Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

adding gasoline to fire

  • Northwold
    JKorr wrote: »
    Northwold wrote: »
    Northwold wrote: »
    I agree OP. And to the people saying 100k is a drop in the ocean or whatever, it's actually not 100k it's literally billions being added to the economy.

    For a bit of perspective let's look at the average larger guild, since people like to say that kiosk bids are the only meaningful gold sink. We'll say the average (larger guils) has 400 members, since not all are going to have 500. That's 40,000,000 gold being added to the game by one guild alone. There's 18 guilds located in the Capitol cities, that's 720,000,000 gold..

    And yet, 40mil gold is just ~9500 characters doing a set of daily writs (4200 gold). Or just 1200 players doing writs on 8 characters. Which happens every day, not once a month.

    Plus there's all the other delve/zone/dungeon dailies, grinding, selling excess junk to vendors, etc.

    Yes, when you apply MATH!™, that 100k gold turns into Scary Big Numbers.

    ...which still are barely a drop in the bucket, because Even Scarier & Bigger Numbers are being generated every single day.

    And that's why there's inflation. Not because of one little giveaway.

    I agree, direct gold from repeatable quest is a main cause of inflation, thus should be removed

    Which would kind of suck for those people who aren't traders, and for whom that gold is a large % of their entire income.

    That's the hard thing about balancing MMOs - making sure that the things you do to slow down the top players, don't disproportionately screw over the low end ones.

    (I remember one time that WoW nerfed the entire resource recovery system because high-end raiders had figured out how to have effectively-infinite sustain... and Joe Random Leveling Dude ended up having to rest & drink recovery consumables after every single overland trash fight.)

    No, the mats from the daily writs would still be valuable, the quest is still worth the time even after removing the direct gold reward.

    The direct gold is not a large part of the income now, your claim is completely false.

    I'm talking about people who don't trade. They get 0 gold from mats, just the quest gold (and selling ornates to the vendor).

    (that would be all of us who have nothing to do with this game's dumpster fire of a trading system. Been playing since 2016, I've never sold a single thing to another player. I've also never had more than ~1.7mil gold.)

    So many “us” and “i”, it’s all about you i guess, have you thought that trading with other player is literally a feature in every MMO

    And have you thought that only in one is it gated behind guilds...?

    What you talking about? People can sell in zone chat in eso, just like other games

    As has been discussed to death, spamming zone chat is not a sensible selling mechanism. Other games, inter alia, use auction houses open to everyone. And while people can argue till the cows come home about the merits and demerits of auction houses in ESO, the fact remains that ESO gates its only sensible selling mechanism behind guilds, and behind the random strangers running those guilds (even automated guilds administered by the servers themselves would be an improvement).

    A lot of people simply will not join guilds. They do not want to. And they are de facto cut off from one side of the player economy while fully exposed to its rising prices if they try to buy something.

    As I said above, these forums are self selecting and tend to attract players who are not entirely representative of ESO's player base. So these conversations generally degenerate into "you're lazy for not joining a guild", "i make a million a day what's your problem", "spamming zone chat is an absolutely flawless mechanism (that I don't actually use) because reasons", "but the servers will crash if the game isn't the way I want it to be", etc.

    There's a limit to how far this discussion can productively get if people refuse to recognise the existence of a large slice of the playerbase who do not want to and will not engage with guilds, and if people are going blithely to claim that a totally useless (and ridiculous) mechanism -- WTS spam in chat -- is the bee's knees.

    Out of curiosity, those players who will not join guilds because reasons....what do they really need gold for if they restrict themselves to solo play? Not really crucial to have hundreds of potions for trials or "end game"

    Housing is the obvious one. The most solo activity there is.

    And as someone else commented above, the whole guild setup is crazy. If a player wants to sell occasionally through a guild, they have to apply, wait to be accepted, sell, come back a week later and find they've been ejected from the guild because they've stumbled across an antisocial one, start again... It's absurd, alienating and actively irritating, like they designed it to make players feel this isn't the game for them, all to achieve what is an absolutely basic function in playing an MMO.

