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update 35 almost kill the game

  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Look on steam charts - you see players drop there on about 15%.

    It is more accurate data, because such players have their main character there. As example main on steam and some Alt accounts on standart launcher


    You are correct that the Steam data is more accurate than what happens in one's guild or friends list. It is also unbiased. However, looking at what happened in August vs July is not the appropriate way to look at such data due to seasonal fluctuations.

    The way an analyst, especially a business analyst, would look at such a chart is by comparing the same month across different years. Since we saw a boost from COVID in 2020 and slowly decreased in 2021 we should go back to 2019 for clean data.
    Looking at these three months and comparing 2022 to 2019 we see an increase in the average players. Average players is a better indicator than peak since is shows a more sustained player base.


    It is not a clear data. In 2019+ you get ru region players, thats why you get 25k+ players numbers. You get 1 more big region of players. Yes COVID give you some numbers, but players from ru regions - like to play games that are translated - a lot of them do not know English.

    With out COVID you already have 16+ k active players in Steam. Now it is 13k.

    You can say about some region restrictions - but - even with them before U35 it was 16k+ players and all restrictions are easely avoidable, so if even 1 player from such region knows how to do it - ALL players from there knows how to do it )

    Because such players are more focused on different forums, thats why if you see ru forum part of TESO here is quite empty.

    The 28k plays is right at the point of COVIC lockdowns starting in mass. I assume that is what you are speaking of since you do not offer any dates for any of the numbers you provide.

    Yes, but just minus from that number of players from ru region, that start play near same time.

    Game was quite popular and a lot of players who do not play it before start play it. Than you can see a drop to 20k players on steam charts.

    The reason was - regional prices and game translated to ru language, that make a lot number of players play it.

    But after that - server was overloaded and big number of players leave the game because of bad perfomance and unpopular changes.

    I think, even with out COVID this number would be about may be 25k players.

    Game was very good made and a lot of players tell about it in 2019 year, the same time - new region of players was added.

    All numbers and dates are the same and are posted on same sources we both look, so I do not think I need to post it to much.

    I am really lazy one )

    ESO has players in Russia before they added language localization in 2020. Zenimax's big announcement stated that Russian language support would be an official part of the game starting Update 26 for PC/Mac on May 26, 2020. However, people in Russia were playing ESO before the language support was added.

    Just like we have Spanish-speaking players in ESO now and have for years even though ESO have not have Spanish language support did not start until this year.

    So it is an assumption that there was a massive influx of Russian players during the past couple of years.

    Please note that I have provided links to the information I have cited.

    It is not an assumption. It is just how it is.

    I am ru player and I played starting from 2016/2017

    Yes a little part of players played TESO from ru regions, but their numbers was quite small.

    The same time ALL players I start with leave the game.

    Not a lot of RU players will play Teso for 40$ , but when regional prise drop to 5$ some players try the game. The same time in Ru - region some people know English, some Germany, some Chiness as second language. English is not primary foreign language. Some players in Ru - can know German but they do not understand English as example.

    It is like ... would you play Chiness game that is not translated ? Some our players do. But for a lot of them English not translated game is like playing Chinese game for you.

    They do not understand anything that is written.

    So not a big part of players play not translated games.

    The same time when ZOS lower prises and overload servers - some old players leave the game or was mad, because they can not normally play. So TESO get players and bots - that farm gold, but lose real players who was ready to pay for game more than 5 dolars )

    So it do not look strange that gold grow in prises to 1200+ now ? ) From 300 ?

    Thats why you see 28 k players that than fast drop to 20k )

    You started playing well before ESO included Russian language support demonstrates my point very well. Thank you.

    Beyond that, generalized statements about when most Russians started playing ESO make such claims an assumption by definition. If actual information was provided to back such claims then we could move it past considering it speculation.

  • Ragnarok0130
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    BlakMarket wrote: »
    Kappachi wrote: »
    update 35 saved the game for me, it was too easy before and it was getting to the point you wouldn't even see boss mechanics in veteran dungeons; now everything is balanced, dungeons are fun and challenging to go through again, ETC.

    I dont know what game you're playing, Update 35 didn't make the game harder it made the game mind numbingly easier.

    It made weaving and light attacks less effective which in turn turned the difficulty of content up by about 10%, what do you mean easier?

    But those vet bosses are also 10% less beefier, so how has it become more difficult?

    It’s solo arena players, PvPers, and “the floor” who got a more tedious game with U35.

    U35 reduced DPS and healing around 20%-30% overall when the vet bosses had only a 10% health reduction but no reduction in damage output which means things got harder both from a damaging perspective meaning you'll see more mechanics than in U34 due to longer fights, and from a healing perspective since poor positioning will be punished more often with a death due to the healing nerfs; and that's not even taking into account the recent class nerfs from U36. Let's also not forget the unjustified nerfs to radiating regeneration. That skill is dead in PVE end game outside of a few niche uses after U35. None of that makes the game easier than in U34.

  • BalticBlues
    PS EU:
    before U35: GreyHost with 3xx active Guild Members
    after U35: GreyHost with 3x active Guild Members

    before U35: ca. 1xxxx active viewers
    after U35: ca. 1xxx active viewers

    ZOS achieved a 90% net loss with a single patch.
    Probably not even Elon Musk could have achieved this.
  • Styxius
    Players continue to leave since u35 and the failure to address bugs in a meaningful rate from u36 has lead to the player base being as large as it was back in 2017-early 2018.
  • VaranisArano
    The root problem is that ESO has no good feedback loop from players.

    Many here will instantly proclaim they cannot respond to all care bear requests, so that reinforcing the feeling of being ignored.

    When was the last time any significant number of players (or at least posters here, which represent the group as those willing to comment) had their concerns directly and properly addressed? I would be curious to know if I am missing some cases where player feedback had an impact.

    When was the last time a significant number of players had their concerns and feedback addressed?

    The large number of players asking for "less world-ending catastrophes, do smaller scale stories like Orsinium" comes to mind.

    I mean, we can argue over how well ZOS fulfilled the brief in High Isle and Firesong or not, but the Legacy of the Bretons year-long story line was absolutely intended and marketed as an answer to those requests.

    Oh, and that very "Legacy of the Bretons" is also an answer to the many ESO fans who'd complained about the boring Bretons and asked for more focus on their lore. They may not be satisfied, but they've gotten 2 more zones and multiple Q&As worth of lore.

    And to round out the trifecta, let's remember that some players did ask for card games and other tavern style entertainment options. And thus the Devs designed Tales of Tribute, whoch has carved out its niche of game play with the players who enjoy it.

    So, yes, player feedback has had a huge impact on the content we got this year.

