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Favorite U36 Base Game QoL feature?

There were several QoL features introduced in today's livestream, and I wonder what your favorite ones are. If there are multiple ones that you like, answer the poll with the one you like the most.

If you missed the livestream, here's the timestamp for the QoL feature segment:

And please keep everything on the topic of the QoL features, not the controversial changes over the last year.
Edited by Maitsukas on September 17, 2022 7:26PM
PC-EU @maitsukas

Posting the weekly Infinite Archive vendor updates.

Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.

Favorite U36 Base Game QoL feature? 191 votes

Target Markers for Enemies
dmnqwkCyberOnEsoElsonsoThaviekiesoxosaara137oxEiregirlCP5Ragnarok0130DragonnordParasaurolophusVaranaDestaiAnkael07Azrael_1976FischblutVampiricByNatureAlpheu5FirstmepFakeFox 29 votes
Housing (Chat links, Visitor list, List of another Player's placed Furnishings, Improved alignment for various Wall Furnishings)
NettleCarrierSarannahKlingenliedemilyhyoyeonDark_Lord_KuroagelonestarHroltharAriordinMellirusEric_PrincelooshoraWolf_EyeMoTatim77TaSheenFelisCatus 16 votes
Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)
Kalfislaurajfchessalavakia_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOssewallb14_ESOdanno8ParalyseCave_CanemSheridanCendrillion21lillybitMartoMajorSnakeFoxMyrnhielArchMikemRaddlemanNumber7TyharmeekmikoFluffyReachWitchTommy_The_Gun 57 votes
Armory Stations in Cyrodiil and Imperial City
daniel.13b16_ESOAndyMacginoboehmKlauthWarthogFinedaiblePrax3desAnonomissXDirtyDeeds765YandereGirlfriendWiseSkyIndigogoAtrael7AllegedParadigmxDeusEJRxLydawobblesNoxiousBlightEF321AmeriseslonnmlHerrKeinTipp_MrNoTip 22 votes
Text-to-Speech for the Chat window
stevenyaub16_ESOphaneub17_ESOSammyKhajit 3 votes
Customized Actions
LaerothKeykalynElvenheartCaptainVenomWolfkeksArbitArtim_XNevidyraLiteEmUpJarl_Ironheart 9 votes
Moloch1514tohopka_esoFaulgorninibiniZigoSideovogtb16_ESOJames-WayneTreselegantEnundrLonestryderSmokedpyrotechAsysMinalanAsdaraN00BxV1Astironwolfie1.0.SiAScORCHRowjohAcadianPaladin 55 votes
  • NettleCarrier
    Housing (Chat links, Visitor list, List of another Player's placed Furnishings, Improved alignment for various Wall Furnishings)
    Excited for ANYTHING housing related, but still sad that I can't decorate my guild hall to be even half of what I envisioned in my head, and I have to remove another 12 furnishings in a few weeks.
    GM of Gold Coast Corsairs - PCNA
  • VaranisArano
    Nice to see the PVP zones get Armory stations, since the queues can make it prohibitive to leave and then return in a timely fashion.
  • TaSheen
    Housing (Chat links, Visitor list, List of another Player's placed Furnishings, Improved alignment for various Wall Furnishings)
    Housing stuff for me. I don't mind the pets etc and none of the other things are anything I care about at all.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Necrotech_Master
    is there a compiled list somewhere of the features? did not get to see the stream

    specifically out what you have listed, some of those things seem like they would be nice QoL features, while other ones would be nigh useless for me (text-to-speech chat)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • Snamyap
    I like the markers, I just hope they don't go poof during certain boss phase/teleport mechanics like the current alt marking does quite often.
  • jimlabadie
    Soul Shriven
    Target Markers for Enemies
    I can't wait to tag gank blades when they die. Although it does seem stalkerish. Oh well, sounds like sneaking is athing of the past.
  • Maitsukas
    Target Markers for Enemies
    is there a compiled list somewhere of the features? did not get to see the stream

    specifically out what you have listed, some of those things seem like they would be nice QoL features, while other ones would be nigh useless for me (text-to-speech chat)

    All of those features were mentioned in the livestream, only Target Markers and Customized Actions were shown in action.