    Another poster above said "that's how the game is". Yes, it is. And for a lot of players -- like many people who lead a normal life with commitments and other interests who have no intention of spending every day in a video game -- that *is not fun*. My own response was simply to give up on ESO but I check in from time to time out of a sense of morbid fascination with whether ZOS will ever stop clinging to this bizarre system.
    Edited by Northwold on June 4, 2022 12:54AM
  • Sarannah
    JKorr wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, those players who will not join guilds because reasons....what do they really need gold for if they restrict themselves to solo play? Not really crucial to have hundreds of potions for trials or "end game" stuff if you don't have a group/guild to do the content. Honestly if they refuse to engage with anyone because OMG GUILDS there's no worries about battleground teams or trial groups that need consistent people to do hard content there isn't a lot of reason for selling stuff to other players to make gold. Selling to npc merchants might take a lot longer to build a gold reserve, but hey, no contact with other players.
    There is a huge difference between not joining a guild, and not running endgame content, or not wanting to play with others, or being a soloplayer. I don't join a guild because when I do eventually join one, I want to be a valuable asset to that guild. Players not in a guild often still do trials, cyrodiil, bg's, events, and veteran or HM content. I often ran HM dungeons(will again when I am done with other in-game stuff), I often help players in zonechat with world bosses, etc. Not joining a guild, does not make a player a soloplayer. Nor does it exclude players from any of the tougher content. Nor does it mean players do not have groups to play with.

    Solo players need gold as well, I do master writs, and those motifs are costly. I often buy event stuff. Repairs for many players costs gold. And there are many other ways to spend gold, even without a guild, or without buying from a guildtrader. For example, some players are completely into housing, or any other part of the game which costs gold. And like I said, not being in a guild does not exclude players from running highend content, so they would still need all that gear/supplies.

    Giving non-guilded players specific labels isn't right. And I just wanted to explain my reasons for not being in a guild.

    PS: Most players I see in-game do not have a guildtag below their name, which makes me believe most players do not join a guild. For reasons unknown to me.
    Edit: Thanks @Heartrage for the explanation. Any ideas on the overal profit ratio? ... like is it even worth doing if you buy all the materials. As with jewelrycrafting, I can't imagine this would result in a profit if one buys the platinum. (assuming they are maximum skilllevel crafters)
    Edited by Sarannah on June 3, 2022 4:54PM
    BretonMage wrote: »
    100K gold is a drop in the ocean for the richer players, and really helpful for newer players. I think it's fine. Trading system might need an adjustment to make items more affordable, that's all.

    Ofc its a drop for richer players. but think about when hundreds of thousands of players gets 100k each. its tens of billions of gold added to the economy in exchange for nothing.
  • Arthtur
    Sarannah wrote: »

    PS: Most players I see in-game do not have a guildtag below their name, which makes me believe most players do not join a guild. For reasons unknown to me.

    For having Guild Tag u need to use Guild Tabard and that tabarb is showed on top of your outfit. So if u want to use tabarb u need to create outfit around that. Ppl complain all the time about that. So this isnt a good source to check how many player joined guilds.
    Edited by Arthtur on June 3, 2022 5:08PM
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • DagenHawk
    Arthtur wrote: »

    For having Guild Tag u need to use Guild Tabar and that tabar is showed on top of your outfit. So if u want to use tabar u need to create outfit around that. Ppl complain all the time about that. So this isnt a good source to check how many player joined guild.

    Ummmmmm what?
  • Arthtur
    DagenHawk wrote: »
    Arthtur wrote: »

    For having Guild Tag u need to use Guild Tabar and that tabar is showed on top of your outfit. So if u want to use tabar u need to create outfit around that. Ppl complain all the time about that. So this isnt a good source to check how many player joined guild.

    Ummmmmm what?

    What what? I missed "d" in the world Tabard. Thats was the problem? or u dont know how this works in this game? or im just misunderstanding something?

    Well from my knowledge...
    In order to "show" Guild Tag/Name u need to buy Tabard (2k gold) from the shop of that guild. After that u need to put it on your character which will hide your chest piece. After that u will have Guild Name under your name.

    Either im stupid and i dont see a problem, world in ESO changed and i didnt notice or im just misunderstanding something.