    Or were you hoping to hear about something a little more small scale?

    In which case I'll direct you to the Dev Tracker where you can see the team directly receiving player feedback about Firesong bugs and communicating the timeline for fixes all the way from the launch to yesterday.

    Honestly, if you've got a pet issue you felt was ignored, just say so. ZOS doesn't respond to everything and that includes some very valid points, feedback, and concerns.

    But we can't go too far and act like they respond to nothing that players do, ask for, and say.
  • Agenericname
    The root problem is that ESO has no good feedback loop from players.

    Many here will instantly proclaim they cannot respond to all care bear requests, so that reinforcing the feeling of being ignored.

    When was the last time any significant number of players (or at least posters here, which represent the group as those willing to comment) had their concerns directly and properly addressed? I would be curious to know if I am missing some cases where player feedback had an impact.

    When was the last time a significant number of players had their concerns and feedback addressed?

    The large number of players asking for "less world-ending catastrophes, do smaller scale stories like Orsinium" comes to mind.

    I mean, we can argue over how well ZOS fulfilled the brief in High Isle and Firesong or not, but the Legacy of the Bretons year-long story line was absolutely intended and marketed as an answer to those requests.

    Oh, and that very "Legacy of the Bretons" is also an answer to the many ESO fans who'd complained about the boring Bretons and asked for more focus on their lore. They may not be satisfied, but they've gotten 2 more zones and multiple Q&As worth of lore.

    And to round out the trifecta, let's remember that some players did ask for card games and other tavern style entertainment options. And thus the Devs designed Tales of Tribute, whoch has carved out its niche of game play with the players who enjoy it.

    So, yes, player feedback has had a huge impact on the content we got this year.

    Or were you hoping to hear about something a little more small scale?

    In which case I'll direct you to the Dev Tracker where you can see the team directly receiving player feedback about Firesong bugs and communicating the timeline for fixes all the way from the launch to yesterday.

    Honestly, if you've got a pet issue you felt was ignored, just say so. ZOS doesn't respond to everything and that includes some very valid points, feedback, and concerns.

    But we can't go too far and act like they respond to nothing that players do, ask for, and say.

    They certainly do listen. The majority of those example, as far as I can tell, the result of the team listening to the players, though I think that the numbers may not always be significant. We cant deny people did ask for a card game, but enough to justify the effort? Perhaps, but we will never know.

    Where the communication seems to break down is anything that goes beyond those example. They dont appear to take criticism well, or, our concerns arent important enough to address them. Its a tough distinction to make.

    If enough people asked for something, I would expect them to respond. If people voiced concerns over something that they changed, I would not. Im not going to even attempt to speak for person you quoted, but, a loop would indicate ongoing communication. I dont think thats really what we have here.
  • G0K4R
    From personal view I can agree - less and less ppl around since launch of U35.

    But I guess hybridization is a factor aswell. Many ppl dislike almost every char, every class running the same boring build with daggers, twohander and medium armor...

    ... its a shame since first the whole hybridization thing looked like it would bring more variety to the game.
  • Auldwulfe
    Amottica wrote: »
    EnKor wrote: »
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    I can only speak for my own perspective and communities, but things have definitely quieted down since U35. My prog group is on infinite hiatus, social guilds struggle to fill even casual runs, and a lot of players have swapped to other games. The game is not dead by any means, but the constant combat chages and U35 in particular have chased away a lot of people or at the very least impacted their playtime (sending courage to templar mains :smile:). At least ZOS listened and the changes this patch were minimal, but I don't know if it was enough to bring people back.

    bring people back?! There's almost noone in game.
    This is my bigest guild with most active players:


    A guild dying has no bearing on the entire population of a game. What goes on in the very narrow slice of the game that any one of us sees is just that, a very narrow slice of the game. It is hard to find a smaller slice than a guild.

    The fact remains that the game is not dead or near its death bed and the majority of players are still here.

    But, when there are SO MANY little narrow slices all showing the same thing.... it does start to resemble a trend.
    I know that there is a reaction to try and say it's only a small amount - but almost every video on this coming out in Youtube is saying the same - other trends are saying the same, and almost every guild is saying the same. One of my guilds has multiple chapters, and a huge discord population, and many of those are in multiple guilds, and they are saying the same .... I am NOT saying the game is dead, but it is wounded, right now.

    Denying the hurt doesn't help fix anything --- we need to accept that there were some definite errors made ..... look at how and why, and then work to repair them. The worst one I am seeing, to be honest, is that there was a serious loss of trust in the Devs, and their ability to do anything positive for the game .... that HAS to be corrected, or the negative advertising will continue.

    EVERY single youtube video out there, and a great majority of chat sites, OUTSIDE of this carefully moderated forum, is saying the same thing - the game is dying. And, it is very OBVIOUS that this forum is moderated, and that negative things are snipped for various reasons..... it's become a joke in some posts, outside, where people just post (snipped) and a comment "snipped by ZOS as it wasn't slavishly fanboyish enough" on other sites.

    This is also killing things, as MANY possible new players will see things like that, and decide the game isn't worth the 100 plus gigabyte download time ......

  • jecks33
    They may not be satisfied, but they've gotten 2 more zones

    Zones? Summerset is a zone, VVardenfell is a zone. High Isle is a portion of a minizone sold in 2 parts
  • SPR_of_HA_community
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Look on steam charts - you see players drop there on about 15%.

    It is more accurate data, because such players have their main character there. As example main on steam and some Alt accounts on standart launcher


    You are correct that the Steam data is more accurate than what happens in one's guild or friends list. It is also unbiased. However, looking at what happened in August vs July is not the appropriate way to look at such data due to seasonal fluctuations.

    The way an analyst, especially a business analyst, would look at such a chart is by comparing the same month across different years. Since we saw a boost from COVID in 2020 and slowly decreased in 2021 we should go back to 2019 for clean data.
    Looking at these three months and comparing 2022 to 2019 we see an increase in the average players. Average players is a better indicator than peak since is shows a more sustained player base.


    It is not a clear data. In 2019+ you get ru region players, thats why you get 25k+ players numbers. You get 1 more big region of players. Yes COVID give you some numbers, but players from ru regions - like to play games that are translated - a lot of them do not know English.

    With out COVID you already have 16+ k active players in Steam. Now it is 13k.

    You can say about some region restrictions - but - even with them before U35 it was 16k+ players and all restrictions are easely avoidable, so if even 1 player from such region knows how to do it - ALL players from there knows how to do it )

    Because such players are more focused on different forums, thats why if you see ru forum part of TESO here is quite empty.

    The 28k plays is right at the point of COVIC lockdowns starting in mass. I assume that is what you are speaking of since you do not offer any dates for any of the numbers you provide.

