receiving nerfs. If ZOS were introducing new alternatives to HA build sets I might agree with you too. But they aren't. Everything in the 9.0 patch notes scream that ZOS is walking back oaken soul as fast as it can. This has been done before sure but OS also allowed previously struggling disabled players who faced challenges in overland/normal content a chance to experience the stuff locked behind the "Veteran" label. That's before U35 made it all worse for everyone. Give us some other way of holding onto that and I'm sure we'd take it. Until then maybe the sweaty types and gatekeeping community members can just hold onto their still-superior DPS and stop trashing others first real "accessibility" to half the content in ESO?
nokturnihs wrote: »isadoraisacat wrote: »Carries are different and aren’t actually widely accepted as a good thing. They don’t count in guilds as clears and a lot of people buy them because they can do it themselves and don’t want to (like gear farms) or they have a LOT (carries are expensive) of money, probably from trade guilds or crown selling (hopefully not scamming). People who offer carries are in it for the money. Personally, I don’t do official carries. Not gonna spend my time to do content just to give all the gear away for a few million gold. I’ll help people get skins and gear but I’m not gonna sell a carry. Their achievements pretty much only exist to the game and people who don’t know it was a carry (big guilds make sure it’s not by working with carry providers/requesting logs/etc.).
Most people who use HA probably can’t afford carries in the first place. They’re millions of gold each.
My point is, people should be more concerned with that practice as that is Cheating. HA you are still
Doing all the mechanics yourself. Weaving is a brain dead mechanic it’s really not hard. I can do it I just don’t like it. In fact I can dodge better and block better with that set up. It just hurts my hands due to injury
And I prefer once again a more rpg like combat. I’d rather take the trade off for a closer to Skyrim feel.
If I had it may way this game would have combat exactly like Skyrim but instead of shouts we have skills but we don’t weave them we just hit with our spells (or swords )in our hands and use “skill” like shouts for extra damage in situations.
Either way HA players are still
Playing the game and doing it themselves the challenge is the Mechs not a bug that causes spazzing character guitar hero combat.
There’s a lot more difference between HA and traditional than weaving, and in the hands of endgamers, no they are not doing all the mechanics themselves, especially when it comes to the survivability aspect of standing in AoEs that should kill. I don’t like skipping mechanics by burning through things on traditional builds either. It’s hard to find endgame people who actually want to do mechanics… but at least ZOS has punishments for overburning in newer content. I complain about my IR not wholly because “HA easy” but specifically because I didn’t have to heal and debuff as much as I would have for non-HA builds, which affects how /I/ played, making it EASIER than it should have been. Not even saying it was a free trifecta given to me on a silver platter, but that to me I skipped responsibilities I would have needed to have with a traditional group. I didn’t Really do IR, only like 80% of one, if that, but still got the achievement. Not a carry, not a real clear to me. Never can do AS again until oakenHA isn’t the meta in there anymore. There’s zero (0) traditional build friendly AS runs that I have seen in months.
To be more detailed if you’re interested:
- DPS can block through an Olms jump even when in the AoE, something that normally isn’t possible, meaning I didn’t have to heal the group during jumps. This made things a lot easier because I didn’t have to prepare to heal them while not getting hit by Olms or Felms aoes. I have done vAS+2 where I had to heal the group during jumps and it was hard.
-There’s so much lightning damage I didn’t have to do minor vulnerability. Another uptime to not worry about and I replaced my vulnerability skill with a heal for myself… which also made things a LOT easier because if I got caught in an AoE or DoT I could heal myself out easily, so I didn’t have to worry about them either.