    Without Guild Tabard:

    With Guild Tabard:
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • ADarklore
    I can earn 100K in less than an hour harvesting or farming jewelry to decon for mats to sell... so no, 100K is really just a drop in the bucket. Given the inflation in the PC market, 100K really doesn't buy much anymore, sadly enough.
    Edited by ADarklore on June 3, 2022 6:23PM
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • LashanW
    Heartrage wrote: »
    I don’t disagree, but with sharding and by spreading characters between different cities, who would report them? I manually farmed writs for months on 18 characters. Often, I would do it late after work and would only do my writs before logging off. If someone saw me playing, I would’ve probably been indistinguishable from a bot for most players.

    My point isn’t to encourage this practice but simply to show how exploitable these quests can be by cheating in the game.

    I also want to precise that I do not engage with those practices. I make my gold through legitimate trading.
    Player reports are not always needed to identify cheaters. There's a pinned thread right now about accounts being banned for violating ToS via third party programs.

    I highly doubt PC inflation has anything to do with cheating accounts that has fully automated the entire daily writ routine. They wouldn't be difficult to identify.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • Kiralyn2000
    JKorr wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, those players who will not join guilds because reasons....what do they really need gold for if they restrict themselves to solo play?

    There's a bunch of houses that are 1-3mil+, one can easily drop 100k+ (1mil on a "good" week) at the Luxury Furniture vendor, etc.
    And, of course, there's Crown buying/gifting.

    And just because someone doesn't Guild, doesn't mean they're 100% solo (I am, but that's me. /shrug)

    I don’t know what kind of economics you learned, but blaming flippers is ridiculous, you can’t flip crowns, crowns been going up just as wax, alloy, roe, chromium, mundane rune and heartwood.

    Part of the big jump in Crown prices was Steam closing the loopholes that let people buy cheap Crowns internationally.
    Another was the supply of extra Crowns (from long-time ESO+ subbers, saved up before Crown gifting existed) finally drying up.
    And yeah, part of it is also the increasing gold supply. But only part.
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on June 3, 2022 9:26PM
  • Kesstryl
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    I think the issue has to do more with market flippers than any way players earn gold in game. Some people collected a large amount of gold over the years and now have enough to corner the market and mop up anything that undervalues their top line. As a casual player who has no interest in playing the market and doesn't have all day to farm, I never made that much in a day, and I never held on to a million for long as I'd use it to buy houses and furnishing plans. Casuals simply have no way to bring in that much, especially those of us who have full time jobs and families. It would just anger the casual player base if income was also nerfed on top of the many nerfs this game as received over the years due to angry people wanting to wreck the game for others because they feel that's better than asking for solutions where everyone wins.

    I don’t know what kind of economics you learned, but blaming flippers is ridiculous, you can’t flip crowns, crowns been going up just as wax, alloy, roe, chromium, mundane rune and heartwood.

    Inflation happens when the supply of currency is significantly higher than its demand (basically too much gold too little mats and crown).

    There is no solution to make everyone happy. But insist on keeping hyperinflation will make more people unhappy.

    I think you identified the problem right there, not enough of the stuff players need. ZOS could tweak drop rates for mats so there's more and a higher chance for better tempers and rare mats. Then prices will drop because there's more to go around and more people will sell, so much so that the flippers can't keep up cornering the market.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • LalMirchi
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    Kesstryl wrote: »
    I think the issue has to do more with market flippers than any way players earn gold in game. Some people collected a large amount of gold over the years and now have enough to corner the market and mop up anything that undervalues their top line. As a casual player who has no interest in playing the market and doesn't have all day to farm, I never made that much in a day, and I never held on to a million for long as I'd use it to buy houses and furnishing plans. Casuals simply have no way to bring in that much, especially those of us who have full time jobs and families. It would just anger the casual player base if income was also nerfed on top of the many nerfs this game as received over the years due to angry people wanting to wreck the game for others because they feel that's better than asking for solutions where everyone wins.

    I don’t know what kind of economics you learned, but blaming flippers is ridiculous, you can’t flip crowns, crowns been going up just as wax, alloy, roe, chromium, mundane rune and heartwood.