    Yes, but just minus from that number of players from ru region, that start play near same time.

    Game was quite popular and a lot of players who do not play it before start play it. Than you can see a drop to 20k players on steam charts.

    The reason was - regional prices and game translated to ru language, that make a lot number of players play it.

    But after that - server was overloaded and big number of players leave the game because of bad perfomance and unpopular changes.

    I think, even with out COVID this number would be about may be 25k players.

    Game was very good made and a lot of players tell about it in 2019 year, the same time - new region of players was added.

    All numbers and dates are the same and are posted on same sources we both look, so I do not think I need to post it to much.

    I am really lazy one )

    ESO has players in Russia before they added language localization in 2020. Zenimax's big announcement stated that Russian language support would be an official part of the game starting Update 26 for PC/Mac on May 26, 2020. However, people in Russia were playing ESO before the language support was added.

    Just like we have Spanish-speaking players in ESO now and have for years even though ESO have not have Spanish language support did not start until this year.

    So it is an assumption that there was a massive influx of Russian players during the past couple of years.

    Please note that I have provided links to the information I have cited.

    It is not an assumption. It is just how it is.

    I am ru player and I played starting from 2016/2017

    Yes a little part of players played TESO from ru regions, but their numbers was quite small.

    The same time ALL players I start with leave the game.

    Not a lot of RU players will play Teso for 40$ , but when regional prise drop to 5$ some players try the game. The same time in Ru - region some people know English, some Germany, some Chiness as second language. English is not primary foreign language. Some players in Ru - can know German but they do not understand English as example.

    It is like ... would you play Chiness game that is not translated ? Some our players do. But for a lot of them English not translated game is like playing Chinese game for you.

    They do not understand anything that is written.

    So not a big part of players play not translated games.

    The same time when ZOS lower prises and overload servers - some old players leave the game or was mad, because they can not normally play. So TESO get players and bots - that farm gold, but lose real players who was ready to pay for game more than 5 dolars )

    So it do not look strange that gold grow in prises to 1200+ now ? ) From 300 ?

    Thats why you see 28 k players that than fast drop to 20k )

    You started playing well before ESO included Russian language support demonstrates my point very well. Thank you.

    Beyond that, generalized statements about when most Russians started playing ESO make such claims an assumption by definition. If actual information was provided to back such claims then we could move it past considering it speculation.

    Ok, you must not believe me ) But it is just like it is )

    Teso becomes popular in 2019-2020 years, thats why you get so much players + new region.

    On youtube not a big number of players even tell about it. But with good work TESO become very popular in this years.

    But after a big number of bad desisions it lose a lot of players to 2023 year
    Edited by SPR_of_HA_community on November 16, 2022 5:26PM
  • DMuehlhausen
    So almost? Almost like people said they were going to quit over, and didn't, gave it a couple weeks adjusted and no probably play just as much if not more than before? Yeah working as expected.
  • yoyo420232
    Update 35 killed the trust my guild and I had with zos.I personally have played eso since release on console and even transferred to pc and regrinded everything and settled into an awesome trials guild. the thing for me is every 3 months they release new meta sets negating the time I have spent farming the last sets. now this would not be so bad by itself but unfortunately that’s not the case the game breaking bugs that have gone unaddressed for years is another thing I personally do not like. I supported the game with thousands of dollars worth of crown store purchases and eso plus only to feel like logging on to play felt like a job. We as a guild moved over to ff xiv. Now I love eso and it was my very first mmo but I gotta say since trying both eso just feels incomplete and honestly cash grabby. My example of why I feel like this is I recently bought a mount from the ff xiv store. and while it’s cool and everything I just got the new beast tribe mount in the game and arguably it looks better then the mount I spent 25$ on. Back when I first started playing the new hot skin was M.O.L. And it was gotten threw playing the game not pulling out my debit card
  • Amottica
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    EnKor wrote: »
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    I can only speak for my own perspective and communities, but things have definitely quieted down since U35. My prog group is on infinite hiatus, social guilds struggle to fill even casual runs, and a lot of players have swapped to other games. The game is not dead by any means, but the constant combat chages and U35 in particular have chased away a lot of people or at the very least impacted their playtime (sending courage to templar mains :smile:). At least ZOS listened and the changes this patch were minimal, but I don't know if it was enough to bring people back.

    bring people back?! There's almost noone in game.
    This is my bigest guild with most active players:


    A guild dying has no bearing on the entire population of a game. What goes on in the very narrow slice of the game that any one of us sees is just that, a very narrow slice of the game. It is hard to find a smaller slice than a guild.

    The fact remains that the game is not dead or near its death bed and the majority of players are still here.

    But, when there are SO MANY little narrow slices all showing the same thing.... it does start to resemble a trend.
    I know that there is a reaction to try and say it's only a small amount - but almost every video on this coming out in Youtube is saying the same - other trends are saying the same, and almost every guild is saying the same. One of my guilds has multiple chapters, and a huge discord population, and many of those are in multiple guilds, and they are saying the same .... I am NOT saying the game is dead, but it is wounded, right now.

    Denying the hurt doesn't help fix anything --- we need to accept that there were some definite errors made ..... look at how and why, and then work to repair them. The worst one I am seeing, to be honest, is that there was a serious loss of trust in the Devs, and their ability to do anything positive for the game .... that HAS to be corrected, or the negative advertising will continue.

    EVERY single youtube video out there, and a great majority of chat sites, OUTSIDE of this carefully moderated forum, is saying the same thing - the game is dying. And, it is very OBVIOUS that this forum is moderated, and that negative things are snipped for various reasons..... it's become a joke in some posts, outside, where people just post (snipped) and a comment "snipped by ZOS as it wasn't slavishly fanboyish enough" on other sites.

    This is also killing things, as MANY possible new players will see things like that, and decide the game isn't worth the 100 plus gigabyte download time ......


    The activity we see in guilds and our groups as players is such a small slice of the game that it leads to nothing more than anecdotal evidence. I have been in guilds and raid groups that collapsed and it was irrelevant to the health of the game's population.

    And the game has been wounded (using a word I hid in the spoiler) many times over the years yet has thrived. I understand a lot of guilds collapsed after Zenimax announced they would not add any meaningful content for an entire year so they could get console versions ready to launch. I understand a lot of players never returned after that occurred. Yet somehow the game not only survived but thrived.

  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Look on steam charts - you see players drop there on about 15%.

    It is more accurate data, because such players have their main character there. As example main on steam and some Alt accounts on standart launcher


    You are correct that the Steam data is more accurate than what happens in one's guild or friends list. It is also unbiased. However, looking at what happened in August vs July is not the appropriate way to look at such data due to seasonal fluctuations.