    Here's the timestamp from the VOD:
    Edited by Maitsukas on September 16, 2022 9:45PM
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the weekly Infinite Archive vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • chessalavakia_ESO
    Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)
    Personally, I'd lean towards the pets.

    I think the customized actions might have the potential to be interesting if they didn't lean so much of flash. Honestly, the current ones they've shown seem to me like they'd make the game worse rather than better.
  • PrincessOfThieves
    Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)
    Being able to hide pets is my favorite, but I'm really glad to see that they're adding actual accessibility options (such as text to speech).
  • Ingenon
    Target Markers for Enemies
    I can see group leads using the target markers for enemies in trials, etc. And I think it will help.

    I will enable the hide other folks pets and companions option when it becomes available.
  • Fischblut
    Target Markers for Enemies
    Most awesome feature is Target markers from this list. I've really got used to having this in GW2!
    But I hope that these markers are visible only for me and my group. I absolutely don't want to see markers placed by other players if I'm not in their group. This would ruin immersion and screenshots :o

    ...Nowadays, I barely do group content though :D So my most used feature will be Hide pets/assistants in towns <3

    Customized actions can add some fun to my gameplay in theory, but examples shown on video didn't interest me.
    In GW2 I use basic gathering tools, and I see no reason to purchase new animations for gathering in ESO too. I would be interested in:

    - new colors for class abilities
    - new skins for combat pets (change Warden's bear to senche, for example)
    - ability to fully dye my mounts (or change/dye their armor, at least)
    - add special effects for sheathed weapons (for example, staff which is permanently on fire)
    - change voice of my mount to any voice of other mount from the same family (for example, in Canine family I wish to use Durzog's voice on Death Hound mount)

    ..and the thing I personally wanted the most:

    - ability to purchase and use special idle animations on any mount

    I was almost sure that designers have finally implemented it :'( There are so many new Apex and Radiant Apex mounts (and each of them has unique idle animation at home and on character selection screeen), and there are barely any showcase videos for mounts nowadays. Many people don't even show them at home. I wish I could purchase all such animations and use them for my mounts.
    Edited by Fischblut on September 17, 2022 12:51AM
  • tonyblack
    None of them make changes to my gameplay in any meaningful way and I could hardly call most of them QoL features. Just some minor changes I would skip over and not even notice. Overall, it seems the most underwhelming dlc zone so far with nothing in it to be excited about.
  • AzuraFan
    I can't say there's anything on the list that excites me. I don't do much housing, don't care about seeing pets, have never used my armory station, and don't care about text to speech. I solo most of the time, so target markers on enemies probably won't be all that useful for me. I play 99% of the time in first person, so customized actions also won't be all that useful for me.

    There are other improvements I would have preferred, especially to do with the banking interface and combat pets.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    I want some Vampire themed actions!!!

    Bat Teleportation for porting
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Text-to-Speech for the Chat window
    Because no one else picked it.
  • Ariordin
    Housing (Chat links, Visitor list, List of another Player's placed Furnishings, Improved alignment for various Wall Furnishings)
    I voted for housing because i built expensive houses so thats my favorite by default.... but I didn't see the stream so what do they mean by 'customized actions'?
  • EF321
    Armory Stations in Cyrodiil and Imperial City
    Ariordin wrote: »
    I voted for housing because i built expensive houses so thats my favorite by default.... but I didn't see the stream so what do they mean by 'customized actions'?