    Inflation happens when the supply of currency is significantly higher than its demand (basically too much gold too little mats and crown).

    There is no solution to make everyone happy. But insist on keeping hyperinflation will make more people unhappy.

    I think you identified the problem right there, not enough of the stuff players need. ZOS could tweak drop rates for mats so there's more and a higher chance for better tempers and rare mats. Then prices will drop because there's more to go around and more people will sell, so much so that the flippers can't keep up cornering the market.

    A very good suggestion. Increasing to the drop rates would alleviate the problem.

    The question is will the developer do such a beneficial change?
  • ForzaRammer
    JKorr wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, those players who will not join guilds because reasons....what do they really need gold for if they restrict themselves to solo play?

    There's a bunch of houses that are 1-3mil+, one can easily drop 100k+ (1mil on a "good" week) at the Luxury Furniture vendor, etc.
    And, of course, there's Crown buying/gifting.

    And just because someone doesn't Guild, doesn't mean they're 100% solo (I am, but that's me. /shrug)

    I don’t know what kind of economics you learned, but blaming flippers is ridiculous, you can’t flip crowns, crowns been going up just as wax, alloy, roe, chromium, mundane rune and heartwood.

    Part of the big jump in Crown prices was Steam closing the loopholes that let people buy cheap Crowns internationally.
    Another was the supply of extra Crowns (from long-time ESO+ subbers, saved up before Crown gifting existed) finally drying up.
    And yeah, part of it is also the increasing gold supply. But only part.

    I agree it’s a contributing factor. But that can’t possibly be the only cause. Inflation started around august 2020, steam pricing changed around may 2021.

  • Kiralyn2000
    Inflation started around august 2020

    Then I wonder what the actual cause was, since the Lazy Writ addon has existed since at least 2016, and I know that I've been raising cash via lots of writs since 2017.
  • ForzaRammer
    Inflation started around august 2020

    Then I wonder what the actual cause was, since the Lazy Writ addon has existed since at least 2016, and I know that I've been raising cash via lots of writs since 2017.

    Exactly why my first guess in late 2020 was scry and excavation, you can check my old threads
  • wolfie1.0.
    DagenHawk wrote: »
    End trade guilds

    Free the Economy

    Liberty Liberty!!!

    Libertas vel mors!!!!


    I agree the game should go to 100% bind on pickup for all resources.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Northwold wrote: »
    I agree OP. And to the people saying 100k is a drop in the ocean or whatever, it's actually not 100k it's literally billions being added to the economy.

    For a bit of perspective let's look at the average larger guild, since people like to say that kiosk bids are the only meaningful gold sink. We'll say the average (larger guils) has 400 members, since not all are going to have 500. That's 40,000,000 gold being added to the game by one guild alone. There's 18 guilds located in the Capitol cities, that's 720,000,000 gold..

    And yet, 40mil gold is just ~9500 characters doing a set of daily writs (4200 gold). Or just 1200 players doing writs on 8 characters. Which happens every day, not once a month.

    Plus there's all the other delve/zone/dungeon dailies, grinding, selling excess junk to vendors, etc.

    Yes, when you apply MATH!™, that 100k gold turns into Scary Big Numbers.

    ...which still are barely a drop in the bucket, because Even Scarier & Bigger Numbers are being generated every single day.

    And that's why there's inflation. Not because of one little giveaway.

    I agree, direct gold from repeatable quest is a main cause of inflation, thus should be removed

    Which would kind of suck for those people who aren't traders, and for whom that gold is a large % of their entire income.

    That's the hard thing about balancing MMOs - making sure that the things you do to slow down the top players, don't disproportionately screw over the low end ones.

    (I remember one time that WoW nerfed the entire resource recovery system because high-end raiders had figured out how to have effectively-infinite sustain... and Joe Random Leveling Dude ended up having to rest & drink recovery consumables after every single overland trash fight.)

    No, the mats from the daily writs would still be valuable, the quest is still worth the time even after removing the direct gold reward.

    The direct gold is not a large part of the income now, your claim is completely false.

    I'm talking about people who don't trade. They get 0 gold from mats, just the quest gold (and selling ornates to the vendor).