    The way an analyst, especially a business analyst, would look at such a chart is by comparing the same month across different years. Since we saw a boost from COVID in 2020 and slowly decreased in 2021 we should go back to 2019 for clean data.
    Looking at these three months and comparing 2022 to 2019 we see an increase in the average players. Average players is a better indicator than peak since is shows a more sustained player base.


    It is not a clear data. In 2019+ you get ru region players, thats why you get 25k+ players numbers. You get 1 more big region of players. Yes COVID give you some numbers, but players from ru regions - like to play games that are translated - a lot of them do not know English.

    With out COVID you already have 16+ k active players in Steam. Now it is 13k.

    You can say about some region restrictions - but - even with them before U35 it was 16k+ players and all restrictions are easely avoidable, so if even 1 player from such region knows how to do it - ALL players from there knows how to do it )

    Because such players are more focused on different forums, thats why if you see ru forum part of TESO here is quite empty.

    The 28k plays is right at the point of COVIC lockdowns starting in mass. I assume that is what you are speaking of since you do not offer any dates for any of the numbers you provide.

    Yes, but just minus from that number of players from ru region, that start play near same time.

    Game was quite popular and a lot of players who do not play it before start play it. Than you can see a drop to 20k players on steam charts.

    The reason was - regional prices and game translated to ru language, that make a lot number of players play it.

    But after that - server was overloaded and big number of players leave the game because of bad perfomance and unpopular changes.

    I think, even with out COVID this number would be about may be 25k players.

    Game was very good made and a lot of players tell about it in 2019 year, the same time - new region of players was added.

    All numbers and dates are the same and are posted on same sources we both look, so I do not think I need to post it to much.

    I am really lazy one )

    ESO has players in Russia before they added language localization in 2020. Zenimax's big announcement stated that Russian language support would be an official part of the game starting Update 26 for PC/Mac on May 26, 2020. However, people in Russia were playing ESO before the language support was added.

    Just like we have Spanish-speaking players in ESO now and have for years even though ESO have not have Spanish language support did not start until this year.

    So it is an assumption that there was a massive influx of Russian players during the past couple of years.

    Please note that I have provided links to the information I have cited.

    It is not an assumption. It is just how it is.

    I am ru player and I played starting from 2016/2017

    Yes a little part of players played TESO from ru regions, but their numbers was quite small.

    The same time ALL players I start with leave the game.

    Not a lot of RU players will play Teso for 40$ , but when regional prise drop to 5$ some players try the game. The same time in Ru - region some people know English, some Germany, some Chiness as second language. English is not primary foreign language. Some players in Ru - can know German but they do not understand English as example.

    It is like ... would you play Chiness game that is not translated ? Some our players do. But for a lot of them English not translated game is like playing Chinese game for you.

    They do not understand anything that is written.

    So not a big part of players play not translated games.

    The same time when ZOS lower prises and overload servers - some old players leave the game or was mad, because they can not normally play. So TESO get players and bots - that farm gold, but lose real players who was ready to pay for game more than 5 dolars )

    So it do not look strange that gold grow in prises to 1200+ now ? ) From 300 ?

    Thats why you see 28 k players that than fast drop to 20k )

    You started playing well before ESO included Russian language support demonstrates my point very well. Thank you.

    Beyond that, generalized statements about when most Russians started playing ESO make such claims an assumption by definition. If actual information was provided to back such claims then we could move it past considering it speculation.

    Ok, you must not believe me ) But it is just like it is )

    Teso becomes popular in 2019-2020 years, thats why you get so much players + new region.

    On youtube not a big number of players even tell about it. But with good work TESO become very popular in this years.

    But after a big number of bad desisions it lose a lot of players to 2023 year

    I have asked you to provide real data to support the claim the increase in players was due to an influx of Russian players, but none has been provided. Case in point, the decline in players since the Spring of 2020 is mostly due to the influx of players related to the COVID lockdown returning to work. It would be very difficult to say it was mostly due to "bad decisions" just as it has proven difficult to demonstrate that there was a significant increase in players due to Russian language support being provided.

    I respect that you have the opinions you have noted. It is not a matter of believing anyone but the value of looking for actual facts being presented. Again, I ask for real data to back up these claims.


    Edited by Amottica on November 17, 2022 12:45AM
  • doesurmindglow
    Amottica wrote: »
    A guild dying has no bearing on the entire population of a game. What goes on in the very narrow slice of the game that any one of us sees is just that, a very narrow slice of the game. It is hard to find a smaller slice than a guild.

    The fact remains that the game is not dead or near its death bed and the majority of players are still here.

    One guild, sure. Many guilds? Hmm.

    It's "many guilds."

    And it's not only that. As others have mentioned, it's Twitch viewership dropping to pre-pandemic levels. It's Steam players falling to their lowest level in years. It's open acknowledgment from the developers that several. patches. are not going well.

    It's customer feedback falling from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed" and the positive reviews decreasing to their lowest level in years:


    There's no logical reason for Steam reviews to decline from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed" except for development decisions that the playerbase does not support. "People returning to work" does not cause them to rate a game they enjoy badly. Development decisions can cause -- and apparently have caused -- that, though.

    It's longer group finder wait times. It's longtime content creators diversifying into other titles. It's numerous progression groups disbanding, and challenges filling rosters.

    It's not been a good year for this game no matter how hard you spin it. Sure, one anecdote is just that. But many anecdotes, which is what we have, are called "data."
    Edited by doesurmindglow on November 17, 2022 5:44AM
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • matterandstuff
    U33 and U35 basically smashed the playing experience for two large cohorts of the player base. It's not rocket science.

    People noting that the player numbers are reverting to late 2019 levels as if it's just pre-COVID (and weren't around at that time and have forgotten) don't realise that that period was a massive nadir for the game due to really serious, prolonged technical issues: the game was nigh on unplayable during events, and I'll always remember the time the 2019 Undaunted event had to get cancelled entirely after about 6 hours because it utterly broke the servers.

    It's not just reverting to pre-COVID player levels, it's reverting to pre-COVID player levels after months of some of the worst technical issues in the history of the game, which obliterated guilds and server activity in a similar way to U33 and U35 this year. It's reverting to player levels when things were really, really bad pre-COVID.

    It's been worse because the ZOS response (at all levels) has basically amounted to open player-baiting in response to both updates.

    I was spending silly amounts on cosmetics regularly before U33, and I haven't played since. Hell, I was all set to spend a whole bunch more on a big guild house in that Ayleid undersea one they released at that time - and not only did I not make until its release, U33 wound up killing my whole guild. I stick my head in here once in a while to see if ZOS has any interest whatsoever in trying to get the crowd who liked RPing characters back, and am invariably unsurprised to find that there's still absolutely no interest whatsoever.