So nevermind the DPS and their melty cleave and sustain and survivability and healing (matriarch)… even my own experience was made much easier and I wasn’t even running HA, they were! The new normal for AS abandons several things that make AS difficult and not only for the DPS. I know it’s considered an outlier where HA is meta, but it won’t be an outlier forever. So many oakensorc only runs… not all HA runs are even accessible to anything but the meta setup for HA. I don’t care that YOU can get a trifecta after progging it the same as I do, I care about what endgamers are doing to endgame. And the only way to get them to stop is to cut down the ceiling of the build, which mostly only endgamers are hitting anyway. Nerfing empower isn’t the way to go, nerfing the meta setups are. This is why ZOS did HA nerfs though. It’s because of endgamers using HA and even forcing everyone to use it when they don’t need to and shouldn’t. Not because of people wanting to gatekeep disabled people or people who like HA. Seems like they’re trying to nudge the build down until endgamers go back to traditional builds but still let HAers do content. Just targetting empower wasn’t the way to do it, nerfing storm master makes more sense maybe.
And yes, endgamers can use HA if they want to too, but they keep complaining about how it’s easy and boring and are in fact barring traditional builds from content and I can’t take it anymore.
If the LA meta sets were getting nerfed at the same time or at the very least being pulled out of PvP then maybe I'd agree. But they're not. Meta isn't HA builds at the moment anyway, just one of several. The same over-performing LA sets that have been over-performing since they arrived are still left untouched while the very limited builds HA/disabled folks have access to are receiving nerfs. If ZOS were introducing new alternatives to HA build sets I might agree with you too. But they aren't. Everything in the 9.0 patch notes scream that ZOS is walking back oaken soul as fast as it can. This has been done before sure but OS also allowed previously struggling disabled players who faced challenges in overland/normal content a chance to experience the stuff locked behind the "Veteran" label. That's before U35 made it all worse for everyone. Give us some other way of holding onto that and I'm sure we'd take it. Until then maybe the sweaty types and gatekeeping community members can just hold onto their still-superior DPS and stop trashing others first real "accessibility" to half the content in ESO?
If you read my first post you’d know that I support the idea of other HA builds even really working without requiring the same 2 sets (seargent + storm caller I think). I made a survey about HA and most responses I got were that people were not using these sets. So nerfing those sets would nerf the top without hurting all builds. Instead, I think a new mythic is in order where HAs gain a flat damage increase or gain scaling like a spammable would (not the LAs in lightning, full HAs), barswap is allowed, and HA takes resource. People can still do one-bar HA then if they’d like but there’s also the possibility of a 2-bar or even just throwing something on the backbar just in case, along with pulling back lightning to be more in line without removing the unique channel (which can be used with sets like pillar or relequen). Plus deals with the “its too survivable” and infinite sustain and 100% buff uptimes. And it’d be a 1-pc so people can use whatever 5pcs they want. This would make HA much more similar to a traditional build except for HA “spammable”/slower rotation and hopefully would be enough to shake endgamers* off HA and take them back to traditional builds while keeping the functionality of a HA build. Oakensoul was for 1-bar non-HA builds originally anyways, HA should get its own mythic.
The “sweaty types” ARE NOT holding onto their “still-superior DPS”, that’s the problem. They’re taking HA, sweatifying it, in several cases forcing everyone around them to do HA too, and then complaining about how it’s easy and boring. Either people are going to get so bored they’ll go back to their regular builds or this is going to keep getting worse until you can’t do dungeons or trials anymore without being specifically a sorcerer with 2 pets and oakensoul and seargent + storm caller. What the endgame is becoming benefits NO ONE except for people who run the meta build for HA, which again, most people don’t seem to.
*When I say endgamers I mean people who can run traditional builds and have hardmodes and trifectas at current and are continuing to run content at the vet or above level, and subscribe to the meta if not create it themselves.
The “sweaty types” ARE NOT holding onto their “still-superior DPS”, that’s the problem. They’re taking HA, sweatifying it, in several cases forcing everyone around them to do HA too, and then complaining about how it’s easy and boring. Either people are going to get so bored they’ll go back to their regular builds or this is going to keep getting worse until you can’t do dungeons or trials anymore without being specifically a sorcerer with 2 pets and oakensoul and seargent + storm caller. What the endgame is becoming benefits NO ONE except for people who run the meta build for HA, which again, most people don’t seem to.
*When I say endgamers I mean people who can run traditional builds and have hardmodes and trifectas at current and are continuing to run content at the vet or above level, and subscribe to the meta if not create it themselves.