    (that would be all of us who have nothing to do with this game's dumpster fire of a trading system. Been playing since 2016, I've never sold a single thing to another player. I've also never had more than ~1.7mil gold.)

    So many “us” and “i”, it’s all about you i guess, have you thought that trading with other player is literally a feature in every MMO

    And have you thought that only in one is it gated behind guilds...?

    Every mat in the game can be obtained without gold exchanging hands.
  • Northwold
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    Northwold wrote: »
    I agree OP. And to the people saying 100k is a drop in the ocean or whatever, it's actually not 100k it's literally billions being added to the economy.

    For a bit of perspective let's look at the average larger guild, since people like to say that kiosk bids are the only meaningful gold sink. We'll say the average (larger guils) has 400 members, since not all are going to have 500. That's 40,000,000 gold being added to the game by one guild alone. There's 18 guilds located in the Capitol cities, that's 720,000,000 gold..

    And yet, 40mil gold is just ~9500 characters doing a set of daily writs (4200 gold). Or just 1200 players doing writs on 8 characters. Which happens every day, not once a month.

    Plus there's all the other delve/zone/dungeon dailies, grinding, selling excess junk to vendors, etc.

    Yes, when you apply MATH!™, that 100k gold turns into Scary Big Numbers.

    ...which still are barely a drop in the bucket, because Even Scarier & Bigger Numbers are being generated every single day.

    And that's why there's inflation. Not because of one little giveaway.

    I agree, direct gold from repeatable quest is a main cause of inflation, thus should be removed

    Which would kind of suck for those people who aren't traders, and for whom that gold is a large % of their entire income.

    That's the hard thing about balancing MMOs - making sure that the things you do to slow down the top players, don't disproportionately screw over the low end ones.

    (I remember one time that WoW nerfed the entire resource recovery system because high-end raiders had figured out how to have effectively-infinite sustain... and Joe Random Leveling Dude ended up having to rest & drink recovery consumables after every single overland trash fight.)

    No, the mats from the daily writs would still be valuable, the quest is still worth the time even after removing the direct gold reward.

    The direct gold is not a large part of the income now, your claim is completely false.

    I'm talking about people who don't trade. They get 0 gold from mats, just the quest gold (and selling ornates to the vendor).

    (that would be all of us who have nothing to do with this game's dumpster fire of a trading system. Been playing since 2016, I've never sold a single thing to another player. I've also never had more than ~1.7mil gold.)

    So many “us” and “i”, it’s all about you i guess, have you thought that trading with other player is literally a feature in every MMO

    And have you thought that only in one is it gated behind guilds...?

    Every mat in the game can be obtained without gold exchanging hands.

    Nice try but the post i was responding to was about trading, not farming materials.

    Unless you're proposing getting rid of trading completely, guilds and all...
    Edited by Northwold on June 4, 2022 3:58AM
  • Arthtur
    Its not like "inflation" started in some year. Its just before Crown Gifting ppl didnt had anything to spend gold on. So instead of removing gold from the game they got more and more.
    So after Crown Gifting got added ppl got something to spend gold on so all that gold started flowing back into the market. At the start there was high supply of crowns so it wasnt dramatic but after they removed VPN exploit on Steam the crowns price jumped from 300:1 to 2000:1(PC EU) in just few months. And u can imagine how much gold got back into market in rly short time.

    So in short, gold was in game for few years already. It was just stored in banks and wasnt used. After it got back into market prices had to update but because of how much gold were used the prices went crazy. That's all.

    Right now prices mostly stopped going up. Golden upgrade materials went down too. It should be okay if nothing crazy happens. Purple upgrade materials will go up tho thanks to next event(Zenithar). Furnishing mats will go up too but that's ZOS fault for using master writs in events(New Life). Not much we can do about it.

    Sigh i wrote it again. Well u can ignore me if u want. Its not like anyone will believe me.
    PC/EU @Arthtur

    Toxic Tank for the win :x
  • AvalonRanger
    100,000 gold is not so expensive. Even you have highest crafting skill,
    you can't buy enough amount of gold material which can make 2 piece of gear legend
    quality from guild vender. It's a decent bonus for eso+ players.
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    with [1Stam Blade].
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".