    It seems pretty clear that there's no longer, as a company, much interest for ZOS in maintaining a player base above, say, 2018 levels (at least for now, given another couple of U33/U35s might kick it back to 2017 or 2016 levels), and a willingness to lose thousands of long-term players on a semi-regular basis rather than do any kind of rethink of changes that are extremely poorly received by the community.
  • Jaraal
    It's customer feedback falling from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed" and the positive reviews decreasing to their lowest level in years:


    There's no logical reason for Steam reviews to decline from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed" except for development decisions that the playerbase does not support. "People returning to work" does not cause them to rate a game they enjoy badly. Development decisions can cause -- and apparently have caused -- that, though.

    Wow, some of those reviews are scathing, and would never be allowed here. People seem to be pretty angry.

    I wonder if ZOS ever reads them?

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • KnightFalz
    Soul Shriven
    Amottica wrote: »
    A guild dying has no bearing on the entire population of a game. What goes on in the very narrow slice of the game that any one of us sees is just that, a very narrow slice of the game. It is hard to find a smaller slice than a guild.

    The fact remains that the game is not dead or near its death bed and the majority of players are still here.

    One guild, sure. Many guilds? Hmm.

    It's "many guilds."

    And it's not only that. As others have mentioned, it's Twitch viewership dropping to pre-pandemic levels. It's Steam players falling to their lowest level in years. It's open acknowledgment from the developers that several. patches. are not going well.

    It's customer feedback falling from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed" and the positive reviews decreasing to their lowest level in years:


    There's no logical reason for Steam reviews to decline from "Mostly Positive" to "Mixed" except for development decisions that the playerbase does not support. "People returning to work" does not cause them to rate a game they enjoy badly. Development decisions can cause -- and apparently have caused -- that, though.

    It's longer group finder wait times. It's longtime content creators diversifying into other titles. It's numerous progression groups disbanding, and challenges filling rosters.

    It's not been a good year for this game no matter how hard you spin it. Sure, one anecdote is just that. But many anecdotes, which is what we have, are called "data."

    The reason is the susceptibility of Steam to review bombing. It happens there simply because it can. When it does it is rather blatant so easily disregarded. There are reviews by those with thousands of hours of play now suddenly dissatisfied as well as some with less than two showing the game was picked up on Steam solely for the purpose of writing a negative review.

    It's all rather sad, but not atypical. Steam reviews are often so abused.
  • SPR_of_HA_community
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Look on steam charts - you see players drop there on about 15%.

    It is more accurate data, because such players have their main character there. As example main on steam and some Alt accounts on standart launcher


    You are correct that the Steam data is more accurate than what happens in one's guild or friends list. It is also unbiased. However, looking at what happened in August vs July is not the appropriate way to look at such data due to seasonal fluctuations.

    The way an analyst, especially a business analyst, would look at such a chart is by comparing the same month across different years. Since we saw a boost from COVID in 2020 and slowly decreased in 2021 we should go back to 2019 for clean data.
    Looking at these three months and comparing 2022 to 2019 we see an increase in the average players. Average players is a better indicator than peak since is shows a more sustained player base.


    It is not a clear data. In 2019+ you get ru region players, thats why you get 25k+ players numbers. You get 1 more big region of players. Yes COVID give you some numbers, but players from ru regions - like to play games that are translated - a lot of them do not know English.

    With out COVID you already have 16+ k active players in Steam. Now it is 13k.

    You can say about some region restrictions - but - even with them before U35 it was 16k+ players and all restrictions are easely avoidable, so if even 1 player from such region knows how to do it - ALL players from there knows how to do it )

    Because such players are more focused on different forums, thats why if you see ru forum part of TESO here is quite empty.

    The 28k plays is right at the point of COVIC lockdowns starting in mass. I assume that is what you are speaking of since you do not offer any dates for any of the numbers you provide.

    Yes, but just minus from that number of players from ru region, that start play near same time.

    Game was quite popular and a lot of players who do not play it before start play it. Than you can see a drop to 20k players on steam charts.

    The reason was - regional prices and game translated to ru language, that make a lot number of players play it.

    But after that - server was overloaded and big number of players leave the game because of bad perfomance and unpopular changes.

    I think, even with out COVID this number would be about may be 25k players.

    Game was very good made and a lot of players tell about it in 2019 year, the same time - new region of players was added.

    All numbers and dates are the same and are posted on same sources we both look, so I do not think I need to post it to much.

    I am really lazy one )

    ESO has players in Russia before they added language localization in 2020. Zenimax's big announcement stated that Russian language support would be an official part of the game starting Update 26 for PC/Mac on May 26, 2020. However, people in Russia were playing ESO before the language support was added.

    Just like we have Spanish-speaking players in ESO now and have for years even though ESO have not have Spanish language support did not start until this year.

    So it is an assumption that there was a massive influx of Russian players during the past couple of years.

    Please note that I have provided links to the information I have cited.

    It is not an assumption. It is just how it is.

    I am ru player and I played starting from 2016/2017

    Yes a little part of players played TESO from ru regions, but their numbers was quite small.

    The same time ALL players I start with leave the game.

    Not a lot of RU players will play Teso for 40$ , but when regional prise drop to 5$ some players try the game. The same time in Ru - region some people know English, some Germany, some Chiness as second language. English is not primary foreign language. Some players in Ru - can know German but they do not understand English as example.

    It is like ... would you play Chiness game that is not translated ? Some our players do. But for a lot of them English not translated game is like playing Chinese game for you.

    They do not understand anything that is written.

    So not a big part of players play not translated games.

    The same time when ZOS lower prises and overload servers - some old players leave the game or was mad, because they can not normally play. So TESO get players and bots - that farm gold, but lose real players who was ready to pay for game more than 5 dolars )

    So it do not look strange that gold grow in prises to 1200+ now ? ) From 300 ?

    Thats why you see 28 k players that than fast drop to 20k )

    You started playing well before ESO included Russian language support demonstrates my point very well. Thank you.

    Beyond that, generalized statements about when most Russians started playing ESO make such claims an assumption by definition. If actual information was provided to back such claims then we could move it past considering it speculation.

    Ok, you must not believe me ) But it is just like it is )

    Teso becomes popular in 2019-2020 years, thats why you get so much players + new region.

    On youtube not a big number of players even tell about it. But with good work TESO become very popular in this years.