    Animation recolors. Like green bubble when porting instead of blue. Or green axe trail when cutting wood. Such QoL.
  • merpins
    To me, it feels like they've been saving many QoL changes to use as a reaction to a ton of hate to make us cool off. So I dunno.
  • IZZEFlameLash
    The patch isn't even out. Given the history, I can only rate QoL stuffs AFTER these were experienced. Because what is good on paper may come out dysfunctional on the day of release.
    Imperials, the one and true masters of all mortal races of Tamriel
  • Lugaldu
    There is absolutely nothing what I am looking forward among those things listed...
  • Varana
    Target Markers for Enemies
    Fischblut wrote: »
    Most awesome feature is Target markers from this list. I've really got used to having this in GW2!
    But I hope that these markers are visible only for me and my group. I absolutely don't want to see markers placed by other players if I'm not in their group. This would ruin immersion and screenshots :o

    At this moment, I just hope the target markers are visible to my group... and not just me personally.
  • bmnoble
    The Armory Stations in Cyrodiil and Imperial City are a nice touch but feels like the only real quality of life addition in that list but I rarely PVP so to me at least it won't affect me much one way or the other.

    Housing I would rather they add an option to let you visit more than just peoples primary residence without having to resort to a manual invite.

    To me at least they all look like minor changes that for the most part will have no real affect on me, so I don't really see anything that stands out enough to call a favourite, aside from the armory stations for PVP zones none look particularly urgent or even necessary additions to the game.
  • Atrael7
    Armory Stations in Cyrodiil and Imperial City
    Brilliant. Can we also have shrines for changing attributes, skills and morphs in there too at some point, please?
  • Katheriah
    I really like the Q&A.

    I'm not making a serious vote. I liked what accountwide achievements could be, hated what they did with it. I want to see it first.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)
    The only one that has some real value.

    Might have a try with the text to speech to see what comedy value it has. I can see some people changing their account names, just for fun.
    PC EU
  • N00BxV1
    Most of this stuff just looks like fluff instead of QoL features. I don't see how most of these will bring any quality to the game.

    Target Markers for Enemies?
    Could maybe be useful, if you want more hand-holding in game. But the design definitely looked out of place and too cartoon-ish.

    Housing (Chat links, Visitor list, List of another Player's placed Furnishings, Improved alignment for various Wall Furnishings)?
    I don't care about housing, but I think more housing slots would've been better and has been asked about for years.

    Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)?
    It would've been better to have an option to hide these things during combat in dungeons and trials. They're not much of a nuisance in towns unless you're doing crafting writs or something. But in places during combat they can really obstruct your view and just get in the way.

    Armory Stations in Cyrodiil and Imperial City?
    This should've been included when the Armory System first released. Just like how Mundus buffs were not included in the Armory to begin with but were added later. That wasn't a QoL feature, that was simply them implementing something they left out from the start.

    Text-to-Speech for the Chat window?
    I'm not sure why this is even needed. It might be fun to use at first but is just a gimmick. Bawitdabadabangadangdiggydiggydiggysaidtheboogysaidupjumptheboogy.

    Customized Actions?
    Pure fluff. Did they even say if this will be a free feature or if it will be monetized. I'm guessing the latter.

    The impression that I got from the livestream and from things that were said, it just sounds like the suits don't want to spend any money on the game for the next quarter.
  • tomfant
    Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)
    I'm very happy about the hideable pets. I'll switch that on ASAP. As a sorc main I always get rid of my pets when I'm leaving group content. Can't stand that constant visual noise...

    Everything else is IMHO lackluster. I was hoping for more real QoL changes. Things like daily reset of everything at once instead of a mix of different timers, master crafting stations that combine the plethora of set tables into one entity for each of the 4 professions, stackable treasure maps, etc.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Given the list of what they have planned for U36 Qol, not excited about any of them. Would much rather see some of the following Qol features that have been repeatedly asked for over a long period of time and are not controversial:
    - Option to hide shoulders and other armor pieces.
    - More warden bear skins in the crown store to join the lonely gray placeholder in a fully developed system to support optional bear skins.
    - Fix the butt area on the Timbercrow Wanderer costume - given the high cost in blood or treasure to obtain it, there is no excuse for not fixing it. Almalexia wears a loincloth just fine, why can't my elf?
    - Rework the attunable crafting table system to address the evergrowing 'sea of tables' that threatens to outgrow even 700 slot guild halls.
  • meekmiko
    Hideable Pets in Towns (Includes Combat Pets, Non-Combat Pets, Companions & Assistants)
    N00BxV1 wrote: »

    Customized Actions?
    Pure fluff. Did they even say if this will be a free feature or if it will be monetized. I'm guessing the latter.