    Farewell Atsuko Tanaka...(-_-) I never forget epic acting for major Motoko Kusanagi.
  • wolfie1.0.
    Northwold wrote: »
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    Northwold wrote: »
    I agree OP. And to the people saying 100k is a drop in the ocean or whatever, it's actually not 100k it's literally billions being added to the economy.

    For a bit of perspective let's look at the average larger guild, since people like to say that kiosk bids are the only meaningful gold sink. We'll say the average (larger guils) has 400 members, since not all are going to have 500. That's 40,000,000 gold being added to the game by one guild alone. There's 18 guilds located in the Capitol cities, that's 720,000,000 gold..

    And yet, 40mil gold is just ~9500 characters doing a set of daily writs (4200 gold). Or just 1200 players doing writs on 8 characters. Which happens every day, not once a month.

    Plus there's all the other delve/zone/dungeon dailies, grinding, selling excess junk to vendors, etc.

    Yes, when you apply MATH!™, that 100k gold turns into Scary Big Numbers.

    ...which still are barely a drop in the bucket, because Even Scarier & Bigger Numbers are being generated every single day.

    And that's why there's inflation. Not because of one little giveaway.

    I agree, direct gold from repeatable quest is a main cause of inflation, thus should be removed

    Which would kind of suck for those people who aren't traders, and for whom that gold is a large % of their entire income.

    That's the hard thing about balancing MMOs - making sure that the things you do to slow down the top players, don't disproportionately screw over the low end ones.

    (I remember one time that WoW nerfed the entire resource recovery system because high-end raiders had figured out how to have effectively-infinite sustain... and Joe Random Leveling Dude ended up having to rest & drink recovery consumables after every single overland trash fight.)

    No, the mats from the daily writs would still be valuable, the quest is still worth the time even after removing the direct gold reward.

    The direct gold is not a large part of the income now, your claim is completely false.

    I'm talking about people who don't trade. They get 0 gold from mats, just the quest gold (and selling ornates to the vendor).

    (that would be all of us who have nothing to do with this game's dumpster fire of a trading system. Been playing since 2016, I've never sold a single thing to another player. I've also never had more than ~1.7mil gold.)

    So many “us” and “i”, it’s all about you i guess, have you thought that trading with other player is literally a feature in every MMO

    And have you thought that only in one is it gated behind guilds...?

    Every mat in the game can be obtained without gold exchanging hands.

    Nice try but the post i was responding to was about trading, not farming materials.

    Unless you're proposing getting rid of trading completely, guilds and all...

    I have many time suggested that it would be easiest for the entire game to go to bind on pickup for everything.
  • Sarannah
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    I have many time suggested that it would be easiest for the entire game to go to bind on pickup for everything.
    That would make me quit faster than anyone could say bind-on-pickup. Even though I never trade, and rarely ever buy anything from guildtraders, I do want what I loot to have actual value. Even when I do not use that value. If everything was BOP, only what you actually use would have value, and everything else would just become clutter. This is the one of the main reasons I quit D3 as well, and would never play any other game with BOP.
    There are also parts of the game I do not want to participate in, and BOP would force me to do those parts of the game due to the rewards tied to them. Making the game overal a lot less fun.
  • Ishtarknows
    K9002 wrote: »
    All it does is help single character players catch up with those who abuse up to 18 alts

    Using the 18 character slots Zos provides us with is not abuse. Just because you don't want to use them don't slander those who do.
  • Kiralyn2000
    Sarannah wrote: »
    wolfie1.0. wrote: »
    I have many time suggested that it would be easiest for the entire game to go to bind on pickup for everything.
    That would make me quit faster than anyone could say bind-on-pickup. Even though I never trade, and rarely ever buy anything from guildtraders, I do want what I loot to have actual value. Even when I do not use that value.

    But that "value" is all imaginary in the first place.