    But after a big number of bad desisions it lose a lot of players to 2023 year

    I have asked you to provide real data to support the claim the increase in players was due to an influx of Russian players, but none has been provided. Case in point, the decline in players since the Spring of 2020 is mostly due to the influx of players related to the COVID lockdown returning to work. It would be very difficult to say it was mostly due to "bad decisions" just as it has proven difficult to demonstrate that there was a significant increase in players due to Russian language support being provided.

    I respect that you have the opinions you have noted. It is not a matter of believing anyone but the value of looking for actual facts being presented. Again, I ask for real data to back up these claims.


    I do not think, that you ever get real numbers, just because it is just impossible. The same time even on numbers how to compare is it new player or just new alt accounts.

    I can base on expirience of playing with different players and number of ru speaking players greatly increase.
  • SPR_of_HA_community
    The same time even with new region activly playing - number of players greatly drop.

    Most of exp players leave the game.
  • Delgent
    I can give you some real numbers. My wife and I played ESO since beta, played through the early subscription era and were in the crowd of people that enjoyed the game, even while people were killing it. When the sub went optional, we continued to sub. Every crown sale, we each bought 3 or 4 of the 21k packs, since we could afford it, and this was one of our biggest hobbies. Granted, we're a tiny piece of the player base; however I've read enough on these boards, Reddit, Steam, Twitch, MMORPG forums, etc - to know we're not alone.

    Since U35, neither of us chose to maintain our subs, and didn't bother buying any crowns during the last sale. ESO has become a free to play game that one or the other of us check out every few weeks, then leave it. It's not that I hope someone from ZOS reads this and is influenced to try and fix things...I honestly don't think they care in general.

    We've started spending money on a different MMO. Last night we caught a video by Lucky Ghost about MMO trends, and it has inspired us to go try Final Fantasy. Lucky was our go to for ESO streams and content/builds. But since ESO is such a minor part of our gaming universe these days, I can't honestly say we seek out any ESO content these days.

    We're older, and played with some other older friends who have gone the same path we have. We haven't given up hope that ESO rights the ship, but for now, it feels like it's taking on water, and I prefer to enjoy my game time, instead of bailing water for a Captain that it seems doesn't really care.
    To live for good is to die in the name of honor.
  • doesurmindglow
    Delgent wrote: »
    We've started spending money on a different MMO. Last night we caught a video by Lucky Ghost about MMO trends, and it has inspired us to go try Final Fantasy. Lucky was our go to for ESO streams and content/builds. But since ESO is such a minor part of our gaming universe these days, I can't honestly say we seek out any ESO content these days.

    Yeah the thing is, Final Fantasy's playerbase over time shows it's entirely possible to retain player interest even as "people return to work," which is apparently the only and exclusive reason we will accept on this thread for the decline we've all been observing and experiencing in various data sets related to ESO.

    While numbers are certainly off their peaks, Final Fantasy 14 still has well over double the playerbase on Steam as it did before the pandemic:


    Also interesting is that the two games had a similar playerbase on Steam for a pretty long time, with ESO actually outperforming FF14 in terms of concurrent Steam players for a number of years. That all started to change sometime last year, when FF14 finally and permanently eclipsed ESO, and it's only become worse in the time since.

    Anywho the data is out there and it all tells a similar story. People are engaged in a lot of mental gymnastics on this thread to ignore it to be sure, but it is available to anyone that wants to go looking.
    Edited by doesurmindglow on November 17, 2022 6:51PM
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • Araxyte
    Man I just hope next chapter is good. I really want to start playing again - the combat in ESO was the best before the whole shake-up. It had it's issues, it wasn't perfect, but it was fun. Why turn it upside down? This game has so so much potential. C'mon zos
    | All classes | PC EU |
  • Oakenaxe
    Delgent wrote: »
    We've started spending money on a different MMO. Last night we caught a video by Lucky Ghost about MMO trends, and it has inspired us to go try Final Fantasy. Lucky was our go to for ESO streams and content/builds. But since ESO is such a minor part of our gaming universe these days, I can't honestly say we seek out any ESO content these days.

    Yeah the thing is, Final Fantasy's playerbase over time shows it's entirely possible to retain player interest even as "people return to work," which is apparently the only and exclusive reason we will accept on this thread for the decline we've all been observing and experiencing in various data sets related to ESO.

    While numbers are certainly off their peaks, Final Fantasy 14 still has well over double the playerbase on Steam as it did before the pandemic:


    Also interesting is that the two games had a similar playerbase on Steam for a pretty long time, with ESO actually outperforming FF14 in terms of concurrent Steam players for a number of years. That all started to change sometime last year, when FF14 finally and permanently eclipsed ESO, and it's only become worse in the time since.

    Anywho the data is out there and it all tells a similar story. People are engaged in a lot of mental gymnastics on this thread to ignore it to be sure, but it is available to anyone that wants to go looking.

    Woah, FF14 has really grown. I thought about testing it even though I'm not really into anime-like games. I found myself re-exploring LOTRO now that I'm taking a break from ESO and I'm having a blast. Seriously considering making it my main game at this time.
    a.k.a. Leo
    non-native English speaker
    200-300 ping and low fps player
  • Auldwulfe
    Oakenaxe wrote: »
    Delgent wrote: »
    We've started spending money on a different MMO. Last night we caught a video by Lucky Ghost about MMO trends, and it has inspired us to go try Final Fantasy. Lucky was our go to for ESO streams and content/builds. But since ESO is such a minor part of our gaming universe these days, I can't honestly say we seek out any ESO content these days.

    Yeah the thing is, Final Fantasy's playerbase over time shows it's entirely possible to retain player interest even as "people return to work," which is apparently the only and exclusive reason we will accept on this thread for the decline we've all been observing and experiencing in various data sets related to ESO.

    While numbers are certainly off their peaks, Final Fantasy 14 still has well over double the playerbase on Steam as it did before the pandemic:


    Also interesting is that the two games had a similar playerbase on Steam for a pretty long time, with ESO actually outperforming FF14 in terms of concurrent Steam players for a number of years. That all started to change sometime last year, when FF14 finally and permanently eclipsed ESO, and it's only become worse in the time since.

    Anywho the data is out there and it all tells a similar story. People are engaged in a lot of mental gymnastics on this thread to ignore it to be sure, but it is available to anyone that wants to go looking.

    Woah, FF14 has really grown. I thought about testing it even though I'm not really into anime-like games. I found myself re-exploring LOTRO now that I'm taking a break from ESO and I'm having a blast. Seriously considering making it my main game at th
    Oakenaxe wrote: »
    Delgent wrote: »
    We've started spending money on a different MMO. Last night we caught a video by Lucky Ghost about MMO trends, and it has inspired us to go try Final Fantasy. Lucky was our go to for ESO streams and content/builds. But since ESO is such a minor part of our gaming universe these days, I can't honestly say we seek out any ESO content these days.