    They said the special animations will be from the Crown Store and Crown Crates, so yeh. 💸
    🌟PC/NA CP2025+ [Been playing since 2016]
    JUSTICE FOR APEX CAMELS 🐪✨ Bring 'em back!
    vMA / vVH / vDSA / vBRP / vAA HM / vSO HM / vHRC HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS+1 & +1 / vCR+2 / vSS / vKA/ vRG
    • 🌩️ 🏹 EP - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer / Bosmer StamSorc (DPS) -Main DPS-
    • ☀️ 🛡️ EP - Mihi'Mai-Ra, Plague of Peryite / Khajiit StamPlar (Tank) -Main Tank-
    • ☀️ ✨ EP - Lady Lapa'au, The Magnanimous / Khajiit MagPlar (Healer) -Main Healer-
    • 🌩️ ☄️ EP - Ra'venk, Style Master / Khajiit MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ EP - Bird gra-Shuzgub, Forge Breaker / Orc StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ✨ EP - Blades-at-the-Ready, Witch / Argonian MagBlade (Healer)
    • ☀️ ⚔️ EP - Lady Fortuna the Blessed, Grand Champion / Imperial StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🔥 🛡️ EP - Plays-in Volcanoes, Mystic / Argonian StamDK (Tank)
    • 💀 ☄️ EP - Ko'shamari the Doomweaver, Dovahkriid / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 🌱 ✨ EP - Sorvete, Countess / Khajiit StamDen (Healer)
    • 🔥 🏹 EP - Falora Veloth, The Merciless / Dunmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 🌩️ 🛡️ AD - Shimmers-with-Static, Spark of Vengeance / Argonian StamSorc (Tank)
    • ☀️ ⚔️ EP - Amarri-do the Magnificent, Clan Mother / Khajiit StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ⚔️ EP - Z'majii-dar the Quick, Battlegrounds Butcher / Khajiit StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🔥 ⚔️ EP - Habasi the Glamorous, Seeker of Artifacts / Khajiit StamDK (DPS)
    • 🗡️ 🛡️ EP - Yana-la the Iron Lotus, Silver Knight / Khajiit StamBlade (Tank)
    • 👁️ ☄️ EP - Mog gra-Ushug the Scholar, Master Historian / Orc MagCanist (DPS)
    • 👁️ 🛡️ EP - Mamaea the Sledgehammer, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamCanist (Tank)
    • 👁️ 🏹 EP - Elsyiir Lichenhollow, Lady / Bosmer StamCanist (DPS)
    • 💀 🛡️ EP - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamNecro (Tank)
    • & I only dabble on the PC/EU server sometimes:
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ AD - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun / Bosmer StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ⚔️ EP - Sings-a-Song-of-Storms / Argonian StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ☄️ DC - Helainie the Shadebringer / Breton MagBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ☄️ EP - Steals-Many-Hearts / Argonian MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ AD - Pashet the Nimble / Khajiit StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🔥 🏹☄️ EP - Furoni the Ember / Dunmer HybridDK (DPS)
    • 👁️ ☄️ EP - Am-Kesh / Argonian MagCanist (DPS)
    • 🔥 ⚔️ AD - Eldrinthr the Flame-Heart / Bosmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 👁️ ☄️ AD - Bajaa the Blackened Beast / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 💀 ⚔️ AD - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt / Khajiit StamNecro (DPS)
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