    This is the one of the main reasons I quit D3 as well,

    I always play ARPGs "solo/self-found" so that's never been an issue. Main reason I barely played D3 compared to how much I played D2, was the whole "infinite respec / no skill tree" thing. Every character of the same class leveled the exact same way, and there was no need to level another one to make a different build. Whole thing was focused on getting to the "endgame" and running harder & harder rifts over & over. Which I don't care about - I never even got through D2 Hell-difficulty, let alone got into the whole "Baal-run" endgame. I leveled new characters to try new builds. No point in that in D3, so no point to keep playing the game.
  • Grizzbeorn
    A Daily Log-In reward of 100k most definitely IS NOT the catastrophe you make it out to be, especially given the low frequency at which they grant it (a single day in the month, months apart).

    Edited by Grizzbeorn on June 4, 2022 2:04PM
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • francesinhalover
      speak for yourself bruh, i'm poor on eso.

      not every player is rich or will ever be
      I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
      Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
    • jaws343
      Inflation started around august 2020

      Then I wonder what the actual cause was, since the Lazy Writ addon has existed since at least 2016, and I know that I've been raising cash via lots of writs since 2017.

      Exactly why my first guess in late 2020 was scry and excavation, you can check my old threads

      If that were the case, Xbox and ps would see the same inflation. We haven't. So you really can't attribute any in game actions to the problem. Prices are cheaper in a lot of cases on Xbox than they were 2 years ago and our crown to hold ratio is still at 100:1, same as it has been for years now.
    • wolfie1.0.
      Sarannah wrote: »
      wolfie1.0. wrote: »
      I have many time suggested that it would be easiest for the entire game to go to bind on pickup for everything.
      That would make me quit faster than anyone could say bind-on-pickup. Even though I never trade, and rarely ever buy anything from guildtraders, I do want what I loot to have actual value. Even when I do not use that value. If everything was BOP, only what you actually use would have value, and everything else would just become clutter. This is the one of the main reasons I quit D3 as well, and would never play any other game with BOP.
      There are also parts of the game I do not want to participate in, and BOP would force me to do those parts of the game due to the rewards tied to them. Making the game overal a lot less fun.

      I understand, to be fair and provide context. A bind on pickup solution to economic woes is the easiest solution for zos to implement. It's not the best one, but it is a path they can take. Personally I prefer the option to sell everything to everyone for whatever people are willing to agree on and access for every one to do so.

      Unfortunately, zos has indicated that a mass trading system that everyone has access to outside of the guild system is just not in the cards. And with various changes and issues implementing such now is not possible. Not unless they do as they do now and heavily restrict access to how many people use it. Otherwise such a thing can and will break the game. We are stuck with it and there is no point in doing anything until zos gets gameplay servers in line.

      Players have to understand that zos apparently is in the mindset that if we want something to be changed they will take something away from us unless they can monetize it. Zos"s history in the last few years has proven this.

      My big point to the person I responded to is that every thing in this game can be gotten without gold whether that's farming or direct trade. All gold does is save time, its a shortcut to an item so long as there is a supply of it. The real question is how much you value your gold vs time. Ie what is your gold/time ratio at what point is your time more valuable than gold or gold more valuable than time?

      Complaining that you don't have gold or time probably means that you either won't get it, make do with what you have, be patient, or consider consuming content that you can make time for.

    • LashanW
      wolfie1.0. wrote: »
      My big point to the person I responded to is that every thing in this game can be gotten without gold whether that's farming or direct trade. All gold does is save time, its a shortcut to an item so long as there is a supply of it. The real question is how much you value your gold vs time. Ie what is your gold/time ratio at what point is your time more valuable than gold or gold more valuable than time?
      What about buying items/mats that are exclusive to DLC/Chapter zones? It's not a matter of simply gold vs time.

      Making everything bind on pickup is a terrible move as it kills trading among players which is a big part of MMOs.
      ---No longer active in ESO---
      Platform: PC-EU
      CP: 2500+
      Trial Achievements
      Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

      Arena Achievements
      vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

      DLC Dungeon Trifectas
      Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
    • Heartrage
      Making everything bind on pick up is just giving up on having an economy. It would also make gold worthless because there would be no use for it and it would force players to do contents they don’t want to do.
    • joerginger
      In addition, the bound items would take up additional slots in our inventories. Especially if bound crafting material can't be stored in the crafting bag anymore - that would be a complete nightmare.
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