    Yeah the thing is, Final Fantasy's playerbase over time shows it's entirely possible to retain player interest even as "people return to work," which is apparently the only and exclusive reason we will accept on this thread for the decline we've all been observing and experiencing in various data sets related to ESO.

    While numbers are certainly off their peaks, Final Fantasy 14 still has well over double the playerbase on Steam as it did before the pandemic:


    Also interesting is that the two games had a similar playerbase on Steam for a pretty long time, with ESO actually outperforming FF14 in terms of concurrent Steam players for a number of years. That all started to change sometime last year, when FF14 finally and permanently eclipsed ESO, and it's only become worse in the time since.

    Anywho the data is out there and it all tells a similar story. People are engaged in a lot of mental gymnastics on this thread to ignore it to be sure, but it is available to anyone that wants to go looking.

    Woah, FF14 has really grown. I thought about testing it even though I'm not really into anime-like games. I found myself re-exploring LOTRO now that I'm taking a break from ESO and I'm having a blast. Seriously considering making it my main game at this time.

    I played LOTRO for about 9 or 10 years, and ESO was my break from that --- thinking of going back

  • doesurmindglow
    Yeah the comparison of the two could provide evidence for the claim "ESO players are returning to work after COVID," but unfortunately it could also easily support the claim "and in their free time, they now play Final Fantasy 14."
    Edited by doesurmindglow on November 17, 2022 9:12PM
    Guildmaster : The Wild Hunt (formerly Aka Baka) : AD PC/NA
  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Look on steam charts - you see players drop there on about 15%.

    It is more accurate data, because such players have their main character there. As example main on steam and some Alt accounts on standart launcher


    You are correct that the Steam data is more accurate than what happens in one's guild or friends list. It is also unbiased. However, looking at what happened in August vs July is not the appropriate way to look at such data due to seasonal fluctuations.

    The way an analyst, especially a business analyst, would look at such a chart is by comparing the same month across different years. Since we saw a boost from COVID in 2020 and slowly decreased in 2021 we should go back to 2019 for clean data.
    Looking at these three months and comparing 2022 to 2019 we see an increase in the average players. Average players is a better indicator than peak since is shows a more sustained player base.


    It is not a clear data. In 2019+ you get ru region players, thats why you get 25k+ players numbers. You get 1 more big region of players. Yes COVID give you some numbers, but players from ru regions - like to play games that are translated - a lot of them do not know English.

    With out COVID you already have 16+ k active players in Steam. Now it is 13k.

    You can say about some region restrictions - but - even with them before U35 it was 16k+ players and all restrictions are easely avoidable, so if even 1 player from such region knows how to do it - ALL players from there knows how to do it )

    Because such players are more focused on different forums, thats why if you see ru forum part of TESO here is quite empty.

    The 28k plays is right at the point of COVIC lockdowns starting in mass. I assume that is what you are speaking of since you do not offer any dates for any of the numbers you provide.

    Yes, but just minus from that number of players from ru region, that start play near same time.

    Game was quite popular and a lot of players who do not play it before start play it. Than you can see a drop to 20k players on steam charts.

    The reason was - regional prices and game translated to ru language, that make a lot number of players play it.

    But after that - server was overloaded and big number of players leave the game because of bad perfomance and unpopular changes.

    I think, even with out COVID this number would be about may be 25k players.

    Game was very good made and a lot of players tell about it in 2019 year, the same time - new region of players was added.

    All numbers and dates are the same and are posted on same sources we both look, so I do not think I need to post it to much.

    I am really lazy one )

    ESO has players in Russia before they added language localization in 2020. Zenimax's big announcement stated that Russian language support would be an official part of the game starting Update 26 for PC/Mac on May 26, 2020. However, people in Russia were playing ESO before the language support was added.

    Just like we have Spanish-speaking players in ESO now and have for years even though ESO have not have Spanish language support did not start until this year.

    So it is an assumption that there was a massive influx of Russian players during the past couple of years.

    Please note that I have provided links to the information I have cited.

    It is not an assumption. It is just how it is.

    I am ru player and I played starting from 2016/2017

    Yes a little part of players played TESO from ru regions, but their numbers was quite small.

    The same time ALL players I start with leave the game.

    Not a lot of RU players will play Teso for 40$ , but when regional prise drop to 5$ some players try the game. The same time in Ru - region some people know English, some Germany, some Chiness as second language. English is not primary foreign language. Some players in Ru - can know German but they do not understand English as example.

    It is like ... would you play Chiness game that is not translated ? Some our players do. But for a lot of them English not translated game is like playing Chinese game for you.

    They do not understand anything that is written.

    So not a big part of players play not translated games.

    The same time when ZOS lower prises and overload servers - some old players leave the game or was mad, because they can not normally play. So TESO get players and bots - that farm gold, but lose real players who was ready to pay for game more than 5 dolars )

    So it do not look strange that gold grow in prises to 1200+ now ? ) From 300 ?

    Thats why you see 28 k players that than fast drop to 20k )

    You started playing well before ESO included Russian language support demonstrates my point very well. Thank you.

    Beyond that, generalized statements about when most Russians started playing ESO make such claims an assumption by definition. If actual information was provided to back such claims then we could move it past considering it speculation.

    Ok, you must not believe me ) But it is just like it is )

    Teso becomes popular in 2019-2020 years, thats why you get so much players + new region.

    On youtube not a big number of players even tell about it. But with good work TESO become very popular in this years.

    But after a big number of bad desisions it lose a lot of players to 2023 year

    I have asked you to provide real data to support the claim the increase in players was due to an influx of Russian players, but none has been provided. Case in point, the decline in players since the Spring of 2020 is mostly due to the influx of players related to the COVID lockdown returning to work. It would be very difficult to say it was mostly due to "bad decisions" just as it has proven difficult to demonstrate that there was a significant increase in players due to Russian language support being provided.

    I respect that you have the opinions you have noted. It is not a matter of believing anyone but the value of looking for actual facts being presented. Again, I ask for real data to back up these claims.


    I do not think, that you ever get real numbers, just because it is just impossible. The same time even on numbers how to compare is it new player or just new alt accounts.

    I can base on expirience of playing with different players and number of ru speaking players greatly increase.

    I played with a number of players from South America. Does that mean ESO saw an increase in players from South America? Now that I am not playing with many from South America does that mean they left because they were unhappy with changes to the game?

    Probably not in both occasions as the very narrow portion of the game each of us sees is too small to suggest it reflects on the game as a whole. That is why guessing what is happening from such limited information is just that, guessing. It is also why I only deal with real information and avoid trying to say something is happening based on nothing more than an assumption.

  • xthrshx
    U35 killed my interest in the game. It gutted my trifecta core. I haven’t logged on a single time since. I used to love this game, but now I’m just here for the dumpster fire. It’s beyond saving, the population is bleeding, and eventually it will reach critical mass.
    Edited by xthrshx on November 17, 2022 10:55PM
  • SPR_of_HA_community
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    Look on steam charts - you see players drop there on about 15%.

    It is more accurate data, because such players have their main character there. As example main on steam and some Alt accounts on standart launcher


    You are correct that the Steam data is more accurate than what happens in one's guild or friends list. It is also unbiased. However, looking at what happened in August vs July is not the appropriate way to look at such data due to seasonal fluctuations.

    The way an analyst, especially a business analyst, would look at such a chart is by comparing the same month across different years. Since we saw a boost from COVID in 2020 and slowly decreased in 2021 we should go back to 2019 for clean data.
    Looking at these three months and comparing 2022 to 2019 we see an increase in the average players. Average players is a better indicator than peak since is shows a more sustained player base.


    It is not a clear data. In 2019+ you get ru region players, thats why you get 25k+ players numbers. You get 1 more big region of players. Yes COVID give you some numbers, but players from ru regions - like to play games that are translated - a lot of them do not know English.

    With out COVID you already have 16+ k active players in Steam. Now it is 13k.

    You can say about some region restrictions - but - even with them before U35 it was 16k+ players and all restrictions are easely avoidable, so if even 1 player from such region knows how to do it - ALL players from there knows how to do it )

    Because such players are more focused on different forums, thats why if you see ru forum part of TESO here is quite empty.

    The 28k plays is right at the point of COVIC lockdowns starting in mass. I assume that is what you are speaking of since you do not offer any dates for any of the numbers you provide.

    Yes, but just minus from that number of players from ru region, that start play near same time.

    Game was quite popular and a lot of players who do not play it before start play it. Than you can see a drop to 20k players on steam charts.

    The reason was - regional prices and game translated to ru language, that make a lot number of players play it.

    But after that - server was overloaded and big number of players leave the game because of bad perfomance and unpopular changes.

    I think, even with out COVID this number would be about may be 25k players.

    Game was very good made and a lot of players tell about it in 2019 year, the same time - new region of players was added.

    All numbers and dates are the same and are posted on same sources we both look, so I do not think I need to post it to much.

    I am really lazy one )

    ESO has players in Russia before they added language localization in 2020. Zenimax's big announcement stated that Russian language support would be an official part of the game starting Update 26 for PC/Mac on May 26, 2020. However, people in Russia were playing ESO before the language support was added.

    Just like we have Spanish-speaking players in ESO now and have for years even though ESO have not have Spanish language support did not start until this year.

    So it is an assumption that there was a massive influx of Russian players during the past couple of years.

    Please note that I have provided links to the information I have cited.

    It is not an assumption. It is just how it is.

    I am ru player and I played starting from 2016/2017

    Yes a little part of players played TESO from ru regions, but their numbers was quite small.

    The same time ALL players I start with leave the game.

    Not a lot of RU players will play Teso for 40$ , but when regional prise drop to 5$ some players try the game. The same time in Ru - region some people know English, some Germany, some Chiness as second language. English is not primary foreign language. Some players in Ru - can know German but they do not understand English as example.

    It is like ... would you play Chiness game that is not translated ? Some our players do. But for a lot of them English not translated game is like playing Chinese game for you.

    They do not understand anything that is written.

    So not a big part of players play not translated games.

    The same time when ZOS lower prises and overload servers - some old players leave the game or was mad, because they can not normally play. So TESO get players and bots - that farm gold, but lose real players who was ready to pay for game more than 5 dolars )

    So it do not look strange that gold grow in prises to 1200+ now ? ) From 300 ?

    Thats why you see 28 k players that than fast drop to 20k )

    You started playing well before ESO included Russian language support demonstrates my point very well. Thank you.

    Beyond that, generalized statements about when most Russians started playing ESO make such claims an assumption by definition. If actual information was provided to back such claims then we could move it past considering it speculation.

    Ok, you must not believe me ) But it is just like it is )

    Teso becomes popular in 2019-2020 years, thats why you get so much players + new region.

    On youtube not a big number of players even tell about it. But with good work TESO become very popular in this years.

    But after a big number of bad desisions it lose a lot of players to 2023 year

    I have asked you to provide real data to support the claim the increase in players was due to an influx of Russian players, but none has been provided. Case in point, the decline in players since the Spring of 2020 is mostly due to the influx of players related to the COVID lockdown returning to work. It would be very difficult to say it was mostly due to "bad decisions" just as it has proven difficult to demonstrate that there was a significant increase in players due to Russian language support being provided.

    I respect that you have the opinions you have noted. It is not a matter of believing anyone but the value of looking for actual facts being presented. Again, I ask for real data to back up these claims.


    I do not think, that you ever get real numbers, just because it is just impossible. The same time even on numbers how to compare is it new player or just new alt accounts.

    I can base on expirience of playing with different players and number of ru speaking players greatly increase.

    I played with a number of players from South America. Does that mean ESO saw an increase in players from South America? Now that I am not playing with many from South America does that mean they left because they were unhappy with changes to the game?

    Probably not in both occasions as the very narrow portion of the game each of us sees is too small to suggest it reflects on the game as a whole. That is why guessing what is happening from such limited information is just that, guessing. It is also why I only deal with real information and avoid trying to say something is happening based on nothing more than an assumption.

    OK if you want real numbers just compare how online changed in same time on other games that has no region add. And if they have the same +- add in percents recalculate this procent, so may be you get some +- correct answer. May be if you do such calculation we get more realistick answer ;) It is easy thing to do and it is some thing that I am limited to do here (because may be it is some promotion of other games that is limited by forum rules)

    Games I watch get about 10-20% add because of COVID. So yes it depends, but for TESO online jump in 2 times from 13k to 28k, jump only because of COVID for 20% is some thing possible, but if so - 13k+20% is about 16k players, but you see 12k more growth in numbers.

    That is near numbers I talk you before.

    And as a player with 20years+MMO expirience I think I already know how thingth work there quite correct ;)

    So predict a lot of thingth is easy thing enough to do, because it is always the same each time.
    Edited by SPR_of_HA_community on November 18, 2022 8:04AM
  • SPR_of_HA_community
    The same time base on name of topic: U35 almost kill the game, but did not do it !

    Lets wait for finisher move ! Will it be in U37-38 or it will not work, because game is not yet on 1/3 of its HP ? ))))
    Edited by SPR_of_HA_community on November 18, 2022 10:43AM
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